This is the complete list of members for ChannelUtil, including all inherited members.
CreateChanID(uint sourceid, const QString &chan_num) | ChannelUtil | static |
CreateChannel(uint db_mplexid, uint db_sourceid, uint new_channel_id, const QString &callsign, const QString &service_name, const QString &chan_num, uint service_id, uint atsc_major_channel, uint atsc_minor_channel, bool use_on_air_guide, ChannelVisibleType visible, const QString &freqid, const QString &icon=QString(), QString format="Default", const QString &xmltvid=QString(), const QString &default_authority=QString(), uint service_type=0, int recpriority=0, int tmOffset=0, int commMethod=-1) | ChannelUtil | static |
CreateIPTVTuningData(uint channel_id, const IPTVTuningData &tuning) | ChannelUtil | inlinestatic |
CreateMultiplex(int sourceid, const QString &sistandard, uint64_t frequency, const QString &modulation, int transport_id=-1, int network_id=-1) | ChannelUtil | static |
CreateMultiplex(int sourceid, const QString &sistandard, uint64_t frequency, const QString &modulation, int transport_id, int network_id, int symbol_rate, signed char bandwidth, signed char polarity, signed char inversion, signed char trans_mode, const QString &inner_FEC, const QString &constellation, signed char hierarchy, const QString &hp_code_rate, const QString &lp_code_rate, const QString &guard_interval, const QString &mod_sys, const QString &rolloff) | ChannelUtil | static |
CreateMultiplex(uint sourceid, const DTVMultiplex &mux, int transport_id, int network_id) | ChannelUtil | static |
CreateMultiplexes(int sourceid, const NetworkInformationTable *nit) | ChannelUtil | static |
DeleteChannel(uint channel_id) | ChannelUtil | static |
FindChannel(uint sourceid, const QString &freqid) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetAllChannels(uint sourceid) | ChannelUtil | inlinestatic |
GetATSCChannel(uint sourceid, const QString &channum, uint &major, uint &minor) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetBetterMplexID(int current_mplexid, int transport_id, int network_id) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetCachedPids(uint chanid, pid_cache_t &pid_cache) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetChanID(int db_mplexid, int service_transport_id, int major_channel, int minor_channel, int program_number) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetChanID(uint sourceid, const QString &channum) | ChannelUtil | inlinestatic |
GetChanIDs(int sourceid=-1, bool onlyVisible=false) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetChannelCount(int sourceid=-1) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetChannelData(uint sourceid, uint &chanid, const QString &channum, QString &tvformat, QString &modulation, QString &freqtable, QString &freqid, int &finetune, uint64_t &frequency, QString &dtv_si_std, int &mpeg_prog_num, uint &atsc_major, uint &atsc_minor, uint &dvb_transportid, uint &dvb_networkid, uint &mplexid, bool &commfree) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetChannels(uint sourceid, bool visible_only, const QString &group_by=QString(), uint channel_groupid=0) | ChannelUtil | inlinestatic |
GetChannelsInternal(uint sourceid, bool visible_only, bool include_disconnected, const QString &group_by, uint channel_groupid) | ChannelUtil | privatestatic |
GetChannelStringField(int chan_id, const QString &field) | ChannelUtil | privatestatic |
GetChannelValueInt(const QString &channel_field, uint sourceid, const QString &channum) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetChannelValueStr(const QString &channel_field, uint sourceid, const QString &channum) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetChanNum(int chan_id) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetConflicting(const QString &channum, uint sourceid=0) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetDefaultAuthority(uint chanid) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetIcon(uint chanid) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetInputIDs(uint chanid) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetInputTypes(uint chanid) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetIPTVTuningData(uint chanid) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetMplexID(uint sourceid, const QString &channum) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetMplexID(uint sourceid, uint64_t frequency) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetMplexID(uint sourceid, uint64_t frequency, uint transport_id, uint network_id) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetMplexID(uint sourceid, uint transport_id, uint network_id) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetMplexID(uint chanid) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetNearestChannel(const ChannelInfoList &list, const QString &channum) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetNextChannel(const ChannelInfoList &sorted, uint old_chanid, uint mplexid_restriction, uint chanid_restriction, ChannelChangeDirection direction, bool skip_non_visible=true, bool skip_same_channum_and_callsign=false, bool skip_other_sources=false) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetProgramNumber(uint sourceid, const QString &channum) | ChannelUtil | inlinestatic |
GetServiceVersion(int mplexid) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetSourceID(int mplexid) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetSourceIDForChannel(uint chanid) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetTimeOffset(int chan_id) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetTuningParams(uint mplexid, QString &modulation, uint64_t &frequency, uint &dvb_transportid, uint &dvb_networkid, QString &si_std) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetUnknownCallsign(void) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetValidRecorderList(uint chanid, const QString &channum) | ChannelUtil | static |
GetVideoFilters(uint sourceid, const QString &channum) | ChannelUtil | inlinestatic |
GroupBy enum name | ChannelUtil | |
IsATSCChannel(uint sourceid, const QString &channum) | ChannelUtil | inlinestatic |
IsConflicting(const QString &channum, uint sourceid=0, uint excluded_chanid=0) | ChannelUtil | inlinestatic |
IsOnSameMultiplex(uint srcid, const QString &new_channum, const QString &old_channum) | ChannelUtil | static |
kATSCSeparators | ChannelUtil | static |
kChanGroupByCallsign enum value | ChannelUtil | |
kChanGroupByCallsignAndChannum enum value | ChannelUtil | |
kChanGroupByChanid enum value | ChannelUtil | |
kChanOrderByChanNum enum value | ChannelUtil | |
kChanOrderByLiveTV enum value | ChannelUtil | |
kChanOrderByName enum value | ChannelUtil | |
LoadChannels(uint startIndex, uint count, uint &totalAvailable, bool ignoreHidden=true, OrderBy orderBy=kChanOrderByChanNum, GroupBy groupBy=kChanGroupByChanid, uint sourceID=0, uint channelGroupID=0, bool liveTVOnly=false, const QString &callsign="", const QString &channum="", bool ignoreUntunable=true) | ChannelUtil | static |
OrderBy enum name | ChannelUtil | |
Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(ChannelUtil) | ChannelUtil | private |
s_channelDefaultAuthority_runInit | ChannelUtil | privatestatic |
s_channelDefaultAuthorityMap | ChannelUtil | privatestatic |
s_channelDefaultAuthorityMapLock | ChannelUtil | privatestatic |
SaveCachedPids(uint chanid, const pid_cache_t &_pid_cache, bool delete_all=false) | ChannelUtil | static |
SetChannelValue(const QString &field_name, const QString &value, uint sourceid, const QString &channum) | ChannelUtil | static |
SetChannelValue(const QString &field_name, const QString &value, int chanid) | ChannelUtil | static |
SetServiceVersion(int mplexid, int version) | ChannelUtil | static |
SetVisible(uint channel_id, ChannelVisibleType visible) | ChannelUtil | static |
SortChannels(ChannelInfoList &list, const QString &order, bool eliminate_duplicates=false) | ChannelUtil | static |
TestEITFixups class | ChannelUtil | friend |
UpdateChannel(uint db_mplexid, uint source_id, uint channel_id, const QString &callsign, const QString &service_name, const QString &chan_num, uint service_id, uint atsc_major_channel, uint atsc_minor_channel, bool use_on_air_guide, ChannelVisibleType visible, const QString &freqid=QString(), const QString &icon=QString(), QString format=QString(), const QString &xmltvid=QString(), const QString &default_authority=QString(), uint service_type=0, int recpriority=INT_MIN, int tmOffset=INT_MIN, int commMethod=INT_MIN) | ChannelUtil | static |
UpdateChannelNumberFromDB(ChannelInsertInfo &chan) | ChannelUtil | static |
UpdateInsertInfoFromDB(ChannelInsertInfo &chan) | ChannelUtil | static |
UpdateIPTVTuningData(uint channel_id, const IPTVTuningData &tuning) | ChannelUtil | static |