This is the complete list of members for ContentServices, including all inherited members.
AddLiveStream(const QString &StorageGroup, const QString &FileName, const QString &HostName, int MaxSegments, int Width, int Height, int Bitrate, int AudioBitrate, int SampleRate)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
AddRecordingLiveStream(int RecordedId, int ChanId, const QDateTime &StartTime, int MaxSegments, int Width, int Height, int Bitrate, int AudioBitrate, int SampleRate)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
AddVideoLiveStream(int Id, int MaxSegments, int Width, int Height, int Bitrate, int AudioBitrate, int SampleRate)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
ContentServices(QObject *parent=nullptr) | ContentServices | inline |
ConvertToParameterPtr(int nTypeId, const QString &sParamType, void *pParam, const QString &sValue) | Service | virtual |
ConvertToVariant(int nType, void *pValue) | Service | virtual |
DownloadFile(const QString &URL, const QString &StorageGroup)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetAlbumArt(int Id, int Width, int Height)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetDirList(const QString &StorageGroup)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetFile(const QString &StorageGroup, const QString &FileName)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetFileList(const QString &StorageGroup)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetHash(const QString &StorageGroup, const QString &FileName)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetImageFile(const QString &StorageGroup, const QString &FileName, int Width, int Height)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetLiveStream(int Id)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetLiveStreamList(const QString &FileName)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetMusic(int Id)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetPreviewImage(int RecordedId, int ChanId, const QDateTime &StartTime, int Width, int Height, int SecsIn, const QString &Format)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetProgramArtworkList(const QString &Inetref, int Season)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetRecording(int RecordedId, int ChanId, const QDateTime &StartTime)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetRecordingArtwork(const QString &Type, const QString &Inetref, int Season, int Width, int Height)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetRecordingArtworkList(int RecordedId, int ChanId, const QDateTime &StartTime)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetVideo(int Id)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
GetVideoArtwork(const QString &Type, int Id, int Width, int Height)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
HAS_PARAM(const QString &p) const | Service | inline |
m_parsedParams | Service | |
Q_CLASSINFO("version", "2.0") | ContentServices | private |
RemoveLiveStream(int Id)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
Service(QObject *parent=nullptr) | Service | inlineexplicit |
StopLiveStream(int Id)=0 | ContentServices | pure virtualslot |
ToBool(const QString &sVal) | Service | static |