This is the complete list of members for DTC::FrontendStatus, including all inherited members.
AudioTracks | DTC::FrontendStatus | |
ChapterTimes | DTC::FrontendStatus | |
Copy(const FrontendStatus *src) | DTC::FrontendStatus | inline |
FrontendStatus(QObject *parent=nullptr) | DTC::FrontendStatus | inlineexplicit |
InitializeCustomTypes() | DTC::FrontendStatus | inlinestatic |
Name | DTC::FrontendStatus | |
Process(void) | DTC::FrontendStatus | inline |
Q_CLASSINFO("version", "1.1") | DTC::FrontendStatus | private |
Q_CLASSINFO("State", "type=QString") | DTC::FrontendStatus | private |
Q_CLASSINFO("ChapterTimes", "type=QString;name=Chapter") | DTC::FrontendStatus | private |
Q_CLASSINFO("SubtitleTracks", "type=QString;name=Track") | DTC::FrontendStatus | private |
Q_CLASSINFO("AudioTracks", "type=QString;name=Track") | DTC::FrontendStatus | private |
Q_DISABLE_COPY(FrontendStatus) | DTC::FrontendStatus | private |
State | DTC::FrontendStatus | |
SubtitleTracks | DTC::FrontendStatus | |
Version | DTC::FrontendStatus |