This is the complete list of members for DVBChannel, including all inherited members.
CanDo(uint64_t capability) const | DVBChannel | inline |
ChangeExternalChannel(const QString &changer, const QString &freqid) | ChannelBase | protected |
ChangeInternalChannel(const QString &freqid, uint cardinputid) const | ChannelBase | protected |
ChangePictureAttribute(PictureAdjustType, PictureAttribute, bool) | ChannelBase | inlinevirtual |
ChannelBase(TVRec *parent) | ChannelBase | explicit |
CheckChannel(const QString &channum) const | ChannelBase | |
CheckCodeRate(DTVCodeRate rate) const | DVBChannel | private |
CheckFrequency(uint64_t frequency) const | DVBChannel | private |
CheckModulation(DTVModulation modulation) const | DVBChannel | private |
CheckOptions(DTVMultiplex &t) const override | DVBChannel | privatevirtual |
ClearDTVInfo(void) | DTVChannel | inlineprotected |
Close(void) override | DVBChannel | inlinevirtual |
Close(DVBChannel *who) | DVBChannel | private |
CreateChannel(TVRec *tvrec, const GeneralDBOptions &genOpt, const DVBDBOptions &dvbOpt, const FireWireDBOptions &fwOpt, const QString &startchannel, bool enter_power_save_mode, QString &rbFileExt, bool setchan) | ChannelBase | static |
DeregisterForMaster(const QString &key) | DTVChannel | |
DrainDVBEvents(void) | DVBChannel | private |
DTVChannel(TVRec *parent) | DTVChannel | inlineexplicit |
DTVChannelP typedef | DTVChannel | |
DVBChannel(QString device, TVRec *parent=nullptr) | DVBChannel | explicit |
EnterPowerSavingMode(void) | DTVChannel | inlinevirtual |
GetBitErrorRate(bool *ok=nullptr) const | DVBChannel | |
GetBitErrorRateDVBv5(bool *ok) const | DVBChannel | private |
GetCachedPids(pid_cache_t &pid_cache) const | DTVChannel | |
GetCapabilities(void) const | DVBChannel | inline |
GetCardNum(void) const | DVBChannel | inline |
GetChanID(void) const override | DVBChannel | privatevirtual |
GetChannelName(void) const | ChannelBase | inlinevirtual |
GetDevice(void) const override | DVBChannel | inlinevirtual |
GetFd(void) const override | DVBChannel | inlinevirtual |
GetFormat(void) | DTVChannel | inline |
GetFrontendName(void) const | DVBChannel | inline |
GetGeneratedPAT(void) const | DTVChannel | inline |
GetGeneratedPMT(void) const | DTVChannel | inline |
GetInputID(void) const | ChannelBase | inlinevirtual |
GetInputName(void) const | ChannelBase | inlinevirtual |
GetMajorChannel(void) const | DTVChannel | inline |
GetMajorID(void) | ChannelBase | |
GetMasterLock(void) const | DVBChannel | private |
DTVChannel::GetMasterLock(const QString &key) | DTVChannel | static |
GetMinorChannel(void) const | DTVChannel | inline |
GetMinSignalMonitorDelay(void) const | DVBChannel | inline |
GetNextChannel(uint chanid, ChannelChangeDirection direction) const | ChannelBase | virtual |
GetNextChannel(const QString &channum, ChannelChangeDirection direction) const | ChannelBase | virtual |
GetOriginalNetworkID(void) const | DTVChannel | inline |
GetPictureAttribute(PictureAttribute) const | ChannelBase | inlinevirtual |
GetProgramNumber(void) const | DTVChannel | inline |
GetRotor(void) const | DVBChannel | |
GetScriptStatus(bool holding_lock=false) | ChannelBase | protected |
GetSignalStrength(bool *ok=nullptr) const | DVBChannel | |
GetSignalStrengthDVBv5(bool *ok) const | DVBChannel | private |
GetSIStandard(void) const | DTVChannel | |
GetSNR(bool *ok=nullptr) const | DVBChannel | |
GetSNRDVBv5(bool *ok) const | DVBChannel | private |
GetSourceID(void) const | ChannelBase | inlinevirtual |
GetSuggestedTuningMode(bool is_live_tv) const | DTVChannel | |
GetTransportID(void) const | DTVChannel | inline |
GetTunerTypes(void) const | DTVChannel | virtual |
GetTuningMode(void) const | DTVChannel | |
GetUncorrectedBlockCount(bool *ok=nullptr) const | DVBChannel | |
GetUncorrectedBlockCountDVBv5(bool *ok) const | DVBChannel | private |
HandleScript(const QString &freqid) | ChannelBase | protected |
HandleScriptEnd(bool ok) override | DTVChannel | protectedvirtual |
HasCRCBug(void) const | DVBChannel | inline |
HasGeneratedPAT(void) const | DTVChannel | inline |
HasGeneratedPMT(void) const | DTVChannel | inline |
HasLock(bool *ok=nullptr) const | DVBChannel | |
Init(QString &startchannel, bool setchan) override | DVBChannel | virtual |
InitializeInput(void) | ChannelBase | virtual |
InitPictureAttributes(void) | ChannelBase | inlinevirtual |
IsCommercialFree(void) const | ChannelBase | inline |
IsExternalChannelChangeInUse(void) | ChannelBase | virtual |
IsExternalChannelChangeSupported(void) | ChannelBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
IsInputAvailable(uint &mplexid_restriction, uint &chanid_restriction) const | ChannelBase | protectedvirtual |
IsIPTV(void) const | DTVChannel | inlinevirtual |
IsMaster(void) const override | DVBChannel | virtual |
IsOpen(void) const override | DVBChannel | virtual |
IsPIDTuningSupported(void) const | DTVChannel | inlinevirtual |
IsTunable(const QString &channum) const | ChannelBase | virtual |
IsTuningParamsProbeSupported(void) const | DVBChannel | |
KillScript(void) | ChannelBase | protected |
m_capabilities | DVBChannel | private |
m_channels | ChannelBase | protected |
m_commFree | ChannelBase | protected |
m_curChannelName | ChannelBase | protected |
m_currentATSCMajorChannel | DTVChannel | protected |
m_currentATSCMinorChannel | DTVChannel | protected |
m_currentOriginalNetworkID | DTVChannel | protected |
m_currentProgramNum | DTVChannel | protected |
m_currentSys | DVBChannel | private |
m_currentTransportID | DTVChannel | protected |
m_desiredTuning | DVBChannel | private |
m_device | DVBChannel | private |
m_diseqcSettings | DVBChannel | private |
m_diseqcTree | DVBChannel | private |
m_dtvinfoLock | DTVChannel | mutableprotected |
m_dvbCam | DVBChannel | private |
m_externalChanger | ChannelBase | protected |
m_extModulations | DVBChannel | private |
m_fdFrontend | DVBChannel | private |
m_firstTune | DVBChannel | private |
m_frequencyMaximum | DVBChannel | private |
m_frequencyMinimum | DVBChannel | private |
m_frontendName | DVBChannel | private |
m_genPAT | DTVChannel | protected |
m_genPMT | DTVChannel | protected |
m_hasCrcBug | DVBChannel | private |
m_hasV5Stats | DVBChannel | private |
m_hwLock | DVBChannel | mutableprivate |
m_inputId | ChannelBase | protected |
m_isOpen | DVBChannel | private |
m_key | DVBChannel | private |
m_lastLnbDevId | DVBChannel | private |
m_legacyFe | DVBChannel | private |
m_name | ChannelBase | protected |
m_pParent | ChannelBase | protected |
m_prevTuning | DVBChannel | private |
m_sigMonDelay | DVBChannel | private |
m_sistandard | DTVChannel | protected |
m_sourceId | ChannelBase | protected |
m_startChanNum | ChannelBase | protected |
m_symbolRateMaximum | DVBChannel | private |
m_symbolRateMinimum | DVBChannel | private |
m_sysList | DVBChannel | private |
m_system | ChannelBase | protected |
m_systemLock | ChannelBase | protected |
m_systemStatus | ChannelBase | protected |
m_tuneDelayLock | DVBChannel | private |
m_tuneLock | DVBChannel | mutableprivate |
m_tunerType | DTVChannel | protected |
m_tuneToChannel | ChannelBase | protected |
m_tuningDelay | DVBChannel | private |
m_tuningMode | DTVChannel | protected |
m_tvFormat | DTVChannel | protected |
m_version | DVBChannel | private |
MasterMap typedef | DTVChannel | protected |
Open(void) override | DVBChannel | inlinevirtual |
Open(DVBChannel *who) | DVBChannel | private |
ProbeTuningParams(DTVMultiplex &tuning) const | DVBChannel | |
RegisterForMaster(const QString &key) | DTVChannel | |
Renumber(uint sourceid, const QString &oldChanNum, const QString &newChanNum) | ChannelBase | virtual |
Retune(void) override | DVBChannel | virtual |
ReturnMasterLock(DVBChannel *&dvbm) | DVBChannel | privatestatic |
DTVChannel::ReturnMasterLock(DTVChannelP &chan) | DTVChannel | static |
s_lastTuning | DVBChannel | privatestatic |
s_master_map | DTVChannel | protectedstatic |
s_master_map_lock | DTVChannel | protectedstatic |
SaveCachedPids(const pid_cache_t &pid_cache) const | DTVChannel | |
SetChannelByString(const QString &chan) override | DTVChannel | virtual |
SetDTVInfo(uint atsc_major, uint atsc_minor, uint dvb_orig_netid, uint mpeg_tsid, int mpeg_pnum) | DTVChannel | protected |
SetFd(int fd) | ChannelBase | inlinevirtual |
SetFormat(const QString &format) override | DTVChannel | inlinevirtual |
SetFreqTable(const QString &) | ChannelBase | inlinevirtual |
SetInputID(uint _inputid) | ChannelBase | inline |
SetPMT(const ProgramMapTable *pmt) | DVBChannel | |
SetSIStandard(const QString &si_std) | DTVChannel | protected |
SetSlowTuning(std::chrono::milliseconds how_slow) | DVBChannel | inline |
SetTimeOffset(double offset) | DVBChannel | |
SetTuningMode(const QString &tuning_mode) | DTVChannel | |
StoreInputChannels(void) | ChannelBase | virtual |
SwitchToInput(int newcapchannel, bool setstarting) | DVBChannel | |
Tune(const DTVMultiplex &tuning) override | DVBChannel | virtual |
Tune(const DTVMultiplex &tuning, bool force_reset=false, bool same_input=false) | DVBChannel | |
Tune(const DTVMultiplex &tuning)=0 | DVBChannel | |
Tune(const IPTVTuningData &, bool) | DVBChannel | inline |
Tune(const QString &) | DVBChannel | inline |
Tune([[maybe_unused]] const QString &freqid,[[maybe_unused]] int finetune) override | DVBChannel | inline |
Tune([[maybe_unused]] uint64_t frequency) | DVBChannel | inline |
DTVChannel::Tune(const IPTVTuningData &, bool) | DTVChannel | inlinevirtual |
DTVChannel::Tune(const QString &) | DTVChannel | inlinevirtual |
DTVChannel::Tune([[maybe_unused]] const QString &freqid, [[maybe_unused]] int finetune) override | DTVChannel | inline |
DTVChannel::Tune([[maybe_unused]] uint64_t frequency) | DTVChannel | inlinevirtual |
ChannelBase::Tune(const QString &, int) | ChannelBase | inlinevirtual |
TuneMultiplex(uint mplexid, const QString &inputname) | DTVChannel | virtual |
WaitForBackend(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout_ms) | DVBChannel | private |
~ChannelBase(void) | ChannelBase | virtual |
~DTVChannel() override | DTVChannel | |
~DVBChannel() override | DVBChannel |