MythTV  master
MHBitmapDisplay Member List

This is the complete list of members for MHBitmapDisplay, including all inherited members.

CreateFromJPEG(const unsigned char *data, int length)=0MHBitmapDisplaypure virtual
CreateFromMPEG(const unsigned char *data, int length)=0MHBitmapDisplaypure virtual
CreateFromPNG(const unsigned char *data, int length)=0MHBitmapDisplaypure virtual
Draw(int x, int y, QRect rect, bool tiled, bool bUnder)=0MHBitmapDisplaypure virtual
GetSize()=0MHBitmapDisplaypure virtual
IsOpaque()=0MHBitmapDisplaypure virtual
ScaleImage(int newWidth, int newHeight)=0MHBitmapDisplaypure virtual