This is the complete list of members for MythServer, including all inherited members.
bind(QList< QHostAddress > addrs, quint16 port, bool requireall=true) | ServerPool | |
bind(QStringList addrs, quint16 port, bool requireall=true) | ServerPool | |
bind(quint16 port, bool requireall=true) | ServerPool | |
close(void) | ServerPool | |
DefaultBroadcast(void) | ServerPool | static |
DefaultBroadcastIPv4(void) | ServerPool | static |
DefaultBroadcastIPv6(void) | ServerPool | static |
DefaultListen(void) | ServerPool | static |
DefaultListenIPv4(void) | ServerPool | static |
DefaultListenIPv6(void) | ServerPool | static |
isListening(void) const | ServerPool | inline |
listen(QList< QHostAddress > addrs, quint16 port, bool requireall=true, PoolServerType type=kTCPServer) | ServerPool | |
listen(QStringList addrs, quint16 port, bool requireall=true, PoolServerType type=kTCPServer) | ServerPool | |
listen(quint16 port, bool requireall=true, PoolServerType type=kTCPServer) | ServerPool | |
m_lastUdpSocket | ServerPool | private |
m_listening | ServerPool | private |
m_maxPendingConn | ServerPool | private |
m_port | ServerPool | private |
m_proxy | ServerPool | private |
m_tcpServers | ServerPool | private |
m_udpSockets | ServerPool | private |
maxPendingConnections(void) const | ServerPool | inline |
MythServer(QObject *parent=nullptr) | MythServer | inlineexplicit |
newConnection(qintptr socket) | MythServer | signal |
ServerPool::newConnection(QTcpSocket *) | ServerPool | signal |
newDatagram(QByteArray, QHostAddress, quint16) | ServerPool | signal |
newTcpConnection(qintptr socket) override | MythServer | inlineprotectedslot |
newUdpDatagram(void) | ServerPool | protectedvirtualslot |
proxy(void) | ServerPool | inline |
RefreshDefaultListen(void) | ServerPool | static |
SelectDefaultListen(bool force=false) | ServerPool | privatestatic |
ServerPool(QObject *parent=nullptr) | ServerPool | inlineexplicit |
serverPort(void) const | ServerPool | inline |
setMaxPendingConnections(int n) | ServerPool | inline |
setProxy(const QNetworkProxy &proxy) | ServerPool | inline |
tryBindingPort(int baseport, int range=1) | ServerPool | |
tryBindingPort(QUdpSocket *socket, int baseport, int range=1, bool *isipv6=nullptr) | ServerPool | static |
tryListeningPort(int baseport, int range=1) | ServerPool | |
tryListeningPort(QTcpServer *server, int baseport, int range=1, bool *isipv6=nullptr) | ServerPool | static |
writeDatagram(const char *data, qint64 size, const QHostAddress &addr, quint16 port) | ServerPool | |
writeDatagram(const QByteArray &datagram, const QHostAddress &addr, quint16 port) | ServerPool | |
~ServerPool(void) override | ServerPool |