MythTV  master
V2Channel Member List

This is the complete list of members for V2Channel, including all inherited members.

AddDBChannel(uint MplexID, uint SourceID, uint ChannelID, const QString &CallSign, const QString &ChannelName, const QString &ChannelNumber, uint ServiceID, uint ATSCMajorChannel, uint ATSCMinorChannel, bool UseEIT, bool Visible, const QString &ExtendedVisible, const QString &FrequencyID, const QString &Icon, const QString &Format, const QString &XMLTVID, const QString &DefaultAuthority, uint ServiceType, int RecPriority, int TimeOffset, int CommMethod)V2Channelslot
AddVideoSource(const QString &SourceName, const QString &Grabber, const QString &UserId, const QString &FreqTable, const QString &LineupId, const QString &Password, bool UseEIT, const QString &ConfigPath, int NITId, uint BouquetId, uint RegionId, uint ScanFrequency, uint LCNOffset)V2Channelstaticslot
FetchChannelsFromSource(uint SourceId, uint CardId, bool WaitForFinish)V2Channelstaticslot
GetChannelInfo(uint ChanID)V2Channelstaticslot
GetChannelInfoList(uint SourceID, uint ChannelGroupID, uint StartIndex, uint Count, bool OnlyVisible, bool Details, bool OrderByName, bool GroupByCallsign, bool OnlyTunable)V2Channelstaticslot
GetDDLineupList(const QString &Source, const QString &UserId, const QString &Password)V2Channelstaticslot
GetRestoreData(uint SourceId, bool XmltvId, bool Icon, bool Visible)V2Channelstaticslot
GetScanList(uint SourceId)V2Channelstaticslot
GetVideoMultiplex(uint MplexID)V2Channelstaticslot
GetVideoMultiplexList(uint SourceID, uint StartIndex, uint Count)V2Channelstaticslot
GetVideoSource(uint SourceID)V2Channelstaticslot
GetXMLTVIdList(uint SourceID)V2Channelstaticslot
HAS_PARAMv2(const QString &p)MythHTTPServiceinlineprotected
HTTPRequest(const HTTPRequest2 &Request)MythHTTPServicevirtual
MythHTTPService(MythHTTPMetaService *MetaService)MythHTTPServiceexplicit
RemoveDBChannel(uint ChannelID)V2Channelstaticslot
RemoveVideoSource(uint SourceID)V2Channelstaticslot
SaveRestoreData(uint SourceId)V2Channelstaticslot
SendScanDialogResponse(uint Cardid, const QString &DialogString, int DialogButton)V2Channelstaticslot
StartScan(uint CardId, const QString &DesiredServices, bool FreeToAirOnly, bool ChannelNumbersOnly, bool CompleteChannelsOnly, bool FullChannelSearch, bool RemoveDuplicates, bool AddFullTS, bool TestDecryptable, const QString &ScanType, const QString &FreqTable, const QString &Modulation, const QString &FirstChan, const QString &LastChan, uint ScanId, bool IgnoreSignalTimeout, bool FollowNITSetting, uint MplexId, const QString &Frequency, const QString &Bandwidth, const QString &Polarity, const QString &SymbolRate, const QString &Inversion, const QString &Constellation, const QString &ModSys, const QString &CodeRateLP, const QString &CodeRateHP, const QString &FEC, const QString &TransmissionMode, const QString &GuardInterval, const QString &Hierarchy, const QString &RollOff)V2Channelstaticslot
StopScan(uint Cardid)V2Channelstaticslot
UpdateDBChannel(uint MplexID, uint SourceID, uint ChannelID, const QString &CallSign, const QString &ChannelName, const QString &ChannelNumber, uint ServiceID, uint ATSCMajorChannel, uint ATSCMinorChannel, bool UseEIT, bool Visible, const QString &ExtendedVisible, const QString &FrequencyID, const QString &Icon, const QString &Format, const QString &XMLTVID, const QString &DefaultAuthority, uint ServiceType, int RecPriority, int TimeOffset, int CommMethod)V2Channelslot
UpdateVideoSource(uint SourceID, const QString &SourceName, const QString &Grabber, const QString &UserId, const QString &FreqTable, const QString &LineupId, const QString &Password, bool UseEIT, const QString &ConfigPath, int NITId, uint BouquetId, uint RegionId, uint ScanFrequency, uint LCNOffset)V2Channelslot
~MythHTTPService() override=defaultMythHTTPService
~V2Channel() override=defaultV2Channel