MythTV  master
VideoServices Member List

This is the complete list of members for VideoServices, including all inherited members.

AddVideo(const QString &FileName, const QString &HostName)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
ConvertToParameterPtr(int nTypeId, const QString &sParamType, void *pParam, const QString &sValue)Servicevirtual
ConvertToVariant(int nType, void *pValue)Servicevirtual
GetBluray(const QString &Path)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
GetSavedBookmark(int Id)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
GetStreamInfo(const QString &StorageGroup, const QString &FileName)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
GetVideo(int Id)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
GetVideoByFileName(const QString &FileName)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
GetVideoList(const QString &Folder, const QString &Sort, bool Descending, int StartIndex, int Count)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
HAS_PARAM(const QString &p) constServiceinline
LookupVideo(const QString &Title, const QString &Subtitle, const QString &Inetref, int Season, int Episode, const QString &GrabberType, bool AllowGeneric)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
Q_CLASSINFO("version", "1.5")VideoServicesprivate
RemoveVideoFromDB(int Id)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
Service(QObject *parent=nullptr)Serviceinlineexplicit
SetSavedBookmark(int Id, long Offset)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
ToBool(const QString &sVal)Servicestatic
UpdateVideoMetadata(int Id, const QString &Title, const QString &SubTitle, const QString &TagLine, const QString &Director, const QString &Studio, const QString &Plot, const QString &Rating, const QString &Inetref, int CollectionRef, const QString &HomePage, int Year, const QDate &ReleaseDate, float UserRating, int Length, int PlayCount, int Season, int Episode, int ShowLevel, const QString &FileName, const QString &Hash, const QString &CoverFile, int ChildID, bool Browse, bool Watched, bool Processed, const QString &PlayCommand, int Category, const QString &Trailer, const QString &Host, const QString &Screenshot, const QString &Banner, const QString &Fanart, const QDate &InsertDate, const QString &ContentType, const QString &Genres, const QString &Cast, const QString &Countries)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
UpdateVideoWatchedStatus(int Id, bool Watched)=0VideoServicespure virtualslot
VideoServices(QObject *parent=nullptr)VideoServicesinline