Ticket #4397: win32-packager.21_2.patch

File win32-packager.21_2.patch, 6.6 KB (added by Jay Modi <jaymode@…>, 16 years ago)

Redo of V21 created by Buzz to fix patching issues as some formatting in the script was changed in r16550

  • win32-packager.pl

    2828$| = 1; # autoflush stdout;
    3030# this script was last tested to work with this version, on other versions YMMV.
    31 #my $SVNRELEASE = '15528'; #builds and runs with 3x patches commented out below
    32 #my $SVNRELEASE = '15586'; # builds and runs without patches except backend.gz
    33 my $SVNRELEASE = '15699'; # latest build that seemed to run without any additional patches, YMMV.
     31my $SVNRELEASE = '16167'; # latest build that has been confirmed to run , but  seems to need 4 patches: 
     32#4724 http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4724/win32_storeconnection.patch
     33#4706 http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4706/mythsocket_win32_events.patch
     34#4699 http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4699/win32_fs.patch
     35#4702 http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4702/mingw.patch
    3437#my $SVNRELEASE = 'HEAD' ;# if you are game, go forth and test the latest release!
    3639# We allow SourceForge to tell us which server to download from,
    505508# is svn num (ie file contents) changed since last run, if so, do a 'make
    506509# clean' (overkill, I know, but safer)!
    507 [ filesame => [$mythtv.'mythtv\svn_info.txt',$mythtv.'mythtv\svn_info.new'], shell => ['touch '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/last_build.txt','cat '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/svn_info.new >'.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/svn_info.txt','touch -r '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/svn_info.txt '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/svn_info.new'], comment => 'if the SVN number is changed, then remember that, AND arrange for a full re-make of mythtv. (overkill, I know, but safer)' ],
     510[ filesame => [$mythtv.'mythtv\svn_info.txt',$mythtv.'mythtv\svn_info.new'], shell => ['rm -f '.$unixmythtv.'delete_to_do_make_clean.txt','touch '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/last_build.txt','cat '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/svn_info.new >'.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/svn_info.txt','touch -r '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/svn_info.txt '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/svn_info.new'], comment => 'if the SVN number is changed, then remember that, AND arrange for a full re-make of mythtv. (overkill, I know, but safer)' ],
    509512# apply any outstanding win32 patches - this section will be hard to keep up
    510513# with HEAD/SVN:
    533536#[ filesame => [$mythtv.'mythtv/15541_undo.patch',$sources."15541_undo.patch"], copy => [''=>'',comment => 'XXXX'] ],
    534537#[ grep  => ['\#include \"compat.h\"',$mythtv.'mythtv/libs/libmythui/mythpainter.cpp'], shell => ["cd ".$unixmythtv."mythtv/libs/libmyth/","patch -p2 < ".$unixmythtv."mythtv/15541_undo.patch"] , comment => 'currently need this patch too, equivalemnt of: svn merge -r 15541:15540 .'],
     539# [16167] needs these 4 to run: 
     540#4724 http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4724/win32_storeconnection.patch
     541[ archive => $mythtv.'mythtv/win32_storeconnection.patch' , 'fetch' => 'http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4724/win32_storeconnection.patch', comment => 'win32_storeconnection.patch - apply any outstanding win32 patches - this section will be hard to keep upwith HEAD/SVN'],
     542[ file => $mythtv.'_', shell => ["cd ".$unixmythtv."mythtv/libs/libmyth","patch -p0 < ".$unixmythtv."mythtv/win32_storeconnection.patch","nocheck"] , comment => 'apply above patch'],
     543#4706 http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4706/mythsocket_win32_events.patch
     544[ archive => $mythtv.'mythtv/mythsocket_win32_events.patch' , 'fetch' => 'http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4706/mythsocket_win32_events.patch', comment => 'mythsocket_win32_events.patch - apply any outstanding win32 patches - this section will be hard to keep upwith HEAD/SVN'],
     545[ file => $mythtv.'_', shell => ["cd ".$unixmythtv."mythtv","patch -p0 < ".$unixmythtv."mythtv/mythsocket_win32_events.patch","nocheck"] , comment => 'apply above patch'],
     546#4699 http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4699/win32_fs.patch
     547[ archive => $mythtv.'mythtv/win32_fs.patch' , 'fetch' => 'http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4699/win32_fs.patch', comment => 'win32_fs.patch - apply any outstanding win32 patches - this section will be hard to keep upwith HEAD/SVN'],
     548[ file => $mythtv.'_', shell => ["cd ".$unixmythtv."mythtv","patch -p0 < ".$unixmythtv."mythtv/win32_fs.patch","nocheck"] , comment => 'apply above patch'],
     549#4702 http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4702/mingw.patch
     550[ archive => $mythtv.'mythtv/mingw.patch' , 'fetch' => 'http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/raw-attachment/ticket/4702/mingw.patch', comment => 'mingw.patch - apply any outstanding win32 patches - this section will be hard to keep upwith HEAD/SVN'],
     551[ file => $mythtv.'_', shell => ["cd ".$unixmythtv."mythtv","patch -p0 < ".$unixmythtv."mythtv/mingw.patch","nocheck"] , comment => 'apply above patch'],
    537554[ file => $mythtv.'mythtv/config/config.pro', shell => ['touch '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/config/config.pro'], comment => 'create an empty config.pro or the mythtv build will fail'],
    539 # do a make clean before?
    540 [ file => $mythtv.'delete_to_do_make_clean.txt', shell => ['source '.$unixmythtv.'qt_env.sh','cd '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv','make clean','make distclean','touch '.$unixmythtv.'delete_to_do_make_clean.txt','nocheck'], comment => 'do a "make clean" first? not strictly necessary, and the build will be MUCH faster without it, but it is safer with it...'],
     556# do a make clean before? Yes, if the SVN revision has changed (it deleted the file for us), or the user deleted the file manually, to request it.
     557[ file => $mythtv.'delete_to_do_make_clean.txt', shell => ['source '.$unixmythtv.'qt_env.sh','cd '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv','make clean','find . -type f -name \*.dll | grep -v run | xargs -n1 rm','find . -type f -name \*.a | grep -v run | xargs -n1 rm','touch '.$unixmythtv.'delete_to_do_make_clean.txt','nocheck'], comment => 'do a "make clean" first? not strictly necessary in all cases, and the build will be MUCH faster without it, but it is safer with it... ( we do a make clean if the SVN revision changes) '],
    542559#broken Makefile, delete it
    543560[ grep => ['Makefile|MAKEFILE',$mythtv.'mythtv/Makefile'], shell => ['rm '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/Makefile','nocheck'], comment => 'broken Makefile, delete it' ],
    586603cp '.$unixmsys.'qt-3.3.x-p8/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlmysql.dll '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/run/sqldrivers
    587604# pthread dlls and mingwm10.dll are copied from here:
    588605cp /mingw/bin/*.dll '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/run
     606cp /bin/msys*.dll '.$unixmythtv.'mythtv/run
    590608],comment => 'write a script that will copy all the files necessary for running mythtv out of the build folder into the ./run folder'],