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HLSStreamHandler Class Reference

#include <libmythtv/recorders/hlsstreamhandler.h>

Inheritance diagram for HLSStreamHandler:
Collaboration diagram for HLSStreamHandler:

Public Member Functions

 HLSStreamHandler (const HLSStreamHandler &)=delete
HLSStreamHandleroperator= (const HLSStreamHandler &)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from IPTVStreamHandler
void AddListener (MPEGStreamData *data, bool=false, bool=false, const QString &output_file=QString()) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from StreamHandler
virtual void RemoveListener (MPEGStreamData *data)
bool IsRunning (void) const
bool HasError (void) const
virtual bool AddNamedOutputFile (const QString &filename)
 Called with _listener_lock locked just after adding new output file. More...
virtual void RemoveNamedOutputFile (const QString &filename)
 Called with _listener_lock locked just before removing old output file. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static HLSStreamHandlerGet (const IPTVTuningData &tuning, int inputid)
static void Return (HLSStreamHandler *&ref, int inputid)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IPTVStreamHandler
static IPTVStreamHandlerGet (const IPTVTuningData &tuning, int inputid)
static void Return (IPTVStreamHandler *&ref, int inputid)

Protected Member Functions

 HLSStreamHandler (const IPTVTuningData &tuning, int inputid)
 ~HLSStreamHandler (void) override
void run (void) override
 Runs the Qt event loop unless we have a QRunnable, in which case we run the runnable run instead. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IPTVStreamHandler
 IPTVStreamHandler (const IPTVTuningData &tuning, int inputid)
void run (void) override
 Runs the Qt event loop unless we have a QRunnable, in which case we run the runnable run instead. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from StreamHandler
 StreamHandler (QString device, int inputid)
 ~StreamHandler () override
void Start (void)
void Stop (void)
void SetRunning (bool running, bool using_buffering, bool using_section_reader)
bool AddPIDFilter (PIDInfo *info)
bool RemovePIDFilter (uint pid)
bool RemoveAllPIDFilters (void)
void UpdateListeningForEIT (void)
bool UpdateFiltersFromStreamData (void)
virtual bool UpdateFilters (void)
virtual void CycleFiltersByPriority ()
PIDPriority GetPIDPriority (uint pid) const
void ReaderPaused (int fd) override
void PriorityEvent (int fd) override
virtual PIDInfoCreatePIDInfo (uint pid, uint stream_type, int pes_type)
void WriteMPTS (const unsigned char *buffer, uint len)
 Write out a copy of the raw MPTS. More...
virtual void SetRunningDesired (bool desired)
 At minimum this sets _running_desired, this may also send signals to anything that might be blocking the run() loop. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MThread
int exec (void)
 Enters the qt event loop. call exit or quit to exit thread. More...
 MThread (const QString &objectName)
 Standard constructor. More...
 MThread (const QString &objectName, QRunnable *runnable)
 Use this constructor if you want the default run() method to run the QRunnable's run() method instead of entering the Qt event loop. More...
virtual ~MThread ()
 MThread (const MThread &)=delete
MThreadoperator= (const MThread &)=delete
void RunProlog (void)
 Sets up a thread, call this if you reimplement run(). More...
void RunEpilog (void)
 Cleans up a thread's resources, call this if you reimplement run(). More...
QThread * qthread (void)
 Returns the thread, this will always return the same pointer no matter how often you restart the thread. More...
void setObjectName (const QString &name)
QString objectName (void) const
void setPriority (QThread::Priority priority)
QThread::Priority priority (void) const
bool isFinished (void) const
bool isRunning (void) const
void setStackSize (uint stackSize)
uint stackSize (void) const
void exit (int retcode=0)
 Use this to exit from the thread if you are using a Qt event loop. More...
void start (QThread::Priority p=QThread::InheritPriority)
 Tell MThread to start running the thread in the near future. More...
void terminate (void)
 Kill a thread unsafely. More...
void quit (void)
 calls exit(0) More...
bool wait (std::chrono::milliseconds time=std::chrono::milliseconds::max())
 Wait for the MThread to exit, with a maximum timeout. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DeviceReaderCB
virtual ~DeviceReaderCB ()=default

Protected Attributes

HLSReaderm_hls {nullptr}
uint8_t * m_readbuffer {nullptr}
bool m_throttle {true}
- Protected Attributes inherited from IPTVStreamHandler
IPTVTuningData m_tuning
std::array< QUdpSocket *, IPTV_SOCKET_COUNTm_sockets {}
std::array< IPTVStreamHandlerReadHelper *, IPTV_SOCKET_COUNTm_readHelpers {}
std::array< QHostAddress, IPTV_SOCKET_COUNTm_sender
IPTVStreamHandlerWriteHelperm_writeHelper {nullptr}
PacketBufferm_buffer {nullptr}
bool m_useRtpStreaming
ushort m_rtspRtpPort {0}
ushort m_rtspRtcpPort {0}
uint32_t m_rtspSsrc {0}
QHostAddress m_rtcpDest
- Protected Attributes inherited from StreamHandler
QString m_device
int m_inputId
bool m_needsBuffering {false}
bool m_allowSectionReader {false}
QMutex m_addRmLock
QMutex m_startStopLock
volatile bool m_runningDesired {false}
volatile bool m_bError {false}
bool m_running {false}
bool m_restarting {false}
bool m_usingBuffering {false}
bool m_usingSectionReader {false}
QWaitCondition m_runningStateChanged
QRecursiveMutex m_pidLock
std::vector< uintm_eitPids
PIDInfoMap m_pidInfo
uint m_openPidFilters {0}
bool m_filtersChanged {false}
MythTimer m_cycleTimer
ThreadedFileWriterm_mptsTfw {nullptr}
QSet< QString > m_mptsFiles
QString m_mptsBaseFile
QMutex m_mptsLock
QRecursiveMutex m_listenerLock
StreamDataList m_streamDataList
- Protected Attributes inherited from MThread
MThreadInternalm_thread {nullptr}
QRunnable * m_runnable {nullptr}
bool m_prologExecuted {true}
bool m_epilogExecuted {true}

Static Protected Attributes

static QMutex s_hlshandlers_lock
static QMap< QString, HLSStreamHandler * > s_hlshandlers
static QMap< QString, uints_hlshandlers_refcnt
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from IPTVStreamHandler
static QMutex s_iptvhandlers_lock
static QMap< QString, IPTVStreamHandler * > s_iptvhandlers
static QMap< QString, uints_iptvhandlers_refcnt

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from StreamHandler
using StreamDataList = QHash< MPEGStreamData *, QString >
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MThread
static void setTerminationEnabled (bool enabled=true)
static void usleep (std::chrono::microseconds time)
template<typename R , typename P >
static std::enable_if_t< std::chrono::treat_as_floating_point< R >::value, void > usleep (std::chrono::duration< R, P > time)
static void ThreadSetup (const QString &name)
 This is to be called on startup in those few threads that haven't been ported to MThread. More...
static void ThreadCleanup (void)
 This is to be called on exit in those few threads that haven't been ported to MThread. More...
static void Cleanup (void)
 This will print out all the running threads, call exit(1) on each and then wait up to 5 seconds total for all the threads to exit. More...
static void GetAllThreadNames (QStringList &list)
static void GetAllRunningThreadNames (QStringList &list)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file hlsstreamhandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HLSStreamHandler() [1/2]

HLSStreamHandler::HLSStreamHandler ( const HLSStreamHandler )

Referenced by Get().

◆ HLSStreamHandler() [2/2]

HLSStreamHandler::HLSStreamHandler ( const IPTVTuningData tuning,
int  inputid 

Definition at line 100 of file hlsstreamhandler.cpp.

◆ ~HLSStreamHandler()

HLSStreamHandler::~HLSStreamHandler ( void  )

Definition at line 108 of file hlsstreamhandler.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Get()

HLSStreamHandler * HLSStreamHandler::Get ( const IPTVTuningData tuning,
int  inputid 

Definition at line 26 of file hlsstreamhandler.cpp.

Referenced by IPTVChannel::OpenStreamHandler().

◆ Return()

void HLSStreamHandler::Return ( HLSStreamHandler *&  ref,
int  inputid 

Definition at line 58 of file hlsstreamhandler.cpp.

Referenced by IPTVChannel::CloseStreamHandler().

◆ operator=()

HLSStreamHandler& HLSStreamHandler::operator= ( const HLSStreamHandler )

◆ run()

void HLSStreamHandler::run ( void  )

Runs the Qt event loop unless we have a QRunnable, in which case we run the runnable run instead.

If you override this method you must call RunProlog before you do any work and RunEpilog before you exit the run method.

Reimplemented from MThread.

Definition at line 116 of file hlsstreamhandler.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_hls

HLSReader* HLSStreamHandler::m_hls {nullptr}

Definition at line 40 of file hlsstreamhandler.h.

Referenced by HLSStreamHandler(), run(), and ~HLSStreamHandler().

◆ m_readbuffer

uint8_t* HLSStreamHandler::m_readbuffer {nullptr}

Definition at line 41 of file hlsstreamhandler.h.

Referenced by HLSStreamHandler(), run(), and ~HLSStreamHandler().

◆ m_throttle

bool HLSStreamHandler::m_throttle {true}

Definition at line 42 of file hlsstreamhandler.h.

Referenced by run().

◆ s_hlshandlers_lock

QMutex HLSStreamHandler::s_hlshandlers_lock

Definition at line 45 of file hlsstreamhandler.h.

Referenced by Get(), and Return().

◆ s_hlshandlers

QMap< QString, HLSStreamHandler * > HLSStreamHandler::s_hlshandlers

Definition at line 46 of file hlsstreamhandler.h.

Referenced by Get(), and Return().

◆ s_hlshandlers_refcnt

QMap< QString, uint > HLSStreamHandler::s_hlshandlers_refcnt

Definition at line 47 of file hlsstreamhandler.h.

Referenced by Get(), and Return().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: