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ProgramInfo Class Reference

Holds information on recordings and videos. More...

#include <libmythbase/programinfo.h>

Inheritance diagram for ProgramInfo:
Collaboration diagram for ProgramInfo:


struct  MarkupEntry

Public Types

enum  CategoryType : std::uint8_t {
  kCategoryNone, kCategoryMovie, kCategorySeries, kCategorySports,
enum  Verbosity : std::uint8_t { kLongDescription, kTitleSubtitle, kRecordingKey, kSchedulingKey }

Public Member Functions

 ProgramInfo (void)
 Null constructor. More...
 ProgramInfo (const ProgramInfo &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ProgramInfo (uint recordedid)
 Constructs a ProgramInfo from data in 'recorded' table. More...
 ProgramInfo (uint chanid, const QDateTime &recstartts)
 Constructs a ProgramInfo from data in 'recorded' table. More...
 ProgramInfo (uint recordedid, QString title, QString sortTitle, QString subtitle, QString sortSubtitle, QString description, uint season, uint episode, uint totalepisodes, QString syndicatedepisode, QString category, uint chanid, QString channum, QString chansign, QString channame, QString chanplaybackfilters, QString recgroup, QString playgroup, const QString &pathname, QString hostname, QString storagegroup, QString seriesid, QString programid, QString inetref, CategoryType catType, int recpriority, uint64_t filesize, QDateTime startts, QDateTime endts, QDateTime recstartts, QDateTime recendts, float stars, uint year, uint partnumber, uint parttotal, QDate originalAirDate, QDateTime lastmodified, RecStatus::Type recstatus, uint recordid, RecordingDupInType dupin, RecordingDupMethodType dupmethod, uint findid, uint programflags, uint audioproperties, uint videoproperties, uint subtitleType, QString inputname, QDateTime bookmarkupdate)
 Constructs a ProgramInfo from data in 'recorded' table. More...
 ProgramInfo (QString title, QString sortTitle, QString subtitle, QString sortSubtitle, QString description, uint season, uint episode, QString category, uint chanid, QString channum, QString chansign, QString channame, QString seriesid, QString programid, QString inetref, QDateTime startts, QDateTime endts, QDateTime recstartts, QDateTime recendts, RecStatus::Type recstatus, uint recordid, RecordingType rectype, uint findid, bool duplicate)
 Constructs a ProgramInfo from data in 'oldrecorded' table. More...
 ProgramInfo (QString title, QString sortTitle, QString subtitle, QString sortSubtitle, QString description, QString syndicatedepisode, QString category, uint chanid, QString channum, QString chansign, QString channame, QString chanplaybackfilters, QDateTime startts, QDateTime endts, QDateTime recstartts, QDateTime recendts, QString seriesid, QString programid, CategoryType catType, float stars, uint year, uint partnumber, uint parttotal, QDate originalAirDate, RecStatus::Type recstatus, uint recordid, RecordingType rectype, uint findid, bool commfree, bool repeat, uint videoproperties, uint audioproperties, uint subtitletype, uint season, uint episode, uint totalepisodes, const ProgramList &schedList)
 Constructs a ProgramInfo from listings data in 'program' table. More...
 ProgramInfo (QString title, QString sortTitle, QString subtitle, QString sortSubtitle, QString description, uint season, uint episode, uint totalepisodes, QString category, uint chanid, QString channum, QString chansign, QString channame, QString chanplaybackfilters, QString recgroup, QString playgroup, QDateTime startts, QDateTime endts, QDateTime recstartts, QDateTime recendts, QString seriesid, QString programid, QString inetref, QString inputname)
 Constructs a basic ProgramInfo (used by RecordingInfo) More...
 ProgramInfo (const QString &pathname)
 Constructs a ProgramInfo for a pathname. More...
 ProgramInfo (const QString &pathname, const QString &plot, const QString &title, const QString &sortTitle, const QString &subtitle, const QString &sortSubtitle, const QString &director, int season, int episode, const QString &inetref, std::chrono::minutes length_in_minutes, uint year, const QString &programid)
 Constructs a ProgramInfo for a video. More...
 ProgramInfo (const QString &_title, uint _chanid, const QDateTime &_startts, const QDateTime &_endts)
 Constructs a manual record ProgramInfo. More...
 ProgramInfo (QString _title, QString _category, QDateTime _startts, QDateTime _endts)
 Constructs a Dummy ProgramInfo (used by GuideGrid) More...
 ProgramInfo (QStringList::const_iterator &it, const QStringList::const_iterator &end)
 ProgramInfo (const QStringList &list)
bool operator== (const ProgramInfo &rhs)
ProgramInfooperator= (const ProgramInfo &other)
 Copies important fields from other ProgramInfo. More...
virtual void clone (const ProgramInfo &other, bool ignore_non_serialized_data=false)
 Copies important fields from other ProgramInfo. More...
void ensureSortFields (void)
 Ensure that the sortTitle and sortSubtitle fields are set. More...
virtual void clear (void)
virtual ~ProgramInfo ()=default
void ToStringList (QStringList &list) const
 Serializes ProgramInfo into a QStringList which can be passed over a socket. More...
virtual void ToMap (InfoMap &progMap, bool showrerecord=false, uint star_range=10, uint date_format=0) const
 Converts ProgramInfo into QString QHash containing each field in ProgramInfo converted into localized strings. More...
virtual void SubstituteMatches (QString &str)
 Subsitute MATCH% type variable names in the given string. More...
bool IsSameProgram (const ProgramInfo &other) const
 Checks whether this is the same program as "other", which may or may not be a repeat or on another channel. More...
bool IsDuplicateProgram (const ProgramInfo &other) const
 Checks for duplicates according to dupmethod. More...
bool IsSameProgramAndStartTime (const ProgramInfo &other) const
 Match same program, with same starttime (channel may be different) More...
bool IsSameTitleStartTimeAndChannel (const ProgramInfo &other) const
 Checks title, chanid or callsign and start times for equality. More...
bool IsSameTitleTimeslotAndChannel (const ProgramInfo &other) const
 Checks title, chanid or chansign, start/end times, cardid, inputid for fully inclusive overlap. More...
bool IsSameProgramWeakCheck (const ProgramInfo &other) const
 Checks for duplicate using only title, chanid and startts. More...
bool IsSameRecording (const ProgramInfo &other) const
bool IsSameChannel (const ProgramInfo &other) const
 Checks whether channel id or callsign are identical. More...
QString MakeUniqueKey (void) const
 Creates a unique string that can be used to identify an existing recording. More...
std::chrono::seconds GetSecondsInRecording (void) const
 Returns length of program/recording in seconds. More...
QString ChannelText (const QString &format) const
 Returns channel info using "format". More...
QString GetPathname (void) const
QString GetBasename (void) const
bool IsVideoFile (void) const
bool IsVideoDVD (void) const
bool IsVideoBD (void) const
bool IsLocal (void) const
bool IsMythStream (void) const
bool IsPathSet (void) const
bool HasPathname (void) const
bool IsFileReadable (void)
 Attempts to ascertain if the main file for this ProgramInfo is readable. More...
QString GetTitle (void) const
QString GetSortTitle (void) const
QString GetSubtitle (void) const
QString GetSortSubtitle (void) const
QString GetDescription (void) const
uint GetSeason (void) const
uint GetEpisode (void) const
uint GetEpisodeTotal (void) const
QString GetCategory (void) const
uint GetChanID (void) const
 This is the unique key used in the database to locate tuning information. More...
QString GetChanNum (void) const
 This is the channel "number", in the form 1, 1_2, 1-2, 1#1, etc. More...
QString GetChannelSchedulingID (void) const
 This is the unique programming identifier of a channel. More...
QString GetChannelName (void) const
 This is the channel name in the local market, i.e. More...
QString GetChannelPlaybackFilters (void) const
QDateTime GetScheduledStartTime (void) const
 The scheduled start time of program. More...
QString GetScheduledStartTime (MythDate::Format fmt) const
 The scheduled start time of program (with formatting). More...
QDateTime GetScheduledEndTime (void) const
 The scheduled end time of the program. More...
QString GetScheduledEndTime (MythDate::Format fmt) const
 The scheduled end time of the program (with formatting). More...
QDateTime GetRecordingStartTime (void) const
 Approximate time the recording started. More...
QString GetRecordingStartTime (MythDate::Format fmt) const
 Approximate time the recording started (with formatting). More...
QDateTime GetRecordingEndTime (void) const
 Approximate time the recording should have ended, did end, or is intended to end. More...
QString GetRecordingEndTime (MythDate::Format fmt) const
 Approximate time the recording should have ended, did end, or is intended to end (with formatting). More...
QString GetRecordingGroup (void) const
QString GetPlaybackGroup (void) const
QString GetHostname (void) const
QString GetStorageGroup (void) const
uint GetYearOfInitialRelease (void) const
QDate GetOriginalAirDate (void) const
QDateTime GetLastModifiedTime (void) const
QString GetLastModifiedTime (MythDate::Format fmt) const
virtual uint64_t GetFilesize (void) const
QString GetSeriesID (void) const
QString GetProgramID (void) const
QString GetInetRef (void) const
CategoryType GetCategoryType (void) const
QString GetCategoryTypeString (void) const
 Returns catType as a string. More...
int GetRecordingPriority (void) const
int GetRecordingPriority2 (void) const
float GetStars (void) const
uint GetStars (uint range_max) const
uint GetRecordingID (void) const
RecStatus::Type GetRecordingStatus (void) const
uint GetRecordingRuleID (void) const
uint GetParentRecordingRuleID (void) const
RecordingType GetRecordingRuleType (void) const
RecordingDupInType GetDuplicateCheckSource (void) const
 Where should we check for duplicates? More...
RecordingDupMethodType GetDuplicateCheckMethod (void) const
 What should be compared to determine if two programs are the same? More...
uint GetSourceID (void) const
uint GetInputID (void) const
QString GetInputName (void) const
QString GetShortInputName (void) const
void ClearInputName (void)
uint GetFindID (void) const
uint32_t GetProgramFlags (void) const
QString GetProgramFlagNames (void) const
ProgramInfoType GetProgramInfoType (void) const
QDateTime GetBookmarkUpdate (void) const
QString GetRecTypeStatus (bool showrerecord) const
bool IsGeneric (void) const
bool IsInUsePlaying (void) const
bool IsCommercialFree (void) const
bool IsCommercialFlagged (void) const
bool HasCutlist (void) const
bool IsBookmarkSet (void) const
bool IsLastPlaySet (void) const
bool IsWatched (void) const
bool IsAutoExpirable (void) const
bool IsPreserved (void) const
bool IsVideo (void) const
bool IsRecording (void) const
bool IsRepeat (void) const
bool IsDuplicate (void) const
bool IsReactivated (void) const
bool IsDeletePending (void) const
uint GetSubtitleType (void) const
QString GetSubtitleTypeNames (void) const
uint GetVideoProperties (void) const
QString GetVideoPropertyNames (void) const
uint GetAudioProperties (void) const
QString GetAudioPropertyNames (void) const
void ProgramFlagsFromNames (const QString &names)
QString toString (Verbosity v=kLongDescription, const QString &sep=":", const QString &grp="\"") const
void SetTitle (const QString &t, const QString &st=nullptr)
void SetSubtitle (const QString &st, const QString &sst=nullptr)
void SetProgramInfoType (ProgramInfoType t)
void SetPathname (const QString &pn)
void SetChanID (uint _chanid)
void SetScheduledStartTime (const QDateTime &dt)
void SetScheduledEndTime (const QDateTime &dt)
void SetRecordingStartTime (const QDateTime &dt)
void SetRecordingEndTime (const QDateTime &dt)
void SetRecordingGroup (const QString &group)
void SetPlaybackGroup (const QString &group)
void SetHostname (const QString &host)
void SetStorageGroup (const QString &group)
virtual void SetFilesize (uint64_t sz)
void SetSeriesID (const QString &id)
 TODO Move to RecordingInfo. More...
void SetProgramID (const QString &id)
void SetCategory (const QString &cat)
void SetCategoryType (const CategoryType type)
void SetRecordingPriority (int priority)
void SetRecordingPriority2 (int priority)
void SetRecordingRuleID (uint id)
void SetSourceID (uint id)
void SetInputID (uint id)
void SetReactivated (bool reactivate)
void SetEditing (bool editing)
void SetFlagging (bool flagging)
void SetIgnoreBookmark (bool ignore)
 If "ignore" is true GetBookmark() will return 0, otherwise GetBookmark() will return the bookmark position if it exists. More...
void SetIgnoreProgStart (bool ignore)
 If "ignore" is true QueryProgStart() will return 0, otherwise QueryProgStart() will return the progstart position if it exists. More...
void SetIgnoreLastPlayPos (bool ignore)
 If "ignore" is true QueryLastPlayPos() will return 0, otherwise QueryLastPlayPos() will return the last playback position if it exists. More...
virtual void SetRecordingID (uint _recordedid)
void SetRecordingStatus (RecStatus::Type status)
void SetRecordingRuleType (RecordingType type)
void SetPositionMapDBReplacement (PMapDBReplacement *pmap)
void CalculateRecordedProgress ()
uint GetRecordedPercent () const
void CalculateWatchedProgress (uint64_t pos)
uint GetWatchedPercent () const
void SetWatchedPercent (uint progress)
void CalculateProgress (uint64_t pos)
QString QueryBasename (void) const
 Gets the basename, from the DB if necessary. More...
uint QueryMplexID (void) const
 Queries multiplex any recording would be made on, zero if unknown. More...
QDateTime QueryBookmarkTimeStamp (void) const
 Queries Latest bookmark timestamp from the database. More...
uint64_t QueryBookmark (void) const
 Gets any bookmark position in database, unless the ignore bookmark flag is set. More...
uint64_t QueryProgStart (void) const
 Gets any progstart position in database, unless the ignore progstart flag is set. More...
uint64_t QueryLastPlayPos (void) const
 Gets any lastplaypos position in database, unless the ignore lastplaypos flag is set. More...
uint64_t QueryStartMark (void) const
CategoryType QueryCategoryType (void) const
 Queries recordedprogram to get the category_type of the recording. More...
QStringList QueryDVDBookmark (const QString &serialid) const
 Queries "dvdbookmark" table for bookmarking DVD serial number. More...
QStringList QueryBDBookmark (const QString &serialid) const
 Queries "bdbookmark" table for bookmarking BD serial number. More...
bool QueryIsEditing (void) const
 Queries "recorded" table for its "editing" field and returns true if it is set to true. More...
bool QueryIsInUse (QStringList &byWho) const
 Returns true if Program is in use. More...
bool QueryIsInUse (QString &byWho) const
 Returns true if Program is in use. More...
bool QueryIsDeleteCandidate (bool one_playback_allowed=false) const
 Returns true iff this is a recording, it is not in use (except by the recorder), and at most one player iff one_playback_allowed is set. More...
AutoExpireType QueryAutoExpire (void) const
 Returns "autoexpire" field from "recorded" table. More...
TranscodingStatus QueryTranscodeStatus (void) const
 Returns the "transcoded" field in "recorded" table. More...
bool QueryTuningInfo (QString &channum, QString &input) const
 Returns the channel and input needed to record the program. More...
QString QueryInputDisplayName (void) const
uint QueryAverageWidth (void) const
 If present in recording this loads average width of the main video stream from database's stream markup table. More...
uint QueryAverageHeight (void) const
 If present in recording this loads average height of the main video stream from database's stream markup table. More...
uint QueryAverageFrameRate (void) const
 If present in recording this loads average frame rate of the main video stream from database's stream markup table. More...
MarkTypes QueryAverageAspectRatio (void) const
bool QueryAverageScanProgressive (void) const
 If present in recording this loads average video scan type of the main video stream from database's stream markup table. More...
std::chrono::milliseconds QueryTotalDuration (void) const
 If present this loads the total duration in milliseconds of the main video stream from recordedmarkup table in the database. More...
int64_t QueryTotalFrames (void) const
 If present in recording this loads total frames of the main video stream from database's stream markup table. More...
QString QueryRecordingGroup (void) const
 Query recgroup from recorded. More...
bool QueryMarkupFlag (MarkTypes type) const
 Returns true iff the speficied mark type is set on frame 0. More...
uint QueryTranscoderID (void) const
uint64_t QueryLastFrameInPosMap (void) const
 Returns last frame in position map or 0. More...
bool Reload (void)
virtual void SaveFilesize (uint64_t fsize)
 Sets recording file size in database, and sets "filesize" field. More...
void SaveLastPlayPos (uint64_t frame)
 TODO Move to RecordingInfo. More...
void SaveBookmark (uint64_t frame)
 Clears any existing bookmark in DB and if frame is greater than 0 sets a new bookmark. More...
void SaveEditing (bool edit)
 Sets "editing" field in "recorded" table to "edit". More...
void SaveTranscodeStatus (TranscodingStatus trans)
 Set "transcoded" field in "recorded" table to "trans". More...
void SaveWatched (bool watchedFlag)
 Set "watched" field in recorded/videometadata to "watchedFlag". More...
void SaveDeletePendingFlag (bool deleteFlag)
 Set "deletepending" field in "recorded" table to "deleteFlag". More...
void SaveCommFlagged (CommFlagStatus flag)
 Set "commflagged" field in "recorded" table to "flag". More...
void SaveAutoExpire (AutoExpireType autoExpire, bool updateDelete=false)
 Set "autoexpire" field in "recorded" table to "autoExpire". More...
void SavePreserve (bool preserveEpisode)
 Set "preserve" field in "recorded" table to "preserveEpisode". More...
bool SaveBasename (const QString &basename)
 Sets a recording's basename in the database. More...
void SaveAspect (uint64_t frame, MarkTypes type, uint customAspect)
 Store aspect ratio of a frame in the recordedmark table. More...
void SaveResolution (uint64_t frame, uint width, uint height)
 Store the Resolution at frame in the recordedmarkup table. More...
void SaveFrameRate (uint64_t frame, uint framerate)
 Store the Frame Rate at frame in the recordedmarkup table. More...
void SaveVideoScanType (uint64_t frame, bool progressive)
 Store the Progressive/Interlaced state in the recordedmarkup table. More...
void SaveTotalDuration (std::chrono::milliseconds duration)
 Store the Total Duration at frame 0 in the recordedmarkup table. More...
void SaveTotalFrames (int64_t frames)
 Store the Total Frames at frame 0 in the recordedmarkup table. More...
void SaveVideoProperties (uint mask, uint video_property_flags)
void SaveMarkupFlag (MarkTypes type) const
 Clears the specified flag, then if sets it. More...
void ClearMarkupFlag (MarkTypes type) const
void UpdateLastDelete (bool setTime) const
 Set or unset the record.last_delete field. More...
void MarkAsInUse (bool inuse, const QString &usedFor="")
 Tracks a recording's in use status, to prevent deletion and to allow the storage scheduler to perform IO load balancing. More...
void UpdateInUseMark (bool force=false)
void SaveSeasonEpisode (uint seas, uint ep)
void SaveInetRef (const QString &inet)
QString DiscoverRecordingDirectory (void)
QString GetPlaybackURL (bool checkMaster=false, bool forceCheckLocal=false)
 Returns filename or URL to be used to play back this recording. More...
ProgramInfoType DiscoverProgramInfoType (void) const
bool QueryCutList (frm_dir_map_t &delMap, bool loadAutosave=false) const
void SaveCutList (frm_dir_map_t &delMap, bool isAutoSave=false) const
void QueryCommBreakList (frm_dir_map_t &frames) const
void SaveCommBreakList (frm_dir_map_t &frames) const
void QueryPositionMap (frm_pos_map_t &posMap, MarkTypes type) const
void ClearPositionMap (MarkTypes type) const
void SavePositionMap (frm_pos_map_t &posMap, MarkTypes type, int64_t min_frame=-1, int64_t max_frame=-1) const
void SavePositionMapDelta (frm_pos_map_t &posMap, MarkTypes type) const
bool QueryKeyFrameInfo (uint64_t *result, uint64_t position_or_keyframe, bool backwards, MarkTypes type, const char *from_filemarkup_asc, const char *from_filemarkup_desc, const char *from_recordedseek_asc, const char *from_recordedseek_desc) const
bool QueryKeyFramePosition (uint64_t *position, uint64_t keyframe, bool backwards) const
bool QueryPositionKeyFrame (uint64_t *keyframe, uint64_t position, bool backwards) const
bool QueryKeyFrameDuration (uint64_t *duration, uint64_t keyframe, bool backwards) const
bool QueryDurationKeyFrame (uint64_t *keyframe, uint64_t duration, bool backwards) const
void QueryMarkup (QVector< MarkupEntry > &mapMark, QVector< MarkupEntry > &mapSeek) const
void SaveMarkup (const QVector< MarkupEntry > &mapMark, const QVector< MarkupEntry > &mapSeek) const
void SendUpdateEvent (void) const
 Sends event out that the ProgramInfo should be reloaded. More...
void SendAddedEvent (void) const
 Sends event out that the ProgramInfo should be added to lists. More...
void SendDeletedEvent (void) const
 Sends event out that the ProgramInfo should be delete from lists. More...
void UpdateMarkTimeStamp (bool bookmarked) const
void UpdateLastPlayTimeStamp (bool lastplay) const
void QueryMarkupMap (frm_dir_map_t &marks, MarkTypes type, bool merge=false) const
void SaveMarkupMap (const frm_dir_map_t &marks, MarkTypes type=MARK_ALL, int64_t min_frame=-1, int64_t max_frame=-1) const
void ClearMarkupMap (MarkTypes type=MARK_ALL, int64_t min_frame=-1, int64_t max_frame=-1) const
void SetAvailableStatus (AvailableStatusType status, const QString &where)
AvailableStatusType GetAvailableStatus (void) const

Static Public Member Functions

static bool UsingProgramIDAuthority (void)
static void CheckProgramIDAuthorities (void)
static uint SubtitleTypesFromNames (const QString &names)
static uint VideoPropertiesFromNames (const QString &names)
static uint AudioPropertiesFromNames (const QString &names)
static void SaveDVDBookmark (const QStringList &fields)
static void SaveBDBookmark (const QStringList &fields)
static QString i18n (const QString &msg)
 Translations for play,recording, & storage groups +. More...
static QString MakeUniqueKey (uint chanid, const QDateTime &recstartts)
 Creates a unique string that can be used to identify a recording. More...
static bool ExtractKey (const QString &uniquekey, uint &chanid, QDateTime &recstartts)
 Extracts chanid and recstartts from a unique key generated by MakeUniqueKey(). More...
static bool ExtractKeyFromPathname (const QString &pathname, uint &chanid, QDateTime &recstartts)
static bool QueryKeyFromPathname (const QString &pathname, uint &chanid, QDateTime &recstartts)
static bool QueryRecordedIdFromPathname (const QString &pathname, uint &recordedid)
static QString QueryRecordingGroupPassword (const QString &group)
static uint64_t QueryBookmark (uint chanid, const QDateTime &recstartts)
static QMap< QString, uint32_t > QueryInUseMap (void)
static QMap< QString, boolQueryJobsRunning (int type)
static QStringList LoadFromScheduler (const QString &tmptable, int recordid)

Public Attributes

int8_t m_spread {-1}
int8_t m_startCol {-1}
QDateTime m_previewUpdate

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int kNumCatTypes = 5
static const QString kFromRecordedQuery

Protected Member Functions

QString CreateRecordBasename (const QString &ext) const
 Returns a filename for a recording based on the recording channel and date. More...
bool LoadProgramFromRecorded (uint chanid, const QDateTime &recstartts)
 Loads ProgramInfo for an existing recording. More...
bool FromStringList (QStringList::const_iterator &it, const QStringList::const_iterator &end)
 Uses a QStringList to initialize this ProgramInfo instance. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static void QueryMarkupMap (const QString &video_pathname, frm_dir_map_t &marks, MarkTypes type, bool merge=false)
static void QueryMarkupMap (uint chanid, const QDateTime &recstartts, frm_dir_map_t &marks, MarkTypes type, bool merge=false)
static int InitStatics (void)

Protected Attributes

QString m_title
QString m_sortTitle
QString m_subtitle
QString m_sortSubtitle
QString m_description
uint m_season {0}
uint m_episode {0}
uint m_totalEpisodes {0}
QString m_syndicatedEpisode
QString m_category
QString m_director
int32_t m_recPriority {0}
uint32_t m_chanId {0}
QString m_chanStr
QString m_chanSign
QString m_chanName
QString m_chanPlaybackFilters
QString m_recGroup {"Default"}
QString m_playGroup {"Default"}
QString m_pathname
QString m_hostname
QString m_storageGroup {"Default"}
QString m_seriesId
QString m_programId
QString m_inetRef
CategoryType m_catType {kCategoryNone}
uint64_t m_fileSize {0ULL}
QDateTime m_startTs {MythDate::current(true)}
QDateTime m_endTs {m_startTs}
QDateTime m_recStartTs {m_startTs}
QDateTime m_recEndTs {m_startTs}
float m_stars {0.0F}
 Rating, range [0..1]. More...
QDate m_originalAirDate
QDateTime m_lastModified {m_startTs}
QDateTime m_lastInUseTime {m_startTs.addSecs(-kLastInUseOffset)}
int32_t m_recPriority2 {0}
uint32_t m_recordId {0}
uint32_t m_parentId {0}
uint32_t m_sourceId {0}
uint32_t m_inputId {0}
uint32_t m_findId {0}
uint32_t m_programFlags {FL_NONE}
 ProgramFlag. More...
VideoPropsType m_videoProperties {VID_UNKNOWN}
AudioPropsType m_audioProperties {AUD_UNKNOWN}
SubtitlePropsType m_subtitleProperties {SUB_UNKNOWN}
uint16_t m_year {0}
uint16_t m_partNumber {0}
uint16_t m_partTotal {0}
int8_t m_recStatus {RecStatus::Unknown}
uint8_t m_recType {kNotRecording}
uint8_t m_dupIn {kDupsInAll}
uint8_t m_dupMethod {kDupCheckSubThenDesc}
uint m_recordedId {0}
QString m_inputName
QDateTime m_bookmarkUpdate
uint8_t m_availableStatus {asAvailable}
int8_t m_recordedPercent {-1}
int8_t m_watchedPercent {-1}
QString m_inUseForWhat
PMapDBReplacementm_positionMapDBReplacement {nullptr}

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr int64_t kLastInUseOffset {4LL * 60 * 60}
static QMutex s_staticDataLock
static ProgramInfoUpdaters_updater
static bool s_usingProgIDAuth = true

Static Private Attributes

static const std::array< const QString, 5 > kCatName


class TestRecordingExtender
int pginfo_init_statics (void)

Detailed Description

Holds information on recordings and videos.

ProgramInfo can also contain partial information for a program we wish to find in the schedule, and may also contain information on a video we wish to view. This class is serializable from frontend to backend and back and is the basic unit of information on anything we may wish to view or record.

Any method that begins with "Is", "Get" or "Set" will run quickly and the results from "Is" or "Get" do not need to be cached.

Any method beginning with "Make" or "Extract" will run quickly, but it may be prudent to cache the results if they are to be used frequently.

Any method that begins with "Query", "Save" or "Update" will touch the database and so may take some time to complete.

Any method beginning with another verb needs to be examined to determine its expected run time.

There is one exception to this set of rules, GetPlaybackURL() is a very complex beast which not only touches the database but also may query remote backends about the files visible to them. It blocks until this task is complete and may need to wake up remote hosts that are currently powered off to complete it's task. It should not be called from the UI thread and its result should be cached.

Definition at line 67 of file programinfo.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CategoryType

enum ProgramInfo::CategoryType : std::uint8_t

Definition at line 76 of file programinfo.h.

◆ Verbosity

enum ProgramInfo::Verbosity : std::uint8_t

Definition at line 511 of file programinfo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ProgramInfo() [1/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( void  )

Null constructor.

Constructs a manual record ProgramInfo.

Constructs a ProgramInfo for a video.

Constructs a basic ProgramInfo (used by RecordingInfo)

Constructs a ProgramInfo from listings data in 'program' table.

Constructs a ProgramInfo from data in 'oldrecorded' table.

Constructs a ProgramInfo from data in 'recorded' table.

Definition at line 81 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by LoadFromOldRecorded(), LoadFromProgram(), LoadFromRecorded(), and LoadProgramFromProgram().

◆ ProgramInfo() [2/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( const ProgramInfo other)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 149 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ ProgramInfo() [3/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( uint  recordedid)

Constructs a ProgramInfo from data in 'recorded' table.

Definition at line 235 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ ProgramInfo() [4/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( uint  chanid,
const QDateTime &  recstartts 

Constructs a ProgramInfo from data in 'recorded' table.

Definition at line 266 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ ProgramInfo() [5/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( uint  recordedid,
QString  title,
QString  sortTitle,
QString  subtitle,
QString  sortSubtitle,
QString  description,
uint  season,
uint  episode,
uint  totalepisodes,
QString  syndicatedepisode,
QString  category,
uint  chanid,
QString  channum,
QString  chansign,
QString  channame,
QString  chanplaybackfilters,
QString  recgroup,
QString  playgroup,
const QString &  pathname,
QString  hostname,
QString  storagegroup,
QString  seriesid,
QString  programid,
QString  inetref,
CategoryType  catType,
int  recpriority,
uint64_t  filesize,
QDateTime  startts,
QDateTime  endts,
QDateTime  recstartts,
QDateTime  recendts,
float  stars,
uint  year,
uint  partnumber,
uint  parttotal,
QDate  originalAirDate,
QDateTime  lastmodified,
RecStatus::Type  recstatus,
uint  recordid,
RecordingDupInType  dupin,
RecordingDupMethodType  dupmethod,
uint  findid,
uint  programflags,
uint  audioproperties,
uint  videoproperties,
uint  subtitleType,
QString  inputname,
QDateTime  bookmarkupdate 

Constructs a ProgramInfo from data in 'recorded' table.

Definition at line 277 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ ProgramInfo() [6/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( QString  title,
QString  sortTitle,
QString  subtitle,
QString  sortSubtitle,
QString  description,
uint  season,
uint  episode,
QString  category,
uint  chanid,
QString  channum,
QString  chansign,
QString  channame,
QString  seriesid,
QString  programid,
QString  inetref,
QDateTime  startts,
QDateTime  endts,
QDateTime  recstartts,
QDateTime  recendts,
RecStatus::Type  recstatus,
uint  recordid,
RecordingType  rectype,
uint  findid,
bool  duplicate 

Constructs a ProgramInfo from data in 'oldrecorded' table.

Definition at line 415 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ ProgramInfo() [7/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( QString  title,
QString  sortTitle,
QString  subtitle,
QString  sortSubtitle,
QString  description,
QString  syndicatedepisode,
QString  category,
uint  chanid,
QString  channum,
QString  chansign,
QString  channame,
QString  chanplaybackfilters,
QDateTime  startts,
QDateTime  endts,
QDateTime  recstartts,
QDateTime  recendts,
QString  seriesid,
QString  programid,
CategoryType  catType,
float  stars,
uint  year,
uint  partnumber,
uint  parttotal,
QDate  originalAirDate,
RecStatus::Type  recstatus,
uint  recordid,
RecordingType  rectype,
uint  findid,
bool  commfree,
bool  repeat,
uint  videoproperties,
uint  audioproperties,
uint  subtitletype,
uint  season,
uint  episode,
uint  totalepisodes,
const ProgramList schedList 

Constructs a ProgramInfo from listings data in 'program' table.

Definition at line 490 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ ProgramInfo() [8/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( QString  title,
QString  sortTitle,
QString  subtitle,
QString  sortSubtitle,
QString  description,
uint  season,
uint  episode,
uint  totalepisodes,
QString  category,
uint  chanid,
QString  channum,
QString  chansign,
QString  channame,
QString  chanplaybackfilters,
QString  recgroup,
QString  playgroup,
QDateTime  startts,
QDateTime  endts,
QDateTime  recstartts,
QDateTime  recendts,
QString  seriesid,
QString  programid,
QString  inetref,
QString  inputname 

Constructs a basic ProgramInfo (used by RecordingInfo)

Definition at line 634 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ ProgramInfo() [9/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( const QString &  pathname)

Constructs a ProgramInfo for a pathname.

Definition at line 702 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ ProgramInfo() [10/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( const QString &  pathname,
const QString &  plot,
const QString &  title,
const QString &  sortTitle,
const QString &  subtitle,
const QString &  sortSubtitle,
const QString &  director,
int  season,
int  episode,
const QString &  inetref,
std::chrono::minutes  length_in_minutes,
uint  year,
const QString &  programid 

Constructs a ProgramInfo for a video.

Definition at line 738 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ ProgramInfo() [11/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( const QString &  _title,
uint  _chanid,
const QDateTime &  _startts,
const QDateTime &  _endts 

Constructs a manual record ProgramInfo.

Definition at line 791 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ ProgramInfo() [12/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( QString  _title,
QString  _category,
QDateTime  _startts,
QDateTime  _endts 

Constructs a Dummy ProgramInfo (used by GuideGrid)

Definition at line 282 of file programinfo.h.

◆ ProgramInfo() [13/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( QStringList::const_iterator &  it,
const QStringList::const_iterator &  end 

Definition at line 287 of file programinfo.h.

◆ ProgramInfo() [14/14]

ProgramInfo::ProgramInfo ( const QStringList &  list)

Definition at line 293 of file programinfo.h.

◆ ~ProgramInfo()

virtual ProgramInfo::~ProgramInfo ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator==()

bool ProgramInfo::operator== ( const ProgramInfo rhs)

Compare two ProgramInfo instances to see if they are equal. Equal is defined as all parameters that are serialized and passed across the myth protocol are the same.

rhsThe ProgramInfo instance to compare to the current instance.
True if all the serialized fields match, False otherwise.

Definition at line 1053 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ operator=()

ProgramInfo & ProgramInfo::operator= ( const ProgramInfo other)

Copies important fields from other ProgramInfo.

Definition at line 835 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ clone()

void ProgramInfo::clone ( const ProgramInfo other,
bool  ignore_non_serialized_data = false 

Copies important fields from other ProgramInfo.

Reimplemented in RecordingInfo, and ProgramRecPriorityInfo.

Definition at line 845 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::clone(), PlaybackSock::FillProgramInfo(), operator=(), Reload(), and ProgramInfoCache::Update().

◆ ensureSortFields()

void ProgramInfo::ensureSortFields ( void  )

Ensure that the sortTitle and sortSubtitle fields are set.

Definition at line 1152 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by FromStringList(), ProgramInfo(), SetSubtitle(), and SetTitle().

◆ clear()

void ProgramInfo::clear ( void  )

Reimplemented in RecordingInfo, and ProgramRecPriorityInfo.

Definition at line 941 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::clear(), LoadProgramFromRecorded(), and ProgramInfo().

◆ ToStringList()

void ProgramInfo::ToStringList ( QStringList &  list) const

◆ ToMap()

void ProgramInfo::ToMap ( InfoMap progMap,
bool  showrerecord = false,
uint  star_range = 10,
uint  date_format = 0 
) const

◆ SubstituteMatches()

void ProgramInfo::SubstituteMatches ( QString &  str)

Subsitute MATCH% type variable names in the given string.

strQString to substitute matches in
This method sometimes initiates a QUERY_CHECKFILE MythProto call and so should not be called from the UI thread.

Reimplemented in RecordingInfo.

Definition at line 5502 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by JobQueue::GetJobCommand(), and RecordingInfo::SubstituteMatches().

◆ IsSameProgram()

bool ProgramInfo::IsSameProgram ( const ProgramInfo other) const

Checks whether this is the same program as "other", which may or may not be a repeat or on another channel.

Matches based on programid with a fallback to dupmethod

otherProgramInfo to compare this one with.

Definition at line 2272 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by MainServer::HandleStopRecording(), PlayerContext::IsSameProgram(), and IsSameProgramAndStartTime().

◆ IsDuplicateProgram()

bool ProgramInfo::IsDuplicateProgram ( const ProgramInfo other) const

Checks for duplicates according to dupmethod.

otherProgramInfo to compare this one with.

Definition at line 2203 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by Scheduler::IsSameProgram().

◆ IsSameProgramAndStartTime()

bool ProgramInfo::IsSameProgramAndStartTime ( const ProgramInfo other) const

Match same program, with same starttime (channel may be different)

otherProgramInfo to compare this one with.
true if this program is the same and shares same start time as "other" program.

Definition at line 2330 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by ProgramInfo().

◆ IsSameTitleStartTimeAndChannel()

bool ProgramInfo::IsSameTitleStartTimeAndChannel ( const ProgramInfo other) const

Checks title, chanid or callsign and start times for equality.

otherProgramInfo to compare this one with.
true if this program shares same time slot as "other" program.

Definition at line 2346 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by Scheduler::ChangeRecordingEnd(), Scheduler::PruneOverlaps(), and Scheduler::PruneRedundants().

◆ IsSameTitleTimeslotAndChannel()

bool ProgramInfo::IsSameTitleTimeslotAndChannel ( const ProgramInfo other) const

Checks title, chanid or chansign, start/end times, cardid, inputid for fully inclusive overlap.

otherProgramInfo to compare this one with.
true if this program is contained in time slot of "other" program.

Definition at line 2360 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ UsingProgramIDAuthority()

static bool ProgramInfo::UsingProgramIDAuthority ( void  )

Definition at line 325 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by Scheduler::UpdateDuplicates().

◆ CheckProgramIDAuthorities()

void ProgramInfo::CheckProgramIDAuthorities ( void  )

Definition at line 2382 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by handle_command(), and Scheduler::Scheduler().

◆ IsSameProgramWeakCheck()

bool ProgramInfo::IsSameProgramWeakCheck ( const ProgramInfo other) const

Checks for duplicate using only title, chanid and startts.

otherProgramInfo to compare this one with.

Definition at line 2192 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by TVRec::StartRecording().

◆ IsSameRecording()

bool ProgramInfo::IsSameRecording ( const ProgramInfo other) const

Definition at line 333 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by Scheduler::GetRecStatus(), and EncoderLink::MatchesRecording().

◆ IsSameChannel()

bool ProgramInfo::IsSameChannel ( const ProgramInfo other) const

Checks whether channel id or callsign are identical.

otherProgramInfo to compare this one with.
true if this program's channel is likely to be the same as the "other" program's channel

Definition at line 2375 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by IsSameProgramAndStartTime(), IsSameTitleStartTimeAndChannel(), IsSameTitleTimeslotAndChannel(), and ProgramInfo().

◆ MakeUniqueKey() [1/2]

QString ProgramInfo::MakeUniqueKey ( void  ) const

◆ GetSecondsInRecording()

std::chrono::seconds ProgramInfo::GetSecondsInRecording ( void  ) const

Returns length of program/recording in seconds.

Definition at line 1900 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by PlayerContext::SetPlayingInfo().

◆ ChannelText()

QString ProgramInfo::ChannelText ( const QString &  format) const

Returns channel info using "format".

There are three tags in "format" that will be replaced with the appropriate info. These tags are "<num>", "<sign>", and "<name>", they replaced with the channel number, channel call sign, and channel name, respectively.

formatformatting string.
formatted string.

Definition at line 4985 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by ProgramInfo(), and ToMap().

◆ GetPathname()

QString ProgramInfo::GetPathname ( void  ) const

◆ GetBasename()

QString ProgramInfo::GetBasename ( void  ) const

◆ IsVideoFile()

bool ProgramInfo::IsVideoFile ( void  ) const

◆ IsVideoDVD()

bool ProgramInfo::IsVideoDVD ( void  ) const

◆ IsVideoBD()

bool ProgramInfo::IsVideoBD ( void  ) const

◆ IsLocal()

bool ProgramInfo::IsLocal ( void  ) const

◆ IsMythStream()

bool ProgramInfo::IsMythStream ( void  ) const

Definition at line 357 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by IsFileReadable().

◆ IsPathSet()

bool ProgramInfo::IsPathSet ( void  ) const

Definition at line 358 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by PlaybackBox::Play().

◆ HasPathname()

bool ProgramInfo::HasPathname ( void  ) const

◆ IsFileReadable()

bool ProgramInfo::IsFileReadable ( void  )

Attempts to ascertain if the main file for this ProgramInfo is readable.

This method often initiates a QUERY_CHECKFILE MythProto call and so should not be called from the UI thread.
true iff file is readable

Definition at line 5060 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by PBHEventHandler::CheckAvailability(), and TV::timerEvent().

◆ GetTitle()

QString ProgramInfo::GetTitle ( void  ) const

Definition at line 362 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::AddHistory(), Scheduler::AddNewRecords(), Scheduler::AddRecording(), Scheduler::AssignGroupInput(), RecordingRule::AssignProgramInfo(), ScheduledRecording::BuildCheckRequest(), comp_overlap(), comp_priority(), comp_redundant(), comp_retry(), RecordingExtender::create(), RecMetadataEdit::Create(), CreateProgramInfoString(), PlaybackBox::CreateProgramInfoString(), CustomEdit::CustomEdit(), ProgFinder::customEvent(), PrevRecordedList::DeleteOldSeries(), ProgLister::DeleteOldSeries(), StatusBox::doAutoExpireList(), MainServer::DoHandleDeleteRecording(), StatusBox::doJobQueueStatus(), StatusBox::doTunerStatus(), CustomEdit::evaluate(), MythBDPlayer::EventStart(), MythDVDPlayer::EventStart(), extract_subtitle(), HttpStatus::FillProgramInfo(), V2Status::FillProgramInfo(), GuideUpdateProgramRow::fillProgramRowInfosWith(), FillUpcomingList(), Scheduler::FindNextConflict(), TVRec::FinishedRecording(), FlagCommercials(), GuideGrid::gestureEvent(), PlayGroup::GetInitialName(), TV::GetStatus(), Scheduler::HandleRecording(), Scheduler::HandleWakeSlave(), GuideGrid::keyPressEvent(), RecordingRule::LoadByProgram(), CustomEdit::loadClauses(), CustomPriority::loadData(), ProgDetails::loadPage(), MetadataFactory::Lookup(), LookupFromProgramInfo(), TV::MenuItemDisplayPlayback(), print_comm_flag_output(), RecordingExtender::processNewRecordings(), TV::QuickRecord(), RebuildSeekTable(), CustomEdit::recordClicked(), RemoteGetExistingRecorder(), RemoteGetRecordingStatus(), Scheduler::SchedNewFirstPass(), PlayerContext::SetPseudoLiveTV(), PrevRecordedList::ShowDeleteOldEpisodeMenu(), ProgLister::ShowDeleteOldEpisodeMenu(), PrevRecordedList::ShowDeleteOldSeriesMenu(), ProgLister::ShowDeleteOldSeriesMenu(), TV::ShowLCDChannelInfo(), TV::ShowOSDPromptDeleteRecording(), ScheduleCommon::ShowPrevious(), PlaybackBox::ShowRecordedEpisodes(), ScheduleCommon::ShowUpcoming(), ScheduleCommon::ShowUpcomingScheduled(), TVRec::StartRecording(), TV::timerEvent(), TVRec::TuningRestartRecorder(), TVRec::TuningSignalCheck(), ProgramInfoCache::Update(), and V2FillProgramInfo().

◆ GetSortTitle()

QString ProgramInfo::GetSortTitle ( void  ) const

◆ GetSubtitle()

QString ProgramInfo::GetSubtitle ( void  ) const

◆ GetSortSubtitle()

QString ProgramInfo::GetSortSubtitle ( void  ) const

◆ GetDescription()

QString ProgramInfo::GetDescription ( void  ) const

◆ GetSeason()

uint ProgramInfo::GetSeason ( void  ) const

◆ GetEpisode()

uint ProgramInfo::GetEpisode ( void  ) const

◆ GetEpisodeTotal()

uint ProgramInfo::GetEpisodeTotal ( void  ) const

Definition at line 369 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by ProgDetails::loadPage(), and V2FillProgramInfo().

◆ GetCategory()

QString ProgramInfo::GetCategory ( void  ) const

◆ GetChanID()

uint ProgramInfo::GetChanID ( void  ) const

This is the unique key used in the database to locate tuning information.

[1..2^32] are valid keys, 0 is not.

Definition at line 373 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by V2Dvr::AddRecordedCredits(), V2Dvr::AllowReRecord(), LiveTVChain::AppendNewProgram(), Scheduler::AssignGroupInput(), RecordingRule::AssignProgramInfo(), TVBrowseHelper::BrowseStart(), TV::ChangeChannel(), PBHEventHandler::CheckAvailability(), ClearBookmarks(), ClearSeekTable(), RecordingInfo::clone(), comp_overlap(), comp_priority(), comp_recstart(), comp_retry(), CompleteJob(), PlaybackBox::createJobMenu(), PlaybackBox::createPlaylistJobMenu(), MainServer::customEvent(), PlaybackBox::customEvent(), TV::customEvent(), commDetector2::debugDirectory(), PrevRecordedList::DeleteOldEpisode(), ProgLister::DeleteOldEpisode(), LiveTVChain::DeleteProgram(), V2Dvr::DeleteRecording(), MainServer::DoDeleteThread(), TV::DoEditSchedule(), DoFlagCommercials(), MainServer::DoHandleDeleteRecording(), PlaybackBox::doJobQueueJob(), StatusBox::doJobQueueStatus(), PlaybackBox::doPlaylistJobQueueJob(), TV::DoQueueTranscode(), StatusBox::doTunerStatus(), ScheduleCommon::EditRecording(), TV::Embed(), CustomEdit::evaluate(), PBHEventHandler::event(), MythPlayerUI::EventLoop(), PlaybackBox::extract_commflag_state(), PlaybackBox::extract_job_state(), HttpStatus::FillChannelInfo(), V2Status::FillChannelInfo(), HttpStatus::FillStatusXML(), V2Status::FillStatusXML(), Scheduler::FindNextConflict(), LiveTVChain::FinishedRecording(), TVRec::FinishedRecording(), RecordingExtender::finishRecording(), FlagCommercials(), V2Status::GetBackendStatus(), GetPlaybackURL(), PlayerContext::GetPlayingInfoMap(), V2Content::GetPreviewImage(), GetProgramInfo(), getProgramInfoForFile(), V2Content::GetRecording(), TV::GetStatus(), MainServer::HandleCutMapQuery(), MainServer::HandleDeleteRecording(), MainServer::HandleForgetRecording(), MainServer::HandleGetConflictingRecordings(), TV::HandlePseudoLiveTVTimerEvent(), MainServer::HandleQueryRecording(), Scheduler::HandleRecording(), Scheduler::HandleRecordingStatusChange(), MainServer::HandleSetBookmark(), MainServer::HandleStopRecording(), MainServer::HandleUndeleteRecording(), incomingCustomEvent(), init_jobs(), RecordingInfo::InsertProgram(), TVRec::IsBusy(), Scheduler::IsBusyRecording(), JobQueue::IsJobRunning(), EncoderLink::IsRecording(), TV::ITVRestart(), ProgDetails::loadPage(), FileServerHandler::LocalFilePath(), MainServer::LocalFilePath(), LookupFromProgramInfo(), main(), V2Dvr::ManageJobQueue(), MythPlayer::OpenFile(), anonymous_namespace{programinfocache.cpp}::PISort(), TV::PlaybackMenuInit(), Frontend::PlayRecording(), MythFrontendService::PlayRecording(), plTimeSort(), ProgDetails::PowerPriorities(), preview_helper(), print_comm_flag_output(), JobQueue::ProcessJob(), TV::ProcessNetworkControlCommand(), PlaybackBox::processNetworkControlCommand(), LiveTVChain::ProgramIsAt(), QueueCommFlagJob(), QueueJob(), JobQueue::QueueRecordingJobs(), QueueTranscodeJob(), TV::QuickRecord(), V2Dvr::ReactivateRecording(), Reload(), ReloadBookmark(), RemoteDeleteRecording(), RemoteUndeleteRecording(), anonymous_namespace{programinfocache.cpp}::reversePISort(), PreviewGenerator::Run(), TVBrowseHelper::run(), SendMythSystemPlayEvent(), SendMythSystemRecEvent(), TVRec::SetLiveRecording(), LiveTVChain::SetProgram(), RecorderBase::SetRecordingStatus(), ScheduleCommon::ShowChannelSearch(), ProgFinder::ShowGuide(), ScheduleCommon::ShowGuide(), ViewScheduleDiff::showStatus(), ScheduleCommon::ShowUpcoming(), EncoderLink::StartRecording(), TVRec::StartRecording(), TV::StartTV(), PlaybackBox::stopPlaylistJobQueueJob(), V2Dvr::StopRecording(), MythSystemEventHandler::SubstituteMatches(), TVRec::SwitchRecordingRingBuffer(), toString(), TVRec::TuningNewRecorder(), TVRec::TuningRestartRecorder(), TVRec::TuningSignalCheck(), V2Dvr::UnDeleteRecording(), V2Dvr::UpdateRecordedWatchedStatus(), V2FillCastMemberList(), V2FillCutList(), V2FillProgramInfo(), V2FillSeek(), and WaitToDelete().

◆ GetChanNum()

QString ProgramInfo::GetChanNum ( void  ) const

◆ GetChannelSchedulingID()

QString ProgramInfo::GetChannelSchedulingID ( void  ) const

This is the unique programming identifier of a channel.

For example "BBC1 Crystal Palace". The channel may be broadcast over satelite, cable and terrestrially – but will almost always contain the same programming. This is used when determining if two channels can be treated as the same channel in recording rules. In the DB this is called 'callsign' for historic reasons.

Definition at line 384 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by Scheduler::AddNewRecords(), Scheduler::AssignGroupInput(), RecordingRule::AssignProgramInfo(), comp_recstart(), comp_redundant(), CustomEdit::evaluate(), HttpStatus::FillChannelInfo(), V2Status::FillChannelInfo(), CustomEdit::loadClauses(), ViewScheduled::LoadList(), LookupFromProgramInfo(), MythPlayer::OpenFile(), and TV::ShowLCDChannelInfo().

◆ GetChannelName()

QString ProgramInfo::GetChannelName ( void  ) const

This is the channel name in the local market, i.e.

BBC1. This is purely for use in the user interface.

Definition at line 387 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by StatusBox::doJobQueueStatus(), CustomEdit::evaluate(), HttpStatus::FillChannelInfo(), V2Status::FillChannelInfo(), LookupFromProgramInfo(), and RemoteGetRecordingStatus().

◆ GetChannelPlaybackFilters()

QString ProgramInfo::GetChannelPlaybackFilters ( void  ) const

◆ GetScheduledStartTime() [1/2]

QDateTime ProgramInfo::GetScheduledStartTime ( void  ) const

The scheduled start time of program.

Definition at line 391 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::AddHistory(), Scheduler::AddNewRecords(), V2Dvr::AddRecordedCredits(), RecordingRule::AssignProgramInfo(), TVBrowseHelper::BrowseStart(), ClearBookmarks(), ClearSeekTable(), RecordingInfo::clone(), comp_originalAirDate(), comp_originalAirDate_rev(), comp_overlap(), comp_recordDate(), comp_recordDate_rev(), comp_redundant(), RecordingExtender::create(), PrevRecordedList::DeleteOldEpisode(), ProgLister::DeleteOldEpisode(), DoFlagCommercials(), CustomEdit::evaluate(), HttpStatus::FillProgramInfo(), V2Status::FillProgramInfo(), GuideUpdateProgramRow::fillProgramRowInfosWith(), FillUpcomingList(), TVRec::FinishedRecording(), GuideGrid::gestureEvent(), get_start(), TVBrowseHelper::GetNextProgramDB(), GuideGrid::keyPressEvent(), RecordingRule::LoadBySearch(), ViewScheduled::LoadList(), ProgDetails::loadPage(), PreviewGenerator::LocalPreviewRun(), LookupFromProgramInfo(), TV::PlaybackMenuInit(), plPrevTitleSort(), plTimeSort(), plTitleSort(), ProgDetails::PowerPriorities(), TV::ProcessNetworkControlCommand(), RecordingInfo::RecordingInfo(), RemoteGetRecordingStatus(), TVRec::SetLiveRecording(), RecorderBase::SetRecording(), RecorderBase::SetRecordingStatus(), ScheduleCommon::ShowChannelSearch(), ProgFinder::ShowGuide(), ScheduleCommon::ShowGuide(), toString(), Scheduler::TryAnotherShowing(), TVRec::TuningNewRecorder(), TVRec::TuningSignalCheck(), V2FillCastMemberList(), and V2FillProgramInfo().

◆ GetScheduledStartTime() [2/2]

QString ProgramInfo::GetScheduledStartTime ( MythDate::Format  fmt) const

The scheduled start time of program (with formatting).

Definition at line 393 of file programinfo.h.

◆ GetScheduledEndTime() [1/2]

QDateTime ProgramInfo::GetScheduledEndTime ( void  ) const

◆ GetScheduledEndTime() [2/2]

QString ProgramInfo::GetScheduledEndTime ( MythDate::Format  fmt) const

The scheduled end time of the program (with formatting).

Definition at line 400 of file programinfo.h.

◆ GetRecordingStartTime() [1/2]

QDateTime ProgramInfo::GetRecordingStartTime ( void  ) const

Approximate time the recording started.

Definition at line 405 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by LiveTVChain::AppendNewProgram(), RecordingInfo::ApplyNeverRecord(), Scheduler::AssignGroupInput(), RecordingInfo::clone(), comp_originalAirDate(), comp_originalAirDate_rev(), comp_priority(), comp_programid(), comp_programid_rev(), comp_recordDate(), comp_recordDate_rev(), comp_recpriority2(), comp_recstart(), comp_retry(), comp_sortdate_lt(), comp_sortdate_lt_rev(), CompleteJob(), PlaybackBox::createJobMenu(), PlaybackBox::createPlaylistJobMenu(), CreateProgramInfoString(), PlaybackBox::CreateProgramInfoString(), TV::customEvent(), LiveTVChain::DeleteProgram(), V2Dvr::DeleteRecording(), StatusBox::doAutoExpireList(), DoFlagCommercials(), MainServer::DoHandleDeleteRecording(), PlaybackBox::doJobQueueJob(), StatusBox::doJobQueueStatus(), PlaybackBox::doPlaylistJobQueueJob(), TV::DoQueueTranscode(), ScheduleCommon::EditRecording(), PlaybackBox::extract_commflag_state(), PlaybackBox::extract_job_state(), HttpStatus::FillProgramInfo(), V2Status::FillProgramInfo(), Scheduler::FindNextConflict(), LiveTVChain::FinishedRecording(), TVRec::FinishedRecording(), RecordingExtender::finishRecording(), PreviewGeneratorQueue::GeneratePreviewImage(), GetPlaybackURL(), TVRec::GetProgramRingBufferForLiveTV(), TV::GetStatus(), Scheduler::HandleRecording(), Scheduler::HandleRecordingStatusChange(), MainServer::HandleRemoteEncoder(), Scheduler::HandleWakeSlave(), incomingCustomEvent(), init_jobs(), JobQueue::IsJobRunning(), EncoderLink::IsRecording(), ViewScheduled::LoadList(), ProgDetails::loadPage(), PreviewGenerator::LocalPreviewRun(), LookupFromProgramInfo(), main(), V2Dvr::ManageJobQueue(), anonymous_namespace{programinfocache.cpp}::PISort(), Frontend::PlayRecording(), MythFrontendService::PlayRecording(), print_comm_flag_output(), TV::ProcessNetworkControlCommand(), LiveTVChain::ProgramIsAt(), QueueCommFlagJob(), QueueJob(), JobQueue::QueueRecordingJobs(), QueueTranscodeJob(), ReloadBookmark(), RemoteDeleteRecording(), RemoteUndeleteRecording(), anonymous_namespace{programinfocache.cpp}::reversePISort(), PreviewGenerator::Run(), Scheduler::SchedNewFirstPass(), SendMythSystemPlayEvent(), SendMythSystemRecEvent(), PlayerContext::SetPlayingInfo(), LiveTVChain::SetProgram(), PlayerContext::SetPseudoLiveTV(), MythPlayerUI::SetWatched(), ViewScheduleDiff::showStatus(), Scheduler::ShutdownServer(), EncoderLink::StartRecording(), TVRec::StartRecording(), PlaybackBox::stopPlaylistJobQueueJob(), V2Dvr::StopRecording(), ToMap(), toString(), Scheduler::TryAnotherShowing(), TVRec::TuningRestartRecorder(), V2Dvr::UnDeleteRecording(), V2FillProgramInfo(), WaitToDelete(), and EncoderLink::WouldConflict().

◆ GetRecordingStartTime() [2/2]

QString ProgramInfo::GetRecordingStartTime ( MythDate::Format  fmt) const

Approximate time the recording started (with formatting).

Definition at line 407 of file programinfo.h.

◆ GetRecordingEndTime() [1/2]

QDateTime ProgramInfo::GetRecordingEndTime ( void  ) const

◆ GetRecordingEndTime() [2/2]

QString ProgramInfo::GetRecordingEndTime ( MythDate::Format  fmt) const

Approximate time the recording should have ended, did end, or is intended to end (with formatting).

Definition at line 416 of file programinfo.h.

◆ GetRecordingGroup()

QString ProgramInfo::GetRecordingGroup ( void  ) const

◆ GetPlaybackGroup()

QString ProgramInfo::GetPlaybackGroup ( void  ) const

◆ GetHostname()

QString ProgramInfo::GetHostname ( void  ) const

◆ GetStorageGroup()

QString ProgramInfo::GetStorageGroup ( void  ) const

◆ GetYearOfInitialRelease()

uint ProgramInfo::GetYearOfInitialRelease ( void  ) const

◆ GetOriginalAirDate()

QDate ProgramInfo::GetOriginalAirDate ( void  ) const

◆ GetLastModifiedTime() [1/2]

QDateTime ProgramInfo::GetLastModifiedTime ( void  ) const

◆ GetLastModifiedTime() [2/2]

QString ProgramInfo::GetLastModifiedTime ( MythDate::Format  fmt) const

Definition at line 434 of file programinfo.h.

◆ GetFilesize()

uint64_t ProgramInfo::GetFilesize ( void  ) const

◆ GetSeriesID()

QString ProgramInfo::GetSeriesID ( void  ) const

◆ GetProgramID()

QString ProgramInfo::GetProgramID ( void  ) const

◆ GetInetRef()

QString ProgramInfo::GetInetRef ( void  ) const

◆ GetCategoryType()

CategoryType ProgramInfo::GetCategoryType ( void  ) const

◆ GetCategoryTypeString()

QString ProgramInfo::GetCategoryTypeString ( void  ) const

◆ GetRecordingPriority()

int ProgramInfo::GetRecordingPriority ( void  ) const

◆ GetRecordingPriority2()

int ProgramInfo::GetRecordingPriority2 ( void  ) const

◆ GetStars() [1/2]

float ProgramInfo::GetStars ( void  ) const

◆ GetStars() [2/2]

uint ProgramInfo::GetStars ( uint  range_max) const

Definition at line 447 of file programinfo.h.

◆ GetRecordingID()

uint ProgramInfo::GetRecordingID ( void  ) const

◆ GetRecordingStatus()

RecStatus::Type ProgramInfo::GetRecordingStatus ( void  ) const

◆ GetRecordingRuleID()

uint ProgramInfo::GetRecordingRuleID ( void  ) const

◆ GetParentRecordingRuleID()

uint ProgramInfo::GetParentRecordingRuleID ( void  ) const

◆ GetRecordingRuleType()

RecordingType ProgramInfo::GetRecordingRuleType ( void  ) const

◆ GetDuplicateCheckSource()

RecordingDupInType ProgramInfo::GetDuplicateCheckSource ( void  ) const

Where should we check for duplicates?

Definition at line 459 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by HttpStatus::FillProgramInfo(), V2Status::FillProgramInfo(), and V2FillProgramInfo().

◆ GetDuplicateCheckMethod()

RecordingDupMethodType ProgramInfo::GetDuplicateCheckMethod ( void  ) const

What should be compared to determine if two programs are the same?

Definition at line 463 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by ScheduleCommon::EditRecording(), HttpStatus::FillProgramInfo(), V2Status::FillProgramInfo(), and V2FillProgramInfo().

◆ GetSourceID()

uint ProgramInfo::GetSourceID ( void  ) const

◆ GetInputID()

uint ProgramInfo::GetInputID ( void  ) const

◆ GetInputName()

QString ProgramInfo::GetInputName ( void  ) const

◆ GetShortInputName()

QString ProgramInfo::GetShortInputName ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1934 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by ToMap().

◆ ClearInputName()

void ProgramInfo::ClearInputName ( void  )

Definition at line 470 of file programinfo.h.

◆ GetFindID()

uint ProgramInfo::GetFindID ( void  ) const

◆ GetProgramFlags()

uint32_t ProgramInfo::GetProgramFlags ( void  ) const

◆ GetProgramFlagNames()

QString ProgramInfo::GetProgramFlagNames ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1509 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by ToMap(), and V2FillProgramInfo().

◆ GetProgramInfoType()

ProgramInfoType ProgramInfo::GetProgramInfoType ( void  ) const

Definition at line 476 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by ToMap().

◆ GetBookmarkUpdate()

QDateTime ProgramInfo::GetBookmarkUpdate ( void  ) const

◆ GetRecTypeStatus()

QString ProgramInfo::GetRecTypeStatus ( bool  showrerecord) const

Definition at line 1515 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by ToMap(), and V2FillProgramInfo().

◆ IsGeneric()

bool ProgramInfo::IsGeneric ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1946 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::AddHistory(), and ScheduleCommon::EditRecording().

◆ IsInUsePlaying()

bool ProgramInfo::IsInUsePlaying ( void  ) const

Definition at line 481 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by PlaybackBox::SetItemIcons().

◆ IsCommercialFree()

bool ProgramInfo::IsCommercialFree ( void  ) const

◆ IsCommercialFlagged()

bool ProgramInfo::IsCommercialFlagged ( void  ) const

Definition at line 483 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by V2Dvr::AddRecordedProgram().

◆ HasCutlist()

bool ProgramInfo::HasCutlist ( void  ) const

◆ IsBookmarkSet()

bool ProgramInfo::IsBookmarkSet ( void  ) const

◆ IsLastPlaySet()

bool ProgramInfo::IsLastPlaySet ( void  ) const

Definition at line 486 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by PlaybackBox::createPlayFromMenu(), and PlaybackBox::ShowActionPopup().

◆ IsWatched()

bool ProgramInfo::IsWatched ( void  ) const

◆ IsAutoExpirable()

bool ProgramInfo::IsAutoExpirable ( void  ) const

◆ IsPreserved()

bool ProgramInfo::IsPreserved ( void  ) const

◆ IsVideo()

bool ProgramInfo::IsVideo ( void  ) const

◆ IsRecording()

bool ProgramInfo::IsRecording ( void  ) const

◆ IsRepeat()

bool ProgramInfo::IsRepeat ( void  ) const

◆ IsDuplicate()

bool ProgramInfo::IsDuplicate ( void  ) const

◆ IsReactivated()

bool ProgramInfo::IsReactivated ( void  ) const

Definition at line 494 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by comp_priority(), comp_retry(), and RecordingInfo::SubstituteMatches().

◆ IsDeletePending()

bool ProgramInfo::IsDeletePending ( void  ) const

Definition at line 495 of file programinfo.h.

◆ GetSubtitleType()

uint ProgramInfo::GetSubtitleType ( void  ) const

◆ GetSubtitleTypeNames()

QString ProgramInfo::GetSubtitleTypeNames ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1549 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by ToMap(), and V2FillProgramInfo().

◆ GetVideoProperties()

uint ProgramInfo::GetVideoProperties ( void  ) const

◆ GetVideoPropertyNames()

QString ProgramInfo::GetVideoPropertyNames ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1555 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by ToMap(), and V2FillProgramInfo().

◆ GetAudioProperties()

uint ProgramInfo::GetAudioProperties ( void  ) const

◆ GetAudioPropertyNames()

QString ProgramInfo::GetAudioPropertyNames ( void  ) const

Definition at line 1560 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by ToMap(), and V2FillProgramInfo().

◆ SubtitleTypesFromNames()

uint ProgramInfo::SubtitleTypesFromNames ( const QString &  names)

Definition at line 1565 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Dvr::AddRecordedProgram().

◆ VideoPropertiesFromNames()

uint ProgramInfo::VideoPropertiesFromNames ( const QString &  names)

Definition at line 1570 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Dvr::AddRecordedProgram().

◆ AudioPropertiesFromNames()

uint ProgramInfo::AudioPropertiesFromNames ( const QString &  names)

Definition at line 1575 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Dvr::AddRecordedProgram().

◆ ProgramFlagsFromNames()

void ProgramInfo::ProgramFlagsFromNames ( const QString &  names)

Definition at line 1580 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Dvr::AddRecordedProgram().

◆ toString()

QString ProgramInfo::toString ( Verbosity  v = kLongDescription,
const QString &  sep = ":",
const QString &  grp = "\"" 
) const

◆ SetTitle()

void ProgramInfo::SetTitle ( const QString &  t,
const QString &  st = nullptr 

◆ SetSubtitle()

void ProgramInfo::SetSubtitle ( const QString &  st,
const QString &  sst = nullptr 

Definition at line 1169 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by ProgramRecPriority::scheduleChanged().

◆ SetProgramInfoType()

void ProgramInfo::SetProgramInfoType ( ProgramInfoType  t)

Definition at line 524 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by SetPathname().

◆ SetPathname()

void ProgramInfo::SetPathname ( const QString &  pn)

◆ SetChanID()

void ProgramInfo::SetChanID ( uint  _chanid)

◆ SetScheduledStartTime()

void ProgramInfo::SetScheduledStartTime ( const QDateTime &  dt)

Definition at line 528 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::ApplyNeverRecord().

◆ SetScheduledEndTime()

void ProgramInfo::SetScheduledEndTime ( const QDateTime &  dt)

◆ SetRecordingStartTime()

void ProgramInfo::SetRecordingStartTime ( const QDateTime &  dt)

◆ SetRecordingEndTime()

void ProgramInfo::SetRecordingEndTime ( const QDateTime &  dt)

◆ SetRecordingGroup()

void ProgramInfo::SetRecordingGroup ( const QString &  group)

◆ SetPlaybackGroup()

void ProgramInfo::SetPlaybackGroup ( const QString &  group)

Definition at line 533 of file programinfo.h.

◆ SetHostname()

void ProgramInfo::SetHostname ( const QString &  host)

Definition at line 534 of file programinfo.h.

◆ SetStorageGroup()

void ProgramInfo::SetStorageGroup ( const QString &  group)

Definition at line 535 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by TVRec::GetProgramRingBufferForLiveTV().

◆ SetFilesize()

void ProgramInfo::SetFilesize ( uint64_t  sz)

◆ SetSeriesID()

void ProgramInfo::SetSeriesID ( const QString &  id)

TODO Move to RecordingInfo.

Definition at line 537 of file programinfo.h.

◆ SetProgramID()

void ProgramInfo::SetProgramID ( const QString &  id)

◆ SetCategory()

void ProgramInfo::SetCategory ( const QString &  cat)

Definition at line 539 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by ProgramRecPriority::scheduleChanged().

◆ SetCategoryType()

void ProgramInfo::SetCategoryType ( const CategoryType  type)

Definition at line 540 of file programinfo.h.

◆ SetRecordingPriority()

void ProgramInfo::SetRecordingPriority ( int  priority)

Definition at line 541 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by ProgramRecPriority::scheduleChanged().

◆ SetRecordingPriority2()

void ProgramInfo::SetRecordingPriority2 ( int  priority)

Definition at line 542 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by Scheduler::PruneRedundants().

◆ SetRecordingRuleID()

void ProgramInfo::SetRecordingRuleID ( uint  id)

◆ SetSourceID()

void ProgramInfo::SetSourceID ( uint  id)

Definition at line 544 of file programinfo.h.

◆ SetInputID()

void ProgramInfo::SetInputID ( uint  id)

◆ SetReactivated()

void ProgramInfo::SetReactivated ( bool  reactivate)

Definition at line 546 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::AddHistory().

◆ SetEditing()

void ProgramInfo::SetEditing ( bool  editing)

◆ SetFlagging()

void ProgramInfo::SetFlagging ( bool  flagging)

◆ SetIgnoreBookmark()

void ProgramInfo::SetIgnoreBookmark ( bool  ignore)

If "ignore" is true GetBookmark() will return 0, otherwise GetBookmark() will return the bookmark position if it exists.

Definition at line 563 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by MythPlayerUI::EventStart(), and TV::StartTV().

◆ SetIgnoreProgStart()

void ProgramInfo::SetIgnoreProgStart ( bool  ignore)

If "ignore" is true QueryProgStart() will return 0, otherwise QueryProgStart() will return the progstart position if it exists.

Definition at line 570 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by MythPlayerUI::EventStart(), PreviewGenerator::LocalPreviewRun(), and TV::StartTV().

◆ SetIgnoreLastPlayPos()

void ProgramInfo::SetIgnoreLastPlayPos ( bool  ignore)

If "ignore" is true QueryLastPlayPos() will return 0, otherwise QueryLastPlayPos() will return the last playback position if it exists.

Definition at line 578 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by MythPlayerUI::EventStart(), and TV::StartTV().

◆ SetRecordingID()

virtual void ProgramInfo::SetRecordingID ( uint  _recordedid)

Reimplemented in RecordingInfo.

Definition at line 583 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by PlaybackSock::StartRecording(), and TVRec::StartRecording().

◆ SetRecordingStatus()

void ProgramInfo::SetRecordingStatus ( RecStatus::Type  status)

◆ SetRecordingRuleType()

void ProgramInfo::SetRecordingRuleType ( RecordingType  type)

◆ SetPositionMapDBReplacement()

void ProgramInfo::SetPositionMapDBReplacement ( PMapDBReplacement pmap)

Definition at line 587 of file programinfo.h.

◆ CalculateRecordedProgress()

void ProgramInfo::CalculateRecordedProgress ( )

◆ GetRecordedPercent()

uint ProgramInfo::GetRecordedPercent ( ) const

Definition at line 591 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by ViewScheduled::customEvent(), and ViewScheduled::UpdateUIListItem().

◆ CalculateWatchedProgress()

void ProgramInfo::CalculateWatchedProgress ( uint64_t  pos)

Definition at line 6533 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by CalculateProgress().

◆ GetWatchedPercent()

uint ProgramInfo::GetWatchedPercent ( ) const

Definition at line 593 of file programinfo.h.

◆ SetWatchedPercent()

void ProgramInfo::SetWatchedPercent ( uint  progress)

Definition at line 594 of file programinfo.h.

◆ CalculateProgress()

void ProgramInfo::CalculateProgress ( uint64_t  pos)

Definition at line 6590 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by ProgramInfoCache::UpdateFileSize().

◆ QueryBasename()

QString ProgramInfo::QueryBasename ( void  ) const

Gets the basename, from the DB if necessary.

If the base part of pathname is not empty this will return that value otherwise this queries the recorded table in the DB for the basename stored there for this ProgramInfo's recordedid

Definition at line 2529 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by CompleteJob(), and GetPlaybackURL().

◆ QueryMplexID()

uint ProgramInfo::QueryMplexID ( void  ) const

Queries multiplex any recording would be made on, zero if unknown.

Definition at line 2665 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by TVRec::StartRecording().

◆ QueryBookmarkTimeStamp()

QDateTime ProgramInfo::QueryBookmarkTimeStamp ( void  ) const

Queries Latest bookmark timestamp from the database.

If the timestamp has not been set this returns an invalid QDateTime.

Definition at line 2787 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ QueryBookmark() [1/2]

uint64_t ProgramInfo::QueryBookmark ( void  ) const

Gets any bookmark position in database, unless the ignore bookmark flag is set.

Bookmark position in frames if the query is executed and succeeds, zero otherwise.

Definition at line 2814 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Video::GetSavedBookmark(), V2Dvr::GetSavedBookmark(), MainServer::HandleBookmarkQuery(), and QueryStartMark().

◆ QueryProgStart()

uint64_t ProgramInfo::QueryProgStart ( void  ) const

Gets any progstart position in database, unless the ignore progstart flag is set.

Progstart position in frames if the query is executed and succeeds, zero otherwise.

Definition at line 2858 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by QueryStartMark().

◆ QueryLastPlayPos()

uint64_t ProgramInfo::QueryLastPlayPos ( void  ) const

Gets any lastplaypos position in database, unless the ignore lastplaypos flag is set.

LastPlayPos position in frames if the query is executed and succeeds, zero otherwise.

Definition at line 2841 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Video::GetLastPlayPos(), V2Dvr::GetLastPlayPos(), QueryStartMark(), and ProgramInfoCache::UpdateFileSize().

◆ QueryStartMark()

uint64_t ProgramInfo::QueryStartMark ( void  ) const

Definition at line 2869 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by PreviewGenerator::LocalPreviewRun().

◆ QueryCategoryType()

ProgramInfo::CategoryType ProgramInfo::QueryCategoryType ( void  ) const

Queries recordedprogram to get the category_type of the recording.

string category_type

Definition at line 3049 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by GuessLookupType().

◆ QueryDVDBookmark()

QStringList ProgramInfo::QueryDVDBookmark ( const QString &  serialid) const

Queries "dvdbookmark" table for bookmarking DVD serial number.

Deletes old dvd bookmarks if "delbookmark" is set.

list containing title, audio track, subtitle, framenum

Definition at line 2908 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by MythDVDPlayer::GetBookmark().

◆ QueryBDBookmark()

QStringList ProgramInfo::QueryBDBookmark ( const QString &  serialid) const

Queries "bdbookmark" table for bookmarking BD serial number.

BD state string

Definition at line 2985 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by MythBDPlayer::GetBookmark().

◆ QueryIsEditing()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryIsEditing ( void  ) const

Queries "recorded" table for its "editing" field and returns true if it is set to true.

true if we have started, but not finished, editing.

Definition at line 3124 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by DeleteMap::IsFileEditing(), TV::StartProgramEditMode(), and Transcode::TranscodeFile().

◆ QueryIsInUse() [1/2]

bool ProgramInfo::QueryIsInUse ( QStringList &  byWho) const

Returns true if Program is in use.

This is determined by the inuseprograms table which is updated automatically by NuppelVideoPlayer.

Definition at line 3203 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by QueryIsDeleteCandidate(), QueryIsInUse(), PlaybackBox::ShowAvailabilityPopup(), TV::ShowOSDPromptDeleteRecording(), and ProgramInfoCache::UpdateFileSize().

◆ QueryIsInUse() [2/2]

bool ProgramInfo::QueryIsInUse ( QString &  byWho) const

Returns true if Program is in use.

This is determined by the inuseprograms table which is updated automatically by NuppelVideoPlayer.

Definition at line 3266 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ QueryIsDeleteCandidate()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryIsDeleteCandidate ( bool  one_playback_allowed = false) const

Returns true iff this is a recording, it is not in use (except by the recorder), and at most one player iff one_playback_allowed is set.

one_playback_allowediff true still returns true if there is one playback in progress and all other checks pass.

Definition at line 3283 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by TV::IsDeleteAllowed(), PlaybackBox::PlaylistDelete(), PlaybackBox::RemoveProgram(), and TV::ShowOSDPromptDeleteRecording().

◆ QueryAutoExpire()

AutoExpireType ProgramInfo::QueryAutoExpire ( void  ) const

Returns "autoexpire" field from "recorded" table.

Definition at line 3469 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by TV::IsBookmarkAllowed(), MythPlayer::OpenFile(), TV::PlaybackMenuInit(), TV::QuickRecord(), PlaybackBox::ShowDeletePopup(), and TV::ToggleAutoExpire().

◆ QueryTranscodeStatus()

TranscodingStatus ProgramInfo::QueryTranscodeStatus ( void  ) const

Returns the "transcoded" field in "recorded" table.

Definition at line 3318 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by MythPlayerUI::SetWatched().

◆ QueryTuningInfo()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryTuningInfo ( QString &  channum,
QString &  input 
) const

Returns the channel and input needed to record the program.

Ideally this would return a the chanid & input, since we do not enforce a uniqueness constraint on channum in the DB.
true on success, false on failure

Definition at line 5378 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by TVRec::IsBusy(), and TVRec::TuningGetChanNum().

◆ QueryInputDisplayName()

QString ProgramInfo::QueryInputDisplayName ( void  ) const

◆ QueryAverageWidth()

uint ProgramInfo::QueryAverageWidth ( void  ) const

If present in recording this loads average width of the main video stream from database's stream markup table.

Saves loaded value for future reference by GetWidth().

Definition at line 4567 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by RecorderBase::FinishRecording().

◆ QueryAverageHeight()

uint ProgramInfo::QueryAverageHeight ( void  ) const

If present in recording this loads average height of the main video stream from database's stream markup table.

Saves loaded value for future reference by GetHeight().

Definition at line 4558 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by TVRec::FinishedRecording(), and RecorderBase::FinishRecording().

◆ QueryAverageFrameRate()

uint ProgramInfo::QueryAverageFrameRate ( void  ) const

If present in recording this loads average frame rate of the main video stream from database's stream markup table.

Saves loaded value for future reference by GetFrameRate().

Definition at line 4576 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by CalculateWatchedProgress(), and RecorderBase::FinishRecording().

◆ QueryAverageAspectRatio()

MarkTypes ProgramInfo::QueryAverageAspectRatio ( void  ) const

Definition at line 4581 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by TVRec::FinishedRecording(), and RecorderBase::FinishRecording().

◆ QueryAverageScanProgressive()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryAverageScanProgressive ( void  ) const

If present in recording this loads average video scan type of the main video stream from database's stream markup table.

Saves loaded value for future reference by QueryAverageScanProgressive().

Definition at line 4631 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by TVRec::FinishedRecording().

◆ QueryTotalDuration()

std::chrono::milliseconds ProgramInfo::QueryTotalDuration ( void  ) const

If present this loads the total duration in milliseconds of the main video stream from recordedmarkup table in the database.

Duration in milliseconds

Definition at line 4642 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by UPnpCDSTv::LoadRecordings(), and AvFormatDecoder::OpenFile().

◆ QueryTotalFrames()

int64_t ProgramInfo::QueryTotalFrames ( void  ) const

If present in recording this loads total frames of the main video stream from database's stream markup table.

Definition at line 4659 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by CalculateWatchedProgress(), and TV::PrepareToExitPlayer().

◆ QueryRecordingGroup()

QString ProgramInfo::QueryRecordingGroup ( void  ) const

Query recgroup from recorded.

Definition at line 5094 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by TVRec::CheckForRecGroupChange(), and TVRec::FinishedRecording().

◆ QueryMarkupFlag()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryMarkupFlag ( MarkTypes  type) const

Returns true iff the speficied mark type is set on frame 0.

Definition at line 3776 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by Transcode::TranscodeFile().

◆ QueryTranscoderID()

uint ProgramInfo::QueryTranscoderID ( void  ) const

Definition at line 5110 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by JobQueue::DoTranscodeThread(), and JobQueue::GetJobCommand().

◆ QueryLastFrameInPosMap()

uint64_t ProgramInfo::QueryLastFrameInPosMap ( void  ) const

Returns last frame in position map or 0.

Definition at line 1914 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by GetMarkupList().

◆ Reload()

bool ProgramInfo::Reload ( void  )

Definition at line 1992 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by JobQueue::DoTranscodeThread().

◆ SaveFilesize()

void ProgramInfo::SaveFilesize ( uint64_t  fsize)

Sets recording file size in database, and sets "filesize" field.

Reimplemented in RecordingInfo.

Definition at line 6448 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by CompleteJob(), JobQueue::DoTranscodeThread(), RecordingInfo::SaveFilesize(), and UpdateFileSize().

◆ SaveLastPlayPos()

void ProgramInfo::SaveLastPlayPos ( uint64_t  frame)

◆ SaveBookmark()

void ProgramInfo::SaveBookmark ( uint64_t  frame)

Clears any existing bookmark in DB and if frame is greater than 0 sets a new bookmark.

Definition at line 2690 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by PlaybackBox::ClearBookmark(), CompleteJob(), MainServer::HandleSetBookmark(), MythPlayerUI::SetBookmark(), V2Video::SetSavedBookmark(), and V2Dvr::SetSavedBookmark().

◆ SaveDVDBookmark()

void ProgramInfo::SaveDVDBookmark ( const QStringList &  fields)

Definition at line 2941 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by MythDVDPlayer::SetBookmark().

◆ SaveBDBookmark()

void ProgramInfo::SaveBDBookmark ( const QStringList &  fields)

Definition at line 3003 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by MythBDPlayer::SetBookmark().

◆ SaveEditing()

void ProgramInfo::SaveEditing ( bool  edit)

Sets "editing" field in "recorded" table to "edit".

editEditing state to set.

Definition at line 3150 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by MythPlayerEditorUI::DisableEdit(), MythPlayerEditorUI::EnableEdit(), and TV::HandleOSDAlreadyEditing().

◆ SaveTranscodeStatus()

void ProgramInfo::SaveTranscodeStatus ( TranscodingStatus  trans)

Set "transcoded" field in "recorded" table to "trans".

Also sets the FL_TRANSCODED flag if the status is TRASCODING_COMPLETE and clears it otherwise.
transvalue to set transcoded field to.

Definition at line 3338 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by JobQueue::DoTranscodeThread().

◆ SaveWatched()

void ProgramInfo::SaveWatched ( bool  watchedFlag)

Set "watched" field in recorded/videometadata to "watchedFlag".

Definition at line 3072 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Dvr::AddRecordedProgram(), PlaybackBox::doPlaylistWatchedSetting(), MythPlayerUI::SetWatched(), and V2Dvr::UpdateRecordedWatchedStatus().

◆ SaveDeletePendingFlag()

void ProgramInfo::SaveDeletePendingFlag ( bool  deleteFlag)

Set "deletepending" field in "recorded" table to "deleteFlag".

deleteFlagvalue to set delete pending field to.

Definition at line 3175 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by MainServer::DoDeleteThread(), and MainServer::DoHandleDeleteRecording().

◆ SaveCommFlagged()

void ProgramInfo::SaveCommFlagged ( CommFlagStatus  flag)

Set "commflagged" field in "recorded" table to "flag".

flagvalue to set commercial flagging field to.

Definition at line 3361 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Dvr::AddRecordedProgram(), CompleteJob(), DoFlagCommercials(), and TVRec::StartedRecording().

◆ SaveAutoExpire()

void ProgramInfo::SaveAutoExpire ( AutoExpireType  autoExpire,
bool  updateDelete = false 

Set "autoexpire" field in "recorded" table to "autoExpire".

autoExpirevalue to set auto expire field to.
updateDeleteiff true, call UpdateLastDelete(true)

Definition at line 3414 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Dvr::AddRecordedProgram(), TVRec::CreateLiveTVRingBuffer(), MainServer::DoHandleDeleteRecording(), MainServer::DoHandleUndeleteRecording(), PlaybackBox::doPlaylistExpireSetting(), TV::QuickRecord(), TVRec::SwitchLiveTVRingBuffer(), TV::ToggleAutoExpire(), and TVRec::TuningRestartRecorder().

◆ SavePreserve()

void ProgramInfo::SavePreserve ( bool  preserveEpisode)

Set "preserve" field in "recorded" table to "preserveEpisode".

preserveEpisodevalue to set preserve field to.

Definition at line 3387 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Dvr::AddRecordedProgram().

◆ SaveBasename()

bool ProgramInfo::SaveBasename ( const QString &  basename)

Sets a recording's basename in the database.

Definition at line 2489 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by CompleteJob().

◆ SaveAspect()

void ProgramInfo::SaveAspect ( uint64_t  frame,
MarkTypes  type,
uint  customAspect 

Store aspect ratio of a frame in the recordedmark table.

All frames until the next one with a stored aspect ratio are assumed to have the same aspect ratio

Definition at line 4261 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by RecorderBase::AspectChange().

◆ SaveResolution()

void ProgramInfo::SaveResolution ( uint64_t  frame,
uint  width,
uint  height 

Store the Resolution at frame in the recordedmarkup table.

All frames until the next one with a stored resolution are assumed to have the same resolution

Definition at line 4450 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by RecorderBase::ResolutionChange().

◆ SaveFrameRate()

void ProgramInfo::SaveFrameRate ( uint64_t  frame,
uint  framerate 

Store the Frame Rate at frame in the recordedmarkup table.

All frames until the next one with a stored frame rate are assumed to have the same frame rate

Definition at line 4298 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by RecorderBase::FrameRateChange().

◆ SaveVideoScanType()

void ProgramInfo::SaveVideoScanType ( uint64_t  frame,
bool  progressive 

Store the Progressive/Interlaced state in the recordedmarkup table.

All frames until the next one with a stored Scan type are assumed to have the same scan type

Definition at line 4323 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by RecorderBase::VideoScanChange().

◆ SaveTotalDuration()

void ProgramInfo::SaveTotalDuration ( std::chrono::milliseconds  duration)

Store the Total Duration at frame 0 in the recordedmarkup table.

Definition at line 4416 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::FinishedRecording(), DecoderBase::SaveTotalDuration(), and RecorderBase::SetDuration().

◆ SaveTotalFrames()

void ProgramInfo::SaveTotalFrames ( int64_t  frames)

Store the Total Frames at frame 0 in the recordedmarkup table.

Definition at line 4432 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by TV::PrepareToExitPlayer(), DecoderBase::SaveTotalFrames(), and RecorderBase::SetTotalFrames().

◆ SaveVideoProperties()

void ProgramInfo::SaveVideoProperties ( uint  mask,
uint  video_property_flags 

◆ SaveMarkupFlag()

void ProgramInfo::SaveMarkupFlag ( MarkTypes  type) const

Clears the specified flag, then if sets it.

Definition at line 3786 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by DoFlagCommercials(), and DeleteMap::SaveMap().

◆ ClearMarkupFlag()

void ProgramInfo::ClearMarkupFlag ( MarkTypes  type) const

Definition at line 652 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by ClearBookmarks(), ClearSeekTable(), and Transcode::TranscodeFile().

◆ UpdateLastDelete()

void ProgramInfo::UpdateLastDelete ( bool  setTime) const

Set or unset the record.last_delete field.

setTimeto set or clear the time stamp.

Definition at line 3440 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by MainServer::DoHandleUndeleteRecording(), PlaybackBox::RemoveProgram(), SaveAutoExpire(), SavePreserve(), and SaveWatched().

◆ MarkAsInUse()

void ProgramInfo::MarkAsInUse ( bool  inuse,
const QString &  usedFor = "" 

◆ UpdateInUseMark()

void ProgramInfo::UpdateInUseMark ( bool  force = false)

◆ SaveSeasonEpisode()

void ProgramInfo::SaveSeasonEpisode ( uint  seas,
uint  ep 

Definition at line 5011 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by LookerUpper::customEvent().

◆ SaveInetRef()

void ProgramInfo::SaveInetRef ( const QString &  inet)

Definition at line 5035 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ DiscoverRecordingDirectory()

QString ProgramInfo::DiscoverRecordingDirectory ( void  )
This method sometimes initiates a QUERY_CHECKFILE MythProto call and so should not be called from the UI thread.

Definition at line 5130 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by Scheduler::FillRecordingDir(), and MarkAsInUse().

◆ GetPlaybackURL()

QString ProgramInfo::GetPlaybackURL ( bool  checkMaster = false,
bool  forceCheckLocal = false 

Returns filename or URL to be used to play back this recording.

If the file is accessible locally, the filename will be returned, otherwise a myth:// URL will be returned.

This method sometimes initiates a QUERY_CHECKFILE MythProto call and so should not be called from the UI thread.

Definition at line 2567 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by CompleteJob(), commDetector2::debugDirectory(), DiscoverRecordingDirectory(), JobQueue::DoFlagCommercialsThread(), JobQueue::DoTranscodeThread(), get_filename(), GetPlaybackURL(), getProgramInfoForFile(), TV::HandleStateChange(), IsFileReadable(), MythPlayerUI::JumpToProgram(), main(), MarkAsInUse(), preview_helper(), JobQueue::ProcessJob(), PlaybackBox::processNetworkControlCommand(), RunCCExtract(), SubstituteMatches(), TV::SwitchInputs(), and MythPlayerUI::SwitchToProgram().

◆ DiscoverProgramInfoType()

ProgramInfoType ProgramInfo::DiscoverProgramInfoType ( void  ) const

Definition at line 2467 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ QueryCutList()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryCutList ( frm_dir_map_t delMap,
bool  loadAutosave = false 
) const

◆ SaveCutList()

void ProgramInfo::SaveCutList ( frm_dir_map_t delMap,
bool  isAutoSave = false 
) const

Definition at line 3517 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by CopySkipListToCutList(), DeleteMap::SaveMap(), and SetMarkupList().

◆ QueryCommBreakList()

void ProgramInfo::QueryCommBreakList ( frm_dir_map_t frames) const

◆ SaveCommBreakList()

void ProgramInfo::SaveCommBreakList ( frm_dir_map_t frames) const

Definition at line 3564 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by DoFlagCommercials(), and SetMarkupList().

◆ QueryPositionMap()

void ProgramInfo::QueryPositionMap ( frm_pos_map_t posMap,
MarkTypes  type 
) const

◆ ClearPositionMap()

void ProgramInfo::ClearPositionMap ( MarkTypes  type) const

◆ SavePositionMap()

void ProgramInfo::SavePositionMap ( frm_pos_map_t posMap,
MarkTypes  type,
int64_t  min_frame = -1,
int64_t  max_frame = -1 
) const

Definition at line 3878 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by UpdatePositionMap().

◆ SavePositionMapDelta()

void ProgramInfo::SavePositionMapDelta ( frm_pos_map_t posMap,
MarkTypes  type 
) const

◆ QueryKeyFrameInfo()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryKeyFrameInfo ( uint64_t *  result,
uint64_t  position_or_keyframe,
bool  backwards,
MarkTypes  type,
const char *  from_filemarkup_asc,
const char *  from_filemarkup_desc,
const char *  from_recordedseek_asc,
const char *  from_recordedseek_desc 
) const

◆ QueryKeyFramePosition()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryKeyFramePosition ( uint64_t *  position,
uint64_t  keyframe,
bool  backwards 
) const

◆ QueryPositionKeyFrame()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryPositionKeyFrame ( uint64_t *  keyframe,
uint64_t  position,
bool  backwards 
) const

Definition at line 4221 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Dvr::SetLastPlayPos(), and V2Dvr::SetSavedBookmark().

◆ QueryKeyFrameDuration()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryKeyFrameDuration ( uint64_t *  duration,
uint64_t  keyframe,
bool  backwards 
) const

◆ QueryDurationKeyFrame()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryDurationKeyFrame ( uint64_t *  keyframe,
uint64_t  duration,
bool  backwards 
) const

Definition at line 4239 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Dvr::SetLastPlayPos(), and V2Dvr::SetSavedBookmark().

◆ QueryMarkup()

void ProgramInfo::QueryMarkup ( QVector< MarkupEntry > &  mapMark,
QVector< MarkupEntry > &  mapSeek 
) const

Definition at line 4674 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by GetMarkup(), and V2Dvr::GetRecordedMarkup().

◆ SaveMarkup()

void ProgramInfo::SaveMarkup ( const QVector< MarkupEntry > &  mapMark,
const QVector< MarkupEntry > &  mapSeek 
) const

Definition at line 4755 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by SetMarkup(), and V2Dvr::SetRecordedMarkup().

◆ SendUpdateEvent()

void ProgramInfo::SendUpdateEvent ( void  ) const

◆ SendAddedEvent()

void ProgramInfo::SendAddedEvent ( void  ) const

Sends event out that the ProgramInfo should be added to lists.

Definition at line 2774 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::InsertFile(), and SaveDeletePendingFlag().

◆ SendDeletedEvent()

void ProgramInfo::SendDeletedEvent ( void  ) const

Sends event out that the ProgramInfo should be delete from lists.

Definition at line 2779 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by MainServer::DoHandleDeleteRecording().

◆ i18n()

QString ProgramInfo::i18n ( const QString &  msg)

◆ MakeUniqueKey() [2/2]

QString ProgramInfo::MakeUniqueKey ( uint  chanid,
const QDateTime &  recstartts 

Creates a unique string that can be used to identify a recording.

Definition at line 1177 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ ExtractKey()

bool ProgramInfo::ExtractKey ( const QString &  uniquekey,
uint chanid,
QDateTime &  recstartts 

Extracts chanid and recstartts from a unique key generated by MakeUniqueKey().

true iff a valid chanid and recstartts have been extracted.

Definition at line 1186 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by TV::customEvent(), and incomingCustomEvent().

◆ ExtractKeyFromPathname()

bool ProgramInfo::ExtractKeyFromPathname ( const QString &  pathname,
uint chanid,
QDateTime &  recstartts 

Definition at line 1197 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by QueryKeyFromPathname().

◆ QueryKeyFromPathname()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryKeyFromPathname ( const QString &  pathname,
uint chanid,
QDateTime &  recstartts 

Definition at line 1219 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by preview_helper(), and ProgramInfo().

◆ QueryRecordedIdFromPathname()

bool ProgramInfo::QueryRecordedIdFromPathname ( const QString &  pathname,
uint recordedid 

Definition at line 1242 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by V2Dvr::RecordedIdForPathname().

◆ QueryRecordingGroupPassword()

QString ProgramInfo::QueryRecordingGroupPassword ( const QString &  group)

Definition at line 5077 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ QueryBookmark() [2/2]

uint64_t ProgramInfo::QueryBookmark ( uint  chanid,
const QDateTime &  recstartts 

Definition at line 2825 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ QueryInUseMap()

QMap< QString, uint32_t > ProgramInfo::QueryInUseMap ( void  )

◆ QueryJobsRunning()

QMap< QString, bool > ProgramInfo::QueryJobsRunning ( int  type)

◆ LoadFromScheduler()

QStringList ProgramInfo::LoadFromScheduler ( const QString &  tmptable,
int  recordid 

◆ UpdateMarkTimeStamp()

void ProgramInfo::UpdateMarkTimeStamp ( bool  bookmarked) const

Definition at line 2708 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by SaveBookmark().

◆ UpdateLastPlayTimeStamp()

void ProgramInfo::UpdateLastPlayTimeStamp ( bool  lastplay) const

Definition at line 2749 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by SaveLastPlayPos().

◆ QueryMarkupMap() [1/3]

void ProgramInfo::QueryMarkupMap ( frm_dir_map_t marks,
MarkTypes  type,
bool  merge = false 
) const

◆ SaveMarkupMap()

void ProgramInfo::SaveMarkupMap ( const frm_dir_map_t marks,
MarkTypes  type = MARK_ALL,
int64_t  min_frame = -1,
int64_t  max_frame = -1 
) const

◆ ClearMarkupMap()

void ProgramInfo::ClearMarkupMap ( MarkTypes  type = MARK_ALL,
int64_t  min_frame = -1,
int64_t  max_frame = -1 
) const

◆ CreateRecordBasename()

QString ProgramInfo::CreateRecordBasename ( const QString &  ext) const

Returns a filename for a recording based on the recording channel and date.

Definition at line 2413 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::InsertRecording().

◆ LoadProgramFromRecorded()

bool ProgramInfo::LoadProgramFromRecorded ( uint  chanid,
const QDateTime &  _recstartts 

Loads ProgramInfo for an existing recording.

true iff sucessful

Definition at line 2006 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by ProgramInfo().

◆ FromStringList()

bool ProgramInfo::FromStringList ( QStringList::const_iterator &  it,
const QStringList::const_iterator &  end 

Uses a QStringList to initialize this ProgramInfo instance.

itIterator pointing to first item in list to treat as beginning of serialized ProgramInfo.
endIterator that will stop parsing of the ProgramInfo
true if it succeeds, false if it fails.
See also
FromStringList(const QStringList&,uint) ToStringList(QStringList&) const

Definition at line 1375 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ QueryMarkupMap() [2/3]

void ProgramInfo::QueryMarkupMap ( const QString &  video_pathname,
frm_dir_map_t marks,
MarkTypes  type,
bool  merge = false 

Definition at line 3701 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ QueryMarkupMap() [3/3]

void ProgramInfo::QueryMarkupMap ( uint  chanid,
const QDateTime &  recstartts,
frm_dir_map_t marks,
MarkTypes  type,
bool  merge = false 

Definition at line 3738 of file programinfo.cpp.

◆ InitStatics()

int ProgramInfo::InitStatics ( void  )

Definition at line 5478 of file programinfo.cpp.

Referenced by pginfo_init_statics().

◆ SetAvailableStatus()

void ProgramInfo::SetAvailableStatus ( AvailableStatusType  status,
const QString &  where 

◆ GetAvailableStatus()

AvailableStatusType ProgramInfo::GetAvailableStatus ( void  ) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ TestRecordingExtender

friend class TestRecordingExtender

Definition at line 70 of file programinfo.h.

◆ pginfo_init_statics

int pginfo_init_statics ( void  )

Definition at line 40 of file programinfo.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ kCatName

const std::array<const QString,5> ProgramInfo::kCatName

Definition at line 73 of file programinfo.h.

◆ kNumCatTypes

constexpr int ProgramInfo::kNumCatTypes = 5

Definition at line 75 of file programinfo.h.

◆ m_title

QString ProgramInfo::m_title

◆ m_sortTitle

QString ProgramInfo::m_sortTitle

Definition at line 769 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by clear(), clone(), ensureSortFields(), ProgramInfo(), SetTitle(), and ToMap().

◆ m_subtitle

QString ProgramInfo::m_subtitle

◆ m_sortSubtitle

QString ProgramInfo::m_sortSubtitle

Definition at line 771 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by clear(), clone(), ensureSortFields(), ProgramInfo(), SetSubtitle(), and ToMap().

◆ m_description

QString ProgramInfo::m_description

◆ m_season

uint ProgramInfo::m_season {0}

◆ m_episode

uint ProgramInfo::m_episode {0}

◆ m_totalEpisodes

uint ProgramInfo::m_totalEpisodes {0}

◆ m_syndicatedEpisode

QString ProgramInfo::m_syndicatedEpisode

◆ m_category

QString ProgramInfo::m_category

◆ m_director

QString ProgramInfo::m_director

Definition at line 778 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by clear(), clone(), operator==(), ProgramInfo(), and ToMap().

◆ m_recPriority

int32_t ProgramInfo::m_recPriority {0}

◆ m_chanId

uint32_t ProgramInfo::m_chanId {0}

Definition at line 782 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::AddHistory(), RecordingInfo::ApplyOriginalAirDateChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyRecordPlayGroupChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyRecordRecGroupChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyRecordRecID(), RecordingInfo::ApplyRecordRecTitleChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyStarsChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyStorageGroupChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyTranscoderProfileChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyTranscoderProfileChangeById(), clear(), ClearMarkupMap(), ClearPositionMap(), RecordingInfo::clone(), clone(), CreateRecordBasename(), DiscoverProgramInfoType(), RecordingInfo::FinishedRecording(), RecordingInfo::ForgetHistory(), FromStringList(), GetFilesize(), RecordingInfo::InsertProgram(), IsSameChannel(), IsSameProgramWeakCheck(), IsSameRecording(), LoadProgramFromRecorded(), MarkAsInUse(), operator==(), ProgramInfo(), QueryAutoExpire(), QueryAverageAspectRatio(), QueryAverageFrameRate(), QueryAverageHeight(), QueryAverageScanProgressive(), QueryAverageWidth(), QueryBookmarkTimeStamp(), QueryCategoryType(), QueryIsEditing(), QueryIsInUse(), QueryKeyFrameInfo(), QueryMarkup(), QueryMarkupMap(), QueryMplexID(), QueryPositionMap(), QueryRecordingGroup(), QueryTotalDuration(), QueryTotalFrames(), QueryTranscoderID(), QueryTranscodeStatus(), QueryTuningInfo(), RecordingInfo::RecordingInfo(), Reload(), SaveAspect(), SaveAutoExpire(), SaveCommFlagged(), SaveCutList(), SaveDeletePendingFlag(), SaveEditing(), SaveFilesize(), SaveFrameRate(), SaveInetRef(), SaveMarkup(), SaveMarkupMap(), SavePositionMap(), SavePositionMapDelta(), SavePreserve(), SaveResolution(), SaveSeasonEpisode(), SaveTotalDuration(), SaveTotalFrames(), SaveTranscodeStatus(), SaveVideoProperties(), SaveVideoScanType(), SaveWatched(), SetPathname(), RecordingInfo::StartedRecording(), SubstituteMatches(), ToMap(), ToStringList(), and RecordingInfo::UpdateRecordingEnd().

◆ m_chanStr

QString ProgramInfo::m_chanStr

◆ m_chanSign

QString ProgramInfo::m_chanSign

◆ m_chanName

QString ProgramInfo::m_chanName

◆ m_chanPlaybackFilters

QString ProgramInfo::m_chanPlaybackFilters

◆ m_recGroup

QString ProgramInfo::m_recGroup {"Default"}

◆ m_playGroup

QString ProgramInfo::m_playGroup {"Default"}

◆ m_pathname

QString ProgramInfo::m_pathname

◆ m_hostname

QString ProgramInfo::m_hostname

◆ m_storageGroup

QString ProgramInfo::m_storageGroup {"Default"}

◆ m_seriesId

QString ProgramInfo::m_seriesId

◆ m_programId

QString ProgramInfo::m_programId

◆ m_inetRef

QString ProgramInfo::m_inetRef

◆ m_catType

CategoryType ProgramInfo::m_catType {kCategoryNone}

◆ m_fileSize

uint64_t ProgramInfo::m_fileSize {0ULL}

◆ m_startTs

QDateTime ProgramInfo::m_startTs {MythDate::current(true)}

◆ m_endTs

QDateTime ProgramInfo::m_endTs {m_startTs}

◆ m_recStartTs

QDateTime ProgramInfo::m_recStartTs {m_startTs}

Definition at line 805 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by RecordingInfo::ApplyOriginalAirDateChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyRecordPlayGroupChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyRecordRecGroupChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyRecordRecID(), RecordingInfo::ApplyRecordRecTitleChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyStarsChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyStorageGroupChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyTranscoderProfileChange(), RecordingInfo::ApplyTranscoderProfileChangeById(), CalculateRecordedProgress(), CalculateWatchedProgress(), clear(), ClearMarkupMap(), ClearPositionMap(), RecordingInfo::clone(), clone(), CreateRecordBasename(), RecordingInfo::DeleteHistory(), RecordingInfo::FinishedRecording(), RecordingInfo::ForgetHistory(), FromStringList(), GetFilesize(), GetSecondsInRecording(), RecordingInfo::InsertProgram(), RecordingInfo::InsertRecording(), IsSameRecording(), LoadProgramFromRecorded(), MarkAsInUse(), operator==(), ProgramInfo(), QueryAutoExpire(), QueryAverageAspectRatio(), QueryAverageFrameRate(), QueryAverageHeight(), QueryAverageScanProgressive(), QueryAverageWidth(), QueryBookmarkTimeStamp(), QueryIsEditing(), QueryIsInUse(), QueryKeyFrameInfo(), QueryMarkup(), QueryMarkupMap(), QueryPositionMap(), QueryRecordingGroup(), QueryTotalDuration(), QueryTotalFrames(), QueryTranscoderID(), QueryTranscodeStatus(), RecordingInfo::RecordingInfo(), Reload(), SaveAspect(), SaveAutoExpire(), SaveCommFlagged(), SaveCutList(), SaveDeletePendingFlag(), SaveEditing(), SaveFilesize(), SaveFrameRate(), SaveInetRef(), SaveMarkup(), SaveMarkupMap(), SavePositionMap(), SavePositionMapDelta(), SavePreserve(), SaveResolution(), SaveSeasonEpisode(), SaveTotalDuration(), SaveTotalFrames(), SaveTranscodeStatus(), SaveVideoScanType(), SaveWatched(), RecordingInfo::StartedRecording(), SubstituteMatches(), ToMap(), toString(), ToStringList(), UpdateLastDelete(), and RecordingInfo::UpdateRecordingEnd().

◆ m_recEndTs

QDateTime ProgramInfo::m_recEndTs {m_startTs}

◆ m_stars

float ProgramInfo::m_stars {0.0F}

◆ m_originalAirDate

QDate ProgramInfo::m_originalAirDate

◆ m_lastModified

QDateTime ProgramInfo::m_lastModified {m_startTs}

◆ kLastInUseOffset

constexpr int64_t ProgramInfo::kLastInUseOffset {4LL * 60 * 60}

Definition at line 811 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by clear(), clone(), LoadProgramFromRecorded(), MarkAsInUse(), and ProgramInfo().

◆ m_lastInUseTime

QDateTime ProgramInfo::m_lastInUseTime {m_startTs.addSecs(-kLastInUseOffset)}

◆ m_recPriority2

int32_t ProgramInfo::m_recPriority2 {0}

◆ m_recordId

uint32_t ProgramInfo::m_recordId {0}

◆ m_parentId

uint32_t ProgramInfo::m_parentId {0}

◆ m_sourceId

uint32_t ProgramInfo::m_sourceId {0}

◆ m_inputId

uint32_t ProgramInfo::m_inputId {0}

◆ m_findId

uint32_t ProgramInfo::m_findId {0}

◆ m_programFlags

uint32_t ProgramInfo::m_programFlags {FL_NONE}

◆ m_videoProperties

VideoPropsType ProgramInfo::m_videoProperties {VID_UNKNOWN}

◆ m_audioProperties

AudioPropsType ProgramInfo::m_audioProperties {AUD_UNKNOWN}

◆ m_subtitleProperties

SubtitlePropsType ProgramInfo::m_subtitleProperties {SUB_UNKNOWN}

◆ m_year

uint16_t ProgramInfo::m_year {0}

◆ m_partNumber

uint16_t ProgramInfo::m_partNumber {0}

◆ m_partTotal

uint16_t ProgramInfo::m_partTotal {0}

◆ m_recStatus

int8_t ProgramInfo::m_recStatus {RecStatus::Unknown}

◆ m_recType

uint8_t ProgramInfo::m_recType {kNotRecording}

◆ m_dupIn

uint8_t ProgramInfo::m_dupIn {kDupsInAll}

◆ m_dupMethod

uint8_t ProgramInfo::m_dupMethod {kDupCheckSubThenDesc}

◆ m_recordedId

uint ProgramInfo::m_recordedId {0}

◆ m_inputName

QString ProgramInfo::m_inputName

◆ m_bookmarkUpdate

QDateTime ProgramInfo::m_bookmarkUpdate

◆ m_availableStatus

uint8_t ProgramInfo::m_availableStatus {asAvailable}

◆ m_recordedPercent

int8_t ProgramInfo::m_recordedPercent {-1}

Definition at line 842 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by CalculateRecordedProgress(), and ToMap().

◆ m_watchedPercent

int8_t ProgramInfo::m_watchedPercent {-1}

Definition at line 843 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by CalculateWatchedProgress(), and ToMap().

◆ m_spread

int8_t ProgramInfo::m_spread {-1}

◆ m_startCol

int8_t ProgramInfo::m_startCol {-1}

◆ kFromRecordedQuery

const QString ProgramInfo::kFromRecordedQuery
Initial value:
"SELECT r.title, r.subtitle, r.description, "
" r.season, r.episode, r.category, "
" r.chanid, c.channum, c.callsign, "
", c.outputfilters,r.recgroup, "
" r.playgroup, r.storagegroup, r.basename, "
" r.hostname, r.recpriority, r.seriesid, "
" r.programid, r.inetref, r.filesize, "
" r.progstart, r.progend, r.stars, "
" r.starttime, r.endtime, p.airdate+0, "
" r.originalairdate, r.lastmodified, r.recordid, "
" c.commmethod, r.commflagged, r.previouslyshown, "
" r.transcoder, r.transcoded, r.deletepending, "
" r.preserve, r.cutlist, r.autoexpire, "
" r.editing, r.bookmark, r.watched, "
" p.audioprop+0, p.videoprop+0, p.subtitletypes+0, "
" r.findid, rec.dupin, rec.dupmethod, "
" p.syndicatedepisodenumber, p.partnumber, p.parttotal, "
" p.season, p.episode, p.totalepisodes, "
" p.category_type, r.recordedid, r.inputname, "
" r.bookmarkupdate, r.lastplay "
"FROM recorded AS r "
"LEFT JOIN channel AS c "
"ON (r.chanid = c.chanid) "
"LEFT JOIN recordedprogram AS p "
"ON (r.chanid = p.chanid AND "
" r.progstart = p.starttime) "
"LEFT JOIN record AS rec "
"ON (r.recordid = rec.recordid) "

Definition at line 852 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by LoadFromRecorded(), and LoadProgramFromRecorded().

◆ m_inUseForWhat

QString ProgramInfo::m_inUseForWhat

◆ m_positionMapDBReplacement

PMapDBReplacement* ProgramInfo::m_positionMapDBReplacement {nullptr}

◆ s_staticDataLock

QMutex ProgramInfo::s_staticDataLock

Definition at line 858 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by InitStatics(), and RecordingInfo::RecordingInfo().

◆ s_updater

ProgramInfoUpdater * ProgramInfo::s_updater

◆ s_usingProgIDAuth

bool ProgramInfo::s_usingProgIDAuth = true

Definition at line 860 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by CheckProgramIDAuthorities(), IsDuplicateProgram(), and IsSameProgram().

◆ m_previewUpdate

QDateTime ProgramInfo::m_previewUpdate

Definition at line 863 of file programinfo.h.

Referenced by ProgramInfoCache::Update(), and ProgramInfoCache::UpdateFileSize().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: