| ScanStreamData (bool no_default_pid=false) |
| ~ScanStreamData () override |
bool | IsRedundant (uint pid, const PSIPTable &psip) const override |
| Returns true if table already seen. More...
bool | HandleTables (uint pid, const PSIPTable &psip) override |
| Processes PSIP tables. More...
void | AddAllListeningPIDs (void) |
void | Reset (void) override |
void | Reset (uint desired_netid, uint desired_tsid, int desired_serviceid) override |
bool | HasEITPIDChanges (const uint_vec_t &) const override |
bool | GetEITPIDChanges (const uint_vec_t &, uint_vec_t &, uint_vec_t &) const override |
QString | GetSIStandard (const QString &guess="mpeg") const |
void | SetFreesatAdditionalSI (bool freesat_si) |
void | Reset (void) override |
virtual void | Reset (uint desired_netid, uint desired_tsid, int desired_serviceid) |
virtual void | Reset (void) |
virtual void | Reset (int desiredProgram) |
| MPEGStreamData (int desiredProgram, int cardnum, bool cacheTables) |
| Initializes MPEGStreamData. More...
| ~MPEGStreamData () override |
void | SetCaching (bool cacheTables) |
void | SetListeningDisabled (bool lt) |
double | TimeOffset (void) const |
| Current Offset from computer time to DVB time in seconds. More...
void | SetEITHelper (EITHelper *eit_helper) override |
void | SetEITRate (float rate) override |
void | SetIgnoreCRC (bool haveCRCbug) |
virtual void | HandleTSTables (const TSPacket *tspacket) |
| Assembles PSIP packets and processes them. More...
virtual bool | ProcessTSPacket (const TSPacket &tspacket) |
virtual int | ProcessData (const unsigned char *buffer, int len) |
void | HandleAdaptationFieldControl (const TSPacket *tspacket) |
virtual void | AddListeningPID (uint pid, PIDPriority priority=kPIDPriorityNormal) |
virtual void | AddNotListeningPID (uint pid) |
virtual void | AddWritingPID (uint pid, PIDPriority priority=kPIDPriorityHigh) |
virtual void | AddAudioPID (uint pid, PIDPriority priority=kPIDPriorityHigh) |
virtual void | AddConditionalAccessPID (uint pid, PIDPriority priority=kPIDPriorityNormal) |
virtual void | RemoveListeningPID (uint pid) |
virtual void | RemoveNotListeningPID (uint pid) |
virtual void | RemoveWritingPID (uint pid) |
virtual void | RemoveAudioPID (uint pid) |
virtual bool | IsListeningPID (uint pid) const |
virtual bool | IsNotListeningPID (uint pid) const |
virtual bool | IsWritingPID (uint pid) const |
bool | IsVideoPID (uint pid) const |
virtual bool | IsAudioPID (uint pid) const |
virtual bool | IsConditionalAccessPID (uint pid) const |
const pid_map_t & | ListeningPIDs (void) const |
const pid_map_t & | AudioPIDs (void) const |
const pid_map_t & | WritingPIDs (void) const |
uint | GetPIDs (pid_map_t &pids) const |
PIDPriority | GetPIDPriority (uint pid) const |
void | SetVersionPAT (uint tsid, int version, uint last_section) |
void | SetVersionPMT (uint pnum, int version, uint last_section) |
bool | HasAllPATSections (uint tsid) const |
bool | HasAllCATSections (uint tsid) const |
bool | HasAllPMTSections (uint prog_num) const |
bool | HasProgram (uint progNum) const |
bool | HasCachedAllPAT (uint tsid) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyPAT (uint tsid) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyPAT (void) const |
bool | HasCachedAllCAT (uint tsid) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyCAT (uint tsid) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyCAT (void) const |
bool | HasCachedAllPMT (uint pnum) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyPMT (uint pnum) const |
bool | HasCachedAllPMTs (void) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyPMTs (void) const |
pat_const_ptr_t | GetCachedPAT (uint tsid, uint section_num) const |
pat_vec_t | GetCachedPATs (uint tsid) const |
pat_vec_t | GetCachedPATs (void) const |
pat_map_t | GetCachedPATMap (void) const |
cat_const_ptr_t | GetCachedCAT (uint tsid, uint section_num) const |
cat_vec_t | GetCachedCATs (uint tsid) const |
cat_vec_t | GetCachedCATs (void) const |
cat_map_t | GetCachedCATMap (void) const |
pmt_const_ptr_t | GetCachedPMT (uint program_num, uint section_num) const |
pmt_vec_t | GetCachedPMTs (void) const |
pmt_map_t | GetCachedPMTMap (void) const |
virtual void | ReturnCachedTable (const PSIPTable *psip) const |
virtual void | ReturnCachedPATTables (pat_vec_t &pats) const |
virtual void | ReturnCachedPATTables (pat_map_t &pats) const |
virtual void | ReturnCachedCATTables (cat_vec_t &cats) const |
virtual void | ReturnCachedCATTables (cat_map_t &cats) const |
virtual void | ReturnCachedPMTTables (pmt_vec_t &pmts) const |
virtual void | ReturnCachedPMTTables (pmt_map_t &pmts) const |
void | AddEncryptionTestPID (uint pnum, uint pid, bool isvideo) |
void | RemoveEncryptionTestPIDs (uint pnum) |
bool | IsEncryptionTestPID (uint pid) const |
void | TestDecryption (const ProgramMapTable *pmt) |
void | ResetDecryptionMonitoringState (void) |
bool | IsProgramDecrypted (uint pnum) const |
bool | IsProgramEncrypted (uint pnum) const |
void | AddMPEGListener (MPEGStreamListener *val) |
void | RemoveMPEGListener (MPEGStreamListener *val) |
void | AddWritingListener (TSPacketListener *val) |
void | RemoveWritingListener (TSPacketListener *val) |
void | AddMPEGSPListener (MPEGSingleProgramStreamListener *val) |
void | RemoveMPEGSPListener (MPEGSingleProgramStreamListener *val) |
void | AddAVListener (TSPacketListenerAV *val) |
void | RemoveAVListener (TSPacketListenerAV *val) |
void | AddPSStreamListener (PSStreamListener *val) |
void | RemovePSStreamListener (PSStreamListener *val) |
void | SetDesiredProgram (int p) |
void | SetPATSingleProgram (ProgramAssociationTable *pat) |
void | SetPMTSingleProgram (ProgramMapTable *pmt) |
void | SetVideoStreamsRequired (uint num) |
uint | GetVideoStreamsRequired () const |
void | SetAudioStreamsRequired (uint num) |
uint | GetAudioStreamsRequired () const |
void | SetRecordingType (const QString &recording_type) |
int | DesiredProgram (void) const |
uint | VideoPIDSingleProgram (void) const |
QString | GetRecordingType (void) const |
const ProgramAssociationTable * | PATSingleProgram (void) const |
const ProgramMapTable * | PMTSingleProgram (void) const |
ProgramAssociationTable * | PATSingleProgram (void) |
ProgramMapTable * | PMTSingleProgram (void) |
int | VersionPATSingleProgram (void) const |
int | VersionPMTSingleProgram (void) const |
bool | CreatePATSingleProgram (const ProgramAssociationTable &pat) |
bool | CreatePMTSingleProgram (const ProgramMapTable &pmt) |
| ATSCStreamData (int desiredMajorChannel, int desiredMinorChannel, int cardnum, bool cacheTables=false) |
| Initializes ATSCStreamData. More...
| ~ATSCStreamData () override |
void | Reset (int desiredProgram) override |
void | Reset (int desiredMajorChannel, int desiredMinorChannel) |
void | SetDesiredChannel (int major, int minor) |
uint | GPSOffset (void) const |
| Current UTC to GPS time offset in seconds. More...
uint | GetATSCMajorMinor (uint eit_sourceid) const |
bool | HasATSCMajorMinorMap (void) const |
void | SetVersionMGT (int version) |
void | SetVersionTVCT (uint tsid, int version) |
void | SetVersionCVCT (uint tsid, int version) |
void | SetVersionRRT (uint region, int version) |
int | VersionMGT () const |
int | VersionTVCT (uint tsid) const |
int | VersionCVCT (uint tsid) const |
int | VersionRRT (uint region) const |
bool | HasCachedMGT (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedTVCT (uint pid, bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedCVCT (uint pid, bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAllTVCTs (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAllCVCTs (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAllVCTs (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyTVCTs (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyCVCTs (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyVCTs (bool current=true) const |
const MasterGuideTable * | GetCachedMGT (bool current=true) const |
tvct_const_ptr_t | GetCachedTVCT (uint pid, bool current=true) const |
cvct_const_ptr_t | GetCachedCVCT (uint pid, bool current=true) const |
tvct_vec_t | GetCachedTVCTs (bool current=true) const |
cvct_vec_t | GetCachedCVCTs (bool current=true) const |
void | ReturnCachedTVCTTables (tvct_vec_t &tvcts) const |
void | ReturnCachedCVCTTables (cvct_vec_t &cvcts) const |
bool | HasChannel (uint major, uint minor) const |
int | DesiredMajorChannel (void) const |
int | DesiredMinorChannel (void) const |
void | AddATSCMainListener (ATSCMainStreamListener *val) |
void | AddSCTEMainListener (SCTEMainStreamListener *val) |
void | AddATSCAuxListener (ATSCAuxStreamListener *val) |
void | AddATSCEITListener (ATSCEITStreamListener *val) |
void | AddATSC81EITListener (ATSC81EITStreamListener *val) |
void | RemoveATSCMainListener (ATSCMainStreamListener *val) |
void | RemoveSCTEMainListener (SCTEMainStreamListener *val) |
void | RemoveATSCAuxListener (ATSCAuxStreamListener *val) |
void | RemoveATSCEITListener (ATSCEITStreamListener *val) |
void | RemoveATSC81EITListener (ATSC81EITStreamListener *val) |
| DVBStreamData (uint desired_netid, uint desired_tsid, int desired_program, int cardnum, bool cacheTables=false) |
| ~DVBStreamData () override |
void | SetDesiredService (uint netid, uint tsid, int serviceid) |
uint | DesiredNetworkID (void) const |
uint | DesiredTransportID (void) const |
void | ProcessSDT (uint tsid, const ServiceDescriptionTable *sdt) |
void | SetRealNetworkID (int real_network_id) |
void | SetDishNetEIT (bool use_dishnet_eit) |
bool | HasAnyEIT (void) const |
bool | HasEIT (uint serviceid) const |
void | SetVersionSDT (uint tsid, int version, uint last_section) |
void | SetVersionSDTo (uint tsid, int version, uint last_section) |
bool | HasAllNITSections (void) const |
bool | HasAllNIToSections (void) const |
bool | HasAllSDTSections (uint tsid) const |
bool | HasAllSDToSections (uint tsid) const |
bool | HasAllBATSections (uint bid) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyNIT (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAllNIT (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAnySDT (uint tsid, bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAllSDT (uint tsid, bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedSDT (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAnySDTs (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAllSDTs (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyBAT (uint batid, bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAllBAT (uint batid, bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAnyBATs (bool current=true) const |
bool | HasCachedAllBATs (bool current=true) const |
nit_const_ptr_t | GetCachedNIT (uint section_num, bool current=true) const |
nit_vec_t | GetCachedNIT (bool current=true) const |
sdt_const_ptr_t | GetCachedSDT (uint tsid, uint section_num, bool current=true) const |
sdt_vec_t | GetCachedSDTSections (uint tsid, bool current=true) const |
sdt_vec_t | GetCachedSDTs (bool current=true) const |
void | ReturnCachedSDTTables (sdt_vec_t &sdts) const |
bat_const_ptr_t | GetCachedBAT (uint batid, uint section_num, bool current=true) const |
bat_vec_t | GetCachedBATs (bool current=true) const |
void | AddDVBMainListener (DVBMainStreamListener *val) |
void | AddDVBOtherListener (DVBOtherStreamListener *val) |
void | AddDVBEITListener (DVBEITStreamListener *val) |
void | RemoveDVBMainListener (DVBMainStreamListener *val) |
void | RemoveDVBOtherListener (DVBOtherStreamListener *val) |
void | RemoveDVBEITListener (DVBEITStreamListener *val) |
virtual void | Reset (void) |
virtual void | Reset (int desiredProgram) |