Go to the documentation of this file.
12 __title__ =
"vimeo_exceptions - Custom exceptions used or raised by vimeo_api";
13 __author__=
"R.D. Vaughan"
18 __all__ = [
"VimeoAllChannelError", ]
21 '1':
'User not found - The user id or name was either not valid or not provided.',
22 '96':
'Invalid signature - The api_sig passed was not valid.',
23 '97':
'Missing signature - A signature was not passed.',
24 '98':
'Login failed / Invalid auth token - The login details or auth token passed were invalid.',
25 '100':
'Invalid API Key - The API key passed was not valid.',
26 '105':
'Service currently unavailable - The requested service is temporarily unavailable.',
27 '111':
'Format not found - The requested response format was not found.',
28 '112':
'Method not found - The requested method was not found.',
29 '301':
'Invalid consumer key - The consumer key passed was not valid.',
30 '302':
'Invalid / expired token - The oauth_token passed was either not valid or has expired.',
31 '303':
'Invalid signature - The oauth_signature passed was not valid.',
32 '304':
'Invalid nonce - The oauth_nonce passed has already been used.',
33 '305':
'Invalid signature - The oauth_signature passed was not valid.',
34 '306':
'Unsupported signature method - We do not support that signature method.',
35 '307':
'Missing required parameter - A required parameter was missing.',
36 '308':
'Duplicate parameter - An OAuth protocol parameter was duplicated.',
37 '901':
'Empty search - The search text cannot be empty.',
38 '999':
'Rate limit exceeded - Please wait a few minutes before trying again.',