Ticket #12079: trace

File trace, 103.6 KB (added by warpme@…, 11 years ago)

gdb trace

12014-02-28 22:17:47.829008 I  MythCoreContext: Received remote 'FILE_WRITTEN /myth/tv/13108_20140228210500.mpg' request
22014-02-28 22:17:47.829035 D  MythCoreContext: Registering File /myth/tv/13108_20140228210500.mpg for write
32014-02-28 22:17:57.879505 I  MythCoreContext: Received remote 'FILE_WRITTEN /myth/tv/13108_20140228210500.mpg' request
42014-02-28 22:17:57.879545 D  MythCoreContext: Registering File /myth/tv/13108_20140228210500.mpg for write
52014-02-28 22:18:02.869965 I  TV: Creating TV object
62014-02-28 22:18:02.983723 I  TV: Finished creating TV object
72014-02-28 22:18:02.983800 I  TV: StartTV() -- begin
82014-02-28 22:18:02.983886 N  Suspending idle timer
92014-02-28 22:18:02.984014 I  TV: Init -- begin
102014-02-28 22:18:02.998295 I  TV: Created TvPlayWindow.
112014-02-28 22:18:02.999777 I  ScreenSaverX11Private: Calling xscreensaver-command -deactivate
122014-02-28 22:18:03.025021 I  TV: DrawUnusedRects() -- begin
132014-02-28 22:18:03.025187 I  TV: DrawUnusedRects() -- end
142014-02-28 22:18:03.059679 I  TV: Init -- end
152014-02-28 22:18:03.059766 I  TV: tv->Playback() -- begin
162014-02-28 22:18:03.070463 I  TV: HandleStateChange(0) -- begin
172014-02-28 22:18:03.070542 I  TV: Attempting to change from None to WatchingPreRecorded
182014-02-28 22:18:03.072150 D  SendReceiveStringList(QUERY_CHECKFILE,0...) called from UI thread
192014-02-28 22:18:03.073530 I  ProgramInfo(8006_20140228173000.mpg): GetPlaybackURL: Found @ 'myth://'
202014-02-28 22:18:03.073687 I  RemoteFile::Exists(): looking for remote file: myth://
212014-02-28 22:18:03.073882 D  SendReceiveStringList(QUERY_FILE_EXISTS,8006_20140228173000.mpg) called from UI thread
222014-02-28 22:18:03.075241 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// OpenFile(myth://, 2000 ms)
232014-02-28 22:18:03.114004 D  RemoteFile(myth://
242014-02-28 22:18:03.114120 I  RingBuf(myth:// CalcReadAheadThresh(8000 Kb)
25                         -> threshhold(3584 KB) min read(160 KB) blk size(128 KB)
262014-02-28 22:18:03.114202 I  TV: StartPlayer(0, WatchingPreRecorded, main) -- begin
272014-02-28 22:18:03.114298 I  TV: Elapsed time since TV constructor was called: 244 ms
282014-02-28 22:18:03.134550 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libadjust.so'
292014-02-28 22:18:03.430499 D  FilterManager: filters[adjust] = 0x7f409da022e0
302014-02-28 22:18:03.430544 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libbobdeint.so'
312014-02-28 22:18:03.663292 D  FilterManager: filters[bobdeint] = 0x7f40a4742670
322014-02-28 22:18:03.663389 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libcrop.so'
332014-02-28 22:18:03.899755 D  FilterManager: filters[crop] = 0x7f40a47431d0
342014-02-28 22:18:03.899793 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libdenoise3d.so'
352014-02-28 22:18:04.136448 D  FilterManager: filters[denoise3d] = 0x7f40a4747810
362014-02-28 22:18:04.136483 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libfieldorder.so'
372014-02-28 22:18:04.360893 D  FilterManager: filters[fieldorderdoubleprocessdeint] = 0x7f40a409a230
382014-02-28 22:18:04.360927 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libforce.so'
392014-02-28 22:18:04.582444 D  FilterManager: filters[forceyv12] = 0x7f40a4743da0
402014-02-28 22:18:04.582506 D  FilterManager: filters[forceyuv422p] = 0x7f40a4745410
412014-02-28 22:18:04.582527 D  FilterManager: filters[forcergb24] = 0x7f40a4744800
422014-02-28 22:18:04.582549 D  FilterManager: filters[forceargb32] = 0x7f40a4744920
432014-02-28 22:18:04.582576 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libgreedyhdeint.so'
442014-02-28 22:18:04.811026 D  FilterManager: filters[greedyhdeint] = 0x7f40a47452b0
452014-02-28 22:18:04.811055 D  FilterManager: filters[greedyhdoubleprocessdeint] = 0x7f40a4744b30
462014-02-28 22:18:04.811083 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libinvert.so'
472014-02-28 22:18:05.032647 D  FilterManager: filters[invert] = 0x7f40a4743b30
482014-02-28 22:18:05.032681 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libivtc.so'
492014-02-28 22:18:05.260759 D  FilterManager: filters[ivtc] = 0x7f40a4743c90
502014-02-28 22:18:05.260795 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libkerneldeint.so'
512014-02-28 22:18:05.487358 D  FilterManager: filters[kerneldeint] = 0x7f40a4748840
522014-02-28 22:18:05.487386 D  FilterManager: filters[kerneldoubleprocessdeint] = 0x7f40a4749a40
532014-02-28 22:18:05.487419 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/liblinearblend.so'
542014-02-28 22:18:05.711337 D  FilterManager: filters[linearblend] = 0x7f40a4748f70
552014-02-28 22:18:05.711371 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libonefield.so'
562014-02-28 22:18:05.934716 D  FilterManager: filters[onefield] = 0x7f40a474b750
572014-02-28 22:18:05.934750 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libpostprocess.so'
582014-02-28 22:18:06.170467 D  FilterManager: filters[postprocess] = 0x7f40a474b510
592014-02-28 22:18:06.170502 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libquickdnr.so'
602014-02-28 22:18:06.394633 D  FilterManager: filters[quickdnr] = 0x7f40a474bf10
612014-02-28 22:18:06.394670 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libvflip.so'
622014-02-28 22:18:06.617951 D  FilterManager: filters[vflip] = 0x7f40a474b100
632014-02-28 22:18:06.617984 I  FilterManager: Loading filter '/usr/lib/mythtv/filters/libyadif.so'
642014-02-28 22:18:06.844421 D  FilterManager: filters[yadifdeint] = 0x7f40a474c900
652014-02-28 22:18:06.844449 D  FilterManager: filters[yadifdoubleprocessdeint] = 0x7f40a474a1e0
662014-02-28 22:18:07.124974 N  AudioPlayer: Enabling Audio
672014-02-28 22:18:07.125056 I  RingBuf(myth:// StartReads()
682014-02-28 22:18:07.125401 I  RingBuf(myth:// Unpause()
692014-02-28 22:18:07.125431 I  RingBuf(myth:// StartReads()
702014-02-28 22:18:07.125592 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..2048, peek) @0 -- begin
712014-02-28 22:18:07.126785 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// Seek(0,SEEK_SET,locked)
722014-02-28 22:18:07.126823 I  RingBuf(myth:// StopReads()
732014-02-28 22:18:07.126846 I  RingBuf(myth:// StartReads()
742014-02-28 22:18:07.126885 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// Seek(): Offset from end: 698355704
752014-02-28 22:18:07.196814 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..2048, peek): ReadDirect checksum 30660
762014-02-28 22:18:07.197045 I  RingBuf(myth:// CalcReadAheadThresh(8000 Kb)
77                         -> threshhold(7168 KB) min read(160 KB) blk size(128 KB)
782014-02-28 22:18:07.197108 I  RingBuf(myth:// Created readAheadBuffer: 8Mb
792014-02-28 22:18:07.197166 I  RingBuf(myth:// ResetReadAhead(internalreadpos = 0->0)
802014-02-28 22:18:07.197217 I  RingBuf(myth:// CalcReadAheadThresh(8000 Kb)
81                         -> threshhold(7168 KB) min read(160 KB) blk size(128 KB)
822014-02-28 22:18:07.197251 I  RingBuf(myth:// Initial readblocksize 128K & fill_min 160K
832014-02-28 22:18:07.197285 D  RingBuf(myth:// Reading enough data to start playback
842014-02-28 22:18:07.197310 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@0, 163840) -- begin
852014-02-28 22:18:07.241799 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@0, 163840) -> 163840, took 44 ms (29.7891Mbps) avg 300 ms
862014-02-28 22:18:07.241839 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 160K requested 160K in read
872014-02-28 22:18:07.241857 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 163840 bytes
882014-02-28 22:18:07.241877 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
892014-02-28 22:18:07.249961 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@163840, 131072) -- begin
902014-02-28 22:18:07.255080 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@163840, 131072) -> 131072, took 5 ms (209.715Mbps) avg 275 ms
912014-02-28 22:18:07.255104 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 128K requested 128K in read
922014-02-28 22:18:07.255126 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 294912 bytes
932014-02-28 22:18:07.255144 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
942014-02-28 22:18:07.263318 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@294912, 131072) -- begin
952014-02-28 22:18:07.271888 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@294912, 131072) -> 131072, took 8 ms (131.072Mbps) avg 248 ms
962014-02-28 22:18:07.271925 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 128K requested 128K in read
972014-02-28 22:18:07.271947 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 425984 bytes
982014-02-28 22:18:07.271968 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
992014-02-28 22:18:07.280014 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@425984, 131072) -- begin
1002014-02-28 22:18:07.282787 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@425984, 131072) -> 131072, took 2 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 224 ms
1012014-02-28 22:18:07.282818 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 128K requested 128K in read
1022014-02-28 22:18:07.282840 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 557056 bytes
1032014-02-28 22:18:07.282859 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1042014-02-28 22:18:07.293373 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@557056, 131072) -- begin
1052014-02-28 22:18:07.296060 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@557056, 131072) -> 131072, took 2 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 202 ms
1062014-02-28 22:18:07.296092 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 128K requested 128K in read
1072014-02-28 22:18:07.296115 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 688128 bytes
1082014-02-28 22:18:07.296135 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1092014-02-28 22:18:07.306702 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@688128, 131072) -- begin
1102014-02-28 22:18:07.309292 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@688128, 131072) -> 131072, took 2 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 183 ms
1112014-02-28 22:18:07.309325 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 128K requested 128K in read
1122014-02-28 22:18:07.309351 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 819200 bytes
1132014-02-28 22:18:07.309372 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1142014-02-28 22:18:07.320032 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@819200, 131072) -- begin
1152014-02-28 22:18:07.322644 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@819200, 131072) -> 131072, took 2 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 166 ms
1162014-02-28 22:18:07.322697 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 128K requested 128K in read
1172014-02-28 22:18:07.322721 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 950272 bytes
1182014-02-28 22:18:07.322746 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1192014-02-28 22:18:07.333405 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@950272, 131072) -- begin
1202014-02-28 22:18:07.336223 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@950272, 131072) -> 131072, took 2 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 150 ms
1212014-02-28 22:18:07.336256 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 128K requested 128K in read
1222014-02-28 22:18:07.336282 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 1081344 bytes
1232014-02-28 22:18:07.336302 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1242014-02-28 22:18:07.346723 I  RingBuf(myth:// Avg read interval was 136 msec. 128K -> 192K block size
1252014-02-28 22:18:07.346764 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1081344, 131072) -- begin
1262014-02-28 22:18:07.350286 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1081344, 131072) -> 131072, took 3 ms (349.525Mbps) avg 225 ms
1272014-02-28 22:18:07.350325 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 128K requested 128K in read
1282014-02-28 22:18:07.350350 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 1212416 bytes
1292014-02-28 22:18:07.350371 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1302014-02-28 22:18:07.360018 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1212416, 196608) -- begin
1312014-02-28 22:18:07.380442 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1212416, 196608) -> 196608, took 20 ms (78.6432Mbps) avg 225 ms
1322014-02-28 22:18:07.380478 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 192K requested 192K in read
1332014-02-28 22:18:07.380501 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 1409024 bytes
1342014-02-28 22:18:07.380522 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1352014-02-28 22:18:07.389985 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1409024, 196608) -- begin
1362014-02-28 22:18:07.393198 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1409024, 196608) -> 196608, took 3 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 205 ms
1372014-02-28 22:18:07.393230 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 192K requested 192K in read
1382014-02-28 22:18:07.393252 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 1605632 bytes
1392014-02-28 22:18:07.393292 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1402014-02-28 22:18:07.403346 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1605632, 196608) -- begin
1412014-02-28 22:18:07.406948 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1605632, 196608) -> 196608, took 3 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 185 ms
1422014-02-28 22:18:07.406985 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 192K requested 192K in read
1432014-02-28 22:18:07.407008 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 1802240 bytes
1442014-02-28 22:18:07.407030 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1452014-02-28 22:18:07.416657 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1802240, 196608) -- begin
1462014-02-28 22:18:07.419993 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1802240, 196608) -> 196608, took 3 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 167 ms
1472014-02-28 22:18:07.420030 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 192K requested 192K in read
1482014-02-28 22:18:07.420052 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 1998848 bytes
1492014-02-28 22:18:07.420073 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1502014-02-28 22:18:07.429987 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1998848, 196608) -- begin
1512014-02-28 22:18:07.433354 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1998848, 196608) -> 196608, took 3 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 151 ms
1522014-02-28 22:18:07.433388 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 192K requested 192K in read
1532014-02-28 22:18:07.433410 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 2195456 bytes
1542014-02-28 22:18:07.433431 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1552014-02-28 22:18:07.443338 I  RingBuf(myth:// Avg read interval was 137 msec. 192K -> 288K block size
1562014-02-28 22:18:07.443365 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@2195456, 196608) -- begin
1572014-02-28 22:18:07.446395 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@2195456, 196608) -> 196608, took 2 ms (786.432Mbps) avg 225 ms
1582014-02-28 22:18:07.446419 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 192K requested 192K in read
1592014-02-28 22:18:07.446436 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 2392064 bytes
1602014-02-28 22:18:07.446451 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1612014-02-28 22:18:07.455708 D  AFD: PlayerFlags: 0xc0
1622014-02-28 22:18:07.455761 I  Player(0): Stretch Factor 1, allow passthru
1632014-02-28 22:18:07.456628 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@2392064, 294912) -- begin
1642014-02-28 22:18:07.458395 I  AFD: Buffer size: 32768, streamed 0
1652014-02-28 22:18:07.458715 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @0 -- begin
1662014-02-28 22:18:07.458775 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
1672014-02-28 22:18:07.459116 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 61791
1682014-02-28 22:18:07.487707 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@2392064, 294912) -> 294912, took 31 ms (76.1063Mbps) avg 225 ms
1692014-02-28 22:18:07.487735 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 288K requested 288K in read
1702014-02-28 22:18:07.487753 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 2686976 bytes
1712014-02-28 22:18:07.487769 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1722014-02-28 22:18:07.496632 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@2686976, 294912) -- begin
1732014-02-28 22:18:07.506372 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@2686976, 294912) -> 294912, took 9 ms (262.144Mbps) avg 206 ms
1742014-02-28 22:18:07.506400 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 288K requested 288K in read
1752014-02-28 22:18:07.506418 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 2981888 bytes
1762014-02-28 22:18:07.506434 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1772014-02-28 22:18:07.516666 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@2981888, 294912) -- begin
1782014-02-28 22:18:07.521791 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@2981888, 294912) -> 294912, took 5 ms (471.859Mbps) avg 187 ms
1792014-02-28 22:18:07.521819 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 288K requested 288K in read
1802014-02-28 22:18:07.521836 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 3276800 bytes
1812014-02-28 22:18:07.521853 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1822014-02-28 22:18:07.529948 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@3276800, 294912) -- begin
1832014-02-28 22:18:07.535286 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@3276800, 294912) -> 294912, took 5 ms (471.859Mbps) avg 169 ms
1842014-02-28 22:18:07.535314 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 288K requested 288K in read
1852014-02-28 22:18:07.535331 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 3571712 bytes
1862014-02-28 22:18:07.535347 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1872014-02-28 22:18:07.543282 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@3571712, 294912) -- begin
1882014-02-28 22:18:07.548402 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@3571712, 294912) -> 294912, took 5 ms (471.859Mbps) avg 153 ms
1892014-02-28 22:18:07.548430 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 288K requested 288K in read
1902014-02-28 22:18:07.548447 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 3866624 bytes
1912014-02-28 22:18:07.548463 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1922014-02-28 22:18:07.556664 I  RingBuf(myth:// Avg read interval was 139 msec. 288K -> 448K block size
1932014-02-28 22:18:07.556691 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@3866624, 294912) -- begin
1942014-02-28 22:18:07.562067 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@3866624, 294912) -> 294912, took 5 ms (471.859Mbps) avg 225 ms
1952014-02-28 22:18:07.562093 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 288K requested 288K in read
1962014-02-28 22:18:07.562111 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 4161536 bytes
1972014-02-28 22:18:07.562127 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
1982014-02-28 22:18:07.573331 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@4161536, 458752) -- begin
1992014-02-28 22:18:07.589008 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@4161536, 458752) -> 458752, took 15 ms (244.668Mbps) avg 225 ms
2002014-02-28 22:18:07.589038 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 448K requested 448K in read
2012014-02-28 22:18:07.589056 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 4620288 bytes
2022014-02-28 22:18:07.589073 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
2032014-02-28 22:18:07.599986 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@4620288, 458752) -- begin
2042014-02-28 22:18:07.616774 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@4620288, 458752) -> 458752, took 16 ms (229.376Mbps) avg 205 ms
2052014-02-28 22:18:07.616803 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 448K requested 448K in read
2062014-02-28 22:18:07.616821 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 5079040 bytes
2072014-02-28 22:18:07.616837 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
2082014-02-28 22:18:07.626631 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@5079040, 458752) -- begin
2092014-02-28 22:18:07.634067 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@5079040, 458752) -> 458752, took 7 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 187 ms
2102014-02-28 22:18:07.634096 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 448K requested 448K in read
2112014-02-28 22:18:07.634113 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 5537792 bytes
2122014-02-28 22:18:07.634130 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
2132014-02-28 22:18:07.637048 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @32768 -- begin
2142014-02-28 22:18:07.637097 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2152014-02-28 22:18:07.637364 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 55639
2162014-02-28 22:18:07.637775 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @65536 -- begin
2172014-02-28 22:18:07.637801 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2182014-02-28 22:18:07.638072 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 38582
2192014-02-28 22:18:07.643290 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@5537792, 458752) -- begin
2202014-02-28 22:18:07.659867 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@5537792, 458752) -> 458752, took 16 ms (229.376Mbps) avg 169 ms
2212014-02-28 22:18:07.659896 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 448K requested 448K in read
2222014-02-28 22:18:07.659914 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 5996544 bytes
2232014-02-28 22:18:07.659947 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
2242014-02-28 22:18:07.669947 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@5996544, 458752) -- begin
2252014-02-28 22:18:07.678068 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@5996544, 458752) -> 458752, took 8 ms (458.752Mbps) avg 154 ms
2262014-02-28 22:18:07.678098 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 448K requested 448K in read
2272014-02-28 22:18:07.678115 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 6455296 bytes
2282014-02-28 22:18:07.678131 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
2292014-02-28 22:18:07.686641 I  RingBuf(myth:// Avg read interval was 140 msec. 448K -> 512K block size
2302014-02-28 22:18:07.686668 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@6455296, 458752) -- begin
2312014-02-28 22:18:07.694997 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@6455296, 458752) -> 458752, took 8 ms (458.752Mbps) avg 225 ms
2322014-02-28 22:18:07.695027 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 448K requested 448K in read
2332014-02-28 22:18:07.695045 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 6914048 bytes
2342014-02-28 22:18:07.695062 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
2352014-02-28 22:18:07.703307 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@6914048, 524288) -- begin
2362014-02-28 22:18:07.734356 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@6914048, 524288) -> 524288, took 30 ms (139.81Mbps) avg 225 ms
2372014-02-28 22:18:07.734387 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 512K requested 512K in read
2382014-02-28 22:18:07.734405 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 7438336 bytes
2392014-02-28 22:18:07.734421 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
2402014-02-28 22:18:07.781990 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @98304 -- begin
2412014-02-28 22:18:07.782030 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2422014-02-28 22:18:07.782300 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 4915
2432014-02-28 22:18:07.782395 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@7438336, 524288) -- begin
2442014-02-28 22:18:07.783052 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @131072 -- begin
2452014-02-28 22:18:07.783083 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2462014-02-28 22:18:07.783381 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 29216
2472014-02-28 22:18:07.784104 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @163840 -- begin
2482014-02-28 22:18:07.784149 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2492014-02-28 22:18:07.784472 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 21170
2502014-02-28 22:18:07.786329 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @196608 -- begin
2512014-02-28 22:18:07.786381 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2522014-02-28 22:18:07.786734 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 36733
2532014-02-28 22:18:07.787345 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @229376 -- begin
2542014-02-28 22:18:07.787387 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2552014-02-28 22:18:07.787692 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 44307
2562014-02-28 22:18:07.788146 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @262144 -- begin
2572014-02-28 22:18:07.788199 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2582014-02-28 22:18:07.788497 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 9841
2592014-02-28 22:18:07.790267 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @294912 -- begin
2602014-02-28 22:18:07.790325 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2612014-02-28 22:18:07.790671 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 36143
2622014-02-28 22:18:07.791605 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @327680 -- begin
2632014-02-28 22:18:07.791665 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2642014-02-28 22:18:07.792055 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 25799
2652014-02-28 22:18:07.792415 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@7438336, 524288) -> 524288, took 9 ms (466.034Mbps) avg 210 ms
2662014-02-28 22:18:07.792444 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 512K requested 512K in read
2672014-02-28 22:18:07.792462 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 7962624 bytes
2682014-02-28 22:18:07.792478 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
2692014-02-28 22:18:07.793043 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @360448 -- begin
2702014-02-28 22:18:07.793086 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2712014-02-28 22:18:07.793383 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 8789
2722014-02-28 22:18:07.793446 D  RingBuf(myth:// Shrinking read, near end of buffer
2732014-02-28 22:18:07.793478 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@7962624, 425984) -- begin
2742014-02-28 22:18:07.794831 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @393216 -- begin
2752014-02-28 22:18:07.794889 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2762014-02-28 22:18:07.795228 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 39479
2772014-02-28 22:18:07.795973 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @425984 -- begin
2782014-02-28 22:18:07.796016 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2792014-02-28 22:18:07.796328 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 54293
2802014-02-28 22:18:07.796804 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @458752 -- begin
2812014-02-28 22:18:07.796838 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2822014-02-28 22:18:07.797155 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 54690
2832014-02-28 22:18:07.798121 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @491520 -- begin
2842014-02-28 22:18:07.798169 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2852014-02-28 22:18:07.798487 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 43017
2862014-02-28 22:18:07.800196 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @524288 -- begin
2872014-02-28 22:18:07.800251 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2882014-02-28 22:18:07.800661 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 61356
2892014-02-28 22:18:07.801127 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@7962624, 425984) -> 425984, took 7 ms (486.839Mbps) avg 190 ms
2902014-02-28 22:18:07.801157 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 416K requested 416K in read
2912014-02-28 22:18:07.801175 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 8388608 bytes
2922014-02-28 22:18:07.801193 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
2932014-02-28 22:18:07.801361 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @557056 -- begin
2942014-02-28 22:18:07.801395 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2952014-02-28 22:18:07.801659 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 24073
2962014-02-28 22:18:07.801723 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@0, 524288) -- begin
2972014-02-28 22:18:07.802397 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @589824 -- begin
2982014-02-28 22:18:07.802429 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
2992014-02-28 22:18:07.802698 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 21427
3002014-02-28 22:18:07.804270 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @622592 -- begin
3012014-02-28 22:18:07.804313 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3022014-02-28 22:18:07.804612 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 39868
3032014-02-28 22:18:07.805059 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @655360 -- begin
3042014-02-28 22:18:07.805116 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3052014-02-28 22:18:07.805427 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 50743
3062014-02-28 22:18:07.806703 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @688128 -- begin
3072014-02-28 22:18:07.806742 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3082014-02-28 22:18:07.807088 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 33817
3092014-02-28 22:18:07.808633 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @720896 -- begin
3102014-02-28 22:18:07.808682 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3112014-02-28 22:18:07.809018 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 20699
3122014-02-28 22:18:07.809965 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @753664 -- begin
3132014-02-28 22:18:07.810067 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3142014-02-28 22:18:07.810488 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 4613
3152014-02-28 22:18:07.810841 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@0, 524288) -> 524288, took 9 ms (466.034Mbps) avg 190 ms
3162014-02-28 22:18:07.810897 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 512K requested 512K in read
3172014-02-28 22:18:07.810928 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 8912896 bytes
3182014-02-28 22:18:07.810957 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
3192014-02-28 22:18:07.811312 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @786432 -- begin
3202014-02-28 22:18:07.811357 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3212014-02-28 22:18:07.811621 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 18583
3222014-02-28 22:18:07.811687 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@524288, 262144) -- begin
3232014-02-28 22:18:07.812918 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @819200 -- begin
3242014-02-28 22:18:07.812956 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3252014-02-28 22:18:07.813279 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 20778
3262014-02-28 22:18:07.813781 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @851968 -- begin
3272014-02-28 22:18:07.813825 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3282014-02-28 22:18:07.814142 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 34790
3292014-02-28 22:18:07.815110 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @884736 -- begin
3302014-02-28 22:18:07.815160 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3312014-02-28 22:18:07.815488 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 36506
3322014-02-28 22:18:07.816708 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@524288, 262144) -> 262144, took 4 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 171 ms
3332014-02-28 22:18:07.816752 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 256K requested 256K in read
3342014-02-28 22:18:07.816781 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 9175040 bytes
3352014-02-28 22:18:07.816810 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
3362014-02-28 22:18:07.817127 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @917504 -- begin
3372014-02-28 22:18:07.817164 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3382014-02-28 22:18:07.817442 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 45704
3392014-02-28 22:18:07.817513 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@786432, 131072) -- begin
3402014-02-28 22:18:07.818200 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @950272 -- begin
3412014-02-28 22:18:07.818240 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3422014-02-28 22:18:07.818531 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 23247
3432014-02-28 22:18:07.819299 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @983040 -- begin
3442014-02-28 22:18:07.819335 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3452014-02-28 22:18:07.819649 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 40069
3462014-02-28 22:18:07.820471 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@786432, 131072) -> 131072, took 2 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 171 ms
3472014-02-28 22:18:07.820516 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 128K requested 128K in read
3482014-02-28 22:18:07.820545 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 9306112 bytes
3492014-02-28 22:18:07.820572 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
3502014-02-28 22:18:07.821121 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1015808 -- begin
3512014-02-28 22:18:07.821157 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3522014-02-28 22:18:07.821437 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 32512
3532014-02-28 22:18:07.821502 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@917504, 98304) -- begin
3542014-02-28 22:18:07.822034 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1048576 -- begin
3552014-02-28 22:18:07.822070 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3562014-02-28 22:18:07.822391 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 18496
3572014-02-28 22:18:07.823129 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1081344 -- begin
3582014-02-28 22:18:07.823177 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3592014-02-28 22:18:07.823526 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 50282
3602014-02-28 22:18:07.823672 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@917504, 98304) -> 98304, took 2 ms (393.216Mbps) avg 171 ms
3612014-02-28 22:18:07.823714 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  96K requested  96K in read
3622014-02-28 22:18:07.823744 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 9404416 bytes
3632014-02-28 22:18:07.823774 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
3642014-02-28 22:18:07.825046 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1114112 -- begin
3652014-02-28 22:18:07.825089 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3662014-02-28 22:18:07.825356 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 40902
3672014-02-28 22:18:07.825427 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1015808, 98304) -- begin
3682014-02-28 22:18:07.825994 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1146880 -- begin
3692014-02-28 22:18:07.826023 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3702014-02-28 22:18:07.826339 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 49035
3712014-02-28 22:18:07.827215 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1179648 -- begin
3722014-02-28 22:18:07.827265 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3732014-02-28 22:18:07.827597 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 1587
3742014-02-28 22:18:07.827685 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1015808, 98304) -> 98304, took 2 ms (393.216Mbps) avg 171 ms
3752014-02-28 22:18:07.827729 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  96K requested  96K in read
3762014-02-28 22:18:07.827766 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 9502720 bytes
3772014-02-28 22:18:07.827794 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
3782014-02-28 22:18:07.829087 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1212416 -- begin
3792014-02-28 22:18:07.829125 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3802014-02-28 22:18:07.829389 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 52083
3812014-02-28 22:18:07.829456 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1114112, 98304) -- begin
3822014-02-28 22:18:07.829801 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1245184 -- begin
3832014-02-28 22:18:07.829830 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3842014-02-28 22:18:07.830125 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 5589
3852014-02-28 22:18:07.830873 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1277952 -- begin
3862014-02-28 22:18:07.830919 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3872014-02-28 22:18:07.831238 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 58480
3882014-02-28 22:18:07.831788 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1114112, 98304) -> 98304, took 2 ms (393.216Mbps) avg 171 ms
3892014-02-28 22:18:07.831830 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  96K requested  96K in read
3902014-02-28 22:18:07.831858 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 9601024 bytes
3912014-02-28 22:18:07.831882 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
3922014-02-28 22:18:07.832812 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1310720 -- begin
3932014-02-28 22:18:07.832854 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3942014-02-28 22:18:07.833129 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 14560
3952014-02-28 22:18:07.833198 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1212416, 98304) -- begin
3962014-02-28 22:18:07.833927 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1343488 -- begin
3972014-02-28 22:18:07.833966 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
3982014-02-28 22:18:07.834290 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 12194
3992014-02-28 22:18:07.835202 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1376256 -- begin
4002014-02-28 22:18:07.835268 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4012014-02-28 22:18:07.835427 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1212416, 98304) -> 98304, took 2 ms (393.216Mbps) avg 171 ms
4022014-02-28 22:18:07.835468 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  96K requested  96K in read
4032014-02-28 22:18:07.835497 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 9699328 bytes
4042014-02-28 22:18:07.835545 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 24777
4052014-02-28 22:18:07.835600 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
4062014-02-28 22:18:07.837033 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1409024 -- begin
4072014-02-28 22:18:07.837066 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4082014-02-28 22:18:07.837330 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 10960
4092014-02-28 22:18:07.837395 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1310720, 98304) -- begin
4102014-02-28 22:18:07.837728 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1441792 -- begin
4112014-02-28 22:18:07.837756 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4122014-02-28 22:18:07.838028 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 37108
4132014-02-28 22:18:07.838707 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1474560 -- begin
4142014-02-28 22:18:07.838751 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4152014-02-28 22:18:07.839084 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 11363
4162014-02-28 22:18:07.839802 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1310720, 98304) -> 98304, took 2 ms (393.216Mbps) avg 171 ms
4172014-02-28 22:18:07.839840 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  96K requested  96K in read
4182014-02-28 22:18:07.839866 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 9797632 bytes
4192014-02-28 22:18:07.839890 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
4202014-02-28 22:18:07.839924 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1507328 -- begin
4212014-02-28 22:18:07.839987 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4222014-02-28 22:18:07.840257 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 60577
4232014-02-28 22:18:07.840319 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1409024, 98304) -- begin
4242014-02-28 22:18:07.841841 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1540096 -- begin
4252014-02-28 22:18:07.841899 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4262014-02-28 22:18:07.842217 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 49368
4272014-02-28 22:18:07.842551 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1409024, 98304) -> 98304, took 2 ms (393.216Mbps) avg 171 ms
4282014-02-28 22:18:07.842593 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  96K requested  96K in read
4292014-02-28 22:18:07.842620 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 9895936 bytes
4302014-02-28 22:18:07.842647 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
4312014-02-28 22:18:07.843040 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1572864 -- begin
4322014-02-28 22:18:07.843083 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4332014-02-28 22:18:07.843364 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 59462
4342014-02-28 22:18:07.843449 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1507328, 65536) -- begin
4352014-02-28 22:18:07.844105 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1605632 -- begin
4362014-02-28 22:18:07.844137 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4372014-02-28 22:18:07.844468 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 28529
4382014-02-28 22:18:07.845194 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1507328, 65536) -> 65536, took 1 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 171 ms
4392014-02-28 22:18:07.845232 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  64K requested  64K in read
4402014-02-28 22:18:07.845258 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 9961472 bytes
4412014-02-28 22:18:07.845287 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
4422014-02-28 22:18:07.845591 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1638400 -- begin
4432014-02-28 22:18:07.845643 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4442014-02-28 22:18:07.845907 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 51672
4452014-02-28 22:18:07.845971 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1572864, 65536) -- begin
4462014-02-28 22:18:07.846294 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1671168 -- begin
4472014-02-28 22:18:07.846334 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4482014-02-28 22:18:07.846617 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 49769
4492014-02-28 22:18:07.847702 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1572864, 65536) -> 65536, took 1 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 171 ms
4502014-02-28 22:18:07.847727 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1703936 -- begin
4512014-02-28 22:18:07.847746 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  64K requested  64K in read
4522014-02-28 22:18:07.847784 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 10027008 bytes
4532014-02-28 22:18:07.847789 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4542014-02-28 22:18:07.848057 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 33008
4552014-02-28 22:18:07.848109 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
4562014-02-28 22:18:07.849711 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1736704 -- begin
4572014-02-28 22:18:07.849750 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4582014-02-28 22:18:07.850033 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 56336
4592014-02-28 22:18:07.850099 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1638400, 98304) -- begin
4602014-02-28 22:18:07.850754 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1769472 -- begin
4612014-02-28 22:18:07.850788 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4622014-02-28 22:18:07.851078 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 23353
4632014-02-28 22:18:07.851934 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1802240 -- begin
4642014-02-28 22:18:07.851980 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4652014-02-28 22:18:07.852313 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 56227
4662014-02-28 22:18:07.852810 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1638400, 98304) -> 98304, took 2 ms (393.216Mbps) avg 171 ms
4672014-02-28 22:18:07.852843 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  96K requested  96K in read
4682014-02-28 22:18:07.852871 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 10125312 bytes
4692014-02-28 22:18:07.852895 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
4702014-02-28 22:18:07.853505 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1835008 -- begin
4712014-02-28 22:18:07.853548 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4722014-02-28 22:18:07.853817 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 34630
4732014-02-28 22:18:07.853918 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1736704, 98304) -- begin
4742014-02-28 22:18:07.854265 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1867776 -- begin
4752014-02-28 22:18:07.854296 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4762014-02-28 22:18:07.854571 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 48652
4772014-02-28 22:18:07.855590 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1900544 -- begin
4782014-02-28 22:18:07.855639 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4792014-02-28 22:18:07.855979 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 24683
4802014-02-28 22:18:07.856576 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1736704, 98304) -> 98304, took 2 ms (393.216Mbps) avg 171 ms
4812014-02-28 22:18:07.856644 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  96K requested  96K in read
4822014-02-28 22:18:07.856678 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 10223616 bytes
4832014-02-28 22:18:07.856707 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
4842014-02-28 22:18:07.857523 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1933312 -- begin
4852014-02-28 22:18:07.857567 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4862014-02-28 22:18:07.857834 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 59857
4872014-02-28 22:18:07.857895 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1835008, 98304) -- begin
4882014-02-28 22:18:07.858646 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1966080 -- begin
4892014-02-28 22:18:07.858690 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4902014-02-28 22:18:07.859022 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 41811
4912014-02-28 22:18:07.859961 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @1998848 -- begin
4922014-02-28 22:18:07.860015 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
4932014-02-28 22:18:07.860284 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1835008, 98304) -> 98304, took 2 ms (393.216Mbps) avg 171 ms
4942014-02-28 22:18:07.860320 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 18023
4952014-02-28 22:18:07.860324 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  96K requested  96K in read
4962014-02-28 22:18:07.860477 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 10321920 bytes
4972014-02-28 22:18:07.860506 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
4982014-02-28 22:18:07.861505 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @2031616 -- begin
4992014-02-28 22:18:07.861539 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
5002014-02-28 22:18:07.861800 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 37914
5012014-02-28 22:18:07.861860 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1933312, 98304) -- begin
5022014-02-28 22:18:07.862678 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @2064384 -- begin
5032014-02-28 22:18:07.862727 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
5042014-02-28 22:18:07.863081 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 50823
5052014-02-28 22:18:07.864092 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @2097152 -- begin
5062014-02-28 22:18:07.864156 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- copying data
5072014-02-28 22:18:07.864296 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@1933312, 98304) -> 98304, took 2 ms (393.216Mbps) avg 171 ms
5082014-02-28 22:18:07.864329 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos +=  96K requested  96K in read
5092014-02-28 22:18:07.864351 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 10420224 bytes
5102014-02-28 22:18:07.864446 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) -- checksum 58727
5112014-02-28 22:18:07.864496 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
5122014-02-28 22:18:07.866290 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// Seek(698105704,SEEK_SET,unlocked)
5132014-02-28 22:18:07.866315 I  RingBuf(myth:// StopReads()
5142014-02-28 22:18:07.866350 I  RingBuf(myth:// StartReads()
5152014-02-28 22:18:07.866380 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// Seek(): rbrpos: 2129920 rbwpos: 2031616
516                        readpos: 2129920 internalreadpos: 10420224
5172014-02-28 22:18:07.866405 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// Seek(): Offset from end: 250000
5182014-02-28 22:18:07.866424 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// Seek(): offset from end: 250000
519                         -- ignoring read ahead thread until next seek.
5202014-02-28 22:18:07.886019 I  MythCoreContext: Received remote 'FILE_WRITTEN /myth/tv/13108_20140228210500.mpg' request
5212014-02-28 22:18:07.886066 D  MythCoreContext: Registering File /myth/tv/13108_20140228210500.mpg for write
5222014-02-28 22:18:07.936971 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5232014-02-28 22:18:07.938625 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal): ReadDirect checksum 53840
5242014-02-28 22:18:07.938805 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5252014-02-28 22:18:07.940342 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal): ReadDirect checksum 32936
5262014-02-28 22:18:07.940556 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5272014-02-28 22:18:07.941882 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal): ReadDirect checksum 237
5282014-02-28 22:18:07.942090 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5292014-02-28 22:18:07.943449 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal): ReadDirect checksum 10069
5302014-02-28 22:18:07.943637 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5312014-02-28 22:18:07.944999 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal): ReadDirect checksum 7961
5322014-02-28 22:18:07.945172 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5332014-02-28 22:18:07.946561 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal): ReadDirect checksum 13635
5342014-02-28 22:18:07.946768 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5352014-02-28 22:18:07.948051 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal): ReadDirect checksum 38138
5362014-02-28 22:18:07.948266 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5372014-02-28 22:18:07.963780 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..32768, normal): ReadDirect checksum 7369
5382014-02-28 22:18:07.963942 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..12144, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5392014-02-28 22:18:07.980147 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// safe_read(RemoteFile* ...): at EOF
5402014-02-28 22:18:07.980268 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..12144, normal): ReadDirect checksum 30818
5412014-02-28 22:18:07.980297 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..12144, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5422014-02-28 22:18:07.996813 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// safe_read(RemoteFile* ...): at EOF
5432014-02-28 22:18:07.996932 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..12144, normal): ReadDirect checksum 30818
5442014-02-28 22:18:07.997008 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..12144, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5452014-02-28 22:18:08.013490 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// safe_read(RemoteFile* ...): at EOF
5462014-02-28 22:18:08.013620 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..12144, normal): ReadDirect checksum 30818
5472014-02-28 22:18:08.013669 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..12144, normal) @2129920 -- begin
5482014-02-28 22:18:08.030161 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// safe_read(RemoteFile* ...): at EOF
5492014-02-28 22:18:08.030290 D  RingBuf(myth:// ReadPriv(..12144, normal): ReadDirect checksum 30818
5502014-02-28 22:18:08.030397 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// Seek(0,SEEK_SET,unlocked)
5512014-02-28 22:18:08.030419 I  RingBuf(myth:// StopReads()
5522014-02-28 22:18:08.030449 I  RingBuf(myth:// StartReads()
5532014-02-28 22:18:08.030484 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// Seek(): rbrpos: 2129920 rbwpos: 2031616
554                        readpos: 2379920 internalreadpos: 10420224
5552014-02-28 22:18:08.030514 I  FileRingBuf(myth:// Seek(): internal_backbuf: -425984 sba: 2379920
5562014-02-28 22:18:08.100083 I  RingBuf(myth:// ResetReadAhead(internalreadpos = 10420224->0)
5572014-02-28 22:18:08.100124 I  RingBuf(myth:// CalcReadAheadThresh(8000 Kb)
558                         -> threshhold(7168 KB) min read(160 KB) blk size(512 KB)
5592014-02-28 22:18:08.100259 D  RingBuf(myth:// run: Not reading continuing: totfree(98303) readsallowed(0) ignorereadpos(-1) commserror(0) stopreads(0)
5602014-02-28 22:18:08.100302 D  RingBuf(myth:// Reading enough data to start playback
5612014-02-28 22:18:08.100342 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@0, 524288) -- begin
5622014-02-28 22:18:08.100394 I  AFD: Stream #0, has id 0x20b codec id MPEG2VIDEO, type Video, bitrate 0 at 0x7f40a4a8ab20
5632014-02-28 22:18:08.100447 I  AFD: Stream #1, has id 0x2f8 codec id MP2, type Audio, bitrate 192000 at 0x7f40a475ffe0
5642014-02-28 22:18:08.100478 I  AFD: codec MP2 has 2 channels
5652014-02-28 22:18:08.100515 I  AFD: Looking for decoder for MP2
5662014-02-28 22:18:08.100829 I  AFD: Opened codec 0x7f40a475ed40, id(MP2) type(Audio)
5672014-02-28 22:18:08.123081 I  AFD: Stream #2, has id 0x2f9 codec id MP2, type Audio, bitrate 192000 at 0x7f40a475f200
5682014-02-28 22:18:08.123159 I  AFD: codec MP2 has 2 channels
5692014-02-28 22:18:08.123197 I  AFD: Looking for decoder for MP2
5702014-02-28 22:18:08.123756 I  AFD: Opened codec 0x7f40a4a869a0, id(MP2) type(Audio)
5712014-02-28 22:18:08.123888 I  AFD: Stream #3, has id 0x1786 codec id DVB_SUBTITLE, type Subtitle, bitrate 0 at 0x7f40a4a87e40
5722014-02-28 22:18:08.123913 I  AFD: subtitle codec (Subtitle)
5732014-02-28 22:18:08.124116 I  AFD: Looking for decoder for DVB_SUBTITLE
5742014-02-28 22:18:08.124316 I  AFD: Opened codec 0x7f40a4a88120, id(DVB_SUBTITLE) type(Subtitle)
5752014-02-28 22:18:08.124339 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@0, 524288) -> 524288, took 23 ms (182.361Mbps) avg 171 ms
5762014-02-28 22:18:08.124379 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 512K requested 512K in read
5772014-02-28 22:18:08.124403 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 524288 bytes
5782014-02-28 22:18:08.124409 I  AFD: Subtitle track #1 is A/V stream #3 and is in the Polish language(7368556).
5792014-02-28 22:18:08.124423 I  AFD: Trying to select best video track
5802014-02-28 22:18:08.124431 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
5812014-02-28 22:18:08.124517 I  AFD: Selected track #0 (id 0x20b codec id MPEG2VIDEO, type Video, bitrate 500000 at 0x7f40a4a8ab20)
5822014-02-28 22:18:08.129639 I  VDP: Accepting: cmp(>= 0 720) dec(vdpau) cpus(1) skiploop(enabled) rend(vdpau) osd(vdpau) osdfade(enabled) deint(vdpaubasic,vdpaubasic) filt(vdpaucolorspace=auto,vdpausharpen=0.5,vdpaudenoise=1,0)
5832014-02-28 22:18:08.129708 I  VDP: Accepting: cmp(> 0 0) dec(vdpau) cpus(1) skiploop(enabled) rend(vdpau) osd(vdpau) osdfade(enabled) deint(vdpauadvanceddoublerate,vdpauadvanced) filt(vdpaucolorspace=auto,vdpausharpen=1.0,vdpaudenoise=1.0)
5842014-02-28 22:18:08.129758 I  VDP: LoadBestPreferences(2048x2048, 0)
5852014-02-28 22:18:08.129814 I  VDP: LoadBestPreferences(2048x2048, 60)
5862014-02-28 22:18:08.129852 I  VDP: LoadBestPreferences(720x576, 60)
5872014-02-28 22:18:08.130008 I  AFD: Using 1 CPUs for decoding
5882014-02-28 22:18:08.130069 I  AFD: InitVideoCodec() 0x7f40a4a8dea0 id(MPEG2VIDEO) type (Video).
5892014-02-28 22:18:08.130148 I  AFD: Selected FPS is 25 (avg 25 codec 25 container 90000 estimated 25)
5902014-02-28 22:18:08.130216 I  Player(0): SetFrameInterval ps:1 scan:3
5912014-02-28 22:18:08.130267 I  Player(0): detectInterlace(Detect Scan, Interlaced Scan, 25, 576) ->Interlaced Scan
5922014-02-28 22:18:08.130353 I  AFD: Using vdpau for video decoding
5932014-02-28 22:18:08.130398 I  AFD: Opened codec 0x7f40a4a8dea0, id(MPEG2VIDEO) type(Video)
5942014-02-28 22:18:08.130421 I  RingBuf(myth:// UpdateRawBitrate(3433Kb)
5952014-02-28 22:18:08.130457 I  RingBuf(myth:// CalcReadAheadThresh(3433 Kb)
596                         -> threshhold(7168 KB) min read(64 KB) blk size(512 KB)
5972014-02-28 22:18:08.143740 I  RingBuf(myth:// CalcReadAheadThresh(3433 Kb)
598                         -> threshhold(14336 KB) min read(64 KB) blk size(512 KB)
5992014-02-28 22:18:08.143796 I  RingBuf(myth:// Created readAheadBuffer: 16Mb
6002014-02-28 22:18:08.143847 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@8388608, 524288) -- begin
6012014-02-28 22:18:08.146015 I  AOBase: Opening audio device 'sysdefault:CARD=NVidia' ch 2(2) sr 48000 sf signed 32 bit reenc 0
6022014-02-28 22:18:08.151818 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@8388608, 524288) -> 524288, took 7 ms (599.186Mbps) avg 158 ms
6032014-02-28 22:18:08.151842 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 512K requested 512K in read
6042014-02-28 22:18:08.151859 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 1048576 bytes
6052014-02-28 22:18:08.151876 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
6062014-02-28 22:18:08.160039 I  RingBuf(myth:// Avg read interval was 143 msec. 512K -> 512K block size
6072014-02-28 22:18:08.160069 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@8912896, 524288) -- begin
6082014-02-28 22:18:08.162317 E  ALSA: Requested 500000us got 341333 buffer time
6092014-02-28 22:18:08.162779 E  ALSA: Try to manually increase audio buffer with: echo 768 | sudo tee /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/sub0/prealloc
6102014-02-28 22:18:08.172082 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@8912896, 524288) -> 524288, took 11 ms (381.3Mbps) avg 225 ms
6112014-02-28 22:18:08.172112 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 512K requested 512K in read
6122014-02-28 22:18:08.172129 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 1572864 bytes
6132014-02-28 22:18:08.172146 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
6142014-02-28 22:18:08.174025 I  Dec: Selected track #1 (type 2) in the Unknown language(0)
6152014-02-28 22:18:08.174107 I  Dec: Selected track #1 (type 3) in the Polish language(7368556)
6162014-02-28 22:18:08.174152 I  Dec: Resyncing position map. posmapStarted = 0 livetv(0) watchingRec(0)
6172014-02-28 22:18:08.183333 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@9437184, 524288) -- begin
6182014-02-28 22:18:08.191558 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@9437184, 524288) -> 524288, took 8 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 204 ms
6192014-02-28 22:18:08.191602 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 512K requested 512K in read
6202014-02-28 22:18:08.191633 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 2097152 bytes
6212014-02-28 22:18:08.191661 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
6222014-02-28 22:18:08.199989 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@9961472, 524288) -- begin
6232014-02-28 22:18:08.208971 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@9961472, 524288) -> 524288, took 8 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 185 ms
6242014-02-28 22:18:08.209015 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 512K requested 512K in read
6252014-02-28 22:18:08.209044 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 2621440 bytes
6262014-02-28 22:18:08.209070 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
6272014-02-28 22:18:08.219985 D  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@10485760, 524288) -- begin
6282014-02-28 22:18:08.228628 I  RingBuf(myth:// safe_read(...@10485760, 524288) -> 524288, took 8 ms (524.288Mbps) avg 168 ms
6292014-02-28 22:18:08.228671 D  RingBuf(myth:// rbwpos += 512K requested 512K in read
6302014-02-28 22:18:08.228700 D  RingBuf(myth:// total read so far: 3145728 bytes
6312014-02-28 22:18:08.228725 D  RingBuf(myth:// @ end of read ahead loop
633Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
634RemoteEncoder::GetRecorderNumber (this=0x0) at remoteencoder.cpp:71
63571      remoteencoder.cpp: No such file or directory.
637Thread 1 (LWP 8753):
638#0  RemoteEncoder::GetRecorderNumber (this=0x0) at remoteencoder.cpp:71
639No locals.
640#1  0x00007f40bd19be6f in MythPlayer::OpenFile (this=0x7f3fba151f50, retries=<optimized out>) at mythplayer.cpp:1022
641        cardid = <optimized out>
642        channum = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x5, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}
643        inputname = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x6aff020, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}
644        cardinputid = <optimized out>
645        testbuf = <optimized out>
646        timeout = 2500
647        __FUNCTION__ = "OpenFile"
648        ret = <optimized out>
649        testreadsize = <optimized out>
650        bigTimer = {m_timer = {t1 = 438, t2 = 62133588}, m_offset = 0}
651        no_video_decode = false
652#2  0x00007f40bd19d30e in MythPlayer::StartPlaying (this=0x7f3fba151f50) at mythplayer.cpp:2799
653        __FUNCTION__ = "StartPlaying"
654        seek = <optimized out>
655#3  0x00007f40bd1b7e38 in PlayerContext::StartPlaying (this=this@entry=0x2764a60, maxWait=maxWait@entry=-1) at playercontext.cpp:453
656        __FUNCTION__ = "StartPlaying"
657        t = {m_timer = {t1 = 139915976395200, t2 = 3}, m_offset = 1}
658#4  0x00007f40bd1b867d in PlayerContext::CreatePlayer (this=0x2764a60, tv=0x7f3fba16ec10, widget=0xac44, desiredState=kState_WatchingPreRecorded, embed=false, embedbounds=..., muted=false) at playercontext.cpp:440
659        __FUNCTION__ = "CreatePlayer"
660        passthru_device = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f40ba1249c0 <QString::shared_null>, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}
661        playerflags = <optimized out>
662        player = 0x7f3fba151f50
663        audio = 0x7f3fba16ec10
664        isWatchingRecording = false
665#5  0x00007f40bd15e8f3 in TV::StartPlayer (this=this@entry=0x6942200, mctx=mctx@entry=0x2764a60, ctx=ctx@entry=0x2764a60, desiredState=desiredState@entry=kState_WatchingPreRecorded) at tv_play.cpp:5612
666        wantPiP = false
667        __FUNCTION__ = "StartPlayer"
668        ok = false
669#6  0x00007f40bd161f9f in TV::HandleStateChange (this=this@entry=0x6942200, mctx=0x2764a60, ctx=0x2764a60) at tv_play.cpp:2415
670        playbackURL = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409cea01b0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}
671        buffer = 0x7f409c4fbac0
672        __FUNCTION__ = "HandleStateChange"
673        ctxState = 1419726448
674        desiredNextState = kState_WatchingPreRecorded
675        ok = false
676        lastState = <optimized out>
677        changed = false
678        nextState = kState_None
679#7  0x00007f40bd163930 in TV::Playback (this=this@entry=0x6942200, rcinfo=...) at tv_play.cpp:2122
680        mctx = 0x2764a60
681#8  0x00007f40bd177fab in TV::StartTV (tvrec=0x7fff549f5600, flags=<optimized out>, selection=...) at tv_play.cpp:365
682        mctx = 0x0
683        startInGuide = <optimized out>
684        inPlaylist = <optimized out>
685        initByNetworkCommand = <optimized out>
686        curProgram = 0x27abe50
687        __FUNCTION__ = "StartTV"
688        showDialogs = true
689        playCompleted = false
690        startSysEventSent = <optimized out>
691        playerError = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f40ba1249c0 <QString::shared_null>, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}
692        allowrerecord = false
693        tv = 0x6942200
694        quitAll = <optimized out>
695        deleterecording = <optimized out>
696#9  0x0000000000469dec in PlaybackBox::Play (this=this@entry=0x25b9500, rec=..., inPlaylist=inPlaylist@entry=false, ignoreBookmark=ignoreBookmark@entry=false, underNetworkControl=underNetworkControl@entry=false) at playbackbox.cpp:2476
697        playCompleted = false
698        tvrec = {_vptr.ProgramInfo = 0x7f40bc25c2b0 <vtable for ProgramInfo+16>, title = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409df24e70, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, subtitle = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409c448790, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, description = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409ca743d0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, season = 0, episode = 0, syndicatedepisode = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f40ba1249a0 <QString::shared_empty>, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, category = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409cd180e0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, director = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f40ba1249c0 <QString::shared_null>, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, recpriority = 0, chanid = 8006, chanstr = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409cede750, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, chansign = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409df068e0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, channame = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409c4f2b30, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, chanplaybackfilters = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409c4da780, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, recgroup = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409df06fc0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, playgroup = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409df04bc0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, pathname = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x2a47eb0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, hostname = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409d85ad60, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, storagegroup = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409d88fb80, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, seriesid = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409ce5edc0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, programid = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409d889d80, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, inetref = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409c7566b0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, catType = 42094000, filesize = 698355704, startts = {d = {d = 0x7f409df25040}}, endts = {d = {d = 0x7f409df257c0}}, recstartts = {d = {d = 0x7f409d898f90}}, recendts = {d = {d = 0x7f409df25000}}, stars = 0, originalAirDate = {jd = 0}, lastmodified = {d = {d = 0x7f409cd9b2e0}}, lastInUseTime = {d = {d = 0x275ecb0}}, prefinput = 1433, recpriority2 = 0, recordid = 0, parentid = 0, sourceid = 0, inputid = 0, cardid = 0, findid = 0, programflags = 4, properties = 2176, year = 0, partnumber = 0, parttotal = 0, recstatus = -3 '\375', oldrecstatus = 0 '\000', rectype = 0 '\000', dupin = 0 '\000', dupmethod = 0 '\000', availableStatus = 0 '\000', spread = -1 '\377', startCol = -1 '\377', sortTitle = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409c757d40, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, static kFromRecordedQuery = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x1e5a7f0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, inUseForWhat = {static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, static shared_null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, static shared_empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, d = 0x7f40ba1249c0 <QString::shared_null>, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, positionMapDBReplacement = 0x0, static staticDataLock = {d = 0x1e5a6d0}, static updater = 0x1e5a700, static usingProgIDAuth = true}
699        initIndex = 5
700        flags = 0
701#10 0x000000000046a041 in PlaybackBox::PlayX (this=this@entry=0x25b9500, pginfo=..., ignoreBookmark=ignoreBookmark@entry=false, underNetworkControl=underNetworkControl@entry=false) at playbackbox.cpp:2226
702No locals.
703#11 0x000000000046a145 in PlaybackBox::PlayFromBookmark (this=0x25b9500, item=<optimized out>) at playbackbox.cpp:2203
704        pginfo = 0x28c87a0
705#12 0x000000000062fccd in PlaybackBox::qt_static_metacall (_o=0x25b9500, _c=<optimized out>, _id=<optimized out>, _a=0x7fff549f5980) at moc_playbackbox.cpp:257
706        _t = 0x25b9500
707#13 0x00007f40b9df4923 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4
708No symbol table info available.
709#14 0x00007f40bc425f52 in MythUIButtonList::itemClicked (this=<optimized out>, _t1=0x27a17e0) at moc_mythuibuttonlist.cpp:121
710        _a = {0x0, 0x7fff549f5978}
711#15 0x00007f40bc3727dd in MythUIButtonList::keyPressEvent (this=0x23af600, e=<optimized out>) at mythuibuttonlist.cpp:2446
712        item = <optimized out>
713        action = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f409c3b3cb0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}
714        i = <optimized out>
715        actions = {<QList<QString>> = {{p = {static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 16705}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, sharable = 1, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x288bc70}, d = 0x288bc70}}, <No data fields>}
716        handled = true
717#16 0x000000000046c8ef in PlaybackBox::keyPressEvent (this=0x25b9500, event=0x7fff549f6380) at playbackbox.cpp:3815
718        handled = <optimized out>
719        actions = {<QList<QString>> = {{p = {static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 16705}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, sharable = 1, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x0}, d = 0x0}}, <No data fields>}
720#17 0x00007f40bc2dccde in MythMainWindow::eventFilter (this=0x1f9f3f0, e=<optimized out>) at mythmainwindow.cpp:2010
721        top = <optimized out>
722        ke = 0x7fff549f6380
723        it = 0x7f409c341258
724        ge = <optimized out>
725#18 0x00007f40b9ddf044 in QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendThroughObjectEventFilters(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4
726No symbol table info available.
727#19 0x00007f40ba656eec in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtGui.so.4
728No symbol table info available.
729#20 0x00007f40ba65ab0d in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtGui.so.4
730No symbol table info available.
731#21 0x00007f40b9ddeece in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4
732No symbol table info available.
733#22 0x00007f40bc2e04dc in MythMainWindow::customEvent (this=0x1f9f3f0, ce=<optimized out>) at mythmainwindow.cpp:2227
734        key = <incomplete type>
735        key_target = <optimized out>
736        lke = <optimized out>
737        __FUNCTION__ = "customEvent"
738#23 0x00007f40b9dfc1dc in QObject::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4
739No symbol table info available.
740#24 0x00007f40ba6a2631 in QWidget::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtGui.so.4
741No symbol table info available.
742#25 0x00007f40ba656f1c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtGui.so.4
743No symbol table info available.
744#26 0x00007f40ba659fae in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtGui.so.4
745No symbol table info available.
746#27 0x00007f40b9ddeece in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4
747No symbol table info available.
748#28 0x00007f40b9de17f4 in QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int, QThreadData*) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4
749No symbol table info available.
750#29 0x00007f40b9e0ed13 in ?? () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4
751No symbol table info available.
752#30 0x00007f40b0591c75 in g_main_context_dispatch () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
753No symbol table info available.
754#31 0x00007f40b05b11e8 in g_main_context_iterate.isra.12.9345.2466 () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
755No symbol table info available.
756#32 0x00007f40b05b1244 in g_main_context_iteration () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
757No symbol table info available.
758#33 0x00007f40b9e0f0c6 in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4
759No symbol table info available.
760#34 0x00007f40ba6f2bde in ?? () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtGui.so.4
761No symbol table info available.
762#35 0x00007f40b9ddd4ef in QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4
763No symbol table info available.
764#36 0x00007f40b9ddd788 in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4
765No symbol table info available.
766#37 0x00007f40b9de300c in QCoreApplication::exec() () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4
767No symbol table info available.
768#38 0x0000000000434c4a in main (argc=6, argv=<optimized out>) at main.cpp:1768
769        cmdline = {<MythCommandLineParser> = {_vptr.MythCommandLineParser = 0x8d4b50 <vtable for MythFrontendCommandLineParser+16>, m_appname = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x1e6e460, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, m_optionedArgs = {{d = 0x1e6eab0, e = 0x1e6eab0}}, m_namedArgs = {{d = 0x1e6e980, e = 0x1e6e980}}, m_passthroughActive = false, m_overridesImported = true, m_verbose = false}, <No data fields>}
770        __FUNCTION__ = "main"
771        fileprefix = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f40a40012a0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}
772        bonjour = {d = 0x7f40a40137b0}
773        themename = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x7f40a4033f70, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}
774        mainWindow = <optimized out>
775        sysEventHandler = 0x25cdc00
776        housekeeping = 0x2591580
777        bBypassAutoDiscovery = <optimized out>
778        signallist = {{p = {static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 16705}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, sharable = 1, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x1ee8c00}, d = 0x1ee8c00}}
779        retval = <optimized out>
780        ResetSettings = <optimized out>
781        themedir = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 15747}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249da <QString::shared_null+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 14552}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x7f40ba1249ba <QString::shared_empty+26>, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x1f6e0a0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}
782        bPromptForBackend = <optimized out>
783        callCleanup = {m_cleanFunction = 0x43b2e0 <(anonymous namespace)::cleanup()>}
784        mon = 0x7f409c3d1590
785        networkControl = 0x2231ba0
786        themeUpdateChecker = 0x0
787        ret = <optimized out>
788        dir = {d_ptr = {d = 0x7f40a4021250}}
789        bcm = {<QObject> = {<No data fields>}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7f40ba11c540 <QObject::staticMetaObject>, stringdata = 0x6681c0 <qt_meta_stringdata_BackendConnectionManager> "BackendConnectionManager", data = 0x668200 <qt_meta_data_BackendConnectionManager>, extradata = 0x8da060 <BackendConnectionManager::staticMetaObjectExtraData>}}, static staticMetaObjectExtraData = {objects = 0x0, static_metacall = 0x6383b0 <BackendConnectionManager::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>}, m_reconnecting = 0x0, m_reconnect_timer = 0x25ac8e0, m_reconnect_again = false}