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TVRec Class Reference

This is the coordinating class of the Recorder Subsystem. More...

#include <libmythtv/tv_rec.h>

Inheritance diagram for TVRec:
Collaboration diagram for TVRec:

Public Member Functions

 TVRec (int _inputid)
 Performs instance initialization not requiring access to database. More...
 ~TVRec (void) override
 Stops the event and scanning threads and deletes any ChannelBase, RingBuffer, and RecorderBase instances. More...
bool Init (void)
 Performs instance initialization, returns true on success. More...
void RecordPending (const ProgramInfo *rcinfo, std::chrono::seconds secsleft, bool hasLater)
 Tells TVRec "rcinfo" is the next pending recording. More...
RecStatus::Type StartRecording (ProgramInfo *pginfo)
 Tells TVRec to Start recording the program "rcinfo" as soon as possible. More...
RecStatus::Type GetRecordingStatus (void) const
void StopRecording (bool killFile=false)
 Changes from a recording state to kState_None. More...
void FinishRecording (void)
 Tells TVRec to finish the current recording as soon as possible. More...
void FrontendReady (void)
 Tells TVRec that the frontend's TV class is ready for messages. More...
void CancelNextRecording (bool cancel)
 Tells TVRec to cancel the upcoming recording. More...
ProgramInfoGetRecording (void)
 Allocates and returns a ProgramInfo for the current recording. More...
bool IsRunning (void) const
 Returns true if event loop has not been told to shut down. More...
void Stop (void)
 Tells TVRec to stop event loop. More...
TVState GetState (void) const
 Returns the TVState of the recorder. More...
bool IsPlaying (void)
 Returns "state == kState_RecordingPreRecorded". More...
bool IsRecording (void)
 Returns "state == kState_RecordingRecordedOnly". More...
bool SetVideoFiltersForChannel (uint sourceid, const QString &channum)
bool IsBusy (InputInfo *busy_input=nullptr, std::chrono::seconds time_buffer=5s) const
 Returns true if the recorder is busy, or will be within the next time_buffer seconds. More...
bool IsReallyRecording (void)
 Returns true if frontend can consider the recorder started. More...
float GetFramerate (void)
 Returns recordering frame rate from the recorder. More...
long long GetFramesWritten (void)
 Returns number of frames written to disk by recorder. More...
long long GetFilePosition (void)
 Returns total number of bytes written by RingBuffer. More...
long long GetMaxBitrate (void) const
 Returns the maximum bits per second this recorder can produce. More...
int64_t GetKeyframePosition (uint64_t desired) const
 Returns byte position in RingBuffer of a keyframe according to recorder. More...
bool GetKeyframePositions (int64_t start, int64_t end, frm_pos_map_t &map) const
 Returns byte position in RingBuffer of a keyframes according to recorder. More...
bool GetKeyframeDurations (int64_t start, int64_t end, frm_pos_map_t &map) const
void SpawnLiveTV (LiveTVChain *newchain, bool pip, QString startchan)
 Tells TVRec to spawn a "Live TV" recorder. More...
QString GetChainID (void)
 Get the chainid of the livetv instance. More...
void StopLiveTV (void)
 Tells TVRec to stop a "Live TV" recorder. More...
void PauseRecorder (void)
 Tells "recorder" to pause, used for channel and input changes. More...
void ToggleChannelFavorite (const QString &changroupname)
 Toggles whether the current channel should be on our favorites list. More...
void SetLiveRecording (int recording)
 Tells the Scheduler about changes to the recording status of the LiveTV recording. More...
QString GetInput (void) const
 Returns current input. More...
uint GetSourceID (void) const
 Returns current source id. More...
QString SetInput (QString input)
 Changes to the specified input. More...
void ChangeChannel (ChannelChangeDirection dir)
 Changes to a channel in the 'dir' channel change direction. More...
void SetChannel (const QString &name, uint requestType=kFlagDetect)
 Changes to a named channel on the current tuner. More...
bool QueueEITChannelChange (const QString &name)
 Queues up a channel change for the EITScanner. More...
std::chrono::milliseconds SetSignalMonitoringRate (std::chrono::milliseconds rate, int notifyFrontend=1)
 Sets the signal monitoring rate. More...
int GetPictureAttribute (PictureAttribute attr)
int ChangePictureAttribute (PictureAdjustType type, PictureAttribute attr, bool direction)
 Returns current value [0,100] if it succeeds, -1 otherwise. More...
bool CheckChannel (const QString &name) const
 Checks if named channel exists on current tuner. More...
bool ShouldSwitchToAnotherInput (const QString &chanid) const
 Checks if named channel exists on current tuner, or another tuner. More...
bool CheckChannelPrefix (const QString &prefix, uint &complete_valid_channel_on_rec, bool &is_extra_char_useful, QString &needed_spacer) const
 Checks a prefix against the channels in the DB. More...
void GetNextProgram (BrowseDirection direction, QString &title, QString &subtitle, QString &desc, QString &category, QString &starttime, QString &endtime, QString &callsign, QString &iconpath, QString &channum, uint &chanid, QString &seriesid, QString &programid)
bool GetChannelInfo (uint &chanid, uint &sourceid, QString &callsign, QString &channum, QString &channame, QString &xmltvid) const
bool SetChannelInfo (uint chanid, uint sourceid, const QString &oldchannum, const QString &callsign, const QString &channum, const QString &channame, const QString &xmltvid)
uint GetInputId (void) const
 Returns the inputid. More...
uint GetParentId (void) const
uint GetMajorId (void)
bool IsErrored (void) const
 Returns true is "errored" is true, false otherwise. More...
void RingBufferChanged (MythMediaBuffer *Buffer, RecordingInfo *pginfo, RecordingQuality *recq)
void RecorderPaused (void)
 This is a callback, called by the "recorder" instance when it has actually paused. More...
void SetNextLiveTVDir (QString dir)
uint GetFlags (void) const
void AllGood (void) override
 Signal to be sent when you have a lock on all values. More...
void StatusChannelTuned (const SignalMonitorValue &) override
 Signal to be sent with change change status. More...
void StatusSignalLock (const SignalMonitorValue &) override
 Signal to be sent as true when it is safe to begin or continue recording, and false if it may not be safe. More...
void StatusSignalStrength (const SignalMonitorValue &) override
 Signal to be sent with an actual signal value. More...
void EnableActiveScan (bool enable)

Static Public Member Functions

static TVRecGetTVRec (uint inputid)

Static Public Attributes

static QReadWriteLock s_inputsLock
static QMap< uint, TVRec * > s_inputs
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds kSignalMonitoringRate { 50ms }
 How many milliseconds the signal monitor should wait between checks. More...
static const uint kFlagFrontendReady = 0x00000001
static const uint kFlagRunMainLoop = 0x00000002
static const uint kFlagExitPlayer = 0x00000004
static const uint kFlagFinishRecording = 0x00000008
static const uint kFlagErrored = 0x00000010
static const uint kFlagCancelNextRecording = 0x00000020
static const uint kFlagLiveTV = 0x00000100
 final result desired is LiveTV recording More...
static const uint kFlagRecording = 0x00000200
 final result desired is a timed recording More...
static const uint kFlagAntennaAdjust = 0x00000400
 antenna adjusting mode (LiveTV without recording). More...
static const uint kFlagRec = 0x00000F00
static const uint kFlagEITScan = 0x00001000
 final result desired is an EIT Scan More...
static const uint kFlagCloseRec = 0x00002000
 close recorder, keep recording More...
static const uint kFlagKillRec = 0x00004000
 close recorder, discard recording More...
static const uint kFlagNoRec = 0x0000F000
static const uint kFlagKillRingBuffer = 0x00010000
static const uint kFlagWaitingForRecPause = 0x00100000
static const uint kFlagWaitingForSignal = 0x00200000
static const uint kFlagNeedToStartRecorder = 0x00800000
static const uint kFlagPendingActions = 0x00F00000
static const uint kFlagSignalMonitorRunning = 0x01000000
static const uint kFlagEITScannerRunning = 0x04000000
static const uint kFlagDummyRecorderRunning = 0x10000000
static const uint kFlagRecorderRunning = 0x20000000
static const uint kFlagAnyRecRunning = 0x30000000
static const uint kFlagAnyRunning = 0x3F000000
static const uint kFlagRingBufferReady = 0x40000000
static const uint kFlagDetect = 0x80000000

Protected Member Functions

void run (void) override
 Event handling method, contains event loop. More...
bool WaitForEventThreadSleep (bool wake=true, std::chrono::milliseconds time=std::chrono::milliseconds::max())
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SignalMonitorListener
virtual ~SignalMonitorListener ()=default

Private Types

enum  AutoRunInitType { kAutoRunProfile, kAutoRunNone }

Private Member Functions

void SetRingBuffer (MythMediaBuffer *Buffer)
 Sets "ringBuffer", deleting any existing RingBuffer. More...
void SetPseudoLiveTVRecording (RecordingInfo *pi)
 Sets the pseudo LiveTV RecordingInfo. More...
void TeardownAll (void)
void WakeEventLoop (void)
void TeardownRecorder (uint request_flags)
 Tears down the recorder. More...
DTVRecorderGetDTVRecorder (void)
bool CreateChannel (const QString &startchannel, bool enter_power_save_mode)
void CloseChannel (void)
DTVChannelGetDTVChannel (void)
V4LChannelGetV4LChannel (void)
bool SetupSignalMonitor (bool tablemon, bool EITscan, bool notify)
 This creates a SignalMonitor instance and begins signal monitoring. More...
bool SetupDTVSignalMonitor (bool EITscan)
 Tells DTVSignalMonitor what channel to look for. More...
void TeardownSignalMonitor (void)
 If a SignalMonitor instance exists, the monitoring thread is stopped and the instance is deleted. More...
DTVSignalMonitorGetDTVSignalMonitor (void)
bool HasFlags (uint f) const
void SetFlags (uint f, const QString &file, int line)
void ClearFlags (uint f, const QString &file, int line)
void HandleTuning (void)
 Handles all tuning events. More...
void TuningShutdowns (const TuningRequest &request)
 This shuts down anything that needs to be shut down before handling the passed in tuning request. More...
void TuningFrequency (const TuningRequest &request)
 Performs initial tuning required for any tuning event. More...
MPEGStreamDataTuningSignalCheck (void)
 This checks if we have a channel lock. More...
void TuningNewRecorder (MPEGStreamData *streamData)
 Creates a recorder instance. More...
void TuningRestartRecorder (void)
 Restarts a stopped recorder or unpauses a paused recorder. More...
QString TuningGetChanNum (const TuningRequest &request, QString &input) const
bool TuningOnSameMultiplex (TuningRequest &request)
void HandleStateChange (void)
 Changes the internalState to the desiredNextState if possible. More...
void ChangeState (TVState nextState)
 Puts a state change on the nextState queue. More...
TVState RemovePlaying (TVState state) const
 Returns TVState that would remove the playing, but potentially keep recording if we are watching an in progress recording. More...
TVState RemoveRecording (TVState state) const
 If "state" is kState_RecordingOnly or kState_WatchingLiveTV, returns a kState_None, otherwise returns kState_Error. More...
void HandlePendingRecordings (void)
bool WaitForNextLiveTVDir (void)
bool GetProgramRingBufferForLiveTV (RecordingInfo **pginfo, MythMediaBuffer **Buffer, const QString &channum)
bool CreateLiveTVRingBuffer (const QString &channum)
bool SwitchLiveTVRingBuffer (const QString &channum, bool discont, bool set_rec)
RecordingInfoSwitchRecordingRingBuffer (const RecordingInfo &rcinfo)
void StartedRecording (RecordingInfo *curRec)
 Inserts a "curRec" into the database. More...
void FinishedRecording (RecordingInfo *curRec, RecordingQuality *recq)
 If not a premature stop, adds program to history of recorded programs. More...
QDateTime GetRecordEndTime (const ProgramInfo *pi) const
 Returns recording end time with proper post-roll. More...
void CheckForRecGroupChange (void)
 Check if frontend changed the recording group. More...
void NotifySchedulerOfRecording (RecordingInfo *rec)
 Tell scheduler about the recording. More...
void InitAutoRunJobs (RecordingInfo *rec, AutoRunInitType t, RecordingProfile *recpro, int line)
void SetRecordingStatus (RecStatus::Type new_status, int line, bool have_lock=false)
QString LoadProfile (void *tvchain, RecordingInfo *rec, RecordingProfile &profile) const

Static Private Member Functions

static bool GetDevices (uint inputid, uint &parentid, GeneralDBOptions &gen_opts, DVBDBOptions &dvb_opts, FireWireDBOptions &firewire_opts)
static QString FlagToString (uint f)
static bool StateIsRecording (TVState state)
 Returns true if "state" is kState_RecordingOnly, or kState_WatchingLiveTV. More...
static bool StateIsPlaying (TVState state)
 Returns true if we are in any state associated with a player. More...

Private Attributes

RecorderBasem_recorder {nullptr}
ChannelBasem_channel {nullptr}
SignalMonitorm_signalMonitor {nullptr}
EITScannerm_scanner {nullptr}
QDateTime m_signalEventCmdTimeout
bool m_signalEventCmdSent {false}
QDateTime m_startRecordingDeadline
QDateTime m_signalMonitorDeadline
uint m_signalMonitorCheckCnt {0}
bool m_reachedRecordingDeadline {false}
QDateTime m_preFailDeadline
bool m_reachedPreFail {false}
MThreadm_eventThread {nullptr}
 Event processing thread, runs TVRec::run(). More...
MThreadm_recorderThread {nullptr}
 Recorder thread, runs RecorderBase::run(). More...
bool m_transcodeFirst {false}
bool m_earlyCommFlag {false}
bool m_runJobOnHostOnly {false}
std::chrono::seconds m_eitCrawlIdleStart {1min}
std::chrono::seconds m_eitTransportTimeout {5min}
std::chrono::seconds m_eitScanPeriod {15min}
int m_audioSampleRateDB {0}
std::chrono::seconds m_overRecordSecNrml {0s}
std::chrono::seconds m_overRecordSecCat {0s}
QString m_overRecordCategory
uint m_inputId
uint m_parentId {0}
bool m_isPip {false}
std::vector< uintm_eitInputs
GeneralDBOptions m_genOpt
DVBDBOptions m_dvbOpt
FireWireDBOptions m_fwOpt
QString m_recProfileName
QMutex m_setChannelLock
QRecursiveMutex m_stateChangeLock
QRecursiveMutex m_pendingRecLock
TVState m_internalState {kState_None}
TVState m_desiredNextState {kState_None}
bool m_changeState {false}
bool m_pauseNotify {true}
uint m_stateFlags {0}
TuningQueue m_tuningRequests
TuningRequest m_lastTuningRequest {0}
QDateTime m_eitScanStartTime
QDateTime m_eitScanStopTime
QMutex m_triggerEventLoopLock
QWaitCondition m_triggerEventLoopWait
bool m_triggerEventLoopSignal {false}
QMutex m_triggerEventSleepLock
QWaitCondition m_triggerEventSleepWait
bool m_triggerEventSleepSignal {false}
volatile bool m_switchingBuffer {false}
RecStatus::Type m_recStatus {RecStatus::Unknown}
RecordingInfom_curRecording {nullptr}
QDateTime m_recordEndTime
QHash< QString, int > m_autoRunJobs
int m_overrecordseconds {0}
PendingMap m_pendingRecordings
RecordingInfom_pseudoLiveTVRecording {nullptr}
QString m_nextLiveTVDir
QMutex m_nextLiveTVDirLock
QWaitCondition m_triggerLiveTVDir
QString m_liveTVStartChannel
LiveTVChainm_tvChain {nullptr}
MythMediaBufferm_buffer {nullptr}
QString m_rbFileExt {"ts"}

Static Private Attributes

static QMutex s_eitLock


class TuningRequest
class TVRecRecordThread

Detailed Description

This is the coordinating class of the Recorder Subsystem.

TVRec is used by EncoderLink, which in turn is used by RemoteEncoder which allows the TV class on the frontend to communicate with TVRec and is used by MainServer to implement portions of the MythTV Network Protocol on the backend.

TVRec contains an instance of RecorderBase, which actually handles the recording of a program. It also contains an instance of RingBuffer, which in this case is used to either stream an existing recording to the frontend, or to save a stream from the RecorderBase to disk. Finally, if there is a tuner on the hardware RecorderBase is implementing then TVRec contains a channel instance for that hardware, and possibly a SignalMonitor instance which monitors the signal quality on a tuners current input.

Definition at line 142 of file tv_rec.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ AutoRunInitType

enum TVRec::AutoRunInitType

Definition at line 325 of file tv_rec.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TVRec()

TVRec::TVRec ( int  inputid)

Performs instance initialization not requiring access to database.

See also

Definition at line 86 of file tv_rec.cpp.

◆ ~TVRec()

TVRec::~TVRec ( void  )

Stops the event and scanning threads and deletes any ChannelBase, RingBuffer, and RecorderBase instances.

Definition at line 215 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Init()

bool TVRec::Init ( void  )

Performs instance initialization, returns true on success.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

Definition at line 157 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by setupTVs().

◆ RecordPending()

void TVRec::RecordPending ( const ProgramInfo rcinfo,
std::chrono::seconds  secsleft,
bool  hasLater 

Tells TVRec "rcinfo" is the next pending recording.

When there is a pending recording and the frontend is in "Live TV" mode the TVRec event loop will send a "ASK_RECORDING" message to it. Depending on what that query returns, the recording will be started or not started.

See also
TV::AskAllowRecording(const QStringList&, int, bool)
rcinfoProgramInfo on pending program.
secsleftSeconds left until pending recording begins. Set to -1 to revoke the current pending recording.
hasLaterIf true, a later non-conflicting showing is available.

Definition at line 312 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by CancelNextRecording(), EncoderLink::RecordPending(), and RemoteRecordPending().

◆ StartRecording()

RecStatus::Type TVRec::StartRecording ( ProgramInfo pginfo)

Tells TVRec to Start recording the program "rcinfo" as soon as possible.

See also
EncoderLink::StartRecording(ProgramInfo*) RecordPending(const ProgramInfo*, int, bool), StopRecording()

Definition at line 438 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::StartRecording().

◆ GetRecordingStatus()

RecStatus::Type TVRec::GetRecordingStatus ( void  ) const

Definition at line 712 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetRecordingStatus(), and StartRecording().

◆ StopRecording()

void TVRec::StopRecording ( bool  killFile = false)

Changes from a recording state to kState_None.

For the sake of recording quality measurements this is treated as the desired end point of the recording.
See also
StartRecording(const ProgramInfo *rec), FinishRecording()

Definition at line 748 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by RemoteStopRecording(), StartRecording(), and EncoderLink::StopRecording().

◆ FinishRecording()

void TVRec::FinishRecording ( void  )

Tells TVRec to finish the current recording as soon as possible.

Definition at line 161 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by EncoderLink::FinishRecording().

◆ FrontendReady()

void TVRec::FrontendReady ( void  )

Tells TVRec that the frontend's TV class is ready for messages.

Definition at line 164 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by EncoderLink::FrontendReady().

◆ CancelNextRecording()

void TVRec::CancelNextRecording ( bool  cancel)

Tells TVRec to cancel the upcoming recording.

See also
RecordPending(const ProgramInfo*, int, bool), TV::AskAllowRecording(const QStringList&, int, bool)

Definition at line 388 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::CancelNextRecording(), and StartRecording().

◆ GetRecording()

ProgramInfo * TVRec::GetRecording ( void  )

Allocates and returns a ProgramInfo for the current recording.

Note: The user of this function must free the ProgramInfo this returns.

ProgramInfo for the current recording, if it exists, blank ProgramInfo otherwise.

Definition at line 278 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetRecording(), EncoderLink::MatchesRecording(), and ExternalChannel::Tune().

◆ IsRunning()

bool TVRec::IsRunning ( void  ) const

Returns true if event loop has not been told to shut down.

Definition at line 170 of file tv_rec.h.

◆ Stop()

void TVRec::Stop ( void  )

Tells TVRec to stop event loop.

Definition at line 172 of file tv_rec.h.

◆ GetState()

TVState TVRec::GetState ( void  ) const

Returns the TVState of the recorder.

If there is a pending state change kState_ChangingState is returned.

See also
EncoderLink::GetState(), Recorder Subsystem

Definition at line 264 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by CreateChannel(), EncoderLink::GetState(), HandlePendingRecordings(), IsBusy(), RemoteGetState(), run(), SetSignalMonitoringRate(), StartRecording(), and StopRecording().

◆ IsPlaying()

bool TVRec::IsPlaying ( void  )

Returns "state == kState_RecordingPreRecorded".

Definition at line 176 of file tv_rec.h.

◆ IsRecording()

bool TVRec::IsRecording ( void  )

Returns "state == kState_RecordingRecordedOnly".

See also

Definition at line 179 of file tv_rec.h.

◆ SetVideoFiltersForChannel()

bool TVRec::SetVideoFiltersForChannel ( uint  sourceid,
const QString &  channum 

Definition at line 2510 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by DTVChannel::SetChannelByString(), and TuningNewRecorder().

◆ IsBusy()

bool TVRec::IsBusy ( InputInfo busy_input = nullptr,
std::chrono::seconds  time_buffer = 5s 
) const

Returns true if the recorder is busy, or will be within the next time_buffer seconds.

See also
EncoderLink::IsBusy(TunedInputInfo*, int time_buffer)

Definition at line 2541 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::IsBusy(), and RemoteIsBusy().

◆ IsReallyRecording()

bool TVRec::IsReallyRecording ( void  )

Returns true if frontend can consider the recorder started.

See also

Definition at line 2530 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::IsReallyRecording().

◆ GetFramerate()

float TVRec::GetFramerate ( void  )

Returns recordering frame rate from the recorder.

See also
RemoteEncoder::GetFrameRate(), EncoderLink::GetFramerate(void), RecorderBase::GetFrameRate()
Frames per second if query succeeds -1 otherwise.

Definition at line 2609 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetFramerate().

◆ GetFramesWritten()

long long TVRec::GetFramesWritten ( void  )

Returns number of frames written to disk by recorder.

See also
EncoderLink::GetFramesWritten(), RemoteEncoder::GetFramesWritten()
Number of frames if query succeeds, -1 otherwise.

Definition at line 2624 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by FinishedRecording(), and EncoderLink::GetFramesWritten().

◆ GetFilePosition()

long long TVRec::GetFilePosition ( void  )

Returns total number of bytes written by RingBuffer.

See also
EncoderLink::GetFilePosition(), RemoteEncoder::GetFilePosition()
Bytes written if query succeeds, -1 otherwise.

Definition at line 2639 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetFilePosition().

◆ GetMaxBitrate()

long long TVRec::GetMaxBitrate ( void  ) const

Returns the maximum bits per second this recorder can produce.

See also
EncoderLink::GetMaxBitrate(void), RemoteEncoder::GetMaxBitrate(void)

Definition at line 2699 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetMaxBitrate().

◆ GetKeyframePosition()

int64_t TVRec::GetKeyframePosition ( uint64_t  desired) const

Returns byte position in RingBuffer of a keyframe according to recorder.

See also
EncoderLink::GetKeyframePosition(uint64_t), RemoteEncoder::GetKeyframePosition(uint64_t)
Byte position of keyframe if query succeeds, -1 otherwise.

Definition at line 2655 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetKeyframePosition().

◆ GetKeyframePositions()

bool TVRec::GetKeyframePositions ( int64_t  start,
int64_t  end,
frm_pos_map_t map 
) const

Returns byte position in RingBuffer of a keyframes according to recorder.

See also
EncoderLink::GetKeyframePositions(int64_t, int64_t, frm_pos_map_t&), RemoteEncoder::GetKeyframePositions(int64_t, int64_t, frm_pos_map_t&)
Byte position of keyframe if query succeeds, -1 otherwise.

Definition at line 2672 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetKeyframePositions().

◆ GetKeyframeDurations()

bool TVRec::GetKeyframeDurations ( int64_t  start,
int64_t  end,
frm_pos_map_t map 
) const

Definition at line 2683 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetKeyframeDurations().

◆ SpawnLiveTV()

void TVRec::SpawnLiveTV ( LiveTVChain newchain,
bool  pip,
QString  startchan 

Tells TVRec to spawn a "Live TV" recorder.

See also
EncoderLink::SpawnLiveTV(LiveTVChain*,bool,QString), RemoteEncoder::SpawnLiveTV(QString,bool,QSting)

Definition at line 2727 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::SpawnLiveTV().

◆ GetChainID()

QString TVRec::GetChainID ( void  )

Get the chainid of the livetv instance.

Definition at line 2757 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetChainID().

◆ StopLiveTV()

void TVRec::StopLiveTV ( void  )

Tells TVRec to stop a "Live TV" recorder.

See also
EncoderLink::StopLiveTV(), RemoteEncoder::StopLiveTV()

Definition at line 2934 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by RemoteStopLiveTV(), and EncoderLink::StopLiveTV().

◆ PauseRecorder()

void TVRec::PauseRecorder ( void  )

Tells "recorder" to pause, used for channel and input changes.

When the RecorderBase instance has paused it calls RecorderPaused(void)

See also
EncoderLink::PauseRecorder(void), RemoteEncoder::PauseRecorder(void), RecorderBase::Pause(void)

Definition at line 2981 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::PauseRecorder().

◆ ToggleChannelFavorite()

void TVRec::ToggleChannelFavorite ( const QString &  changroupname)

Toggles whether the current channel should be on our favorites list.

Definition at line 3009 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::ToggleChannelFavorite().

◆ SetLiveRecording()

void TVRec::SetLiveRecording ( int  recording)

Tells the Scheduler about changes to the recording status of the LiveTV recording.

NOTE: Currently the 'recording' parameter is ignored and decisions are based on the recording group alone.

recordingSet to 1 to mark as RecStatus::Recording, set to 0 to mark as RecStatus::Cancelled, and set to -1 to base the decision of the recording group.

Definition at line 2888 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::SetLiveRecording().

◆ GetInput()

QString TVRec::GetInput ( void  ) const

Returns current input.

Definition at line 3092 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetInput().

◆ GetSourceID()

uint TVRec::GetSourceID ( void  ) const

Returns current source id.

Definition at line 3102 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by run(), EITScanner::StartActiveScan(), and TuningSignalCheck().

◆ SetInput()

QString TVRec::SetInput ( QString  input)

Changes to the specified input.

You must call PauseRecorder(void) before calling this.

inputInput to switch to, or "SwitchToNextInput".
input we have switched to

Definition at line 3117 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::SetInput().

◆ ChangeChannel()

void TVRec::ChangeChannel ( ChannelChangeDirection  dir)

Changes to a channel in the 'dir' channel change direction.

Definition at line 206 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by EncoderLink::ChangeChannel().

◆ SetChannel()

void TVRec::SetChannel ( const QString &  name,
uint  requestType = kFlagDetect 

Changes to a named channel on the current tuner.

You must call PauseRecorder() before calling this.

namechannum of channel to change to
requestTypetells us what kind of request to actually send to the tuning thread, kFlagDetect is usually sufficient

Definition at line 3143 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::SetChannel().

◆ QueueEITChannelChange()

bool TVRec::QueueEITChannelChange ( const QString &  name)

Queues up a channel change for the EITScanner.

Unlike the normal SetChannel() this does not block until the channel change occurs to avoid a deadlock if EITScanner::StopActiveScan() is called with the stateChangeLock held while the EITScanner is calling TVRec::SetChannel().

Definition at line 3192 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EITScanner::run().

◆ SetSignalMonitoringRate()

std::chrono::milliseconds TVRec::SetSignalMonitoringRate ( std::chrono::milliseconds  rate,
int  notifyFrontend = 1 

Sets the signal monitoring rate.

See also
EncoderLink::SetSignalMonitoringRate(milliseconds,int), RemoteEncoder::SetSignalMonitoringRate(milliseconds,int)
rateThe update rate to use in milliseconds, use 0 to disable signal monitoring.
notifyFrontendIf 1, SIGNAL messages will be sent to the frontend using this recorder.
1 if it signal monitoring is turned on, 0 otherwise.

Definition at line 2185 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::SetSignalMonitoringRate().

◆ GetPictureAttribute()

int TVRec::GetPictureAttribute ( PictureAttribute  attr)

Definition at line 3058 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetPictureAttribute().

◆ ChangePictureAttribute()

int TVRec::ChangePictureAttribute ( PictureAdjustType  type,
PictureAttribute  attr,
bool  direction 

Returns current value [0,100] if it succeeds, -1 otherwise.

Changes brightness/contrast/colour/hue of a recording.

Note: In practice this only works with frame grabbing recorders.

Note: In practice this only works with frame grabbing recorders.

current value [0,100] if it succeeds, -1 otherwise.

Definition at line 3076 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::ChangePictureAttribute().

◆ CheckChannel()

bool TVRec::CheckChannel ( const QString &  name) const

Checks if named channel exists on current tuner.

namechannel to verify against current tuner.
true if it succeeds, false otherwise.
See also
EncoderLink::CheckChannel(const QString&), RemoteEncoder::CheckChannel(QString), CheckChannel(ChannelBase*,const QString&,QString&), ShouldSwitchToAnotherInput(QString)

Definition at line 2329 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::CheckChannel().

◆ ShouldSwitchToAnotherInput()

bool TVRec::ShouldSwitchToAnotherInput ( const QString &  chanid) const

Checks if named channel exists on current tuner, or another tuner.

chanidchannel to verify against tuners.
true if the channel on another tuner and not current tuner, false otherwise.
See also
EncoderLink::ShouldSwitchToAnotherInput(const QString&), RemoteEncoder::ShouldSwitchToAnotherInput(QString), CheckChannel(QString)

Definition at line 2239 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::ShouldSwitchToAnotherInput().

◆ CheckChannelPrefix()

bool TVRec::CheckChannelPrefix ( const QString &  prefix,
uint complete_valid_channel_on_rec,
bool is_extra_char_useful,
QString &  needed_spacer 
) const

Checks a prefix against the channels in the DB.

If the prefix matches a channel on any recorder this function returns true, otherwise it returns false.

If the prefix matches any channel entirely (i.e. prefix == channum), then the inputid of the recorder it matches is returned in 'complete_valid_channel_on_rec'; if it matches multiple recorders, and one of them is this recorder, this recorder is returned in 'complete_valid_channel_on_rec'; if it isn't complete for any channel on any recorder 'complete_valid_channel_on_rec' is set to zero.

If adding another character could reduce the number of channels the prefix matches 'is_extra_char_useful' is set to true, otherwise it is set to false.

Finally, if in order for the prefix to match a channel, a spacer needs to be added, the first matching spacer is returned in needed_spacer. If there is more than one spacer that might be employed and one of them is used for the current recorder, and others are used for other recorders, then the one for the current recorder is returned. The spacer must be inserted before the last character of the prefix for anything else returned from the function to be valid.

true if this is a valid prefix for a channel, false otherwise

Definition at line 2375 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::CheckChannelPrefix().

◆ GetNextProgram()

void TVRec::GetNextProgram ( BrowseDirection  direction,
QString &  title,
QString &  subtitle,
QString &  desc,
QString &  category,
QString &  starttime,
QString &  endtime,
QString &  callsign,
QString &  iconpath,
QString &  channum,
uint chanid,
QString &  seriesid,
QString &  programid 

Definition at line 3219 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetNextProgram().

◆ GetChannelInfo()

bool TVRec::GetChannelInfo ( uint chanid,
uint sourceid,
QString &  callsign,
QString &  channum,
QString &  channame,
QString &  xmltvid 
) const

Definition at line 3345 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetChannelInfo().

◆ SetChannelInfo()

bool TVRec::SetChannelInfo ( uint  chanid,
uint  sourceid,
const QString &  oldchannum,
const QString &  callsign,
const QString &  channum,
const QString &  channame,
const QString &  xmltvid 

Definition at line 3386 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::SetChannelInfo().

◆ GetInputId()

uint TVRec::GetInputId ( void  ) const

◆ GetParentId()

uint TVRec::GetParentId ( void  ) const

Definition at line 235 of file tv_rec.h.

◆ GetMajorId()

uint TVRec::GetMajorId ( void  )

Definition at line 236 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by ChannelBase::GetMajorID().

◆ IsErrored()

bool TVRec::IsErrored ( void  ) const

Returns true is "errored" is true, false otherwise.

Definition at line 238 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by run().

◆ RingBufferChanged()

void TVRec::RingBufferChanged ( MythMediaBuffer Buffer,
RecordingInfo pginfo,
RecordingQuality recq 

Definition at line 3442 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by RecorderBase::CheckForRingBufferSwitch().

◆ RecorderPaused()

void TVRec::RecorderPaused ( void  )

◆ SetNextLiveTVDir()

void TVRec::SetNextLiveTVDir ( QString  dir)

Definition at line 4601 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by EncoderLink::SetNextLiveTVDir().

◆ GetFlags()

uint TVRec::GetFlags ( void  ) const

Definition at line 245 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by EncoderLink::GetFlags(), HandleStateChange(), and RemoteGetFlags().

◆ GetTVRec()

TVRec * TVRec::GetTVRec ( uint  inputid)

◆ AllGood()

void TVRec::AllGood ( void  )

Signal to be sent when you have a lock on all values.

Note: Signals are only sent once the monitoring thread has been started.

Implements SignalMonitorListener.

Definition at line 249 of file tv_rec.h.

◆ StatusChannelTuned()

void TVRec::StatusChannelTuned ( const SignalMonitorValue )

Signal to be sent with change change status.

Note: Signals are only sent once the monitoring thread has been started.

Implements SignalMonitorListener.

Definition at line 250 of file tv_rec.h.

◆ StatusSignalLock()

void TVRec::StatusSignalLock ( const SignalMonitorValue )

Signal to be sent as true when it is safe to begin or continue recording, and false if it may not be safe.

Note: Signals are only sent once the monitoring thread has been started.

Implements SignalMonitorListener.

Definition at line 251 of file tv_rec.h.

◆ StatusSignalStrength()

void TVRec::StatusSignalStrength ( const SignalMonitorValue )

Signal to be sent with an actual signal value.

Note: Signals are only sent once the monitoring thread has been started.

Implements SignalMonitorListener.

Definition at line 252 of file tv_rec.h.

◆ EnableActiveScan()

void TVRec::EnableActiveScan ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 4904 of file tv_rec.cpp.

◆ run()

void TVRec::run ( void  )

Event handling method, contains event loop.

Definition at line 1351 of file tv_rec.cpp.

◆ WaitForEventThreadSleep()

bool TVRec::WaitForEventThreadSleep ( bool  wake = true,
std::chrono::milliseconds  time = std::chrono::milliseconds::max() 

You MUST HAVE the stateChange-lock locked when you call this method!

Definition at line 1661 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by Init(), SetChannel(), SetSignalMonitoringRate(), SpawnLiveTV(), StartRecording(), StopLiveTV(), and StopRecording().

◆ SetRingBuffer()

void TVRec::SetRingBuffer ( MythMediaBuffer Buffer)

Sets "ringBuffer", deleting any existing RingBuffer.

Definition at line 3425 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by CreateLiveTVRingBuffer(), RingBufferChanged(), SwitchLiveTVRingBuffer(), TeardownAll(), TuningNewRecorder(), and TuningShutdowns().

◆ SetPseudoLiveTVRecording()

void TVRec::SetPseudoLiveTVRecording ( RecordingInfo pi)

Sets the pseudo LiveTV RecordingInfo.

Definition at line 365 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by CheckForRecGroupChange(), HandleStateChange(), run(), and StartRecording().

◆ TeardownAll()

void TVRec::TeardownAll ( void  )

Definition at line 234 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by run().

◆ WakeEventLoop()

void TVRec::WakeEventLoop ( void  )

◆ GetDevices()

bool TVRec::GetDevices ( uint  inputid,
uint parentid,
GeneralDBOptions gen_opts,
DVBDBOptions dvb_opts,
FireWireDBOptions firewire_opts 

Definition at line 1776 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by Init().

◆ TeardownRecorder()

void TVRec::TeardownRecorder ( uint  request_flags)

Tears down the recorder.

If a "recorder" exists, RecorderBase::StopRecording() is called. We then wait for "recorder_thread" to exit, and finally we delete "recorder".

If a RingBuffer instance exists, RingBuffer::StopReads() is called.

If request_flags include kFlagKillRec we mark the recording as being damaged.

Finally, if there was a recording and it was not damaged, schedule any post-processing jobs.

Definition at line 1189 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by TeardownAll(), TuningNewRecorder(), and TuningShutdowns().

◆ GetDTVRecorder()

DTVRecorder * TVRec::GetDTVRecorder ( void  )

◆ CreateChannel()

bool TVRec::CreateChannel ( const QString &  startchannel,
bool  enter_power_save_mode 

Definition at line 95 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by Init().

◆ CloseChannel()

void TVRec::CloseChannel ( void  )

Definition at line 1249 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by TuningNewRecorder(), and TuningShutdowns().

◆ GetDTVChannel()

DTVChannel * TVRec::GetDTVChannel ( void  )

◆ GetV4LChannel()

V4LChannel * TVRec::GetV4LChannel ( void  )

Definition at line 1268 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by TeardownRecorder(), TuningNewRecorder(), and TuningRestartRecorder().

◆ SetupSignalMonitor()

bool TVRec::SetupSignalMonitor ( bool  tablemon,
bool  EITscan,
bool  notify 

This creates a SignalMonitor instance and begins signal monitoring.

If the channel exists and there is something to monitor a SignalMonitor instance is created and SignalMonitor::Start() is called to start the signal monitoring thread.

tablemonIf set we enable table monitoring
EITscanif set we never look for video streams and we lock on encrypted streams even if we can't decode them.
notifyIf set we notify the frontend of the signal values
true on success, false on failure

Definition at line 2093 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by TuningFrequency().

◆ SetupDTVSignalMonitor()

bool TVRec::SetupDTVSignalMonitor ( bool  EITscan)

Tells DTVSignalMonitor what channel to look for.

If the major and minor channels are set we tell the signal monitor to look for those in the VCT.

Otherwise, we tell the signal monitor to look for the MPEG program number in the PAT.

This method also grabs the ATSCStreamData() from the recorder if possible, or creates one if needed.

EITscanif set we never look for video streams and we lock on encrypted streams even if we can't decode them.

Definition at line 1913 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by SetupSignalMonitor().

◆ TeardownSignalMonitor()

void TVRec::TeardownSignalMonitor ( void  )

If a SignalMonitor instance exists, the monitoring thread is stopped and the instance is deleted.

Definition at line 2147 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by TeardownAll(), TuningShutdowns(), and TuningSignalCheck().

◆ GetDTVSignalMonitor()

DTVSignalMonitor * TVRec::GetDTVSignalMonitor ( void  )

◆ HasFlags()

bool TVRec::HasFlags ( uint  f) const

◆ SetFlags()

void TVRec::SetFlags ( uint  f,
const QString &  file,
int  line 

◆ ClearFlags()

void TVRec::ClearFlags ( uint  f,
const QString &  file,
int  line 

◆ FlagToString()

QString TVRec::FlagToString ( uint  f)

Definition at line 4507 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by ClearFlags(), SetFlags(), and TuningRequest::toString().

◆ HandleTuning()

void TVRec::HandleTuning ( void  )

Handles all tuning events.

This method pops tuning events off the tuningState queue and does what needs to be done, mostly by calling one of the Tuning... methods.

Definition at line 3556 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by run().

◆ TuningShutdowns()

void TVRec::TuningShutdowns ( const TuningRequest request)

This shuts down anything that needs to be shut down before handling the passed in tuning request.

Definition at line 3632 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by HandleTuning(), and run().

◆ TuningFrequency()

void TVRec::TuningFrequency ( const TuningRequest request)

Performs initial tuning required for any tuning event.

This figures out the channel name, and possibly the input name we need to pass to "channel" and then calls channel appropriately.

Then it adds any filters and sets any video capture attributes that need to be set.

The signal monitoring is started if possible. If it is started the kFlagWaitForSignal flag is set.

The kFlagNeedToStartRecorder flag is ald set if this isn't an EIT scan so that the recorder is started or restarted as appropriate.

Definition at line 3721 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by HandleTuning().

◆ TuningSignalCheck()

MPEGStreamData * TVRec::TuningSignalCheck ( void  )

This checks if we have a channel lock.

If we have a channel lock this shuts down the signal monitoring.

MPEGStreamData pointer if we have a complete lock, nullptr otherwise

Definition at line 3964 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by HandleTuning().

◆ TuningNewRecorder()

void TVRec::TuningNewRecorder ( MPEGStreamData streamData)

Creates a recorder instance.

Definition at line 4234 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by HandleTuning().

◆ TuningRestartRecorder()

void TVRec::TuningRestartRecorder ( void  )

Restarts a stopped recorder or unpauses a paused recorder.

Definition at line 4424 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by HandleTuning().

◆ TuningGetChanNum()

QString TVRec::TuningGetChanNum ( const TuningRequest request,
QString &  input 
) const

Definition at line 3465 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by HandleTuning().

◆ TuningOnSameMultiplex()

bool TVRec::TuningOnSameMultiplex ( TuningRequest request)

Definition at line 3504 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by HandleTuning().

◆ HandleStateChange()

void TVRec::HandleStateChange ( void  )

Changes the internalState to the desiredNextState if possible.

Note: There must exist a state transition from any state we can enter to the kState_None state, as this is used to shutdown TV in RunTV.

Definition at line 1055 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by run().

◆ ChangeState()

void TVRec::ChangeState ( TVState  nextState)

Puts a state change on the nextState queue.

Definition at line 1167 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by CreateLiveTVRingBuffer(), run(), SpawnLiveTV(), StartRecording(), StopLiveTV(), StopRecording(), SwitchLiveTVRingBuffer(), TuningFrequency(), and TuningNewRecorder().

◆ StateIsRecording()

bool TVRec::StateIsRecording ( TVState  state)

Returns true if "state" is kState_RecordingOnly, or kState_WatchingLiveTV.

stateTVState to check.

Definition at line 775 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by RemoveRecording(), and StopRecording().

◆ StateIsPlaying()

bool TVRec::StateIsPlaying ( TVState  state)

Returns true if we are in any state associated with a player.

stateTVState to check.

Definition at line 785 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by RemovePlaying(), and run().

◆ RemovePlaying()

TVState TVRec::RemovePlaying ( TVState  state) const

Returns TVState that would remove the playing, but potentially keep recording if we are watching an in progress recording.

stateTVState to check.

Definition at line 811 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by run().

◆ RemoveRecording()

TVState TVRec::RemoveRecording ( TVState  state) const

If "state" is kState_RecordingOnly or kState_WatchingLiveTV, returns a kState_None, otherwise returns kState_Error.

stateTVState to check.

Definition at line 795 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by StopRecording().

◆ HandlePendingRecordings()

void TVRec::HandlePendingRecordings ( void  )

Definition at line 1698 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by run().

◆ WaitForNextLiveTVDir()

bool TVRec::WaitForNextLiveTVDir ( void  )

Definition at line 4588 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by GetProgramRingBufferForLiveTV().

◆ GetProgramRingBufferForLiveTV()

bool TVRec::GetProgramRingBufferForLiveTV ( RecordingInfo **  pginfo,
MythMediaBuffer **  Buffer,
const QString &  channum 

Definition at line 4609 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by CreateLiveTVRingBuffer(), and SwitchLiveTVRingBuffer().

◆ CreateLiveTVRingBuffer()

bool TVRec::CreateLiveTVRingBuffer ( const QString &  channum)

Definition at line 4708 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by TuningFrequency(), and TuningNewRecorder().

◆ SwitchLiveTVRingBuffer()

bool TVRec::SwitchLiveTVRingBuffer ( const QString &  channum,
bool  discont,
bool  set_rec 

Definition at line 4754 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by run(), TuningFrequency(), TuningNewRecorder(), and TuningRestartRecorder().

◆ SwitchRecordingRingBuffer()

RecordingInfo * TVRec::SwitchRecordingRingBuffer ( const RecordingInfo rcinfo)

Definition at line 4822 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by StartRecording().

◆ StartedRecording()

void TVRec::StartedRecording ( RecordingInfo curRec)

Inserts a "curRec" into the database.

curRecRecording to add to database.
See also
ProgramInfo::StartedRecording(const QString&)

Definition at line 831 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by GetProgramRingBufferForLiveTV(), StartRecording(), and SwitchRecordingRingBuffer().

◆ FinishedRecording()

void TVRec::FinishedRecording ( RecordingInfo curRec,
RecordingQuality recq 

If not a premature stop, adds program to history of recorded programs.

If the recording type is kOneRecord this find is removed.

See also
ProgramInfo::FinishedRecording(bool prematurestop)
curRecRecordingInfo or recording to mark as done
recqInformation on the quality if the recording.

Definition at line 857 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by RingBufferChanged(), SwitchLiveTVRingBuffer(), SwitchRecordingRingBuffer(), TeardownRecorder(), TuningNewRecorder(), TuningRestartRecorder(), and TuningShutdowns().

◆ GetRecordEndTime()

QDateTime TVRec::GetRecordEndTime ( const ProgramInfo pi) const

Returns recording end time with proper post-roll.

Definition at line 375 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by RingBufferChanged(), SetLiveRecording(), StartRecording(), StopLiveTV(), and SwitchRecordingRingBuffer().

◆ CheckForRecGroupChange()

void TVRec::CheckForRecGroupChange ( void  )

Check if frontend changed the recording group.

This is needed because the frontend may toggle whether something should be kept as a recording in the frontend, but this class may not find out about it in time unless we check the DB when this information is important.

Definition at line 2772 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by HandlePendingRecordings(), SetLiveRecording(), and StopLiveTV().

◆ NotifySchedulerOfRecording()

void TVRec::NotifySchedulerOfRecording ( RecordingInfo rec)

Tell scheduler about the recording.

This is needed if the frontend has marked the LiveTV buffer for recording after we exit LiveTV. In this case the scheduler needs to know about the recording so it can properly take overrecord into account, and to properly reschedule other recordings around to avoid this recording.

Definition at line 2806 of file tv_rec.cpp.

Referenced by SetLiveRecording(), and StopLiveTV().

◆ InitAutoRunJobs()

void TVRec::InitAutoRunJobs ( RecordingInfo rec,
AutoRunInitType  t,
RecordingProfile recpro,
int  line 

◆ SetRecordingStatus()

void TVRec::SetRecordingStatus ( RecStatus::Type  new_status,
int  line,
bool  have_lock = false 

◆ LoadProfile()

QString TVRec::LoadProfile ( void *  tvchain,
RecordingInfo rec,
RecordingProfile profile 
) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ TuningRequest

friend class TuningRequest

◆ TVRecRecordThread

friend class TVRecRecordThread

Definition at line 147 of file tv_rec.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_recorder

RecorderBase* TVRec::m_recorder {nullptr}

◆ m_channel

ChannelBase* TVRec::m_channel {nullptr}

◆ m_signalMonitor

SignalMonitor* TVRec::m_signalMonitor {nullptr}

◆ m_scanner

EITScanner* TVRec::m_scanner {nullptr}

◆ m_signalEventCmdTimeout

QDateTime TVRec::m_signalEventCmdTimeout

Definition at line 341 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by TuningFrequency(), and TuningSignalCheck().

◆ m_signalEventCmdSent

bool TVRec::m_signalEventCmdSent {false}

Definition at line 342 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by TuningFrequency(), and TuningSignalCheck().

◆ m_startRecordingDeadline

QDateTime TVRec::m_startRecordingDeadline

Definition at line 344 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by TuningFrequency(), and TuningSignalCheck().

◆ m_signalMonitorDeadline

QDateTime TVRec::m_signalMonitorDeadline

Definition at line 345 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by TuningFrequency(), and TuningSignalCheck().

◆ m_signalMonitorCheckCnt

uint TVRec::m_signalMonitorCheckCnt {0}

Definition at line 346 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by TuningFrequency(), and TuningSignalCheck().

◆ m_reachedRecordingDeadline

bool TVRec::m_reachedRecordingDeadline {false}

Definition at line 347 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by TuningFrequency(), and TuningSignalCheck().

◆ m_preFailDeadline

QDateTime TVRec::m_preFailDeadline

Definition at line 348 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by TuningFrequency(), and TuningSignalCheck().

◆ m_reachedPreFail

bool TVRec::m_reachedPreFail {false}

Definition at line 349 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by TuningFrequency(), and TuningSignalCheck().

◆ m_eventThread

MThread* TVRec::m_eventThread {nullptr}

Event processing thread, runs TVRec::run().

Definition at line 353 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by Init(), and ~TVRec().

◆ m_recorderThread

MThread* TVRec::m_recorderThread {nullptr}

Recorder thread, runs RecorderBase::run().

Definition at line 355 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by TeardownRecorder(), and TuningNewRecorder().

◆ m_transcodeFirst

bool TVRec::m_transcodeFirst {false}

Definition at line 358 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by Init(), and InitAutoRunJobs().

◆ m_earlyCommFlag

bool TVRec::m_earlyCommFlag {false}

Definition at line 359 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by Init(), and InitAutoRunJobs().

◆ m_runJobOnHostOnly

bool TVRec::m_runJobOnHostOnly {false}

Definition at line 360 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by Init(), and InitAutoRunJobs().

◆ m_eitCrawlIdleStart

std::chrono::seconds TVRec::m_eitCrawlIdleStart {1min}

Definition at line 361 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by EnableActiveScan(), HandleStateChange(), Init(), run(), and TuningShutdowns().

◆ m_eitTransportTimeout

std::chrono::seconds TVRec::m_eitTransportTimeout {5min}

Definition at line 362 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by EnableActiveScan(), HandleStateChange(), Init(), run(), and TuningShutdowns().

◆ m_eitScanPeriod

std::chrono::seconds TVRec::m_eitScanPeriod {15min}

Definition at line 363 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by Init(), and run().

◆ m_audioSampleRateDB

int TVRec::m_audioSampleRateDB {0}

Definition at line 364 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ m_overRecordSecNrml

std::chrono::seconds TVRec::m_overRecordSecNrml {0s}

Definition at line 365 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by GetRecordEndTime(), and Init().

◆ m_overRecordSecCat

std::chrono::seconds TVRec::m_overRecordSecCat {0s}

Definition at line 366 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by GetRecordEndTime(), and Init().

◆ m_overRecordCategory

QString TVRec::m_overRecordCategory

Definition at line 367 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by GetRecordEndTime(), and Init().

◆ m_inputId

uint TVRec::m_inputId

◆ m_parentId

uint TVRec::m_parentId {0}

Definition at line 371 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by CreateChannel(), and Init().

◆ m_isPip

bool TVRec::m_isPip {false}

Definition at line 372 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by SpawnLiveTV(), and TeardownRecorder().

◆ s_eitLock

QMutex TVRec::s_eitLock

Definition at line 375 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by HandleStateChange(), and run().

◆ m_eitInputs

std::vector<uint> TVRec::m_eitInputs

Definition at line 376 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by HandleStateChange(), and Init().

◆ m_genOpt

GeneralDBOptions TVRec::m_genOpt

◆ m_dvbOpt

DVBDBOptions TVRec::m_dvbOpt

Definition at line 380 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by CloseChannel(), CreateChannel(), Init(), and run().

◆ m_fwOpt

FireWireDBOptions TVRec::m_fwOpt

Definition at line 381 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by CreateChannel(), and Init().

◆ m_recProfileName

QString TVRec::m_recProfileName

Definition at line 383 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by SetupDTVSignalMonitor(), SwitchRecordingRingBuffer(), and TuningNewRecorder().

◆ m_setChannelLock

QMutex TVRec::m_setChannelLock

Definition at line 386 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by QueueEITChannelChange(), and SetChannel().

◆ m_stateChangeLock

QRecursiveMutex TVRec::m_stateChangeLock

◆ m_pendingRecLock

QRecursiveMutex TVRec::m_pendingRecLock

◆ m_internalState

TVState TVRec::m_internalState {kState_None}

◆ m_desiredNextState

TVState TVRec::m_desiredNextState {kState_None}

Definition at line 390 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by ChangeState(), and HandleStateChange().

◆ m_changeState

bool TVRec::m_changeState {false}

◆ m_pauseNotify

bool TVRec::m_pauseNotify {true}

Definition at line 392 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by RecorderPaused(), and TeardownRecorder().

◆ m_stateFlags

uint TVRec::m_stateFlags {0}

Definition at line 393 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by ClearFlags(), and SetFlags().

◆ m_tuningRequests

TuningQueue TVRec::m_tuningRequests

◆ m_lastTuningRequest

TuningRequest TVRec::m_lastTuningRequest {0}

Definition at line 395 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by HandleTuning(), SetChannel(), SetupDTVSignalMonitor(), and TuningNewRecorder().

◆ m_eitScanStartTime

QDateTime TVRec::m_eitScanStartTime

Definition at line 396 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by EnableActiveScan(), HandleStateChange(), run(), and TuningShutdowns().

◆ m_eitScanStopTime

QDateTime TVRec::m_eitScanStopTime

Definition at line 397 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by run().

◆ m_triggerEventLoopLock

QMutex TVRec::m_triggerEventLoopLock

Definition at line 398 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by run(), and WakeEventLoop().

◆ m_triggerEventLoopWait

QWaitCondition TVRec::m_triggerEventLoopWait

Definition at line 399 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by run(), and WakeEventLoop().

◆ m_triggerEventLoopSignal

bool TVRec::m_triggerEventLoopSignal {false}

Definition at line 400 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by run(), and WakeEventLoop().

◆ m_triggerEventSleepLock

QMutex TVRec::m_triggerEventSleepLock

Definition at line 401 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by run(), and WaitForEventThreadSleep().

◆ m_triggerEventSleepWait

QWaitCondition TVRec::m_triggerEventSleepWait

Definition at line 402 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by run(), and WaitForEventThreadSleep().

◆ m_triggerEventSleepSignal

bool TVRec::m_triggerEventSleepSignal {false}

Definition at line 403 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by run(), and WaitForEventThreadSleep().

◆ m_switchingBuffer

volatile bool TVRec::m_switchingBuffer {false}

Definition at line 404 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by run(), SetRingBuffer(), and SwitchRecordingRingBuffer().

◆ m_recStatus

RecStatus::Type TVRec::m_recStatus {RecStatus::Unknown}

Definition at line 405 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by GetRecordingStatus(), SetRecordingStatus(), and StartRecording().

◆ m_curRecording

RecordingInfo* TVRec::m_curRecording {nullptr}

◆ m_recordEndTime

QDateTime TVRec::m_recordEndTime

◆ m_autoRunJobs

QHash<QString,int> TVRec::m_autoRunJobs

Definition at line 411 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FinishedRecording(), and InitAutoRunJobs().

◆ m_overrecordseconds

int TVRec::m_overrecordseconds {0}

Definition at line 412 of file tv_rec.h.

◆ m_pendingRecordings

PendingMap TVRec::m_pendingRecordings

◆ m_pseudoLiveTVRecording

RecordingInfo* TVRec::m_pseudoLiveTVRecording {nullptr}

◆ m_nextLiveTVDir

QString TVRec::m_nextLiveTVDir

Definition at line 419 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by GetProgramRingBufferForLiveTV(), SetNextLiveTVDir(), and WaitForNextLiveTVDir().

◆ m_nextLiveTVDirLock

QMutex TVRec::m_nextLiveTVDirLock

Definition at line 420 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by GetProgramRingBufferForLiveTV(), SetNextLiveTVDir(), and WaitForNextLiveTVDir().

◆ m_triggerLiveTVDir

QWaitCondition TVRec::m_triggerLiveTVDir

Definition at line 421 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by SetNextLiveTVDir(), and WaitForNextLiveTVDir().

◆ m_liveTVStartChannel

QString TVRec::m_liveTVStartChannel

Definition at line 422 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by SpawnLiveTV(), and TuningGetChanNum().

◆ m_tvChain

LiveTVChain* TVRec::m_tvChain {nullptr}

◆ m_buffer

MythMediaBuffer* TVRec::m_buffer {nullptr}

◆ m_rbFileExt

QString TVRec::m_rbFileExt {"ts"}

Definition at line 429 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by CreateChannel(), and StartedRecording().

◆ s_inputsLock

QReadWriteLock TVRec::s_inputsLock

◆ s_inputs

QMap< uint, TVRec * > TVRec::s_inputs

Definition at line 433 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by cleanup(), GetTVRec(), HandleStateChange(), V2Myth::ManageScheduler(), run(), TVRec(), and ~TVRec().

◆ kSignalMonitoringRate

constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds TVRec::kSignalMonitoringRate { 50ms }

How many milliseconds the signal monitor should wait between checks.

Definition at line 437 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by SetupSignalMonitor().

◆ kFlagFrontendReady

const uint TVRec::kFlagFrontendReady = 0x00000001

Definition at line 440 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), and run().

◆ kFlagRunMainLoop

const uint TVRec::kFlagRunMainLoop = 0x00000002

Definition at line 441 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), run(), and ~TVRec().

◆ kFlagExitPlayer

const uint TVRec::kFlagExitPlayer = 0x00000004

Definition at line 442 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), and run().

◆ kFlagFinishRecording

const uint TVRec::kFlagFinishRecording = 0x00000008

Definition at line 443 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), and run().

◆ kFlagErrored

const uint TVRec::kFlagErrored = 0x00000010

Definition at line 444 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by CreateChannel(), and FlagToString().

◆ kFlagCancelNextRecording

const uint TVRec::kFlagCancelNextRecording = 0x00000020

◆ kFlagLiveTV

const uint TVRec::kFlagLiveTV = 0x00000100

final result desired is LiveTV recording

Definition at line 449 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), HandleStateChange(), HandleTuning(), SetSignalMonitoringRate(), TuningFrequency(), TuningGetChanNum(), and TuningNewRecorder().

◆ kFlagRecording

const uint TVRec::kFlagRecording = 0x00000200

final result desired is a timed recording

Definition at line 451 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), HandleStateChange(), HandleTuning(), and TuningNewRecorder().

◆ kFlagAntennaAdjust

const uint TVRec::kFlagAntennaAdjust = 0x00000400

antenna adjusting mode (LiveTV without recording).

Definition at line 453 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), HandleTuning(), SetSignalMonitoringRate(), TuningFrequency(), and TuningOnSameMultiplex().

◆ kFlagRec

const uint TVRec::kFlagRec = 0x00000F00

Definition at line 454 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), SetChannel(), and TuningFrequency().

◆ kFlagEITScan

const uint TVRec::kFlagEITScan = 0x00001000

final result desired is an EIT Scan

Definition at line 458 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), HandleTuning(), QueueEITChannelChange(), SetChannel(), TuningFrequency(), and TuningShutdowns().

◆ kFlagCloseRec

const uint TVRec::kFlagCloseRec = 0x00002000

close recorder, keep recording

Definition at line 460 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), and HandleStateChange().

◆ kFlagKillRec

const uint TVRec::kFlagKillRec = 0x00004000

close recorder, discard recording

Definition at line 462 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), HandleStateChange(), StopRecording(), TeardownAll(), TeardownRecorder(), TuningFrequency(), and TuningNewRecorder().

◆ kFlagNoRec

const uint TVRec::kFlagNoRec = 0x0000F000

◆ kFlagKillRingBuffer

const uint TVRec::kFlagKillRingBuffer = 0x00010000

Definition at line 465 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), HandleStateChange(), and TuningShutdowns().

◆ kFlagWaitingForRecPause

const uint TVRec::kFlagWaitingForRecPause = 0x00100000

Definition at line 468 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), and HandleTuning().

◆ kFlagWaitingForSignal

const uint TVRec::kFlagWaitingForSignal = 0x00200000

◆ kFlagNeedToStartRecorder

const uint TVRec::kFlagNeedToStartRecorder = 0x00800000

◆ kFlagPendingActions

const uint TVRec::kFlagPendingActions = 0x00F00000

Definition at line 471 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by CreateLiveTVRingBuffer(), FlagToString(), TuningNewRecorder(), and TuningShutdowns().

◆ kFlagSignalMonitorRunning

const uint TVRec::kFlagSignalMonitorRunning = 0x01000000

Definition at line 474 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), TuningFrequency(), TuningShutdowns(), and TuningSignalCheck().

◆ kFlagEITScannerRunning

const uint TVRec::kFlagEITScannerRunning = 0x04000000

◆ kFlagDummyRecorderRunning

const uint TVRec::kFlagDummyRecorderRunning = 0x10000000

◆ kFlagRecorderRunning

const uint TVRec::kFlagRecorderRunning = 0x20000000

Definition at line 478 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString(), TeardownRecorder(), TuningNewRecorder(), and TuningShutdowns().

◆ kFlagAnyRecRunning

const uint TVRec::kFlagAnyRecRunning = 0x30000000

Definition at line 479 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString().

◆ kFlagAnyRunning

const uint TVRec::kFlagAnyRunning = 0x3F000000

Definition at line 480 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by FlagToString().

◆ kFlagRingBufferReady

const uint TVRec::kFlagRingBufferReady = 0x40000000

◆ kFlagDetect

const uint TVRec::kFlagDetect = 0x80000000

Definition at line 484 of file tv_rec.h.

Referenced by SetChannel().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: