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V4LRecorder Class Reference

Abstract base class for Video4Linux based recorders. More...

#include <libmythtv/recorders/v4lrecorder.h>

Inheritance diagram for V4LRecorder:
Collaboration diagram for V4LRecorder:

Public Member Functions

 V4LRecorder (TVRec *rec)
 ~V4LRecorder () override
void StopRecording (void) override
 StopRecording() signals to the recorder that it should stop recording and exit cleanly. More...
void SetOption (const QString &name, const QString &value) override
 Set an specific option. More...
void SetOption (const QString &name, int value) override
 handles the "wait_for_seqstart" option. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DTVRecorder
 DTVRecorder (TVRec *rec)
 ~DTVRecorder () override
void SetOptionsFromProfile (RecordingProfile *profile, const QString &videodev, const QString &audiodev, const QString &vbidev) override
 Sets basic recorder options. More...
bool IsErrored (void) override
 Tells us whether an unrecoverable error has been encountered. More...
long long GetFramesWritten (void) override
 Returns number of frames written to disk. More...
void SetVideoFilters (QString &) override
 Tells recorder which filters to use. More...
void Initialize (void) override
 This is called between SetOptionsFromProfile() and run() to initialize any devices, etc. More...
int GetVideoFd (void) override
 Returns file descriptor of recorder device. More...
virtual void SetStreamData (MPEGStreamData *data)
MPEGStreamDataGetStreamData (void) const
void Reset (void) override
 Reset the recorder to the startup state. More...
void ClearStatistics (void) override
RecordingQualityGetRecordingQuality (const RecordingInfo *r) const override
 Returns a report about the current recordings quality. More...
void HandlePAT (const ProgramAssociationTable *_pat) override
void HandleCAT (const ConditionalAccessTable *) override
void HandlePMT (uint progNum, const ProgramMapTable *_pmt) override
void HandleEncryptionStatus (uint, bool) override
void HandleSingleProgramPAT (ProgramAssociationTable *pat, bool insert) override
void HandleSingleProgramPMT (ProgramMapTable *pmt, bool insert) override
void HandleSTT (const SystemTimeTable *) override
void HandleVCT (uint, const VirtualChannelTable *) override
void HandleMGT (const MasterGuideTable *) override
void HandleTDT (const TimeDateTable *) override
void HandleNIT (const NetworkInformationTable *) override
void HandleSDT (uint, const ServiceDescriptionTable *) override
bool ProcessTSPacket (const TSPacket &tspacket) override
bool ProcessVideoTSPacket (const TSPacket &tspacket) override
bool ProcessAudioTSPacket (const TSPacket &tspacket) override
bool ProcessAVTSPacket (const TSPacket &tspacket)
 Common code for processing either audio or video packets. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from RecorderBase
 RecorderBase (TVRec *rec)
 ~RecorderBase () override
void SetFrameRate (double rate)
 Sets the video frame rate. More...
void SetRecording (const RecordingInfo *pginfo)
 Changes the Recording from the one set initially with SetOptionsFromProfile(). More...
void SetRingBuffer (MythMediaBuffer *Buffer)
 Tells recorder to use an externally created ringbuffer. More...
void SetBoolOption (const QString &name, bool value)
 Set an specific boolean option. More...
void SetNextRecording (const RecordingInfo *ri, MythMediaBuffer *Buffer)
 Sets next recording info, to be applied as soon as practical. More...
void run (void) override=0
 run() starts the recording process, and does not exit until the recording is complete. More...
long long GetKeyframePosition (long long desired) const
 Returns closest keyframe position before the desired frame. More...
bool GetKeyframePositions (long long start, long long end, frm_pos_map_t &map) const
bool GetKeyframeDurations (long long start, long long end, frm_pos_map_t &map) const
virtual bool IsRecording (void)
 Tells whether the StartRecorder() loop is running. More...
virtual bool IsRecordingRequested (void)
 Tells us if StopRecording() has been called. More...
virtual void Pause (bool clear=true)
 Pause tells recorder to pause, it should not block. More...
virtual void Unpause (void)
 Unpause tells recorder to unpause. More...
virtual bool IsPaused (bool holding_lock=false) const
 Returns true iff recorder is paused. More...
virtual bool WaitForPause (std::chrono::milliseconds timeout=1s)
 WaitForPause blocks until recorder is actually paused, or timeout milliseconds elapse. More...
double GetFrameRate (void) const
 Returns the latest frame rate. More...
virtual bool CheckForRingBufferSwitch (void)
 If requested, switch to new RingBuffer/ProgramInfo objects. More...
void SavePositionMap (bool force=false, bool finished=false)
 Save the seektable to the DB. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MPEGStreamListener
virtual void HandleSplice (const SpliceInformationTable *)

Protected Member Functions

int OpenVBIDevice (void)
void CloseVBIDevice (void)
void RunVBIDevice (void)
virtual bool IsHelperRequested (void) const
virtual void FormatTT (struct VBIData *)
virtual void FormatCC (uint, uint)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DTVRecorder
virtual void InitStreamData (void)
void FinishRecording (void) override
 Flushes the ringbuffer, and if this is not a live LiveTV recording saves the position map and filesize. More...
void ResetForNewFile (void) override
void HandleKeyframe (int64_t extra)
 This save the current frame to the position maps and handles ringbuffer switching. More...
void HandleTimestamps (int stream_id, int64_t pts, int64_t dts)
void UpdateFramesWritten (void)
void BufferedWrite (const TSPacket &tspacket, bool insert=false)
bool FindAudioKeyframes (const TSPacket *tspacket)
bool FindMPEG2Keyframes (const TSPacket *tspacket)
 Locates the keyframes and saves them to the position map. More...
bool FindH2645Keyframes (const TSPacket *tspacket)
void HandleH2645Keyframe (void)
 This save the current frame to the position maps and handles ringbuffer switching. More...
void FindPSKeyFrames (const uint8_t *buffer, uint len) override
bool FindOtherKeyframes (const TSPacket *tspacket)
 Non-Audio/Video data. More...
bool CheckCC (uint pid, uint new_cnt)
virtual QString GetSIStandard (void) const
virtual void SetCAMPMT (const ProgramMapTable *)
virtual void UpdateCAMTimeOffset (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RecorderBase
void SetIntOption (RecordingProfile *profile, const QString &name)
 Convenience function used to set integer options from a profile. More...
void SetStrOption (RecordingProfile *profile, const QString &name)
 Convenience function used to set QString options from a profile. More...
virtual bool PauseAndWait (std::chrono::milliseconds timeout=100ms)
 If m_requestPause is true, sets pause and blocks up to timeout milliseconds or until unpaused, whichever is sooner. More...
virtual void SetRecordingStatus (RecStatus::Type status, const QString &file, int line)
virtual void StartNewFile (void)
void SetPositionMapType (MarkTypes type)
 Set seektable type. More...
void AspectChange (uint aspect, long long frame)
 Note a change in aspect ratio in the recordedmark table. More...
void ResolutionChange (uint width, uint height, long long frame)
 Note a change in video size in the recordedmark table. More...
void FrameRateChange (uint framerate, uint64_t frame)
 Note a change in video frame rate in the recordedmark table. More...
void VideoScanChange (SCAN_t scan, uint64_t frame)
 Note a change in video scan type in the recordedmark table. More...
void VideoCodecChange (AVCodecID vCodec)
 Note a change in video codec. More...
void AudioCodecChange (AVCodecID aCodec)
 Note a change in audio codec. More...
void SetDuration (std::chrono::milliseconds duration)
 Note the total duration in the recordedmark table. More...
void SetTotalFrames (uint64_t total_frames)
 Note the total frames in the recordedmark table. More...
void TryWriteProgStartMark (const frm_pos_map_t &durationDeltaCopy)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MPEGStreamListener
virtual ~MPEGStreamListener ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MPEGSingleProgramStreamListener
virtual ~MPEGSingleProgramStreamListener ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DVBMainStreamListener
virtual ~DVBMainStreamListener ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ATSCMainStreamListener
virtual ~ATSCMainStreamListener ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TSPacketListener
virtual ~TSPacketListener ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TSPacketListenerAV
virtual ~TSPacketListenerAV ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PSStreamListener
virtual ~PSStreamListener ()=default

Protected Attributes

QString m_audioDeviceName
QString m_vbiDeviceName
int m_vbiMode {VBIMode::None}
struct VBIDatam_palVbiCb {nullptr}
struct vbim_palVbiTt {nullptr}
uint m_ntscVbiWidth {0}
uint m_ntscVbiStartLine {0}
uint m_ntscVbiLineCount {0}
VBI608Extractorm_vbi608 {nullptr}
VBIThreadm_vbiThread {nullptr}
QList< struct txtbuffertype * > m_textBuffer
int m_vbiFd {-1}
volatile bool m_requestHelper {false}
- Protected Attributes inherited from DTVRecorder
int m_streamFd {-1}
QString m_recordingType {"all"}
MythTimer m_pesTimer
QElapsedTimer m_audioTimer
uint32_t m_startCode {0xffffffff}
int m_firstKeyframe {-1}
unsigned long long m_lastGopSeen {0}
unsigned long long m_lastSeqSeen {0}
unsigned long long m_lastKeyframeSeen {0}
unsigned int m_audioBytesRemaining {0}
unsigned int m_videoBytesRemaining {0}
unsigned int m_otherBytesRemaining {0}
int m_progressiveSequence {0}
int m_repeatPict {0}
bool m_pesSynced {false}
bool m_seenSps {false}
H2645Parserm_h2645Parser {nullptr}
bool m_waitForKeyframeOption {true}
 Wait for the a GOP/SEQ-start before sending data. More...
bool m_hasWrittenOtherKeyframe {false}
QString m_error
 non-empty iff irrecoverable recording error detected More...
MPEGStreamDatam_streamData {nullptr}
bool m_bufferPackets {false}
std::vector< unsigned char > m_payloadBuffer
QRecursiveMutex m_pidLock
ProgramAssociationTablem_inputPat {nullptr}
 PAT on input side. More...
ProgramMapTablem_inputPmt {nullptr}
 PMT on input side. More...
bool m_hasNoAV {false}
bool m_recordMpts {false}
bool m_recordMptsOnly {false}
MythTimer m_recordMptsTimer
std::array< uint8_t, 0x1fff+1 > m_streamId {0}
std::array< uint8_t, 0x1fff+1 > m_pidStatus {0}
std::array< uint8_t, 0x1fff+1 > m_continuityCounter {0}
std::vector< TSPacketm_scratch
int m_minimumRecordingQuality {95}
bool m_usePts {false}
std::array< uint64_t, 256 > m_tsCount {0}
std::array< int64_t, 256 > m_tsLast {}
std::array< int64_t, 256 > m_tsFirst {}
std::array< QDateTime, 256 > m_tsFirstDt {}
QAtomicInt m_packetCount {0}
QAtomicInt m_continuityErrorCount {0}
unsigned long long m_framesSeenCount {0}
unsigned long long m_framesWrittenCount {0}
double m_totalDuration {0.0}
 Total milliseconds that have passed since the start of the recording. More...
double m_tdBase {0.0}
 Milliseconds from the start to m_tdTickCount = 0. More...
uint64_t m_tdTickCount {0}
 Count of the number of equivalent interlaced fields that have passed since m_tdBase. More...
MythAVRational m_tdTickFramerate {0}
SCAN_t m_scanType {SCAN_t::UNKNOWN_SCAN}
bool m_musicChoice {false}
bool m_useIForKeyframe {true}
- Protected Attributes inherited from RecorderBase
TVRecm_tvrec {nullptr}
MythMediaBufferm_ringBuffer {nullptr}
bool m_weMadeBuffer {true}
AVContainer m_containerFormat {formatUnknown}
AVCodecID m_primaryVideoCodec {AV_CODEC_ID_NONE}
AVCodecID m_primaryAudioCodec {AV_CODEC_ID_NONE}
QString m_videocodec {"rtjpeg"}
QString m_videodevice
bool m_ntsc {true}
bool m_ntscFrameRate {true}
double m_videoFrameRate {29.97}
uint m_videoAspect {0}
uint m_videoHeight {0}
uint m_videoWidth {0}
MythAVRational m_frameRate {0}
RecordingInfom_curRecording {nullptr}
QMutex m_pauseLock
bool m_requestPause {false}
bool m_paused {false}
QWaitCondition m_pauseWait
QWaitCondition m_unpauseWait
bool m_requestRecording {false}
 True if API call has requested a recording be [re]started. More...
bool m_recording {false}
 True while recording is actually being performed. More...
QWaitCondition m_recordingWait
QMutex m_nextRingBufferLock
MythMediaBufferm_nextRingBuffer {nullptr}
RecordingInfom_nextRecording {nullptr}
MythTimer m_ringBufferCheckTimer
MarkTypes m_positionMapType {MARK_GOP_BYFRAME}
QMutex m_positionMapLock
frm_pos_map_t m_positionMap
frm_pos_map_t m_positionMapDelta
frm_pos_map_t m_durationMap
frm_pos_map_t m_durationMapDelta
MythTimer m_positionMapTimer
qint64 m_estimatedProgStartMS {0}
long long m_lastSavedKeyframe {0}
long long m_lastSavedDuration {0}
QMutex m_statisticsLock
QAtomicInt m_timeOfFirstDataIsSet
QDateTime m_timeOfFirstData
QAtomicInt m_timeOfLatestDataCount
QAtomicInt m_timeOfLatestDataPacketInterval
QDateTime m_timeOfLatestData
MythTimer m_timeOfLatestDataTimer
RecordingGaps m_recordingGaps


class VBIThread

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from RecorderBase
enum  AspectRatio {
  ASPECT_UNKNOWN = 0x00, ASPECT_1_1 = 0x01, ASPECT_4_3 = 0x02, ASPECT_16_9 = 0x03,
  ASPECT_2_21_1 = 0x04, ASPECT_CUSTOM = 0x05
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RecorderBase
static RecorderBaseCreateRecorder (TVRec *tvrec, ChannelBase *channel, RecordingProfile &profile, const GeneralDBOptions &genOpt)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from DTVRecorder
static const uint kMaxKeyFrameDistance = 80
 If the number of regular frames detected since the last detected keyframe exceeds this value, then we begin marking random regular frames as keyframes. More...
static const unsigned char kPayloadStartSeen = 0x2
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from RecorderBase
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds kTimeOfLatestDataIntervalTarget { 5s }
 timeOfLatest update interval target in milliseconds. More...

Detailed Description

Abstract base class for Video4Linux based recorders.

Definition at line 25 of file v4lrecorder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ V4LRecorder()

V4LRecorder::V4LRecorder ( TVRec rec)

Definition at line 29 of file v4lrecorder.h.

◆ ~V4LRecorder()

V4LRecorder::~V4LRecorder ( )

Definition at line 26 of file v4lrecorder.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ StopRecording()

void V4LRecorder::StopRecording ( void  )

StopRecording() signals to the recorder that it should stop recording and exit cleanly.

This function should block until recorder has finished up.

Reimplemented from RecorderBase.

Definition at line 43 of file v4lrecorder.cpp.

Referenced by NuppelVideoRecorder::doWriteThread(), MpegRecorder::TeardownAll(), and VBIThread::~VBIThread().

◆ SetOption() [1/2]

void V4LRecorder::SetOption ( const QString &  name,
const QString &  value 

Set an specific option.

Base options include: codec, videodevice, tvformat (ntsc,ntsc-jp,pal-m), vbiformat ("none","pal teletext","ntsc").

Reimplemented from DTVRecorder.

Definition at line 56 of file v4lrecorder.cpp.

Referenced by V4L2encRecorder::SetIntOption(), MpegRecorder::SetOption(), NuppelVideoRecorder::SetOption(), V4L2encRecorder::SetOptionsFromProfile(), and V4L2encRecorder::SetStrOption().

◆ SetOption() [2/2]

void V4LRecorder::SetOption ( const QString &  name,
int  value 

handles the "wait_for_seqstart" option.

Reimplemented from DTVRecorder.

Definition at line 34 of file v4lrecorder.h.

◆ OpenVBIDevice()

int V4LRecorder::OpenVBIDevice ( void  )

Definition at line 94 of file v4lrecorder.cpp.

Referenced by NuppelVideoRecorder::run(), and MpegRecorder::SetVBIOptions().

◆ CloseVBIDevice()

void V4LRecorder::CloseVBIDevice ( void  )

◆ RunVBIDevice()

void V4LRecorder::RunVBIDevice ( void  )

Definition at line 223 of file v4lrecorder.cpp.

Referenced by VBIThread::run().

◆ IsHelperRequested()

bool V4LRecorder::IsHelperRequested ( void  ) const

◆ FormatTT()

virtual void V4LRecorder::FormatTT ( struct VBIData )

Reimplemented in NuppelVideoRecorder.

Definition at line 43 of file v4lrecorder.h.

Referenced by RunVBIDevice().

◆ FormatCC()

virtual void V4LRecorder::FormatCC ( uint  ,

Reimplemented in NuppelVideoRecorder, and MpegRecorder.

Definition at line 44 of file v4lrecorder.h.

Referenced by RunVBIDevice().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ VBIThread

friend class VBIThread

Definition at line 27 of file v4lrecorder.h.

Referenced by MpegRecorder::OpenV4L2DeviceAsInput(), and NuppelVideoRecorder::run().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_audioDeviceName

QString V4LRecorder::m_audioDeviceName

◆ m_vbiDeviceName

QString V4LRecorder::m_vbiDeviceName

Definition at line 48 of file v4lrecorder.h.

Referenced by OpenVBIDevice(), and SetOption().

◆ m_vbiMode

int V4LRecorder::m_vbiMode {VBIMode::None}

◆ m_palVbiCb

struct VBIData* V4LRecorder::m_palVbiCb {nullptr}

Definition at line 50 of file v4lrecorder.h.

Referenced by CloseVBIDevice(), OpenVBIDevice(), and RunVBIDevice().

◆ m_palVbiTt

struct vbi* V4LRecorder::m_palVbiTt {nullptr}

Definition at line 51 of file v4lrecorder.h.

Referenced by CloseVBIDevice(), OpenVBIDevice(), and RunVBIDevice().

◆ m_ntscVbiWidth

uint V4LRecorder::m_ntscVbiWidth {0}

Definition at line 52 of file v4lrecorder.h.

Referenced by OpenVBIDevice(), and RunVBIDevice().

◆ m_ntscVbiStartLine

uint V4LRecorder::m_ntscVbiStartLine {0}

Definition at line 53 of file v4lrecorder.h.

Referenced by OpenVBIDevice(), and RunVBIDevice().

◆ m_ntscVbiLineCount

uint V4LRecorder::m_ntscVbiLineCount {0}

Definition at line 54 of file v4lrecorder.h.

Referenced by OpenVBIDevice(), and RunVBIDevice().

◆ m_vbi608

VBI608Extractor* V4LRecorder::m_vbi608 {nullptr}

Definition at line 55 of file v4lrecorder.h.

Referenced by CloseVBIDevice(), OpenVBIDevice(), and RunVBIDevice().

◆ m_vbiThread

VBIThread* V4LRecorder::m_vbiThread {nullptr}

◆ m_textBuffer

QList<struct txtbuffertype*> V4LRecorder::m_textBuffer

Definition at line 57 of file v4lrecorder.h.

◆ m_vbiFd

int V4LRecorder::m_vbiFd {-1}

◆ m_requestHelper

volatile bool V4LRecorder::m_requestHelper {false}

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: