def | mythburn.simple_fix_rtl (str) |
def | mythburn.write (text, progress=True) |
def | mythburn.fatalError (msg) |
| Display an error message and exit. More...
def | mythburn.nonfatalError (msg) |
def | mythburn.quoteString (str) |
| Return the input string with single quotes escaped. More...
def | mythburn.getTempPath () |
| Directory where all temporary files will be created. More...
def | mythburn.getCPUCount () |
| Try to work out how many cpus we have available. More...
def | mythburn.getEncodingProfilePath () |
| Get the directory where all encoder profile files are located. More...
def | mythburn.doesFileExist (file) |
| Returns true/false if a given file or path exists. More...
def | mythburn.quoteCmdArg (arg) |
| Escape quotes in a command line argument. More...
def | mythburn.getText (node) |
| Returns the text contents from a given XML element. More...
def | mythburn.getThemeFile (theme, file) |
| Try to find a theme file. More...
def | mythburn.getFontPathName (fontname) |
| Returns the path where we can find our fonts. More...
def | mythburn.getItemTempPath (itemnumber) |
| Creates a file path where the temp files for a video file can be created. More...
def | mythburn.validateTheme (theme) |
| Returns True if the theme.xml file can be found for the given theme. More...
def | mythburn.isResolutionOkayForDVD (videoresolution) |
| Returns True if the given resolution is a DVD compliant one. More...
def | mythburn.deleteAllFilesInFolder (folder) |
| Removes all the files from a directory. More...
def | mythburn.deleteEverythingInFolder (folder) |
| Romoves all the objects from a directory. More...
def | mythburn.checkCancelFlag () |
| Check to see if the user has cancelled the DVD creation process. More...
def | mythburn.runCommand (command) |
| Runs an external command checking to see if the user has cancelled the DVD creation process. More...
def | mythburn.secondsToFrames (seconds) |
| Convert a time in seconds to a frame number. More...
def | mythburn.encodeMenu (background, tempvideo, music, musiclength, tempmovie, xmlfile, finaloutput, aspectratio) |
| Creates a short mpeg file from a jpeg image and an ac3 sound track. More...
def | mythburn.findEncodingProfile (profile) |
| Return an xml node from a re-encoding profile xml file for a given profile name. More...
def | mythburn.getThemeConfigurationXML (theme) |
| Load the theme.xml file for a DVD theme. More...
def | mythburn.getLengthOfVideo (index) |
| Gets the duration of a video file from its stream info file. More...
def | mythburn.getAudioParams (folder) |
| Gets the audio sample rate and number of channels of a video file from its stream info file. More...
def | mythburn.getVideoParams (folder) |
| Gets the video resolution, frames per second and aspect ratio of a video file from its stream info file. More...
def | mythburn.getAspectRatioOfVideo (index) |
| Gets the aspect ratio of a video file from its stream info file. More...
def | mythburn.calcSyncOffset (index) |
| Calculates the sync offset between the video and first audio stream. More...
def | mythburn.getFormatedLengthOfVideo (index) |
| Gets the length of a video file and returns it as a string. More...
def | mythburn.frameToTime (frame, fps) |
| Convert a frame number to a time string. More...
def | mythburn.timeStringToSeconds (formatedtime) |
| Convert a time string of format 00:00:00 to number of seconds. More...
def | mythburn.createVideoChapters (itemnum, numofchapters, lengthofvideo, getthumbnails) |
| Creates a set of chapter points evenly spread thoughout a file Optionally grabs the thumbnails from the file. More...
def | mythburn.createVideoChaptersFixedLength (itemnum, segment, lengthofvideo) |
| Creates some fixed length chapter marks. More...
def | mythburn.getDefaultParametersFromMythTVDB () |
| Reads a load of settings from DB. More...
def | mythburn.saveSetting (name, data) |
| Save a setting to the settings table in the DB. More...
def | mythburn.clearArchiveItems () |
| Remove all archive items from the archiveitems DB table. More...
def | mythburn.getOptions (options) |
| Load the options from the options node passed in the job file. More...
def | mythburn.expandItemText (infoDOM, text, itemnumber, pagenumber, keynumber, chapternumber, chapterlist) |
| Substitutes some text from a theme file with the required values. More...
def | mythburn.getScaledAttribute (node, attribute) |
| Scale a theme position/size depending on the current video mode. More...
def | mythburn.intelliDraw (drawer, text, font, containerWidth) |
| Splits some text into lines so it will fit into a given container. More...
def | mythburn.paintBackground (image, node) |
| Paints a background rectangle onto an image. More...
def | mythburn.paintButton (draw, bgimage, bgimagemask, node, infoDOM, itemnum, page, itemsonthispage, chapternumber, chapterlist) |
| Paints a button onto an image. More...
def | mythburn.paintText (draw, image, text, node, color=None, x=None, y=None, width=None, height=None) |
| Paint some theme text on to an image. More...
def | mythburn.paintImage (filename, maskfilename, imageDom, destimage, stretch=True) |
| Paint an image on the background image. More...
def | mythburn.checkBoundaryBox (boundarybox, node) |
| Check if boundary box need adjusting. More...
def | mythburn.loadFonts (themeDOM) |
| Load the font defintions from a DVD theme file. More...
def | mythburn.getFileInformation (file, folder) |
| Creates an info xml file from details in the job file or from the DB. More...
def | mythburn.WriteXMLToFile (myDOM, filename) |
| Write an xml file to disc. More...
def | mythburn.preProcessFile (file, folder, count) |
| Pre-process a single video/recording file. More...
def | mythburn.encodeAudio (format, sourcefile, destinationfile, deletesourceafterencode) |
| Re-encodes an audio stream to ac3. More...
def | mythburn.multiplexMPEGStream (video, audio1, audio2, destination, syncOffset) |
| Recombines a video and one or two audio streams back together adding in the NAV packets required to create a DVD. More...
def | mythburn.getStreamInformation (filename, xmlFilename, lenMethod) |
| Creates a stream xml file for a video file. More...
def | mythburn.getVideoSize (xmlFilename) |
| Gets the video width and height from a file's stream xml file. More...
def | mythburn.runMythtranscode (chanid, starttime, destination, usecutlist, localfile) |
| Run a file though the lossless encoder optionally removing commercials. More...
def | mythburn.generateProjectXCutlist (chanid, starttime, folder) |
| Create a projectX cut list for a recording. More...
def | mythburn.runProjectX (chanid, starttime, folder, usecutlist, file) |
| Use Project-X to cut commercials and/or demux an mpeg2 file. More...
def | mythburn.ts2pts (time) |
| convert time stamp to pts More...
def | mythburn.checkSubtitles (spumuxFile) |
| check the given spumux.xml file for consistancy More...
def | mythburn.extractVideoFrame (source, destination, seconds) |
| Grabs a sequence of consecutive frames from a file. More...
def | mythburn.extractVideoFrames (source, destination, thumbList) |
| Grabs a list of single frames from a file. More...
def | mythburn.encodeVideoToMPEG2 (source, destvideofile, video, audio1, audio2, aspectratio, profile) |
| Re-encodes a file to mpeg2. More...
def | mythburn.encodeNuvToMPEG2 (chanid, starttime, mediafile, destvideofile, folder, profile, usecutlist) |
| Re-encodes a nuv file to mpeg2 optionally removing commercials. More...
def | mythburn.runDVDAuthor () |
| Runs DVDAuthor to create a DVD file structure. More...
def | mythburn.CreateDVDISO (title) |
| Creates an ISO image from the contents of a directory. More...
def | mythburn.BurnDVDISO (title) |
| Burns the contents of a directory to create a DVD. More...
def | mythburn.deMultiplexMPEG2File (folder, mediafile, video, audio1, audio2) |
| Splits a file into the separate audio and video streams using mythreplex. More...
def | mythburn.runM2VRequantiser (source, destination, factor) |
| Run M2VRequantiser. More...
def | mythburn.calculateFileSizes (files) |
| Calculates the total size of all the video, audio and menu files. More...
def | mythburn.total_mv2_brl (files, rate) |
| returns total size of bitrate-limited m2v files More...
def | mythburn.performMPEG2Shrink (files, dvdrsize) |
| Uses requantiser if available to shrink the video streams so they will fit on a DVD. More...
def | mythburn.createDVDAuthorXML (screensize, numberofitems) |
| Creates the DVDAuthor xml file used to create a standard DVD with menus. More...
def | mythburn.createDVDAuthorXMLNoMainMenu (screensize, numberofitems) |
| Creates the DVDAuthor xml file used to create a DVD with no main menu. More...
def | mythburn.createDVDAuthorXMLNoMenus (screensize, numberofitems) |
| Creates the DVDAuthor xml file used to create an Autoplay DVD. More...
def | mythburn.createEmptyPreviewFolder (videoitem) |
| Creates the directory to hold the preview images for an animated menu. More...
def | mythburn.generateVideoPreview (videoitem, itemonthispage, menuitem, starttime, menulength, previewfolder) |
| Generates the thumbnail images used to create animated menus. More...
def | mythburn.drawThemeItem (page, itemsonthispage, itemnum, menuitem, bgimage, draw, bgimagemask, drawmask, highlightcolor, spumuxdom, spunode, numberofitems, chapternumber, chapterlist) |
| Draws text and graphics onto a dvd menu. More...
def | mythburn.createMenu (screensize, screendpi, numberofitems) |
| creates the main menu for a DVD More...
def | mythburn.createChapterMenu (screensize, screendpi, numberofitems) |
| creates a chapter menu for a file on a DVD More...
def | mythburn.createDetailsPage (screensize, screendpi, numberofitems) |
| creates the details page for a file on a DVD More...
def | mythburn.isMediaAVIFile (file) |
| checks if a file is an avi file More...
def | mythburn.processAudio (folder) |
| checks to see if an audio stream need to be converted to ac3 More...
def | mythburn.selectStreams (folder) |
def | mythburn.selectSubtitleStream (folder) |
def | mythburn.selectAspectRatio (folder) |
| gets the video aspect ratio from the stream info xml file More...
def | mythburn.getVideoCodec (folder) |
| gets video stream codec from the stream info xml file More...
def | mythburn.getFileType (folder) |
| gets file container type from the stream info xml file More...
def | mythburn.getStreamList (folder) |
| get the list of required stream ids for a file More...
def | mythburn.isFileOkayForDVD (file, folder) |
| check if file is DVD compliant More...
def | mythburn.processFile (file, folder, count) |
| process a single file ready for burning using either mythtranscode/mythreplex or ProjectX as the cutter/demuxer More...
def | mythburn.doProcessFile (file, folder, count) |
| process a single file ready for burning using mythtranscode/mythreplex to cut and demux More...
def | mythburn.doProcessFileProjectX (file, folder, count) |
| process a single file ready for burning using projectX to cut and demux More...
def | mythburn.copyRemote (files, tmpPath) |
| copy files on remote filesystems to the local filesystem More...
def | mythburn.processJob (job) |
| processes one job More...
def | mythburn.usage () |
| show usage More...
def | mythburn.main () |
| The main starting point for mythburn.py. More...