Classes | |
class | CDROM |
class | FontDef |
class to hold a font definition More... | |
Functions | |
def | simple_fix_rtl (str) |
def | write (text, progress=True) |
def | fatalError (msg) |
Display an error message and exit. More... | |
def | nonfatalError (msg) |
def | quoteString (str) |
Return the input string with single quotes escaped. More... | |
def | getTempPath () |
Directory where all temporary files will be created. More... | |
def | getCPUCount () |
Try to work out how many cpus we have available. More... | |
def | getEncodingProfilePath () |
Get the directory where all encoder profile files are located. More... | |
def | doesFileExist (file) |
Returns true/false if a given file or path exists. More... | |
def | quoteCmdArg (arg) |
Escape quotes in a command line argument. More... | |
def | getText (node) |
Returns the text contents from a given XML element. More... | |
def | getThemeFile (theme, file) |
Try to find a theme file. More... | |
def | getFontPathName (fontname) |
Returns the path where we can find our fonts. More... | |
def | getItemTempPath (itemnumber) |
Creates a file path where the temp files for a video file can be created. More... | |
def | validateTheme (theme) |
Returns True if the theme.xml file can be found for the given theme. More... | |
def | isResolutionOkayForDVD (videoresolution) |
Returns True if the given resolution is a DVD compliant one. More... | |
def | deleteAllFilesInFolder (folder) |
Removes all the files from a directory. More... | |
def | deleteEverythingInFolder (folder) |
Romoves all the objects from a directory. More... | |
def | checkCancelFlag () |
Check to see if the user has cancelled the DVD creation process. More... | |
def | runCommand (command) |
Runs an external command checking to see if the user has cancelled the DVD creation process. More... | |
def | secondsToFrames (seconds) |
Convert a time in seconds to a frame number. More... | |
def | encodeMenu (background, tempvideo, music, musiclength, tempmovie, xmlfile, finaloutput, aspectratio) |
Creates a short mpeg file from a jpeg image and an ac3 sound track. More... | |
def | findEncodingProfile (profile) |
Return an xml node from a re-encoding profile xml file for a given profile name. More... | |
def | getThemeConfigurationXML (theme) |
Load the theme.xml file for a DVD theme. More... | |
def | getLengthOfVideo (index) |
Gets the duration of a video file from its stream info file. More... | |
def | getAudioParams (folder) |
Gets the audio sample rate and number of channels of a video file from its stream info file. More... | |
def | getVideoParams (folder) |
Gets the video resolution, frames per second and aspect ratio of a video file from its stream info file. More... | |
def | getAspectRatioOfVideo (index) |
Gets the aspect ratio of a video file from its stream info file. More... | |
def | calcSyncOffset (index) |
Calculates the sync offset between the video and first audio stream. More... | |
def | getFormatedLengthOfVideo (index) |
Gets the length of a video file and returns it as a string. More... | |
def | frameToTime (frame, fps) |
Convert a frame number to a time string. More... | |
def | timeStringToSeconds (formatedtime) |
Convert a time string of format 00:00:00 to number of seconds. More... | |
def | createVideoChapters (itemnum, numofchapters, lengthofvideo, getthumbnails) |
Creates a set of chapter points evenly spread thoughout a file Optionally grabs the thumbnails from the file. More... | |
def | createVideoChaptersFixedLength (itemnum, segment, lengthofvideo) |
Creates some fixed length chapter marks. More... | |
def | getDefaultParametersFromMythTVDB () |
Reads a load of settings from DB. More... | |
def | saveSetting (name, data) |
Save a setting to the settings table in the DB. More... | |
def | clearArchiveItems () |
Remove all archive items from the archiveitems DB table. More... | |
def | getOptions (options) |
Load the options from the options node passed in the job file. More... | |
def | expandItemText (infoDOM, text, itemnumber, pagenumber, keynumber, chapternumber, chapterlist) |
Substitutes some text from a theme file with the required values. More... | |
def | getScaledAttribute (node, attribute) |
Scale a theme position/size depending on the current video mode. More... | |
def | intelliDraw (drawer, text, font, containerWidth) |
Splits some text into lines so it will fit into a given container. More... | |
def | paintBackground (image, node) |
Paints a background rectangle onto an image. More... | |
def | paintButton (draw, bgimage, bgimagemask, node, infoDOM, itemnum, page, itemsonthispage, chapternumber, chapterlist) |
Paints a button onto an image. More... | |
def | paintText (draw, image, text, node, color=None, x=None, y=None, width=None, height=None) |
Paint some theme text on to an image. More... | |
def | paintImage (filename, maskfilename, imageDom, destimage, stretch=True) |
Paint an image on the background image. More... | |
def | checkBoundaryBox (boundarybox, node) |
Check if boundary box need adjusting. More... | |
def | loadFonts (themeDOM) |
Load the font defintions from a DVD theme file. More... | |
def | getFileInformation (file, folder) |
Creates an info xml file from details in the job file or from the DB. More... | |
def | WriteXMLToFile (myDOM, filename) |
Write an xml file to disc. More... | |
def | preProcessFile (file, folder, count) |
Pre-process a single video/recording file. More... | |
def | encodeAudio (format, sourcefile, destinationfile, deletesourceafterencode) |
Re-encodes an audio stream to ac3. More... | |
def | multiplexMPEGStream (video, audio1, audio2, destination, syncOffset) |
Recombines a video and one or two audio streams back together adding in the NAV packets required to create a DVD. More... | |
def | getStreamInformation (filename, xmlFilename, lenMethod) |
Creates a stream xml file for a video file. More... | |
def | getVideoSize (xmlFilename) |
Gets the video width and height from a file's stream xml file. More... | |
def | runMythtranscode (chanid, starttime, destination, usecutlist, localfile) |
Run a file though the lossless encoder optionally removing commercials. More... | |
def | generateProjectXCutlist (chanid, starttime, folder) |
Create a projectX cut list for a recording. More... | |
def | runProjectX (chanid, starttime, folder, usecutlist, file) |
Use Project-X to cut commercials and/or demux an mpeg2 file. More... | |
def | ts2pts (time) |
convert time stamp to pts More... | |
def | checkSubtitles (spumuxFile) |
check the given spumux.xml file for consistancy More... | |
def | extractVideoFrame (source, destination, seconds) |
Grabs a sequence of consecutive frames from a file. More... | |
def | extractVideoFrames (source, destination, thumbList) |
Grabs a list of single frames from a file. More... | |
def | encodeVideoToMPEG2 (source, destvideofile, video, audio1, audio2, aspectratio, profile) |
Re-encodes a file to mpeg2. More... | |
def | encodeNuvToMPEG2 (chanid, starttime, mediafile, destvideofile, folder, profile, usecutlist) |
Re-encodes a nuv file to mpeg2 optionally removing commercials. More... | |
def | runDVDAuthor () |
Runs DVDAuthor to create a DVD file structure. More... | |
def | CreateDVDISO (title) |
Creates an ISO image from the contents of a directory. More... | |
def | BurnDVDISO (title) |
Burns the contents of a directory to create a DVD. More... | |
def | deMultiplexMPEG2File (folder, mediafile, video, audio1, audio2) |
Splits a file into the separate audio and video streams using mythreplex. More... | |
def | runM2VRequantiser (source, destination, factor) |
Run M2VRequantiser. More... | |
def | calculateFileSizes (files) |
Calculates the total size of all the video, audio and menu files. More... | |
def | total_mv2_brl (files, rate) |
returns total size of bitrate-limited m2v files More... | |
def | performMPEG2Shrink (files, dvdrsize) |
Uses requantiser if available to shrink the video streams so they will fit on a DVD. More... | |
def | createDVDAuthorXML (screensize, numberofitems) |
Creates the DVDAuthor xml file used to create a standard DVD with menus. More... | |
def | createDVDAuthorXMLNoMainMenu (screensize, numberofitems) |
Creates the DVDAuthor xml file used to create a DVD with no main menu. More... | |
def | createDVDAuthorXMLNoMenus (screensize, numberofitems) |
Creates the DVDAuthor xml file used to create an Autoplay DVD. More... | |
def | createEmptyPreviewFolder (videoitem) |
Creates the directory to hold the preview images for an animated menu. More... | |
def | generateVideoPreview (videoitem, itemonthispage, menuitem, starttime, menulength, previewfolder) |
Generates the thumbnail images used to create animated menus. More... | |
def | drawThemeItem (page, itemsonthispage, itemnum, menuitem, bgimage, draw, bgimagemask, drawmask, highlightcolor, spumuxdom, spunode, numberofitems, chapternumber, chapterlist) |
Draws text and graphics onto a dvd menu. More... | |
def | createMenu (screensize, screendpi, numberofitems) |
creates the main menu for a DVD More... | |
def | createChapterMenu (screensize, screendpi, numberofitems) |
creates a chapter menu for a file on a DVD More... | |
def | createDetailsPage (screensize, screendpi, numberofitems) |
creates the details page for a file on a DVD More... | |
def | isMediaAVIFile (file) |
checks if a file is an avi file More... | |
def | processAudio (folder) |
checks to see if an audio stream need to be converted to ac3 More... | |
def | selectStreams (folder) |
def | selectSubtitleStream (folder) |
def | selectAspectRatio (folder) |
gets the video aspect ratio from the stream info xml file More... | |
def | getVideoCodec (folder) |
gets video stream codec from the stream info xml file More... | |
def | getFileType (folder) |
gets file container type from the stream info xml file More... | |
def | getStreamList (folder) |
get the list of required stream ids for a file More... | |
def | isFileOkayForDVD (file, folder) |
check if file is DVD compliant More... | |
def | processFile (file, folder, count) |
process a single file ready for burning using either mythtranscode/mythreplex or ProjectX as the cutter/demuxer More... | |
def | doProcessFile (file, folder, count) |
process a single file ready for burning using mythtranscode/mythreplex to cut and demux More... | |
def | doProcessFileProjectX (file, folder, count) |
process a single file ready for burning using projectX to cut and demux More... | |
def | copyRemote (files, tmpPath) |
copy files on remote filesystems to the local filesystem More... | |
def | processJob (job) |
processes one job More... | |
def | usage () |
show usage More... | |
def | main () |
The main starting point for More... | |
Variables | |
unicode = str | |
long = int | |
string | VERSION = "0.2.20200122-1" |
bool | debug_keeptempfiles = False |
bool | debug_secondrunthrough = False |
You can use this debug flag when testing out new themes pick some small recordings, run them through as normal with debug_keeptempfiles = True (see above) set this variable to True and then re-run the scripts the temp. More... | |
string | defaultEncodingProfile = "SP" |
bool | useSyncOffset = True |
bool | addCutlistChapters = False |
bool | encodetoac3 = False |
int | DVD_SL = 0 |
int | DVD_DL = 1 |
int | DVD_RW = 2 |
int | FILE = 3 |
tuple | dvdPAL = (720,576) |
tuple | dvdNTSC = (720,480) |
tuple | dvdPALdpi = (75,80) |
tuple | dvdNTSCdpi = (81,72) |
string | dvdPALHalfD1 = "352x576" |
string | dvdNTSCHalfD1 = "352x480" |
string | dvdPALD1 = "%sx%s" % (dvdPAL[0],dvdPAL[1]) |
string | dvdNTSCD1 = "%sx%s" % (dvdNTSC[0],dvdNTSC[1]) |
tuple | dvdrsize = (4482,8106) |
int | frameratePAL = 25 |
float | framerateNTSC = 29.97 |
float | aspectRatioThreshold = 1.4 |
string | temppath = "" |
string | logpath = "" |
string | scriptpath = "" |
string | sharepath = "" |
string | videopath = "" |
string | defaultsettings = "" |
string | videomode = "" |
string | gallerypath = "" |
string | musicpath = "" |
string | dateformat = "" |
string | timeformat = "" |
string | dbVersion = "" |
string | preferredlang1 = "" |
string | preferredlang2 = "" |
bool | useFIFO = True |
bool | alwaysRunMythtranscode = False |
bool | copyremoteFiles = False |
int | thumboffset = 10 |
bool | usebookmark = True |
bool | clearArchiveTable = True |
int | nicelevel = 17; |
int | drivespeed = 0; |
string | mainmenuAspectRatio = "16:9" |
string | chaptermenuAspectRatio = "Video" |
int | chapterLength = 5 * 60; |
string | jobfile = "mydata.xml" |
string | progresslog = "" |
progressfile ="/dev/null", 'w', 'utf-8') | |
string | dvddrivepath = "/dev/dvd" |
bool | docreateiso = False |
bool | doburn = True |
bool | erasedvdrw = False |
int | mediatype = DVD_SL |
string | savefilename = '' |
string | installPrefix = "" |
jobDOM = None | |
themeDOM = None | |
string | themeName = '' |
dictionary | themeFonts = {} |
int | cpuCount = 1 |
DB = MythTV.MythDB() | |
MVID = MythTV.MythVideo(db=DB) | |
Video = MythTV.Video | |
configHostname = DB.gethostname() | |
oldlocale = os.environ["LC_ALL"] | |
def | fix_rtl = simple_fix_rtl |
int | VIDEO_INDEX = 0 |
chooses which streams from a file to include on the DVD More... | |
int | VIDEO_CODEC = 1 |
int | VIDEO_ID = 2 |
int | AUDIO_INDEX = 0 |
int | AUDIO_CODEC = 1 |
int | AUDIO_ID = 2 |
int | AUDIO_LANG = 3 |
int | SUBTITLE_INDEX = 0 |
chooses which subtitle stream from a file to include on the DVD More... | |
int | SUBTITLE_CODEC = 1 |
int | SUBTITLE_ID = 2 |
int | SUBTITLE_LANG = 3 |
def mythburn.simple_fix_rtl | ( | str | ) |
Definition at line 244 of file
def mythburn.write | ( | text, | |
progress = True |
) |
Simple place to channel all text output through
Definition at line 308 of file
Referenced by hardwareprofile.uuiddb._UuidDb._flush(), hardwareprofile.distros.mythtv_data.uuiddb._UuidDb._flush(), analyze_audio(), BEFileTransfer.BEFileTransfer(), BurnDVDISO(), checkCancelFlag(), checkSubtitles(), clearArchiveItems(), copyRemote(), createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), createDVDAuthorXML(), createDVDAuthorXMLNoMainMenu(), createDVDAuthorXMLNoMenus(), CreateDVDISO(), createMenu(), createVideoChapters(), createVideoChaptersFixedLength(), deMultiplexMPEG2File(), ThreadedFileWriter.DiskLoop(), doProcessFile(), doProcessFileProjectX(), drawThemeItem(), encodeAudio(), encodeNuvToMPEG2(), encodeVideoToMPEG2(), extractVideoFrame(), extractVideoFrames(), fatalError(), MythFIFOWriter.FIFOWriteThread(), FileTransfer.FileTransfer(), findEncodingProfile(), finish_mpg(), generateProjectXCutlist(), generateVideoPreview(), getAspectRatioOfVideo(), getCPUCount(), getDefaultParametersFromMythTVDB(), getFileInformation(), getFileType(), getOptions(), getStreamInformation(), MythPainterVulkan.GetTextureFromCache(), getVideoCodec(), getVideoParams(), getVideoSize(), MythSystemLegacyIOHandler.HandleWrite(), MythVisualVulkan.InitialiseVulkan(), isFileOkayForDVD(), lirc_send_command(), loadFonts(), main(), multiplexMPEGStream(), MythFileWrite(), nonfatalError(), paintButton(), paintImage(), paintText(), performMPEG2Shrink(), preProcessFile(), processAudio(), Commands.ProcessCommand(), processJob(), pxsubtitle(), MythPainterVulkan.Ready(), ring_read_file(), Buffer.Run(), runDVDAuthor(), runM2VRequantiser(), runMythtranscode(), runProjectX(), selectAspectRatio(), selectStreams(), selectSubtitleStream(), Commands.send_status(), Streamer.SendBytes(), Commands.SendStatus(), setup_multiplex(), SignalHandler.signalHandler(), sup2dast(), TVRec.SwitchRecordingRingBuffer(), TVRec.TuningNewRecorder(), usage(), validateTheme(), DeviceReadBuffer.WakePoll(), ExternIO.Write(), cTPDU.Write(), AudioOutputOSS.WriteAudio(), AudioOutputPulseAudio.WriteAudio(), MPEG2fixup.WriteData(), writeout_ext(), writeout_padding(), writeout_video(), and MPEG2fixup.WriteYUV().
def mythburn.fatalError | ( | msg | ) |
Display an error message and exit.
Display an error message and exit app
Definition at line 324 of file
Referenced by calcSyncOffset(), checkSubtitles(), createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), createDVDAuthorXML(), CreateDVDISO(), createMenu(), deMultiplexMPEG2File(), doProcessFile(), doProcessFileProjectX(), drawThemeItem(), encodeAudio(), encodeMenu(), encodeNuvToMPEG2(), encodeVideoToMPEG2(), extractVideoFrame(), extractVideoFrames(), findEncodingProfile(), getAspectRatioOfVideo(), getAudioParams(), getDefaultParametersFromMythTVDB(), getFileInformation(), getFileType(), getLengthOfVideo(), getOptions(), getStreamInformation(), getThemeConfigurationXML(), getThemeFile(), getVideoCodec(), getVideoParams(), getVideoSize(), main(), multiplexMPEGStream(), paintButton(), performMPEG2Shrink(), preProcessFile(), processAudio(), processJob(), runDVDAuthor(), runM2VRequantiser(), selectAspectRatio(), selectStreams(), and selectSubtitleStream().
def mythburn.nonfatalError | ( | msg | ) |
Display a warning message
Definition at line 338 of file
Referenced by multiplexMPEGStream().
def mythburn.quoteString | ( | str | ) |
Return the input string with single quotes escaped.
Return the input string with single quotes escaped.
Definition at line 348 of file
Referenced by fatalError().
def mythburn.getTempPath | ( | ) |
Directory where all temporary files will be created.
This is the folder where all temporary files will be created.
Definition at line 355 of file
Referenced by BurnDVDISO(), calculateFileSizes(), createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), createDVDAuthorXML(), createDVDAuthorXMLNoMenus(), CreateDVDISO(), createMenu(), encodeVideoToMPEG2(), getItemTempPath(), processJob(), and runDVDAuthor().
def mythburn.getCPUCount | ( | ) |
Try to work out how many cpus we have available.
return the number of CPUs
Definition at line 362 of file
Referenced by main().
def mythburn.getEncodingProfilePath | ( | ) |
Get the directory where all encoder profile files are located.
This is the folder where all encoder profile files are located.
Definition at line 386 of file
Referenced by findEncodingProfile().
def mythburn.doesFileExist | ( | file | ) |
Returns true/false if a given file or path exists.
Returns true/false if a given file or path exists.
Definition at line 393 of file
Referenced by calculateFileSizes(), copyRemote(), createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), createDVDAuthorXML(), createMenu(), drawThemeItem(), encodeNuvToMPEG2(), extractVideoFrame(), generateVideoPreview(), getFileInformation(), multiplexMPEGStream(), paintButton(), paintImage(), preProcessFile(), processAudio(), and validateTheme().
def mythburn.quoteCmdArg | ( | arg | ) |
Escape quotes in a command line argument.
Definition at line 400 of file
Referenced by BurnDVDISO(), copyRemote(), CreateDVDISO(), deMultiplexMPEG2File(), encodeAudio(), encodeMenu(), encodeNuvToMPEG2(), encodeVideoToMPEG2(), extractVideoFrame(), extractVideoFrames(), generateVideoPreview(), getStreamInformation(), multiplexMPEGStream(), runM2VRequantiser(), runMythtranscode(), and runProjectX().
def mythburn.getText | ( | node | ) |
Returns the text contents from a given XML element.
Returns the text contents from a given XML element.
Definition at line 408 of file
Referenced by checkBoundaryBox(), createDVDAuthorXML(), createVideoChapters(), createVideoChaptersFixedLength(), doProcessFile(), doProcessFileProjectX(), drawThemeItem(), encodeVideoToMPEG2(), expandItemText(), findEncodingProfile(), getFileInformation(), and loadFonts().
def mythburn.getThemeFile | ( | theme, | |
file | |||
) |
Try to find a theme file.
Find a theme file - first look in the specified theme directory then look in the shared music and image directories
Definition at line 418 of file
Referenced by createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), createDVDAuthorXML(), createDVDAuthorXMLNoMenus(), createMenu(), drawThemeItem(), expandItemText(), generateVideoPreview(), getThemeConfigurationXML(), paintButton(), and validateTheme().
def mythburn.getFontPathName | ( | fontname | ) |
Returns the path where we can find our fonts.
Definition at line 438 of file
Referenced by loadFonts().
def mythburn.getItemTempPath | ( | itemnumber | ) |
Creates a file path where the temp files for a video file can be created.
Definition at line 444 of file
Referenced by calcSyncOffset(), calculateFileSizes(), createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), createDVDAuthorXML(), createDVDAuthorXMLNoMenus(), createEmptyPreviewFolder(), createMenu(), createVideoChapters(), createVideoChaptersFixedLength(), drawThemeItem(), expandItemText(), generateVideoPreview(), getAspectRatioOfVideo(), getLengthOfVideo(), getVideoParams(), performMPEG2Shrink(), processJob(), and total_mv2_brl().
def mythburn.validateTheme | ( | theme | ) |
Returns True if the theme.xml file can be found for the given theme.
Definition at line 450 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.isResolutionOkayForDVD | ( | videoresolution | ) |
Returns True if the given resolution is a DVD compliant one.
Definition at line 459 of file
Referenced by isFileOkayForDVD().
def mythburn.deleteAllFilesInFolder | ( | folder | ) |
Removes all the files from a directory.
Does what it says on the tin!.
Definition at line 468 of file
Referenced by createEmptyPreviewFolder().
def mythburn.deleteEverythingInFolder | ( | folder | ) |
Romoves all the objects from a directory.
Definition at line 477 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.checkCancelFlag | ( | ) |
Check to see if the user has cancelled the DVD creation process.
Checks to see if the user has cancelled this run
Definition at line 490 of file
Referenced by BurnDVDISO(), CreateDVDISO(), multiplexMPEGStream(), performMPEG2Shrink(), runCommand(), and runDVDAuthor().
def mythburn.runCommand | ( | command | ) |
Runs an external command checking to see if the user has cancelled the DVD creation process.
Definition at line 503 of file
Referenced by BurnDVDISO(), copyRemote(), CreateDVDISO(), deMultiplexMPEG2File(), encodeAudio(), encodeMenu(), encodeNuvToMPEG2(), encodeVideoToMPEG2(), extractVideoFrame(), extractVideoFrames(), generateVideoPreview(), getStreamInformation(), multiplexMPEGStream(), runM2VRequantiser(), runMythtranscode(), and runProjectX().
def mythburn.secondsToFrames | ( | seconds | ) |
Convert a time in seconds to a frame number.
Convert a time in seconds to a frame position
Definition at line 516 of file
Referenced by createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), createMenu(), and generateVideoPreview().
def mythburn.encodeMenu | ( | background, | |
tempvideo, | |||
music, | |||
musiclength, | |||
tempmovie, | |||
xmlfile, | |||
finaloutput, | |||
aspectratio | |||
) |
Creates a short mpeg file from a jpeg image and an ac3 sound track.
Definition at line 529 of file
Referenced by createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), and createMenu().
def mythburn.findEncodingProfile | ( | profile | ) |
Return an xml node from a re-encoding profile xml file for a given profile name.
Returns the XML node for the given encoding profile
Definition at line 565 of file
Referenced by encodeNuvToMPEG2(), and encodeVideoToMPEG2().
def mythburn.getThemeConfigurationXML | ( | theme | ) |
Load the theme.xml file for a DVD theme.
Loads the XML file from disk for a specific theme
Definition at line 610 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.getLengthOfVideo | ( | index | ) |
Gets the duration of a video file from its stream info file.
Returns the length of a video file (in seconds)
Definition at line 623 of file
Referenced by createChapterMenu(), createDVDAuthorXML(), createDVDAuthorXMLNoMenus(), getFormatedLengthOfVideo(), performMPEG2Shrink(), and total_mv2_brl().
def mythburn.getAudioParams | ( | folder | ) |
Gets the audio sample rate and number of channels of a video file from its stream info file.
Returns the audio bitrate and no of channels for a file from its streaminfo.xml
Definition at line 644 of file
Referenced by encodeNuvToMPEG2().
def mythburn.getVideoParams | ( | folder | ) |
Gets the video resolution, frames per second and aspect ratio of a video file from its stream info file.
Returns the video resolution, fps and aspect ratio for the video file from the streaminfo.xml file
Definition at line 664 of file
Referenced by encodeNuvToMPEG2(), and getFileInformation().
def mythburn.getAspectRatioOfVideo | ( | index | ) |
Gets the aspect ratio of a video file from its stream info file.
Returns the aspect ratio of the video file (1.333, 1.778, etc)
Definition at line 700 of file
Referenced by createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), createDVDAuthorXML(), and createDVDAuthorXMLNoMenus().
def mythburn.calcSyncOffset | ( | index | ) |
Calculates the sync offset between the video and first audio stream.
Returns the sync offset between the video and first audio stream
Definition at line 720 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.getFormatedLengthOfVideo | ( | index | ) |
Gets the length of a video file and returns it as a string.
Definition at line 748 of file
Referenced by expandItemText().
def mythburn.frameToTime | ( | frame, | |
fps | |||
) |
Convert a frame number to a time string.
Definition at line 761 of file
Referenced by getFileInformation().
def mythburn.timeStringToSeconds | ( | formatedtime | ) |
Convert a time string of format 00:00:00 to number of seconds.
Definition at line 774 of file
Referenced by createChapterMenu().
def mythburn.createVideoChapters | ( | itemnum, | |
numofchapters, | |||
lengthofvideo, | |||
getthumbnails | |||
) |
Creates a set of chapter points evenly spread thoughout a file Optionally grabs the thumbnails from the file.
Returns numofchapters chapter marks even spaced through a certain time period
Definition at line 789 of file
Referenced by createChapterMenu(), and createDVDAuthorXML().
def mythburn.createVideoChaptersFixedLength | ( | itemnum, | |
segment, | |||
lengthofvideo | |||
) |
Creates some fixed length chapter marks.
Returns chapter marks at cut list ends, or evenly spaced chapters 'segment' seconds through the file
Definition at line 836 of file
Referenced by createDVDAuthorXML(), and createDVDAuthorXMLNoMenus().
def mythburn.getDefaultParametersFromMythTVDB | ( | ) |
Reads a load of settings from DB.
Reads settings from MythTV database
Definition at line 871 of file
Referenced by main().
def mythburn.saveSetting | ( | name, | |
data | |||
) |
Save a setting to the settings table in the DB.
Definition at line 931 of file
Referenced by fatalError(), and main().
def mythburn.clearArchiveItems | ( | ) |
Remove all archive items from the archiveitems DB table.
Remove all archive items from the archiveitems DB table
Definition at line 938 of file
Referenced by main().
def mythburn.getOptions | ( | options | ) |
Load the options from the options node passed in the job file.
Definition at line 948 of file
Referenced by main().
def mythburn.expandItemText | ( | infoDOM, | |
text, | |||
itemnumber, | |||
pagenumber, | |||
keynumber, | |||
chapternumber, | |||
chapterlist | |||
) |
Substitutes some text from a theme file with the required values.
Replaces keywords in a string with variables from the XML and filesystem
Definition at line 972 of file
Referenced by drawThemeItem(), paintButton(), and processJob().
def mythburn.getScaledAttribute | ( | node, | |
attribute | |||
) |
Scale a theme position/size depending on the current video mode.
Returns a value taken from attribute in node scaled for the current video mode
Definition at line 1007 of file
Referenced by checkBoundaryBox(), drawThemeItem(), generateVideoPreview(), loadFonts(), paintBackground(), paintButton(), paintImage(), and paintText().
def mythburn.intelliDraw | ( | drawer, | |
text, | |||
font, | |||
containerWidth | |||
) |
Splits some text into lines so it will fit into a given container.
Based on
Definition at line 1018 of file
Referenced by paintText().
def mythburn.paintBackground | ( | image, | |
node | |||
) |
Paints a background rectangle onto an image.
Definition at line 1065 of file
Referenced by drawThemeItem().
def mythburn.paintButton | ( | draw, | |
bgimage, | |||
bgimagemask, | |||
node, | |||
infoDOM, | |||
itemnum, | |||
page, | |||
itemsonthispage, | |||
chapternumber, | |||
chapterlist | |||
) |
Paints a button onto an image.
Definition at line 1085 of file
Referenced by drawThemeItem().
def mythburn.paintText | ( | draw, | |
image, | |||
text, | |||
node, | |||
color = None , |
x = None , |
y = None , |
width = None , |
height = None |
) |
Paint some theme text on to an image.
Takes a piece of text and draws it onto an image inside a bounding box.
Definition at line 1168 of file
Referenced by drawThemeItem(), and paintButton().
def mythburn.paintImage | ( | filename, | |
maskfilename, | |||
imageDom, | |||
destimage, | |||
stretch = True |
) |
Paint an image on the background image.
Paste the image specified in the filename into the specified image
Definition at line 1250 of file
Referenced by drawThemeItem().
def mythburn.checkBoundaryBox | ( | boundarybox, | |
node | |||
) |
Check if boundary box need adjusting.
Definition at line 1326 of file
Referenced by drawThemeItem().
def mythburn.loadFonts | ( | themeDOM | ) |
Load the font defintions from a DVD theme file.
Definition at line 1350 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.getFileInformation | ( | file, | |
folder | |||
) |
Creates an info xml file from details in the job file or from the DB.
Definition at line 1396 of file
Referenced by preProcessFile().
def mythburn.WriteXMLToFile | ( | myDOM, | |
filename | |||
) |
Write an xml file to disc.
Definition at line 1541 of file
Referenced by checkSubtitles().
def mythburn.preProcessFile | ( | file, | |
folder, | |||
count | |||
) |
Pre-process a single video/recording file.
Pre-process a single video/recording file.
Definition at line 1559 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.encodeAudio | ( | format, | |
sourcefile, | |||
destinationfile, | |||
deletesourceafterencode | |||
) |
Re-encodes an audio stream to ac3.
Definition at line 1597 of file
Referenced by processAudio().
def mythburn.multiplexMPEGStream | ( | video, | |
audio1, | |||
audio2, | |||
destination, | |||
syncOffset | |||
) |
Recombines a video and one or two audio streams back together adding in the NAV packets required to create a DVD.
multiplex one video and one or two audio streams together
Definition at line 1621 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.getStreamInformation | ( | filename, | |
xmlFilename, | |||
lenMethod | |||
) |
Creates a stream xml file for a video file.
create a stream.xml file for filename
Definition at line 1722 of file
Referenced by doProcessFile(), doProcessFileProjectX(), and preProcessFile().
def mythburn.getVideoSize | ( | xmlFilename | ) |
Gets the video width and height from a file's stream xml file.
Get video width and height from stream.xml file
Definition at line 1741 of file
Referenced by isFileOkayForDVD(), and preProcessFile().
def mythburn.runMythtranscode | ( | chanid, | |
starttime, | |||
destination, | |||
usecutlist, | |||
localfile | |||
) |
Run a file though the lossless encoder optionally removing commercials.
Use mythtranscode to cut commercials and/or clean up an mpeg2 file
Definition at line 1765 of file
Referenced by doProcessFile().
def mythburn.generateProjectXCutlist | ( | chanid, | |
starttime, | |||
folder | |||
) |
Create a projectX cut list for a recording.
generate cutlist_x.txt for ProjectX
Definition at line 1806 of file
Referenced by runProjectX().
def mythburn.runProjectX | ( | chanid, | |
starttime, | |||
folder, | |||
usecutlist, | |||
file | |||
) |
Use Project-X to cut commercials and/or demux an mpeg2 file.
Use Project-X to cut commercials and demux an mpeg2 file
Definition at line 1841 of file
Referenced by doProcessFileProjectX().
def mythburn.ts2pts | ( | time | ) |
convert time stamp to pts
Definition at line 1948 of file
Referenced by checkSubtitles().
def mythburn.checkSubtitles | ( | spumuxFile | ) |
check the given spumux.xml file for consistancy
Definition at line 1959 of file
Referenced by runProjectX().
def mythburn.extractVideoFrame | ( | source, | |
destination, | |||
seconds | |||
) |
Grabs a sequence of consecutive frames from a file.
Definition at line 2005 of file
Referenced by doProcessFile(), and doProcessFileProjectX().
def mythburn.extractVideoFrames | ( | source, | |
destination, | |||
thumbList | |||
) |
Grabs a list of single frames from a file.
Definition at line 2035 of file
Referenced by createVideoChapters().
def mythburn.encodeVideoToMPEG2 | ( | source, | |
destvideofile, | |||
video, | |||
audio1, | |||
audio2, | |||
aspectratio, | |||
profile | |||
) |
Re-encodes a file to mpeg2.
Encodes an unknown video source file eg. AVI to MPEG2 video and AC3 audio, use mythffmpeg
Definition at line 2049 of file
Referenced by doProcessFile(), and doProcessFileProjectX().
def mythburn.encodeNuvToMPEG2 | ( | chanid, | |
starttime, | |||
mediafile, | |||
destvideofile, | |||
folder, | |||
profile, | |||
usecutlist | |||
) |
Re-encodes a nuv file to mpeg2 optionally removing commercials.
Encodes a nuv video source file to MPEG2 video and AC3 audio, using mythtranscode & mythffmpeg
Definition at line 2145 of file
Referenced by doProcessFile(), and doProcessFileProjectX().
def mythburn.runDVDAuthor | ( | ) |
Runs DVDAuthor to create a DVD file structure.
Definition at line 2270 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.CreateDVDISO | ( | title | ) |
Creates an ISO image from the contents of a directory.
Definition at line 2281 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.BurnDVDISO | ( | title | ) |
Burns the contents of a directory to create a DVD.
Definition at line 2301 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.deMultiplexMPEG2File | ( | folder, | |
mediafile, | |||
video, | |||
audio1, | |||
audio2 | |||
) |
Splits a file into the separate audio and video streams using mythreplex.
Definition at line 2460 of file
Referenced by doProcessFile().
def mythburn.runM2VRequantiser | ( | source, | |
destination, | |||
factor | |||
) |
Run M2VRequantiser.
Definition at line 2515 of file
Referenced by performMPEG2Shrink().
def mythburn.calculateFileSizes | ( | files | ) |
Calculates the total size of all the video, audio and menu files.
Returns the sizes of all video, audio and menu files
Definition at line 2540 of file
Referenced by performMPEG2Shrink().
def mythburn.total_mv2_brl | ( | files, | |
rate | |||
) |
returns total size of bitrate-limited m2v files
Definition at line 2586 of file
Referenced by performMPEG2Shrink().
def mythburn.performMPEG2Shrink | ( | files, | |
dvdrsize | |||
) |
Uses requantiser if available to shrink the video streams so they will fit on a DVD.
Definition at line 2607 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.createDVDAuthorXML | ( | screensize, | |
numberofitems | |||
) |
Creates the DVDAuthor xml file used to create a standard DVD with menus.
Creates the xml file for dvdauthor to use the MythBurn menus.
Definition at line 2691 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.createDVDAuthorXMLNoMainMenu | ( | screensize, | |
numberofitems | |||
) |
Creates the DVDAuthor xml file used to create a DVD with no main menu.
Creates the xml file for dvdauthor to use the MythBurn menus.
Definition at line 3070 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.createDVDAuthorXMLNoMenus | ( | screensize, | |
numberofitems | |||
) |
Creates the DVDAuthor xml file used to create an Autoplay DVD.
Creates the xml file for dvdauthor containing no menus.
Definition at line 3084 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.createEmptyPreviewFolder | ( | videoitem | ) |
Creates the directory to hold the preview images for an animated menu.
Definition at line 3261 of file
Referenced by createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), and createMenu().
def mythburn.generateVideoPreview | ( | videoitem, | |
itemonthispage, | |||
menuitem, | |||
starttime, | |||
menulength, | |||
previewfolder | |||
) |
Generates the thumbnail images used to create animated menus.
generate thumbnails for a preview in a menu
Definition at line 3272 of file
Referenced by createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), and createMenu().
def mythburn.drawThemeItem | ( | page, | |
itemsonthispage, | |||
itemnum, | |||
menuitem, | |||
bgimage, | |||
draw, | |||
bgimagemask, | |||
drawmask, | |||
highlightcolor, | |||
spumuxdom, | |||
spunode, | |||
numberofitems, | |||
chapternumber, | |||
chapterlist | |||
) |
Draws text and graphics onto a dvd menu.
Draws text and graphics onto a dvd menu, called by createMenu and createChapterMenu
Definition at line 3312 of file
Referenced by createChapterMenu(), createDetailsPage(), and createMenu().
def mythburn.createMenu | ( | screensize, | |
screendpi, | |||
numberofitems | |||
) |
creates the main menu for a DVD
Creates all the necessary menu images and files for the MythBurn menus.
Definition at line 3529 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.createChapterMenu | ( | screensize, | |
screendpi, | |||
numberofitems | |||
) |
creates a chapter menu for a file on a DVD
Creates all the necessary menu images and files for the MythBurn menus.
Definition at line 3746 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.createDetailsPage | ( | screensize, | |
screendpi, | |||
numberofitems | |||
) |
creates the details page for a file on a DVD
Creates all the necessary images and files for the details page.
Definition at line 3953 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.isMediaAVIFile | ( | file | ) |
checks if a file is an avi file
Definition at line 4087 of file
def mythburn.processAudio | ( | folder | ) |
checks to see if an audio stream need to be converted to ac3
encode audio to ac3 for better compression and compatability with NTSC players
Definition at line 4096 of file
Referenced by doProcessFile(), and doProcessFileProjectX().
def mythburn.selectStreams | ( | folder | ) |
Choose the streams we want from the source file
Definition at line 4140 of file
Referenced by doProcessFile(), doProcessFileProjectX(), getStreamList(), and runProjectX().
def mythburn.selectSubtitleStream | ( | folder | ) |
Choose the subtitle stream we want from the source file
Definition at line 4292 of file
Referenced by getStreamList(), and runProjectX().
def mythburn.selectAspectRatio | ( | folder | ) |
gets the video aspect ratio from the stream info xml file
figure out what aspect ratio we want from the source file
Definition at line 4351 of file
Referenced by doProcessFile(), and doProcessFileProjectX().
def mythburn.getVideoCodec | ( | folder | ) |
gets video stream codec from the stream info xml file
Get the video codec from the streaminfo.xml for the file
Definition at line 4392 of file
Referenced by doProcessFile(), and isFileOkayForDVD().
def mythburn.getFileType | ( | folder | ) |
gets file container type from the stream info xml file
Get the overall file type from the streaminfo.xml for the file
Definition at line 4414 of file
Referenced by deMultiplexMPEG2File(), doProcessFile(), and doProcessFileProjectX().
def mythburn.getStreamList | ( | folder | ) |
get the list of required stream ids for a file
Definition at line 4437 of file
Referenced by runProjectX().
def mythburn.isFileOkayForDVD | ( | file, | |
folder | |||
) |
check if file is DVD compliant
return true if the file is dvd compliant
Definition at line 4462 of file
Referenced by doProcessFile(), and doProcessFileProjectX().
def mythburn.processFile | ( | file, | |
folder, | |||
count | |||
) |
process a single file ready for burning using either mythtranscode/mythreplex or ProjectX as the cutter/demuxer
Process a single video/recording file ready for burning.
Definition at line 4496 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.doProcessFile | ( | file, | |
folder, | |||
count | |||
) |
process a single file ready for burning using mythtranscode/mythreplex to cut and demux
Process a single video/recording file ready for burning.
Definition at line 4508 of file
Referenced by processFile().
def mythburn.doProcessFileProjectX | ( | file, | |
folder, | |||
count | |||
) |
process a single file ready for burning using projectX to cut and demux
Process a single video/recording file ready for burning.
Definition at line 4720 of file
Referenced by processFile().
def mythburn.copyRemote | ( | files, | |
tmpPath | |||
) |
copy files on remote filesystems to the local filesystem
go through the list of files looking for files on remote filesytems and copy them to a local file for quicker processing
Definition at line 4887 of file
Referenced by processJob().
def mythburn.processJob | ( | job | ) |
processes one job
Starts processing a MythBurn job, expects XML nodes to be passed as input.
Definition at line 4925 of file
Referenced by main().
def mythburn.usage | ( | ) |
def mythburn.main | ( | ) |
The main starting point for
Definition at line 5144 of file
mythburn.unicode = str |
Definition at line 9 of file
Referenced by getFileInformation().
mythburn.long = int |
Definition at line 15 of file
Referenced by extractVideoFrame().
string mythburn.VERSION = "0.2.20200122-1" |
Definition at line 65 of file
bool mythburn.debug_keeptempfiles = False |
Definition at line 70 of file
bool mythburn.debug_secondrunthrough = False |
You can use this debug flag when testing out new themes pick some small recordings, run them through as normal with debug_keeptempfiles = True (see above) set this variable to True and then re-run the scripts the temp.
files will not be deleted and it will run through very much quicker!
Definition at line 78 of file
string mythburn.defaultEncodingProfile = "SP" |
Definition at line 81 of file
bool mythburn.useSyncOffset = True |
Definition at line 84 of file
bool mythburn.addCutlistChapters = False |
Definition at line 88 of file
bool mythburn.encodetoac3 = False |
Definition at line 91 of file
int mythburn.DVD_SL = 0 |
Definition at line 136 of file
int mythburn.DVD_DL = 1 |
Definition at line 137 of file
int mythburn.DVD_RW = 2 |
Definition at line 138 of file
int mythburn.FILE = 3 |
Definition at line 139 of file
Referenced by DBUtil.CreateTemporaryDBConf(), ZMServer.handleGetAnalysisFrame(), ZMServer.handleGetEventFrame(), ifopalette(), lirc_open(), MythRAOPConnection.LoadKey(), pgm_read(), pgm_write(), pxsubtitle(), JoystickMenuThread.ReadConfig(), anonymous_namespace{HistogramAnalyzer.cpp}.readData(), anonymous_namespace{TemplateMatcher.cpp}.readMatches(), ZMServer.runCommand(), samepalette(), HLSRingBuffer.SaveToDisk(), sup2dast(), UpdatePositionMap(), anonymous_namespace{SceneChangeDetector.cpp}.writeData(), anonymous_namespace{HistogramAnalyzer.cpp}.writeData(), anonymous_namespace{TemplateMatcher.cpp}.writeMatches(), and xfopen().
tuple mythburn.dvdPAL = (720,576) |
Definition at line 141 of file
tuple mythburn.dvdNTSC = (720,480) |
Definition at line 142 of file
tuple mythburn.dvdPALdpi = (75,80) |
Definition at line 143 of file
tuple mythburn.dvdNTSCdpi = (81,72) |
Definition at line 144 of file
string mythburn.dvdPALHalfD1 = "352x576" |
Definition at line 146 of file
string mythburn.dvdNTSCHalfD1 = "352x480" |
Definition at line 147 of file
string mythburn.dvdPALD1 = "%sx%s" % (dvdPAL[0],dvdPAL[1]) |
Definition at line 148 of file
string mythburn.dvdNTSCD1 = "%sx%s" % (dvdNTSC[0],dvdNTSC[1]) |
Definition at line 149 of file
tuple mythburn.dvdrsize = (4482,8106) |
Definition at line 152 of file
int mythburn.frameratePAL = 25 |
Definition at line 154 of file
float mythburn.framerateNTSC = 29.97 |
Definition at line 155 of file
float mythburn.aspectRatioThreshold = 1.4 |
Definition at line 158 of file
string mythburn.temppath = "" |
Definition at line 161 of file
Referenced by createTempFile().
string mythburn.logpath = "" |
Definition at line 162 of file
string mythburn.scriptpath = "" |
Definition at line 163 of file
string mythburn.sharepath = "" |
Definition at line 164 of file
string mythburn.videopath = "" |
Definition at line 165 of file
string mythburn.defaultsettings = "" |
Definition at line 166 of file
string mythburn.videomode = "" |
Definition at line 167 of file
string mythburn.gallerypath = "" |
Definition at line 168 of file
string mythburn.musicpath = "" |
Definition at line 169 of file
string mythburn.dateformat = "" |
Definition at line 170 of file
Referenced by Parse.ParseItem().
string mythburn.timeformat = "" |
Definition at line 171 of file
Referenced by MythDate.toString().
string mythburn.dbVersion = "" |
Definition at line 172 of file
Referenced by NativeArchive.doImportArchive(), NativeArchive.exportRecording(), and NativeArchive.exportVideo().
string mythburn.preferredlang1 = "" |
Definition at line 173 of file
string mythburn.preferredlang2 = "" |
Definition at line 174 of file
bool mythburn.useFIFO = True |
Definition at line 175 of file
bool mythburn.alwaysRunMythtranscode = False |
Definition at line 176 of file
bool mythburn.copyremoteFiles = False |
Definition at line 177 of file
int mythburn.thumboffset = 10 |
Definition at line 178 of file
bool mythburn.usebookmark = True |
Definition at line 179 of file
Referenced by MythMainWindow.customEvent().
bool mythburn.clearArchiveTable = True |
Definition at line 180 of file
int mythburn.nicelevel = 17; |
Definition at line 181 of file
int mythburn.drivespeed = 0; |
Definition at line 182 of file
string mythburn.mainmenuAspectRatio = "16:9" |
Definition at line 185 of file
string mythburn.chaptermenuAspectRatio = "Video" |
Definition at line 189 of file
int mythburn.chapterLength = 5 * 60; |
Definition at line 192 of file
Referenced by TV.DVDJumpBack(), and TV.DVDJumpForward().
string mythburn.jobfile = "mydata.xml" |
Definition at line 195 of file
string mythburn.progresslog = "" |
Definition at line 198 of file
mythburn.progressfile ="/dev/null", 'w', 'utf-8') |
Definition at line 199 of file
string mythburn.dvddrivepath = "/dev/dvd" |
Definition at line 202 of file
bool mythburn.docreateiso = False |
Definition at line 205 of file
bool mythburn.doburn = True |
Definition at line 206 of file
bool mythburn.erasedvdrw = False |
Definition at line 207 of file
int mythburn.mediatype = DVD_SL |
Definition at line 208 of file
Referenced by MythMediaDevice.DetectMediaType(), MythMediaDevice.MediaTypeString(), and MythMediaDevice.RegisterMediaExtensions().
string mythburn.savefilename = '' |
Definition at line 209 of file
string mythburn.installPrefix = "" |
Definition at line 211 of file
mythburn.jobDOM = None |
Definition at line 214 of file
mythburn.themeDOM = None |
Definition at line 217 of file
string mythburn.themeName = '' |
Definition at line 218 of file
Referenced by MythUIThemeHelper.GetThemeSearchPath(), ThemeChooser.LoadVersion(), and NetworkControl.processTheme().
dictionary mythburn.themeFonts = {} |
Definition at line 221 of file
int mythburn.cpuCount = 1 |
Definition at line 224 of file
mythburn.DB = MythTV.MythDB() |
Definition at line 226 of file
mythburn.MVID = MythTV.MythVideo(db=DB) |
Definition at line 227 of file
mythburn.Video = MythTV.Video |
Definition at line 228 of file
mythburn.configHostname = DB.gethostname() |
Definition at line 230 of file
string mythburn.oldlocale = os.environ["LC_ALL"] |
Definition at line 236 of file
mythburn.fix_rtl = simple_fix_rtl |
Definition at line 252 of file
Referenced by intelliDraw().
int mythburn.VIDEO_INDEX = 0 |
chooses which streams from a file to include on the DVD
Definition at line 4131 of file
int mythburn.VIDEO_CODEC = 1 |
Definition at line 4132 of file
int mythburn.VIDEO_ID = 2 |
Definition at line 4133 of file
int mythburn.AUDIO_INDEX = 0 |
Definition at line 4135 of file
int mythburn.AUDIO_CODEC = 1 |
Definition at line 4136 of file
int mythburn.AUDIO_ID = 2 |
Definition at line 4137 of file
int mythburn.AUDIO_LANG = 3 |
Definition at line 4138 of file
int mythburn.SUBTITLE_INDEX = 0 |
chooses which subtitle stream from a file to include on the DVD
Definition at line 4287 of file
int mythburn.SUBTITLE_CODEC = 1 |
Definition at line 4288 of file
int mythburn.SUBTITLE_ID = 2 |
Definition at line 4289 of file
int mythburn.SUBTITLE_LANG = 3 |
Definition at line 4290 of file