Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#11060 closed Bug Report - General (Invalid)

mythutil not changing loging filtering

Reported by: warpme@… Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: unknown
Component: MythTV - General Version: Master Head
Severity: medium Keywords: mythutil
Cc: Ticket locked: no


Using "mythutil --verbose channel,record" seems to not change logging filtering as expected and returns somehow mixed output:

[root@mythtv ~]# mythutil --verbose channel,record
mythutil version: master [v0.26-beta-55-g9ed48cb-dirty-20120829]

MythUtil is a command line utility application for MythTV.

Misc. Options:
-O OR --override-setting    Override a single setting defined by a key=value pair.
--override-settings-file    Define a file of key=value pairs to be loaded for setting overrides.
-h OR --help OR --usage     Display this help printout, or give detailed information of selected option.
--version                   Display version information.

Backend Options:
--clearcache                Trigger a cache clear on all connected MythTV systems.
--event                     Send a backend event test message.
--resched                   Trigger a run of the recording scheduler on the existing master backend.
--scanvideos                Trigger a rescan of media content in MythVideo.
--systemevent               Send a backend SYSTEM_EVENT test message.

Recording Markup Options:
--clearcutlist              Clear the cutlist.
  --chanid                    Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
  --starttime                 Specify start time of recording to operate on.
--clearskiplist             Clear the commercial skip list.
  --chanid                    Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
  --starttime                 Specify start time of recording to operate on.
--gencutlist                Copy the commercial skip list to the cutlist.
  --chanid                    Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
  --starttime                 Specify start time of recording to operate on.
--getcutlist                Display the current cutlist.
  --chanid                    Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
  --starttime                 Specify start time of recording to operate on.
--getskiplist               Display the current commercial skip list.
  --chanid                    Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
  --starttime                 Specify start time of recording to operate on.
--setcutlist                Set a new cutlist in the form:
                            #-#[,#-#]... (ie, 1-100,1520-3012,4091-5094)
  --chanid                    Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
  --starttime                 Specify start time of recording to operate on.
--setskiplist               Set a new commercial skip list in the form:
                            #-#[,#-#]... (ie, 1-100,1520-3012,4091-5094)
  --chanid                    Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
  --starttime                 Specify start time of recording to operate on.

File Options:
--copyfile                  Copy a MythTV Storage Group file
  --infile                    Input file URI
  --outfile                   Output file URI

Logging Options:
--loglevel                  Set the logging level.  All log messages at lower levels will be discarded.
                            In descending order: emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug
                            defaults to info
--logpath                   Writes logging messages to a file in the directory logpath with filenames in the format:
                            This is typically used in combination with --daemon, and if used in combination with
                            --pidfile, this can be used with log rotators, using the HUP call to inform MythTV to reload
                            the file
--nodblog                   Disable database logging.
-q OR --quiet               Don't log to the console (-q).  Don't log anywhere (-q -q)
--syslog                    Set the syslog logging facility.
                            Set to "none" to disable, defaults to none.
-v OR --verbose             Specify log filtering. Use '-v help' for level info.

Messaging Options:
--message                   Display a message on a frontend
  --bcastaddr                 (optional) IP address to send to
  --udpport                   (optional) UDP Port to send to
--print-template            Print the template to be sent to the frontend

MPEG-TS Options:
--pidcounter                Count pids in a MythTV Storage Group file
  --infile                    Input file URI
  --packetsize                TS Packet Size
--pidfilter                 Filter pids in a MythTV Storage Group file
  --infile                    Input file URI
  --outfile                   Output file URI
  --packetsize                TS Packet Size
  --pids                      Pids to process
--pidprinter                Print PSIP pids in a MythTV Storage Group file
  --infile                    Input file URI
  --outfile                   Output file URI
  --noautopts                 Disables PTS discovery
  --pids                      Pids to process
  --xml                       Enables XML output of PSIP
--ptspids                   Pids to extract PTS from

JobQueue Options:
--queuejob                  Insert a new job into the JobQueue.
  --chanid                    Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
  --starttime                 Specify start time of recording to operate on.

2012-08-31 11:13:32.622282 C  mythutil version: master [v0.26-beta-55-g9ed48cb-dirty-20120829]
2012-08-31 11:13:32.622302 C  Qt version: compile: 4.8.1, runtime: 4.8.1
2012-08-31 11:13:32.622308 N  Enabled verbose msgs:  general channel record
2012-08-31 11:13:32.622321 N  Setting Log Level to LOG_INFO
2012-08-31 11:13:32.622741 I  Added logging to the console
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623112 I  Setup Interrupt handler
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623289 I  Setup Terminated handler
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623301 I  Setup Segmentation fault handler
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623307 I  Setup Aborted handler
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623316 I  Setup Bus error handler
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623321 I  Setup Floating point exception handler
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623328 I  Setup Illegal instruction handler
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623363 N  Using runtime prefix = /usr
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623374 N  Using configuration directory = /root/.mythtv
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623434 I  Assumed character encoding: en_US.UTF-8
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623741 N  Empty LocalHostName.
2012-08-31 11:13:32.623746 I  Using localhost value of mythtv
2012-08-31 11:13:32.637134 N  Setting QT default locale to pl_US
2012-08-31 11:13:32.637146 I  Current locale pl_US
2012-08-31 11:13:32.637186 E  No locale defaults file for pl_US, skipping
[root@mythtv ~]#

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by cpinkham

Resolution: Invalid
Status: newclosed

"mythutil --loglevel" sets the log level for that mythutil instance.

You still need to use "mythbackend --setloglevel" to change the log level of the running master backend. This hasn't been moved over to mythutil.

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