Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#13289 closed Bug Report - Hang/Deadlock (Invalid)

Fail to access DB (but mythweb and backend work!)

Reported by: grandmastermarclar Owned by: Peter Bennett
Priority: major Milestone: 30.0
Component: MythTV - General Version:
Severity: medium Keywords: mythconverg, mythfrontend, mythtv-setup, mythfilldatabase
Cc: Ticket locked: no


I can access my DB using mysql -h -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg...

(oh, and is the IP of the first interface from ifconfig...)

I can still access mythweb, and it appears from the logs that mythbackend is working correctly.

However, mythfrontend, mythtv-setup, and mythfilldatabase, are all unable to log in to the database. All instances of config.xml on my combined frontend/backend setup have the same DB login credentials, and were working with version 29.

Using MariaDB 10.2, Ubuntu 18.04, mythtv 2:30.0~master.20180426.ba4c52b-0ubuntu0mythbuntu1

No clue in logs (with all debug possible), why it's failing. Could it be some silent fail on a missing library?

Attachments (4)

mythfrontend.20180603105809.23052.log.gz (84.3 KB) - added by grandmastermarclar 7 years ago.
Result of mythfrontend --loglevel debug --logpath /tmp/ --verbose all
config.xml (629 bytes) - added by grandmastermarclar 7 years ago.
config.2.xml (454 bytes) - added by grandmastermarclar 7 years ago.
/etc/mythtv/config.xml (which is symlinked from /home/mythtv/.mythtv/config.xml)
ifconfig.txt (1.6 KB) - added by grandmastermarclar 7 years ago.
Result of ifconfig

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by Peter Bennett

You will get a better response by sending email to the mythtv-users (mythtv-users at or on the forums ( It sounds like a setup issue and not a bug.

Changed 7 years ago by grandmastermarclar

Result of mythfrontend --loglevel debug --logpath /tmp/ --verbose all

Changed 7 years ago by grandmastermarclar

Attachment: config.xml added


Changed 7 years ago by grandmastermarclar

Attachment: config.2.xml added

/etc/mythtv/config.xml (which is symlinked from /home/mythtv/.mythtv/config.xml)

Changed 7 years ago by grandmastermarclar

Attachment: ifconfig.txt added

Result of ifconfig

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by grandmastermarclar

After amending the IP address in mythtv-setup (from to, yes the same), then save and exit, mythtv-setup.log shows:

Jun  3 14:08:08 babylon mythtv-setup.real: mythtv-setup[11636]: I CoreContext mythcontext.cpp:895 (TestDBconnection) Start up testing connections. DB, BE , attempt 0, status start
Jun  3 14:08:09 babylon mythtv-setup.real: mythtv-setup[11636]: I CoreContext mythcontext.cpp:895 (TestDBconnection) Start up testing connections. DB, BE , attempt 1, status start
Jun  3 14:08:09 babylon mythtv-setup.real: mythtv-setup[11636]: I CoreContext mythmainwindow.cpp:2996 (LockInputDevices) Locking input devices
Jun  3 14:08:09 babylon mythtv-setup.real: mythtv-setup[11636]: N CoreContext mythmainwindow.cpp:3055 (PauseIdleTimer) Suspending idle timer
Jun  3 14:08:11 babylon mythtv-setup.real: mythtv-setup[11636]: E CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:895 (prepare) Error preparing query: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = :KEY AND hostname = :HOSTNAME
Jun  3 14:08:11 babylon mythtv-setup.real: mythtv-setup[11636]: E CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:897 (prepare) Driver error was [2/2013]:#012QMYSQL3: Unable to prepare statement#012Database error was:#012Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Jun  3 14:08:11 babylon mythtv-setup.real: mythtv-setup[11636]: I CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:267 (Reconnect) MySQL reconnected successfully

...but on screen it is just trying to wake up the database. Odd, as I can still log in using:

ian@babylon:~$ mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv -h mythconverg

BTW, all of this supposed to be a combined FE/BE/DB. Anything else? Just ask...

Last edited 7 years ago by grandmastermarclar (previous) (diff)

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by Peter Bennett

Resolution: Invalid
Status: newclosed

Your wakeonlan section is restarting your mysql instance.

comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by grandmastermarclar

I'm afraid this ticket cannot be closed yet. I've found the problem and it definitely is a problem which seems to have been introduced in the last few days.

Previously, I had a combined FE/BE/DB on my local machine. Instead of using throughout, I was using This was working perfectly fine. Since an update of 29 last Friday, everything mythtv-related apart from the BE and mythweb were dead.

I tried upgrading to 30, hoping that would work. Evidently not. However, changing all references of (in both all instances of config.xml and in the mythconverg.settings table), has resurrected everything except for mythtv-status.

It would definitely therefore appear that there has been a change which has made it to both 29 and 30 which breaks any IP setup which isn't entirely on Now, if this is supposed to be the case for the master/sole BE and anything else which is on that same physical machine, this is a change which I've not seen referred to anywhere.

There was a bug a while back which effectively did exactly the same thing: or you're stuck. I deliberately kept using something which would highlight if this ever became a problem again.

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by stuartm

Component: MythTV - MythfilldatabaseMythTV - General
Owner: changed from stuartm to Peter Bennett

comment:6 Changed 7 years ago by Peter Bennett

Please attach a copy of your non-working config.xml.

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