Opened 7 years ago
Closed 5 years ago
#13300 closed Patch - Feature (Fixed)
Python Bindings enhancemts according to latest MythTV protocol (91)
Reported by: | rcrdnalor | Owned by: | Bill Meek |
Priority: | minor | Milestone: | 31.0 |
Component: | Bindings - Python | Version: | v29-fixes |
Severity: | medium | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Ticket locked: | no |
Mythtv v29: Python Bindings enhancements according to latest MythTV protocol:
1) Allow db.seacrchRecorded method to search by given recordedid:
Patch: 0001-Add-recordedid-to-db.seacrchRecorded-method.patch
This patch implements a search inside the recorded
table by given recordedid
by modifing the already implemented searchRecorded
2) Add the recordedfile table to python bindings and make use of it:
Patch: 0002-Python-Bindings-Add-recordedfile-table-and-its-usage.patch
This patch adds the recordedfile
table to the python bindings and allows the
instance to use (and update) it.
These patches are compatible with current master and fixes/v29. Once accepted, please backport to fixes/v29.
Example usage:
$ python2 Python 2.7.15rc1 (default, Apr 15 2018, 21:51:34) [GCC 7.3.0] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> from MythTV import MythDB, MythError, MythDBError, Recorded, RecordedFile >>> db = MythDB() >>> reciter = db.searchRecorded(recordedid = 44) >>> rec = >>> rec b'<Recorded 'Servatius Wetter','2018-06-30 11:10:00+02:00' at 0x7efe3fc482a0>' >>> recfile = rec.getRecordedFile() >>> recfile b'<RecordedFile '2105_20180630091000.ts','44' at 0x7efe3fc554f0>' >>> recfile.keys() [u'basename', u'filesize', u'width', u'height', u'fps', u'aspect', u'audio_sample_rate', u'audio_channels', u'audio_codec', u'video_codec', u'comment', u'hostname', u'storagegroup', u'id', u'recordedid', u'container', u'total_bitrate', u'video_avg_bitrate', u'video_max_bitrate', u'audio_avg_bitrate', u'audio_max_bitrate'] >>> recfile.values() [u'2105_20180630091000.ts', 563401220L, 1920, 1088, 25.0, 1.777778, 0, 0, u'AC3', u'H264', u'', u'bionic', u'Default', 51L, 44L, u'MPEG2-TS', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Attachments (2)
Change History (12)
Changed 7 years ago by
Attachment: | 0001-Add-recordedid-to-db.seacrchRecorded-method.patch added |
Changed 7 years ago by
Attachment: | 0002-Python-Bindings-Add-recordedfile-table-and-its-usage.patch added |
Add recordedfile to Python Bindings
comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by
FWIW (I'm not a maintainer) these like sane to me.
Was the omission of basename
and id
from the RecordedId._defaults
table deliberate?
comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by
@ijc Thank you for reviewing my patches.
I am not sure if I understood your question correctly.
If you meant theRecordedfile._defaults
object, then the answer is yes.
If you look into the mysql description of the recordedfile table (mysql describe recrodedfile), the fields id
and basename
are key-fields:
is autoincrement, it will be handled by mysql itself,
and basename
has a key as well, that means, the user needs to provide a valid value.
Therefore, no default values are foreseen for those fields.
Could you please review #13299 as well? This is a tricky one and hard to decribe.
Thx, dnalor
comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by
Thanks for the explanation, I did mean Recordedfile._defaults
and had missed that basename
was also a key field.
Will see if I can understand #13299 next...
comment:4 Changed 6 years ago by
Milestone: | needs_triage → 31.0 |
Status: | new → infoneeded_new |
Roland, are any changes required for Python 3? E.g. in the 2nd patch
here: 'comment':u'', 'hostname':'', 'storagegroup':''
comment:5 Changed 6 years ago by
I will add testcases to my repo and include the patches in pull request 182 as a single commit.
This means, one can easily revert it, if necessary.
comment:6 Changed 5 years ago by
With the last change on pull request 182, the search with given 'recordedid' in 'searchRecorded' and the access to the 'recordedFile' table works for python3 as well as for python2
$ python Python 3.6.8 (default, Aug 20 2019, 17:12:48) >>> from MythTV import MythDB >>> db = MythDB() >>> reciter = db.searchRecorded(recordedid = 4762) >>> rec = next(reciter) >>> rec <Recorded 'The Lady from Shanghai','2019-03-05 13:51:00+01:00' at ..> >>> recfile = rec.getRecordedFile() >>> recfile <RecordedFile '3030_20190305125100.mkv','4762' at 0x7fb32d108ca8> >>> recfile.items() [('basename', '3030_20190305125100.mkv'), ('filesize', 2793354377), ('width', 992), ('height', 720), ('fps', 25.0), ('aspect', 1.377778), ........ )] >>> exit()
Please give it a try.
comment:9 Changed 5 years ago by
Owner: | changed from Raymond Wagner to Bill Meek |
comment:10 Changed 5 years ago by
Resolution: | → Fixed |
Status: | infoneeded_new → closed |
Closed by #13475
Add recordedid to Python Bindings