Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#4934 closed defect (invalid)

Mythsocket timeout between Master and Slave on .21 clean install fedora.

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Isaac Richards
Priority: blocker Milestone: unknown
Component: mythtv Version: head
Severity: high Keywords: mythsocket master slave
Cc: Ticket locked: no


When I saw that .21 had been released on Saturday I did a totally clean install on two machines onto totally clean Fedora 8 setups (All current patches applied).

While both machines work with no problems in "Single Setup" mode I cannot get them to see each other in Master/Slave? Mode.

The output from the Slave is....

2008-03-12 12:12:47.041 Using runtime prefix = /usr/local, libdir = /usr/local/lib 2008-03-12 12:12:47.042 Empty LocalHostName?. 2008-03-12 12:12:47.042 Using localhost value of 2008-03-12 12:12:47.049 New DB connection, total: 1 2008-03-12 12:12:47.054 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: 192.168.0.xx2 2008-03-12 12:12:47.055 Closing DB connection named 'DBManager0' 2008-03-12 12:12:47.056 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: 192.168.0.xx2 2008-03-12 12:12:47.057 New DB connection, total: 2 2008-03-12 12:12:47.057 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: 192.168.0.xx2 2008-03-12 12:12:47.059 Current Schema Version: 1214 Running as a slave backend. 2008-03-12 12:12:49.079 New DB connection, total: 3 2008-03-12 12:12:49.080 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: 192.168.0.xx2 2008-03-12 12:12:50.810 Main::Registering HttpStatus? Extension 2008-03-12 12:12:50.810 mythbackend version: 0.21.20080304-1 2008-03-12 12:12:50.810 Enabled verbose msgs: important general 2008-03-12 12:12:51.816 Connecting to master server: 2008-03-12 12:12:51.816 Connected successfully 2008-03-12 12:13:21.817 MythSocket?(b5e050b0:13): readStringList: Error, timeout. 2008-03-12 12:13:21.820 adding: as a slave backend server 2008-03-12 12:13:21.821 MythSocket?(b5e04d70:-1): writeStringList: Error, socket went unconnected.

I've googled around and can't see this as an existing bug (there are similar ones though) and would appreciate some ideas to try.

Just to let everyone know I've totally disabled the firewalls on both machines to test and the problem still manifests.

If any more info is needed to debug please let me know and I'll provide it.

Regards and Thanks....the more I use Myth the more I love it ;)

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by anonymous

I've fixed this problem with a complete re-install of the OS and then Myth again on the slave so now won't be able to provide debug info.

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by paulh

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Reporter fixed the problem with a clean install.

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