Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#6672 closed defect (fixed)

Fix HDHomeRun support in 0.21-fixes

Reported by: mikeb@… Owned by: danielk
Priority: minor Milestone: 0.21.1
Component: MythTV - DVB/ATSC Version: 0.21-fixes
Severity: medium Keywords: 0.21-fixes hdhomerun
Cc: Ticket locked: no


The following patch fixes reconnection issues with the HDHomeRun and a signal strength problem with the TECH versions.

Attachments (5)

mythtv-0.21-fixes-hdhomerun-update.patch (217.4 KB) - added by anonymous 15 years ago.
6672-v3.patch (221.2 KB) - added by danielk 15 years ago.
Fixes RTP bug, still has IP bug
mythtv-0.21-fixes-hdhomerun-update.ip.patch (656 bytes) - added by mikeb@… 15 years ago.
fixes ip bug in mythtv-0.21-fixes-hdhomerun-update.patch
mythtv-0.21-fixes-hdhomerun-update.1.patch (251.5 KB) - added by mikeb@… 15 years ago.
replaces all previous patches
mythtv-0.21-fixes-hdhomerun-update.1.patch.gz (52.1 KB) - added by mikeb@… 15 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

Changed 15 years ago by anonymous

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by danielk

Status: newinfoneeded_new

Mike, some problems.. When you specify the device by IP, i.e. port 1 in my test case, it doesn't even get a signal in the channel scanner. When you specify the address as 'ffffffff' port 1 or '101008c6' port 1 you get an error like this once you get a signal on a transport:

2009-07-05 16:04:24.950 HDHRSM(101008c6/1), Error: Failed to set target

So you never end up getting any data, so no tables, so no channel...

I have not tested recording yet as I couldn't get past the channel scanning stage, but I assume the target problem will persist there.

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by cizek@…


I suspect this is the same RTP vs UDP problem we had on multirec.

I have to defer to Mike on how to fix it, though.


comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by mikeb@…

Suggest upgrading the firmware -- rtp support was added at some point in 2007 and is used to detect packet loss over the network.

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by danielk

(In [20848]) Refs #6672. Update trunk to use the latest HDHomeRun client libs.

Changed 15 years ago by danielk

Attachment: 6672-v3.patch added

Fixes RTP bug, still has IP bug

comment:5 Changed 15 years ago by danielk

Mike B, we don't make a habit of requiring firmware updates casually, and we've never done so in a maintenance release. I've uploaded an updated patch which fixes this problem for me. But the IP spec bug remains.

Changed 15 years ago by mikeb@…

fixes ip bug in mythtv-0.21-fixes-hdhomerun-update.patch

Changed 15 years ago by mikeb@…

replaces all previous patches

comment:6 Changed 15 years ago by mikeb@…

danielk -

I've resubmitted the patch with the UDP fallback and the IP fix but I'm curious exactly what firmware version you're running on your HDHomeRun.

comment:7 Changed 15 years ago by danielk

Mike, it appears there is a missing file "hdhomerun_device_selector.h"

Changed 15 years ago by mikeb@…

comment:8 Changed 15 years ago by mikeb@…

gzipped due to the 256k upload limit

comment:9 Changed 15 years ago by danielk

Resolution: fixed
Status: infoneeded_newclosed

(In [20877]) Fixes #6672. Fixes several HDHomeRun problems in 0.21-fixes.

This is basically just a resync of the hdhomerun library. We now default to using RDP is supported by the firmware, the signal monitoring info is parsed in the library so that the black box model of the HDHomeRun works too, and we automagically reconnect if our socket connection dies for greater reliability.

Note: This is not quite the library on the silicondust website, Mike added raw IP support to avoid breaking existing 0.21 setups and I backported a couple fixes from trunk.

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