Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#9202 closed defect (Invalid)

mythtranscode profile not found (no output video)

Reported by: MythTV@… Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: unknown
Component: MythTV - Mythtranscode Version: 0.23.1
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: Ticket locked: no




I'm running media-tv/mythtv-0.23.1_p26437 on a gentoo System after upgrading from a previous (not sure which) Version.

I was trying to get my Version transoded Video. Seems there was a mistake while upgrading the Database settings.

In output from mythbackend it writes "MPEG-2" including the "-" but the Query was "MPEG2" without the "-"

I think simply changing the value in the DB should fix the problem?

Below is a snipped from MythBackend? and from MySQL Database

2010-11-10 23:19:39.011 ProgramInfo?(): Updated pathname : -> '14003_20101109200000.mpg' 2010-11-10 23:19:39.282 Transcode: Looking for autodetect profile: Autodetect from 576i 2010-11-10 23:19:39.286 Transcode: Couldn't find profile for : MPEG-2 2010-11-10 23:19:39.286 Transcoding aborted, no profile found.

mysql> SELECT FROM recordingprofiles, profilegroups WHERE recordingprofiles.profilegroup = AND = 'Transcoders' AND = 'MPEG2'

-> ;

Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from recordingprofiles;

| id | name         | videocodec | audiocodec | profilegroup |
|  1 | Default      | NULL       | NULL       |           14 |
|  2 | Live TV      | NULL       | NULL       |           14 |
|  3 | High Quality | NULL       | NULL       |           14 |
|  4 | Low Quality  | NULL       | NULL       |           14 |
|  5 | MPEG-2       | MPEG-4     | MP3        |            6 |
|  6 | Default      | NULL       | NULL       |           15 |
|  7 | Live TV      | NULL       | NULL       |           15 |
|  8 | High Quality | NULL       | NULL       |           15 |
|  9 | Low Quality  | NULL       | NULL       |           15 |
| 10 | Default      | NULL       | NULL       |           16 |
| 11 | Live TV      | NULL       | NULL       |           16 |
| 12 | High Quality | NULL       | NULL       |           16 |
| 13 | Low Quality  | NULL       | NULL       |           16 |
| 14 | Default      | NULL       | NULL       |           17 |
| 15 | Live TV      | NULL       | NULL       |           17 |
| 16 | High Quality | NULL       | NULL       |           17 |
| 17 | Low Quality  | NULL       | NULL       |           17 |
| 18 | s            | MPEG-4     | MP3        |           17 |
18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by robertm

Resolution: Invalid
Status: newclosed

There is an issue, but it's a user/configuration issue, the code in Myth is fine. Please start on the users mailing list.

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