Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#9739 closed Bug Report - General (Invalid)

Channel renumbering ticket locked..

Reported by: luigi.zanderighi@… Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: unknown
Component: MythTV - General Version: Unspecified
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: luigi.zanderighi@… Ticket locked: yes


Dear Robertm,

The only way to communicate to you is opening a new ticket, I'm sorry for that, but locking tickets how you have done is an unkind a rude habit.

Your way to answer is unacceptable, for sure I could use a different way to do things, why don't you suggest everybody who finds a bug to just use something different from mythtv. I believe behaviors like yours is one of the main reasons why mythtv is still full of bugs and with very few contributors compared to other systems.

Anyway if you take a look at other system, even commercial televisions, you will find out that my suggestion is considered a common usability feature. So please get smarter and don't be so arrogant to believe your point of view is always correct without any debate.

Best regards

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by robertm

Resolution: Invalid
Status: newclosed
Ticket locked: set

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