
Welcome to the MythTV Trac server

This is the code development and bug reporting site. Are you looking for the MythTV homepage?

For user support, please use either the MythTV Users Email List or the MythTV Forum
When logging in please click on the github login and accept the request for MythTV to have access to your github details. You are required to be logged in to raise a ticket

Stable: If you'd like to get the v35 stable branch, do this:

git clone --branch fixes/35 git://

Unstable: If you're looking for anonymous git access for the development (master) version, use the following command to grab the latest code:

git clone git://

Once you have a clone of the repository, you can just do a git pull at any time to update it to the most recent revision. See also UsingGit for more information, including information for people interested in contributing to MythTV development.

Please subscribe to the mythtv-dev mailing list if you plan to run development code! Instead of sending patches to the mythtv-dev mailing list for inclusion to MythTV, please create a ticket instead (TicketHowTo). This should allow us to track patches better, and hopefully get them handled in a much more timely manner (and avoid losing patches).

Code Documentation

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For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.

Last modified 4 weeks ago Last modified on Feb 24, 2025, 5:00:07 PM