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DVBSignalMonitor Class Reference

#include <libmythtv/recorders/dvbsignalmonitor.h>

Inheritance diagram for DVBSignalMonitor:
Collaboration diagram for DVBSignalMonitor:

Public Member Functions

 DVBSignalMonitor (int db_cardnum, DVBChannel *_channel, bool _release_stream, uint64_t _flags=kSigMon_WaitForSig|kDVBSigMon_WaitForSNR|kDVBSigMon_WaitForBER|kDVBSigMon_WaitForUB)
 Initializes signal lock and signal values. More...
 ~DVBSignalMonitor () override
 Stops signal monitoring and table monitoring threads. More...
QStringList GetStatusList (void) const override
 Returns QStringList containing all signals and their current values. More...
void Stop (void) override
 Stop signal monitoring and table monitoring threads. More...
void SetRotorTarget (float target) override
 Sets rotor target pos from 0.0 to 1.0. More...
void GetRotorStatus (bool &was_moving, bool &is_moving) override
void SetRotorValue (int val) override
void EmitStatus (void) override
 Emits signals for lock, signal strength, etc. More...
void HandlePMT (uint program_num, const ProgramMapTable *pmt) override
void HandleSTT (const SystemTimeTable *stt) override
void HandleTDT (const TimeDateTable *tdt) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from DTVSignalMonitor
 DTVSignalMonitor (int db_cardnum, DTVChannel *_channel, bool _release_stream, uint64_t wait_for_mask)
 ~DTVSignalMonitor () override
void SetChannel (int major, int minor)
int GetMajorChannel () const
int GetMinorChannel () const
void SetProgramNumber (int progNum)
int GetProgramNumber () const
void SetDVBService (uint network_id, uint transport_id, int service_id)
uint GetTransportID (void) const
uint GetNetworkID (void) const
int GetServiceID (void) const
uint GetDetectedNetworkID (void) const
uint GetDetectedTransportID (void) const
void AddFlags (uint64_t _flags) override
void RemoveFlags (uint64_t _flags) override
virtual void SetStreamData (MPEGStreamData *data)
 Sets the MPEG stream data for DTVSignalMonitor to use, and connects the table signals to the monitor. More...
MPEGStreamDataGetStreamData ()
 Returns the MPEG stream data if it exists. More...
ATSCStreamDataGetATSCStreamData ()
 Returns the ATSC stream data if it exists. More...
DVBStreamDataGetDVBStreamData ()
 Returns the DVB stream data if it exists. More...
ScanStreamDataGetScanStreamData ()
 Returns the scan stream data if it exists. More...
const MPEGStreamDataGetStreamData () const
 Returns the MPEG stream data if it exists. More...
const ATSCStreamDataGetATSCStreamData () const
 Returns the ATSC stream data if it exists. More...
const DVBStreamDataGetDVBStreamData () const
 Returns the DVB stream data if it exists. More...
const ScanStreamDataGetScanStreamData () const
 Returns the scan stream data if it exists. More...
bool IsAllGood (void) const override
void HandlePAT (const ProgramAssociationTable *pat) override
void HandleCAT (const ConditionalAccessTable *) override
void HandleEncryptionStatus (uint pnum, bool enc_status) override
void HandleVCT (uint, const VirtualChannelTable *) override
void HandleMGT (const MasterGuideTable *mgt) override
void HandleTVCT (uint pid, const TerrestrialVirtualChannelTable *tvct) override
void HandleCVCT (uint pid, const CableVirtualChannelTable *cvct) override
void HandleRRT (const RatingRegionTable *) override
void HandleDCCT (const DirectedChannelChangeTable *) override
void HandleDCCSCT (const DirectedChannelChangeSelectionCodeTable *) override
void HandleNIT (const NetworkInformationTable *nit) override
void HandleSDT (uint tsid, const ServiceDescriptionTable *sdt) override
void IgnoreEncrypted (bool ignore)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SignalMonitor
 ~SignalMonitor () override
 Stops monitoring thread. More...
 SignalMonitor (int, ChannelBase *, uint64_t, bool)=delete
virtual void Start ()
 Start signal monitoring thread. More...
bool HasFlags (uint64_t _flags) const
bool HasAnyFlag (uint64_t _flags) const
uint64_t GetFlags (void) const
virtual bool HasExtraSlowTuning (void) const
bool GetNotifyFrontend () const
 Returns whether or not a SIGNAL MythEvent is being sent regularly to the frontend. More...
std::chrono::milliseconds GetUpdateRate () const
 Returns milliseconds between signal monitoring events. More...
int GetSignalStrength (void)
bool HasSignalLock (void) const
 Returns true iff scriptStatus.IsGood() and signalLock.IsGood() return true. More...
bool IsErrored (void) const
void SetNotifyFrontend (bool notify)
 Enables or disables frontend notification of the current signal value. More...
void SetMonitoring (TVRec *parent, bool EITscan, bool monitor)
 Indicate if table monitoring is needed. More...
void SetUpdateRate (std::chrono::milliseconds msec)
 Sets the number of milliseconds between signal monitoring attempts in the signal monitoring thread. More...
void AddListener (SignalMonitorListener *listener)
void RemoveListener (SignalMonitorListener *listener)
void SendMessage (SignalMonitorMessageType type, const SignalMonitorValue &val)
void SendMessageAllGood (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MPEGStreamListener
virtual void HandleSplice (const SpliceInformationTable *)

Protected Member Functions

 DVBSignalMonitor (void)
 DVBSignalMonitor (const DVBSignalMonitor &)
void UpdateValues (void) override
 Fills in frontend stats and emits status Qt signals. More...
void EmitDVBSignals (void)
DVBChannelGetDVBChannel (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DTVSignalMonitor
DTVChannelGetDTVChannel (void)
void UpdateMonitorValues (void)
void UpdateListeningForEIT (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SignalMonitor
 SignalMonitor (int _inputid, ChannelBase *_channel, bool _release_stream, uint64_t wait_for_mask)
 Initializes signal lock and signal values. More...
void run (void) override
 Basic signal monitoring loop. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MThread
int exec (void)
 Enters the qt event loop. call exit or quit to exit thread. More...
 MThread (const QString &objectName)
 Standard constructor. More...
 MThread (const QString &objectName, QRunnable *runnable)
 Use this constructor if you want the default run() method to run the QRunnable's run() method instead of entering the Qt event loop. More...
virtual ~MThread ()
 MThread (const MThread &)=delete
MThreadoperator= (const MThread &)=delete
void RunProlog (void)
 Sets up a thread, call this if you reimplement run(). More...
void RunEpilog (void)
 Cleans up a thread's resources, call this if you reimplement run(). More...
QThread * qthread (void)
 Returns the thread, this will always return the same pointer no matter how often you restart the thread. More...
void setObjectName (const QString &name)
QString objectName (void) const
void setPriority (QThread::Priority priority)
QThread::Priority priority (void) const
bool isFinished (void) const
bool isRunning (void) const
void setStackSize (uint stackSize)
uint stackSize (void) const
void exit (int retcode=0)
 Use this to exit from the thread if you are using a Qt event loop. More...
void start (QThread::Priority p=QThread::InheritPriority)
 Tell MThread to start running the thread in the near future. More...
void terminate (void)
 Kill a thread unsafely. More...
void quit (void)
 calls exit(0) More...
bool wait (std::chrono::milliseconds time=std::chrono::milliseconds::max())
 Wait for the MThread to exit, with a maximum timeout. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MPEGStreamListener
virtual ~MPEGStreamListener ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ATSCMainStreamListener
virtual ~ATSCMainStreamListener ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ATSCAuxStreamListener
virtual ~ATSCAuxStreamListener ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DVBMainStreamListener
virtual ~DVBMainStreamListener ()=default

Protected Attributes

SignalMonitorValue m_signalToNoise
SignalMonitorValue m_bitErrorRate
SignalMonitorValue m_uncorrectedBlocks
SignalMonitorValue m_rotorPosition
bool m_streamHandlerStarted
- Protected Attributes inherited from DTVSignalMonitor
MPEGStreamDatam_streamData {nullptr}
std::vector< uintm_eitPids
SignalMonitorValue m_seenPAT
SignalMonitorValue m_seenPMT
SignalMonitorValue m_seenMGT
SignalMonitorValue m_seenVCT
SignalMonitorValue m_seenNIT
SignalMonitorValue m_seenSDT
SignalMonitorValue m_seenCrypt
SignalMonitorValue m_matchingPAT
SignalMonitorValue m_matchingPMT
SignalMonitorValue m_matchingMGT
SignalMonitorValue m_matchingVCT
SignalMonitorValue m_matchingNIT
SignalMonitorValue m_matchingSDT
SignalMonitorValue m_matchingCrypt
int m_majorChannel {-1}
int m_minorChannel {-1}
uint m_networkID {0}
uint m_transportID {0}
uint m_detectedNetworkID {0}
uint m_detectedTransportID {0}
int m_programNumber {-1}
QList< uint64_t > m_seenTableCrc
bool m_ignoreEncrypted {false}
- Protected Attributes inherited from SignalMonitor
ChannelBasem_channel {nullptr}
TVRecm_pParent {nullptr}
int m_inputid
volatile uint64_t m_flags
bool m_releaseStream
std::chrono::milliseconds m_updateRate {25ms}
std::chrono::milliseconds m_minimumUpdateRate {5ms}
bool m_updateDone {false}
bool m_notifyFrontend {true}
bool m_tablemon {false}
bool m_eitScan {false}
QString m_error
SignalMonitorValue m_signalLock
SignalMonitorValue m_signalStrength
SignalMonitorValue m_scriptStatus
std::vector< SignalMonitorListener * > m_listeners
QMutex m_startStopLock
QWaitCondition m_startStopWait
volatile bool m_running {false}
volatile bool m_exit {false}
QRecursiveMutex m_statusLock
QMutex m_listenerLock
- Protected Attributes inherited from MThread
MThreadInternalm_thread {nullptr}
QRunnable * m_runnable {nullptr}
bool m_prologExecuted {true}
bool m_epilogExecuted {true}

Private Member Functions


Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SignalMonitor
static bool IsRequired (const QString &cardtype)
 Returns true iff the card type supports signal monitoring. More...
static bool IsSupported (const QString &cardtype)
static SignalMonitorInit (const QString &cardtype, int db_cardnum, ChannelBase *channel, bool release_stream)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SignalMonitor
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_PATSeen = 0x0000000001ULL
 We've seen a PAT, which maps MPEG program numbers to pids where we find PMTs. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_PMTSeen = 0x0000000002ULL
 We've seen a PMT, which maps program to audio, video and other stream PIDs. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_MGTSeen = 0x0000000004ULL
 We've seen a MGT, which tells us on which PIDs to find VCT and other ATSC tables. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_VCTSeen = 0x0000000008ULL
 We've seen a VCT, which maps ATSC Channels to MPEG program numbers, and provides additional data. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_TVCTSeen = 0x0000000010ULL
 We've seen a TVCT, the terrestrial version of the VCT. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_CVCTSeen = 0x0000000020ULL
 We've seen a CVCT, the cable version of the VCT. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_NITSeen = 0x0000000040ULL
 We've seen a NIT, which tells us where to find SDT and other DVB tables. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_SDTSeen = 0x0000000080ULL
 We've seen a SDT, which maps DVB Channels to MPEG program numbers, and provides additional data. More...
static const uint64_t kFWSigMon_PowerSeen = 0x0000000100ULL
 We've seen the FireWire STB power state. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_CryptSeen = 0x0000000200ULL
 We've seen something indicating whether the data stream is encrypted. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_PATMatch = 0x0000001000ULL
 We've seen a PAT matching our requirements. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_PMTMatch = 0x0000002000ULL
 We've seen a PMT matching our requirements. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_MGTMatch = 0x0000004000ULL
 We've seen an MGT matching our requirements. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_VCTMatch = 0x0000008000ULL
 We've seen a VCT matching our requirements. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_TVCTMatch = 0x0000010000ULL
 We've seen a TVCT matching our requirements. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_CVCTMatch = 0x0000020000ULL
 We've seen a CVCT matching our requirements. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_NITMatch = 0x0000040000ULL
 We've seen an NIT matching our requirements. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_SDTMatch = 0x0000080000ULL
 We've seen an SDT matching our requirements. More...
static const uint64_t kFWSigMon_PowerMatch = 0x0000100000ULL
 We've seen a FireWire STB power state matching our requirements. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_CryptMatch = 0x0000200000ULL
 We've seen unencrypted data in data stream. More...
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_WaitForPAT = 0x0001000000ULL
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_WaitForPMT = 0x0002000000ULL
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_WaitForMGT = 0x0004000000ULL
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_WaitForVCT = 0x0008000000ULL
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_WaitForNIT = 0x0010000000ULL
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_WaitForSDT = 0x0020000000ULL
static const uint64_t kSigMon_WaitForSig = 0x0040000000ULL
static const uint64_t kFWSigMon_WaitForPower = 0x0080000000ULL
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_WaitForCrypt =0x0100000000ULL
static const uint64_t kDTVSigMon_WaitForAll = 0x01FF000000ULL
static const uint64_t kDVBSigMon_WaitForSNR = 0x1000000000ULL
 Wait for the Signal to Noise Ratio to rise above a threshold. More...
static const uint64_t kDVBSigMon_WaitForBER = 0x2000000000ULL
 Wait for the Bit Error Rate to fall below a threshold. More...
static const uint64_t kDVBSigMon_WaitForUB = 0x4000000000ULL
 Wait for uncorrected FEC blocks to fall below a threshold. More...
static const uint64_t kDVBSigMon_WaitForPos = 0x8000000000ULL
 Wait for rotor to complete turning the antenna. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MThread
static void setTerminationEnabled (bool enabled=true)
static void usleep (std::chrono::microseconds time)
template<typename R , typename P >
static std::enable_if_t< std::chrono::treat_as_floating_point< R >::value, void > usleep (std::chrono::duration< R, P > time)
static void ThreadSetup (const QString &name)
 This is to be called on startup in those few threads that haven't been ported to MThread. More...
static void ThreadCleanup (void)
 This is to be called on exit in those few threads that haven't been ported to MThread. More...
static void Cleanup (void)
 This will print out all the running threads, call exit(1) on each and then wait up to 5 seconds total for all the threads to exit. More...
static void GetAllThreadNames (QStringList &list)
static void GetAllRunningThreadNames (QStringList &list)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 17 of file dvbsignalmonitor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DVBSignalMonitor() [1/3]

DVBSignalMonitor::DVBSignalMonitor ( int  db_cardnum,
DVBChannel _channel,
bool  _release_stream,
uint64_t  _flags = kSigMon_WaitForSig | kDVBSigMon_WaitForSNR | kDVBSigMon_WaitForBER | kDVBSigMon_WaitForUB 

Initializes signal lock and signal values.

Start() must be called to actually begin continuous signal monitoring. The timeout value is retrieved from the database but is set to at least 3 seconds, and the signal threshold is initialized to 0%.

db_cardnumRecorder number to monitor, if this is less than 0, SIGNAL events will not be sent to the frontend even if SetNotifyFrontend(true) is called.
_channelDVBChannel for card
_flagsFlags to start with

Definition at line 45 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

◆ ~DVBSignalMonitor()

DVBSignalMonitor::~DVBSignalMonitor ( )

Stops signal monitoring and table monitoring threads.

Definition at line 171 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

◆ DVBSignalMonitor() [2/3]

DVBSignalMonitor::DVBSignalMonitor ( void  )

◆ DVBSignalMonitor() [3/3]

DVBSignalMonitor::DVBSignalMonitor ( const DVBSignalMonitor )

Member Function Documentation


DVBSignalMonitor::Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS ( DVBSignalMonitor  )

◆ GetStatusList()

QStringList DVBSignalMonitor::GetStatusList ( void  ) const

Returns QStringList containing all signals and their current values.

This serializes the signal monitoring values so that they can be passed from a backend to a frontend.

SignalMonitorValue::Parse(const QStringList&) will convert this to a vector of SignalMonitorValue instances.

Reimplemented from DTVSignalMonitor.

Definition at line 215 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

◆ Stop()

void DVBSignalMonitor::Stop ( void  )

Stop signal monitoring and table monitoring threads.

Reimplemented from SignalMonitor.

Definition at line 204 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

Referenced by ~DVBSignalMonitor().

◆ SetRotorTarget()

void DVBSignalMonitor::SetRotorTarget ( float  )

Sets rotor target pos from 0.0 to 1.0.

Reimplemented from DTVSignalMonitor.

Definition at line 178 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

Referenced by ChannelScanSM::Tune().

◆ GetRotorStatus()

void DVBSignalMonitor::GetRotorStatus ( bool was_moving,
bool is_moving 

Reimplemented from DTVSignalMonitor.

Definition at line 184 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

Referenced by ChannelScanSM::HasTimedOut().

◆ SetRotorValue()

void DVBSignalMonitor::SetRotorValue ( int  val)

Reimplemented from DTVSignalMonitor.

Definition at line 34 of file dvbsignalmonitor.h.

◆ EmitStatus()

void DVBSignalMonitor::EmitStatus ( void  )

Emits signals for lock, signal strength, etc.

Reimplemented from SignalMonitor.

Definition at line 408 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

Referenced by UpdateValues().

◆ HandlePMT()

void DVBSignalMonitor::HandlePMT ( uint  program_num,
const ProgramMapTable pmt 

Reimplemented from DTVSignalMonitor.

Definition at line 231 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

◆ HandleSTT()

void DVBSignalMonitor::HandleSTT ( const SystemTimeTable stt)

Reimplemented from DTVSignalMonitor.

Definition at line 243 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

◆ HandleTDT()

void DVBSignalMonitor::HandleTDT ( const TimeDateTable tdt)

Reimplemented from DTVSignalMonitor.

Definition at line 251 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

◆ UpdateValues()

void DVBSignalMonitor::UpdateValues ( void  )

Fills in frontend stats and emits status Qt signals.

This is automatically called by run(), after Start() has been used to start the signal monitoring thread.

Reimplemented from SignalMonitor.

Definition at line 270 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

◆ EmitDVBSignals()

void DVBSignalMonitor::EmitDVBSignals ( void  )

◆ GetDVBChannel()

DVBChannel * DVBSignalMonitor::GetDVBChannel ( void  )

Definition at line 259 of file dvbsignalmonitor.cpp.

Referenced by GetRotorStatus(), HandlePMT(), HandleSTT(), HandleTDT(), and UpdateValues().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_signalToNoise

SignalMonitorValue DVBSignalMonitor::m_signalToNoise

Definition at line 61 of file dvbsignalmonitor.h.

Referenced by EmitStatus(), GetStatusList(), and UpdateValues().

◆ m_bitErrorRate

SignalMonitorValue DVBSignalMonitor::m_bitErrorRate

Definition at line 62 of file dvbsignalmonitor.h.

Referenced by EmitStatus(), GetStatusList(), and UpdateValues().

◆ m_uncorrectedBlocks

SignalMonitorValue DVBSignalMonitor::m_uncorrectedBlocks

Definition at line 63 of file dvbsignalmonitor.h.

Referenced by EmitStatus(), GetStatusList(), and UpdateValues().

◆ m_rotorPosition

SignalMonitorValue DVBSignalMonitor::m_rotorPosition

◆ m_streamHandlerStarted

bool DVBSignalMonitor::m_streamHandlerStarted

Definition at line 66 of file dvbsignalmonitor.h.

Referenced by Stop(), and UpdateValues().

◆ m_streamHandler

DVBStreamHandler* DVBSignalMonitor::m_streamHandler

Definition at line 67 of file dvbsignalmonitor.h.

Referenced by DVBSignalMonitor(), Stop(), UpdateValues(), and ~DVBSignalMonitor().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: