Opened 13 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#10339 closed Bug Report - General (Abandoned)

mythmetadatalookup does not escape minus when calling the grabbers

Reported by: dekarl@… Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: unknown
Component: MythTV - Mythmetadatalookup Version: Master Head
Severity: low Keywords:
Cc: Ticket locked: no


2012-02-14 21:49:21.042596 I  Running Grabber: /usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/ -l de -N Unter uns - Bitte beachten Sie, dass in der Schweiz und Österreich stattdessen zwischen 8
Usage: usage: ttvdb -hdruviomMPFBDS [parameters]
 <series name or 'series and season number' or 'series and season number and episode number'>

For details on using ttvdb with Mythvideo see the ttvdb wiki page at: error: no such option: - 

the log excerpt shows a usage of minus that will not lead to a good match, but there are others where the minus really is part of the title

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Raymond Wagner

Component: MythTV - MythmetadatalookupContributed Scripts & Apps
Owner: changed from robertm to sphery

The first character of the subtitle is '-', which is not being handled properly by the command line parser in

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Raymond Wagner

Owner: changed from sphery to Raymond Wagner
Status: newaccepted

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by Raymond Wagner

Component: Contributed Scripts & AppsMythTV - Mythfilldatabase
Owner: Raymond Wagner deleted
Severity: mediumlow
Status: acceptednew

I'm moving this elsewhere, as there is really very little sensible way to make this work. I don't know of any instance where having a dash as the first character in a subtitle would be correct, so it would be better to handle this as sanitization when initially importing the guide data.

comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by stuartm

Component: MythTV - MythfilldatabaseMythTV - Mythmetadatalookup

Moving this to mythfilldatabase assumes that this could only affect recordings and not videos. Besides which there are multiple ways guide data can be imported (xmltv, sd and EIT to name just the ones we support). I'd imagine there are many cases where a hyphen legitimately forms part of a title or subtitle.

Having mythvideo or the scripts escape such characters before doing lookups seems like the most sensible way forward.

comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by Raymond Wagner

The problem wasn't that the title or subtitle contained a dash, but that the first character of the subtitle was a dash. Arguably, that should never happen, and indicates bad data coming from mythfilldatabase or the EIT scanner.

comment:6 Changed 5 years ago by Stuart Auchterlonie

Resolution: Abandoned
Status: newclosed

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