Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#12519 closed Bug Report - General

No longer functioning "mythfilldatabase" — at Version 3

Reported by: bmlong137@… Owned by: stuartm
Priority: minor Milestone: 31.0
Component: MythTV - Mythfilldatabase Version: Master Head
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: Ticket locked: no

Description (last modified by Karl Egly)

Because of an issue with a couple channels, I cleared out my "channel", "program", and related tables. Now when I run "mythfilldatabase" it effectively does nothing. This means my installation is completely shot.

So I downloaded the DD XML using tv_grab_na_dd, stripped out everything but the "station" and "lineup" elements. I ran mythfilldatabase with full debug and found the following. This happened after both "dd_station" and "dd_lineupmap" were populated:

2015-10-05 14:44:26.115590 I  MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) SELECT sourceid FROM videosource WHERE lineupid = 'NJ67209:X' <<<< Took 0ms, Returned 1 row(s)
2015-10-05 14:44:26.115624 I  DataDirect: sourceid 8 has lineup type: CableDigital
2015-10-05 14:44:26.115859 I  MSqlQuery::exec(DataDirectCon) INSERT INTO dd_lineup      ( lineupid,  name,  type,  device,  postal) VALUES      ('NJ67209:X', 'Verizon Fios Basking Ridge', 'CableDigital', 'Digital', '07079') <<<< Took 0ms
2015-10-05 14:44:26.116000 I  Grab complete.  Actual data from 2015-10-05T04:00:01Z to 2015-10-19T04:00:01Z (UTC)
2015-10-05 14:44:26.116392 I  MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) DELETE FROM settings WHERE value = 'mythfilldatabaseLastRunEnd' AND hostname is NULL; <<<< Took 0ms
2015-10-05 14:44:26.116607 I  MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) INSERT INTO settings (value,data ) VALUES ( 'mythfilldatabaseLastRunEnd', '2015-10-05T18:44:26Z' ); <<<< Took 0ms
2015-10-05 14:44:26.116632 I  Main temp tables populated.
2015-10-05 14:44:26.116635 I  Updating MythTV channels.
2015-10-05 14:44:26.117184 I  MSqlQuery::exec(DataDirectCon) TRUNCATE TABLE dd_v_station;
2015-10-05 14:44:26.118541 I  MSqlQuery::exec(DataDirectCon) INSERT INTO dd_v_station      ( stationid,            callsign,         stationname,        affiliate,            fccchannelnumber, channel,            channelMinor) SELECT dd_station.stationid, callsign,         stationname,        affiliate,            fccchannelnumber, channel,            channelMinor FROM dd_station, dd_lineupmap WHERE ((dd_station.stationid  = dd_lineupmap.stationid) AND        (dd_lineupmap.lineupid = '0')) <<<< Took 1ms

Why is "dd_lineupmap.lineupid='0'" a constraint? You can see a few line earlier the lineupid is not '0'. I suspect the issue is here... I assume this has to do with the merging of "cardinput" into "capturecard".


Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by bmlong137@…

Here is some better formatting. Sorry, first submission in a LONG time.

2015-10-05 14:44:26.115590 I MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) SELECT sourceid FROM videosource WHERE lineupid = 'NJ67209:X' <<<< Took 0ms, Returned 1 row(s)
2015-10-05 14:44:26.115624 I DataDirect?: sourceid 8 has lineup type: CableDigital?
2015-10-05 14:44:26.115859 I MSqlQuery::exec(DataDirectCon?) INSERT INTO dd_lineup ( lineupid, name, type, device, postal) VALUES ('NJ67209:X', 'Verizon Fios Basking Ridge', 'CableDigital?', 'Digital', '07079') <<<< Took 0ms
2015-10-05 14:44:26.116000 I Grab complete. Actual data from 2015-10-05T04:00:01Z to 2015-10-19T04:00:01Z (UTC)
2015-10-05 14:44:26.116392 I MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) DELETE FROM settings WHERE value = 'mythfilldatabaseLastRunEnd' AND hostname is NULL; <<<< Took 0ms
2015-10-05 14:44:26.116607 I MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) INSERT INTO settings (value,data ) VALUES ( 'mythfilldatabaseLastRunEnd', '2015-10-05T18:44:26Z' ); <<<< Took 0ms
2015-10-05 14:44:26.116632 I Main temp tables populated.
2015-10-05 14:44:26.116635 I Updating MythTV channels.
2015-10-05 14:44:26.117184 I MSqlQuery::exec(DataDirectCon?) TRUNCATE TABLE dd_v_station;
2015-10-05 14:44:26.118541 I MSqlQuery::exec(DataDirectCon?) INSERT INTO dd_v_station ( stationid, callsign, stationname, affiliate, fccchannelnumber, channel, channelMinor) SELECT dd_station.stationid, callsign, stationname, affiliate, fccchannelnumber, channel, channelMinor FROM dd_station, dd_lineupmap WHERE ((dd_station.stationid = dd_lineupmap.stationid) AND (dd_lineupmap.lineupid = '0')) <<<< Took 1ms

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by bmlong137@…

I found the issue, although I don't know why it is an issue...

I have one source that spans CETON and HDPVR tuners. When I unset the HDPVR source, it worked. I am then able to set the source back on the HDPVR.

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by Karl Egly

Description: modified (diff)
Milestone: 0.28unknown
Priority: majorminor
Severity: highmedium

Resetting some attributes back to defaults.

The lineupid=0 comes from calling void DataDirectProcessor::UpdateStationViewTable?(QString lineupid). I don't see this being due to the merging of "cardinput" into "capturecard". This is Schedules Direct specific code. I don't see much one of the european developers can do here.

Also fixed the formatting while here.

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