Opened 7 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#13242 closed Bug Report - General (Unverified)

Seektable for video can be created but is not recognised

Reported by: J.Pilk@… Owned by: Peter Bennett
Priority: minor Milestone: unknown
Component: MythTV - Mythcommflag Version: Unspecified
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: Ticket locked: no


[john@HP_Fed ~]$ mythcommflag --rebuild --video  /mnt/sdb1/Vids/21664_20180309155800_6619.ts
2018-03-10 13:21:06.353216 C  mythcommflag version: master [v30-Pre-v30-Pre-515-ge7173e3]
2018-03-10 13:21:06.353263 C  Qt version: compile: 5.9.4, runtime: 5.9.4
MythTV Commercial Flagger, building seek table for:
Rebuild started at Sat Mar 10 13:21:07 2018
2018-03-10 13:21:30.474475 E  decoding error End of file (-541478725)
Rebuild completed at Sat Mar 10 13:21:30 2018
[john@HP_Fed ~]$ 

... but on playing the video and entering the editor it reports "No seektable"

Ticket #10804 refers.

mythutil/commandlineparser.cpp refers to a Video Gallery name, and there is a --parse-video-filename option in mythutil. My filename-fixated approach may conflict with the media-metadata approach, not for the first time, but the log above implies that the intended file was scanned. (It was created by an experimental which I have appended to the mythDVBcut entry in the wiki)

Change History (11)

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by Peter Bennett

Component: MythTV - GeneralMythTV - Mythcommflag
Owner: set to Peter Bennett
Status: newassigned

May be related to #12010. If you supply a sample file I can look into it.

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by J.Pilk@…

Peter: Thanks for the offer. I put a new HD clip in #12010, but this inability to find a created seektable affects SD videos as well. This one plays, but again reports no seektable found:

mythcommflag --rebuild --video /home/john/SGs/VideosSG1/VSG2/1005_20180306205100_29302.ts
MythTV Commercial Flagger, building seek table for:
Rebuild started at Sun Mar 11 15:03:24 2018
2018-03-10 13:21:30.474475 E  decoding error End of file (-541478725)
Rebuild completed at Sat Mar 10 13:21:30 2018

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by J.Pilk@…

2018-03-11 15:03:26.479294 E  decoding error End of file (-541478725)
Rebuild completed at Sun Mar 11 15:03:26 2018

!!! last two lines in comment 2 copied from the wrong window !!!

comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by paulh

When trying to build the seektables for videos you need to supply the filename without the storage group path.

So for your first example, assuming '/mnt/sdb1/Vids' is your 'Video' storage group, should be

mythcommflag --rebuild --video  21664_20180309155800_6619.ts

Try querying mysql before and after to check it worked something like

mysql> select * from filemarkup where filename = "21664_20180309155800_6619.ts";

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by J.Pilk@…

Thanks, Paul. It didn't work. The 'root' of my video storage group is a softlink at ~/SGs/VideosSG0 which currently points to /mnt/sdb1/Vids, so that I can clear and rescan without going into mythvsetup. The files scan and play ok but mythcommflag doesn't find them. I'll try throwing a few more characters in there but would welcome any further thoughts.

[john@HP_Fed ~]$ mythcommflag --rebuild --video 22112_20180314154800_8614.ts
2018-04-02 15:28:53.561277 C  mythcommflag version: master [v30-Pre-v30-Pre-556-g067c378]
2018-04-02 15:28:53.561325 C  Qt version: compile: 5.9.4, runtime: 5.9.4
MythTV Commercial Flagger, building seek table for:
2018-04-02 15:28:54.743048 E  Couldn't find file /home/john/22112_20180314154800_8614.ts, aborting.
2018-04-02 15:28:54.777869 E  RemoteFile::openSocket(file data socket): Failed to open socket, error was filetransfer_filename_empty
2018-04-02 15:28:54.778252 E  Couldn't find file myth://Videos@hp_fed1//home/john/22112_20180314154800_8614.ts, aborting.
2018-04-02 15:28:54.778266 E  Unable to find file in defined storage paths for JobQueue ID# -1.

comment:6 Changed 7 years ago by paulh

Why is it looking in /home/john? Kind of looks like you have your storage groups screwed up somewhere.

If you run this query in mysql it will tell you what 'Video' storage groups you have defined.

SELECT * FROM storagegroup WHERE groupname = 'Videos';

This will tell you what filename to pass to mythcomflag

SELECT filename FROM videometadata WHERE filename LIKE "%22112_20180314154800_8614.ts%";

comment:7 Changed 7 years ago by J.Pilk@…


Empty set

[john@HP_Fed ~]$ ls -l /home/john/SGs/VideosSG0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 john john 14 Mar  8 16:48 /home/john/SGs/VideosSG0 -> /mnt/sdb1/Vids
[john@HP_Fed ~]$ ls -lL /home/john/SGs/VideosSG0
total 1620912
-rw-rw-r-- 1 john john 741760016 Mar  9 22:02 1003_20180309140500_5918.ts
-rw-rw-r-- 1 john john 733395520 Mar 15 22:51 21472_20180315213200_3277.ts
-rw-rw-r-- 1 john john 184643260 Mar 14 18:40 22112_20180314154800_8880.ts

As I said, they all play. Am I using 'the wrong kind of link' ?

comment:8 Changed 7 years ago by J.Pilk@…

Forget (some of) that. The random run-identifier was different. Video non-unique hash strikes again. The existing filename was not the one known to the DB.

I linked to empty, scanned, relinked, scanned. Played but mythcommflag still looked in the same places and failed to find 22112_20180314154800_8880.ts

It found /mnt/sdb1/Vids/22112_20180314154800_8880.ts and rebuilt but still 'No seektable'

BUT mythcommflag --rebuild --video /home/john/SGs/VideosSG0/22112_20180314154800_8880.ts works, has made it editable, and can tell me where it thinks the keyframes are.

Thanks for the help.

comment:9 Changed 7 years ago by Peter Bennett

Owner: changed from Peter Bennett to Peter Bennett

comment:10 Changed 6 years ago by Peter Bennett

Milestone: needs_triageunknown

comment:11 Changed 4 years ago by Stuart Auchterlonie

Resolution: Unverified
Status: assignedclosed

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