Opened 4 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#13631 closed Patch - Feature (Fixed)

Update ansible to support el7 builds (both fixes and master)

Reported by: Gary Buhrmaster Owned by: Stuart Auchterlonie
Priority: minor Milestone: 32.0
Component: Ansible Version: Master Head
Severity: medium Keywords:
Cc: Ticket locked: no


Update ansible to support el7 builds (both fixes and master).

The patches are intended to be applied sequentially as thereare a few patches which update lines near enough to each otherthat the context conflicts.

Note that the last patch installs devtoolset-9, which is necessary for c++17 compliance (the projects centos 7 buildbot builder appears to have been using devtoolset-9 for some time) and the requirement reared its head with the set of commits that started to use the "make_unique" construct (not available in the el7 default compiler).

Note that actually using devtoolset-9 for building is left to the user as there are multiple ways one might want to accomplish it in a real environment.

Attachments (7)

0001-configure-rpmfusion-for-use-with-el7-in-addition-to-.patch (2.3 KB) - added by Gary Buhrmaster 4 years ago.
Configure rpmfusion for use with el7
0002-install-gnutls-for-el7.patch (643 bytes) - added by Gary Buhrmaster 4 years ago.
add gnutls to the files to be installed
0003-install-extra-codecs-since-they-are-available-in-rpm.patch (850 bytes) - added by Gary Buhrmaster 4 years ago.
Install the extra codecs since they are available in rpmfusion
0004-libdav1d-for-fedora-and-el-systems.patch (1.0 KB) - added by Gary Buhrmaster 4 years ago.
install libdav1d
0005-install-essential-perl-modules-that-are-in-epel.patch (1.0 KB) - added by Gary Buhrmaster 4 years ago.
install essential perl modules in epel 7
0006-install-essential-python-modules-for-el7.patch (1.2 KB) - added by Gary Buhrmaster 4 years ago.
install essential python modules for el 7
0007-enable-software-collections-and-install-devtoolset-9.patch (1.6 KB) - added by Gary Buhrmaster 4 years ago.
install software collections repo and install devtoolset-9

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

Changed 4 years ago by Gary Buhrmaster

Configure rpmfusion for use with el7

Changed 4 years ago by Gary Buhrmaster

add gnutls to the files to be installed

Changed 4 years ago by Gary Buhrmaster

Install the extra codecs since they are available in rpmfusion

Changed 4 years ago by Gary Buhrmaster

install libdav1d

Changed 4 years ago by Gary Buhrmaster

install essential perl modules in epel 7

Changed 4 years ago by Gary Buhrmaster

install essential python modules for el 7

Changed 4 years ago by Gary Buhrmaster

install software collections repo and install devtoolset-9

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by Stuart Auchterlonie

Milestone: needs_triage32.0
Resolution: Fixed
Status: newclosed

All patches committed.

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