Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#2741 closed patch (fixed)

disable the active EIT scan for open on demand DVB cards

Reported by: Janne <janne-mythtv@…> Owned by: Janne Grunau
Priority: trivial Milestone: 0.21
Component: dvb Version: head
Severity: low Keywords:
Cc: Ticket locked: no


Daniel, I've seen that you haven't applied similar code in #437.

Don't using a dvb card marked as open on demand for active eit scan seems more logical than using it all the time.

I started again on making the eit scanner global. So we will be soon able to scan only occasionally. But it will take one or two weeks till it is finished.

Due to a hardware or driver bug in the dual tuner card Hauppauge Nova-T 500 there is some demand to disable the active eit scan for one frontend of this card. Some reports suggest that a specific pattern of tuning commands can cause a usb disconnect. The disconnect is a nasty error since neither the dvb subsystem nor mythtv are hotplugable. The backend is a zombie after a disconnect and the kernel needs a reboot.

We had also occasionally request to make dvb_on_demand useable with activated EIT.

I don't think there is a great need to apply this patch now. But I added a database update which disables dvb_on_demad for each card wconnected to a useeit videosource.

References #1035

Attachments (4)

20061128_dvb_on_demand.diff (4.0 KB) - added by Janne <janne-mythtv@…> 18 years ago.
2741_0.20-fixes.diff (2.3 KB) - added by Janne Grunau 18 years ago.
same patch for 0.20-fixes
20070314_dvb_on_demand.diff (4.0 KB) - added by stuartm 18 years ago.
Updated patch against 13045
disable_active_eitscan.diff (5.7 KB) - added by Janne Grunau 17 years ago.
Add an option to disable active eit scan per dvb device

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (11)

Changed 18 years ago by Janne <janne-mythtv@…>

Attachment: 20061128_dvb_on_demand.diff added

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by danielk

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

I think we can wait a couple weeks for comprehensive solution. :)

We can point Nova-T 500 users to this ticket in the meantime, but I'm closing it since I would only want to apply something like this if we can't get a proper solution working before the next release.

Changed 18 years ago by Janne Grunau

Attachment: 2741_0.20-fixes.diff added

same patch for 0.20-fixes

Changed 18 years ago by stuartm

Attachment: 20070314_dvb_on_demand.diff added

Updated patch against 13045

Changed 17 years ago by Janne Grunau

Attachment: disable_active_eitscan.diff added

Add an option to disable active eit scan per dvb device

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by Janne Grunau

[disable_active_eitscan.diff] adds a per dvb card option to disable active eit scan.

comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by danielk

Milestone: unknown0.21
Resolution: wontfix
Status: closednew

comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by Janne Grunau

Owner: changed from danielk to Janne Grunau
Status: newaccepted

comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by Janne Grunau

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

(In [15730]) Adds option to disable active eit scan for DVB cards

Some dibcom based usb devices (including the Nova-T500) have a nasty bug which is mostly triggered by our continuous eit scanning. The card becomes useless until the device nodes are closed and reopened. Implementing a recovery function in MythTV would be mess since dual tuner cards are affected and we would need to close both adapters simultaneously. Fixes #2741.

comment:6 Changed 17 years ago by Janne Grunau

(In [15735]) fix typo in [15730]

missing comma in database query probably broke firewire and dbox2 recorders. Refs #2741

comment:7 in reply to:  description Changed 16 years ago by anonymous

Replying to Janne <>:

I started again on making the eit scanner global. So we will be soon able to scan only occasionally. But it will take one or two weeks till it is finished.

Hi, just updating this ticket to cross-reference to my enhancement ticket #5754 where I supply a patch to make active EIT scan only occasionally. It looks like you were intending to add this kind of functionality so it may save you some time. Best regards, Simon.

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