Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#9505 closed Bug Report - Crash (Fixed)

[CRASH] OpenGL crashes mythtv when closing mythmusic

Reported by: qeldroma@… Owned by: paulh
Priority: major Milestone: 0.25
Component: Plugin - MythMusic Version: 0.24-fixes
Severity: medium Keywords: mythmusic bug opengl
Cc: Ticket locked: no


If exit mythtv, i get a black screen or even a reload of mythtv. It sems that there is an openGL bug:

2011-01-23 13:06:24.091 AO: Killing AudioOutputDSP
2011-01-23 13:06:24.123 AO: OutputAudioLoop: Stop Event
2011-01-23 13:06:24.123 AO: kickoffOutputAudioLoop exiting
2011-01-23 13:06:24.141 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.141 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.141 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.152 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.152 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.153 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.189 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.189 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.190 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.194 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.195 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.195 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.208 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.209 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.209 Failed to create OpenGL texture.
2011-01-23 13:06:24.222 Failed to create OpenGL texture.

In my case, the menu is opengl and i have opengl in mythmusic for visuallization.

Playing music in the background doesn't work any more, either.

This began with v0.24.0 and is too with v0.24.1

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by beirdo

Summary: OpenGL crashes mythtv when closing mythmusic[CRASH] OpenGL crashes mythtv when closing mythmusic
Version: 0.240.24-fixes

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by beirdo

Component: MythTV - GeneralPlugin - MythMusic
Owner: set to paulh
Status: newassigned

This may not be the final stop for the ticket, but maybe someone closer to mythmusic can track this down.

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by markk

There is no quick fix for this problem.

Many drivers and platforms will behave erratically if there are multiple independent OpenGL contexts in the same thread - notably windows, OS X and *nix systems with Intel drivers (and probably proprietary AMD/ATI drivers as well).

For OpenGL video playback, this was solved by using the main UI rendering context if it is OpenGL or falling back to creating a new OpenGL rendering context otherwise. I would however suggest just dropping any OpenGL visualisations if the main UI rendering context is not OpenGL (or D3D). OpenGL visualisations then either need to hook directly into MythRenderOpenGL painting routines or at the very least make the MythRenderOpenGL context current for OpenGL drawing. If the latter, the custom OpenGL rendering should probably use OpenGL 2.0 as a minimum to ensure compatability with OpenGL ES 2.0.

This means all existing OpenGL visualisations in MythMusic will need to be re-written (see libmythtv/visualisations for some pointers). libvisual support should also be dropped (it will never integrate well with libmythui and is buggy anyway). The SDL dependency would go away as well.

MythGallery has the same issues, though I've started looking at moving that plugin completely over to libmythui and removing the 'custom' OpenGL code there.

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by stuartm

Type: Bug ReportBug Report - Crash

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by paulh

Milestone: unknown0.25
Resolution: Fixed
Status: assignedclosed

This is no longer a problem in master we use MythUI to do the drawing

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